Harnessing the Power of the Mind-Body Connection With Sunnie Goodson RN, MBA

Uncover the Extraordinary: A 31-Year Journey from Medical Complexity to Self-Healing Mastery.

In a world where personal healing and wellness often seem entwined with the established medical system, we're about to embark on an extraordinary journey with Sunnie Goodson, a remarkable individual whose life took a dramatic turn. In a riveting interview, we'll explore Sunnie's 31-year-long odyssey through physical, mental, psychological, and spiritual suffering. Confronted with the limitations of Western medicine, she was faced with a stark choice: either accept her fate or seek a different path to healing. What followed was a transformation from a Registered Nurse deeply entrenched in the Medical Industrial Complex to the visionary founder and chairperson of a budding private membership Ministry (PMA), and the creator of Daydream Guided Self-Healing.

Check out New Earth Wellness Society, HERE, as your antidote to the failing medical-industrial complex.

Particularly since Covid, public awareness of these issues has grown, contributing to a broader skepticism of mainstream medicine. As a result, many individuals are seeking alternatives and turning to holistic approaches that prioritize the mind-body connection in healing, further highlighting the need for a more integrated and patient-centered healthcare system.


Today, Sunnie stands as a living testament to the transformative potential of healing through an innovative and cooperative approach to wellness. Her journey not only offers inspiration but also serves as a beacon of hope for those grappling with suffering. Through her profound insights, she sheds light on the intricate web of our subconscious patterns and beliefs, which may trace back to genetic roots. Sunnie's experