
Bill's at it Again

Kathryn Saari, Citizen-Sleuth #2, discusses Bill Gates' potential GMO mosquito release, how frontline activists are changing their game, and how Covid is challenging our assumptions about our world.

Bill Gates is at it again. He has come for our farms. He has come for our bodies. He has come for our children. He has come for our freedoms. He doesn’t know when to stop because now he is coming for our bugs; mosquitoes.

While many would love to see mosquitoes disappear, they aren’t a huge health threat in California and are an important link in our wildlife’s food chain. Still, Bill & Friends plan to release millions of them, which are genetically modified…. What could possibly go wrong?


Reinette Senum is joined by Citizen-Sluether #2, Kathryn Saari, who has done a fantastic job deep-diving into Kill-Bill’s latest mosquito adventure. Reinette and Kathryn also share the shift they are seeing in activism, something Kathryn and Reinette havec been on the frontlines of for years.

You will love this casual conversation that covers a lot of ground.

For those motivated…. a Call to Action regarding the GMO mosquitos is below, and a myriad of links and information follow — for those who don’t fully understand what is at stake. If you want to take a deep dive into the danger of GMO mosquitos and the money and madness behind it, you have found the spot, brought to the surface by Kathryn.

Call To Action: 

1. Contact CDPR (California Department of Pesticide Regulation): https://www.cdpr.ca.gov/dprcontact.htm

2. Contact Delta Mosquito Vector Control District and let them know that you do not approve of their collaboration with Oxitec nor their approval of California’s first pilot project! 

The manager is Moustafa Debboun. The Board of Trustees also deserves to hear from the public. 


Info on Oxitec: 

  • Who owns Oxitec? 

Precigen (formerly known as Intrexon). 

About Intrexon Corporation (NAME CHANGE to PRECISION in 2020)

From the official Precigen website,

“Precigen is a dedicated discovery and clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company advancing the next generation of gene and cell therapies using precision technology to target the most urgent and intractable diseases in our core therapeutic areas of immuno-oncology, autoimmune disorders, and infectious diseases.

Our disciplined design approach uses non-viral and viral expression systems, genome, DNA, RNA and protein engineering, and a suite of precision bioengineering switch technologies controlling gene expression and regulation to deliver potent on-target gene and cellular multifunctional therapies with improved safety and efficacy.”

  • Who funds Oxitec? 

Oxitec & Bill Gates.


  • Official Wellcome Funds website, here.

Wellcome funds Oxitec:

More on the Wellcome Trust: https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/06/investigative-reports/a-leap-toward-humanitys-destruction/


The EPA has not thoroughly assessed the potential adverse impacts on the environment and human health (please see the link to the GeneWatch article below).

Please read this document, as this directly impacts Californians and our ecosystem: http://www.genewatch.org/uploads/f03c6d66a9b354535738483c1c3d49e4/GeneWatch_EPA_Oxitec_consul19_fin.pdf.

From the link above:

"Oxitec states that a new GE mosquito, OX5034, has now superseded this GE mosquito, and thus the previous applications to release OX513A have been withdrawn. The applicant has provided minimal information regarding the newer OX5034 strain in a published letter to the EPA.5 The main substantive difference, compared to the earlier OX513A strain, is that the genetically engineered killing mechanism in OX5034 is intended to kill the female GE mosquitoes only, with GE males surviving for multiple generations. Although there are some important differences between the OX513A strain and the 2nd generation OX5034 strain, many of the issues raised regarding the 1st generation releases remain of concern and have not been addressed. In addition, because the OX5034 strain is female-killing only, GE males are expected to survive for multiple generations, which will considerably increase the spread of genes from the introduced strain into the wild population. In an online presentation, Oxitec presents this as a benefit because it argues that the released laboratory-derived strain will spread insecticide susceptibility genes into the wild mosquito population6: however, there is no guarantee that only beneficial and no harmful traits will be spread in this way.”


"GeneWatch UK has repeatedly warned (including in its previous regulatory submissions cited above) that this partial survival rate, even if low (a reported 3 to 4% in laboratory conditions), would lead to the establishment of hybrid mosquitoes in the environment, which might possess altered properties, including the potential for enhanced disease transmission or resistance to insecticides. A recent paper reporting monitoring wild mosquito populations following some of Oxitec’s experiments in Brazil has confirmed that such hybrid mosquitoes have spread into the surrounding area of the release sites.7

An important lesson from this research is that the EPA cannot adequately protect human and animal health and the environment by assessing risks solely on the active ingredient tTAV– OX5034 (which provides the genetically engineered killing mechanism for mosquitoes). This is because other introduced traits, which are present due to the use of a non-native strain of mosquito (such as altered disease transmission properties), may also pose severe risks to human and animal health and the environment. As noted above, Oxitec’s male OX5034 GE mosquitoes are ‘female- killing’ only: they are intended to mate with wild females and produce female offspring which die as larvae, while GE male mosquitoes from each generation continue to survive and reproduce. Thus, due to the survival of GE males for multiple generations, the OX5034 strain is expected to increase, rather than reduce, the spread of genes from the released GE non-native strain into the wild Aedes aegypti mosquito population….”

From a Yale study:

"Genetic sampling from the target population six, 12, and 27–30 months after releases commenced provides clear evidence that portions of the transgenic strain genome have been incorporated into the target population. Evidently, rare viable hybrid offspring between the release strain and the Jacobina population are sufficiently robust to reproduce in nature. The release strain was developed using a strain originally from Cuba, then outcrossed to a Mexican population. Thus, Jacobina Ae. aegypti are now a mix of three populations. It is unclear how this may affect disease transmission or other efforts to control these dangerous vectors. These results highlight the importance of having a genetic monitoring program during such releases to detect unanticipated outcomes.” -https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-49660-6

Does the CDPR plan to conduct an in-depth environmental and public health review of this new strain of GE mosquitoes?

What data does the CDPR rely on to ensure that the experimental release of Oxitec’s  tTAV-OX5034 mosquitoes will NOT adversely impact non-target organisms, the environment, or public health?

Video’s produced by Kathryn Saari on Bill Gate’s GMO the potential Mosquito release:

Katheryn Saari’s Bitchute channel, MellowKat, here.

Recording of Kathryn Saari’s call to the general manager at the Delta mosquito vector control district, here.

Kathryn Saari’s earliest video update on Oxitec, March 2022, here.

Thank you, Kathryn, for your remarkable sleuthing. This page, alone, provides more than enough information to highly inform any curious citizen.


A video that outlines the DARPA funding for Moderna: 







The EPA has already approved GMO mosquitoes. Public commenting is no longer available. Were you adequately notified about this? 

EPA Approves two more experimental years: https://www.regulations.gov/document/EPA-HQ-OPP-2019-0274-0470

Gates (the primary funder/supporter of Oxitec) needs to stop playing God. This is going to take all of us to stand up to this. https://www.labiotech.eu/trends-news/gates-foundation-oxitec-malaria-mosquito/

"The release strain, OX513A, was derived from a laboratory strain originally from Cuba, then outcrossed to a Mexican population7. The three populations forming the tri-hybrid population now in Jacobina (Cuba/Mexico/Brazil) are genetically quite distinct (Extended Data Fig. E2), likely resulting in a more robust population than the pre-release population due to hybrid vigor.
These results demonstrate the importance of having a genetic monitoring program during releases of transgenic organisms to detect unanticipated consequences." *oops! 

"In Brazil, the wild mosquitoes mated with the gene-hacked population and created a new genetic hybrid that’s more robust than wild bugs. While the new variant isn’t inherently dangerous — or at least not additionally so — the scientists behind the project say they don’t fully understand how things will change for future generations." https://newatlas.com/science/genetic-engineering-mosquito-experiment-goes-wrong/

"Worse, the genetic experiment may have had the opposite effect and made mosquitoes even more resilient. The bugs in the area are now made up of three strains mixed: the original Brazilian locals, plus strains from Cuba and Mexico – the two strains crossed to make the GM insects. This wider gene pool could make the mozzies more robust."

SACRAMENTO - DPR received an application for a research authorization to allow Oxitec, Ltd to release and study the use of genetically engineered Aedes aegypti mosquitoes to reduce the current Aedes aegypti mosquito population in Tulare County, California. The department’s review of the research authorization application will entail a rigorous scientific evaluation, additional consultation with government agencies, and a process for public input and engagement.

The State of California must provide research authorization before any pesticide can be field tested in the state. DPR’s application process for a research authorization includes a rigorous scientific review and risk evaluation process, including determining whether the pesticide product is appropriate and safe for field testing. Research authorizations are approved or denied based on evaluating potential hazards to public health and the environment. Approved research authorizations limit the area and the period that the product may be tested and may include strict requirements or limitations on use and monitoring and reporting requirements. The review of a research authorization does not replace the separate, independent evaluation and registration process required before pesticide sale or use in California.

DPR will provide more information on the status of the Oxitec research authorization application and the department’s evaluation on its website. In the interim, comments may be sent to mosquito.ra@cdpr.ca.gov and will be retained for future reference during the department’s public input process.

Video resources:
Oxitec, heavily funded by the BMGF, is set to bring the “Friendly Mosquitoes” to California.

Oxitec funded by Gates: https://www.oxitec.com/en/news/oxitec-to-apply-new-generation-of-self-limiting-mosquito-technology-to-malaria-spreading-mosquitoes

Here is a lame press release by the “Foundation” for the NIH and other NGO partners: https://www.geneconvenevi.org/articles/plan-for-californias-genetically-modified-mosquitoes-draws-fire/

These NGOs and government partnerships share a common theme: the Sustainability goals for 2030. This is a circle-jerk of significant players from the WEF, UN, USAID, Big banks, CGIAR, Venture Capital firms, World Bank/IMF, billionaire “philanthropies/foundations,” and more.

Here is one example of many: https://www.unsdsn.org/donors-and-partners

DEVEX is one of a few global “journalists” reporting on the worldwide development news: https://pages.devex.com/about-devex

Oxitec also partnered with ClinGlobal: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/oxitec-launches-new-program-to-target-growing-global-cattle-tick-challenge-301295847.html.

Then there is CTLGH: https://www.ctlgh.org/resources/scientific-publications/.

Studies are Gates-funded. Breeding strategies for improving smallholder dairy cattle productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jbg.12556 And another one: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2021.620847/full funded by Gates and USAID and CTLGH (See funding statement). https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/tan.14339

Note: if you look carefully at the studies, you can find the conflicts of interest, disclosures, etc. *Ironically, Gates also funds the BBSRC and UK entities.

Gates also funds the IVVN by supporting the Roslin Institute and Pirbright Institute, leading a newly funded network to develop livestock vaccines. https://www.ed.ac.uk/roslin/news-events/archive/2017/vet-vaccinology-network

Roslin funded by Gates: https://www.ed.ac.uk/vet/news-events/archive/2014/roslin-grant

Here is the vaccine technology article: https://www.ukri.org/news/scientists-use-gene-editing-tool-to-target-mosquito-spread-disease/


CRISPR/Cas-9 mediated knock-in by homology-dependent repair in the West Nile Virus vector Culex quinquefasciatus Say-https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-94065-z

From NIH: Transgenic means that one or more DNA sequences from another species have been introduced by artificial means. Animals usually are made transgenic by having a small sequence of foreign DNA injected into a fertilized egg or developing embryo. Transgenic plants can be made by introducing foreign DNA into various tissues. https://www.genome.gov/genetics-glossary/Transgenic


Deaths/adverse events from covid-vaccines through Sept 24, 2021: https://openvaers.com/covid-data

Oxitec partners with ClinGlobal (a new “name” for these partnerships). ClinGlobal has other branches: https://www.clinglobal.com/

ClinData: https://clindata.global/

CYN Vivo: https://www.cynvivo.com/

CRISPR-Cas9 In Vivo Gene Editing for Transthyretin Amyloidosis
(Funded by Intellia Therapeutics and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT04601051, opens in new tab.

Here are the clinical trials for the CRISPR tech vaccine (biologic): https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04601051

Financial statement from Intellia (funders of some of the CRISPR trials): August 2021: https://ir.intelliatx.com/static-files/91cb33c6-2699-47bb-bba4-ca77b45d8e79 List of financial docs: https://ir.intelliatx.com/financial-information/sec-filings?field_nir_sec_date_filed_value=&items_per_page=50#views-exposed-form-widget-sec-filings-table

For more information regarding our collaboration with Regeneron, see the “Collaborations - Regeneron” section below: https://ir.intelliatx.com/static-files/23b5eadb-0d19-480c-94f8-847fa6e202c0
Clinical trials/Gene therapy: https://ichgcp.net/clinical-trials-registry/NCT04443907.


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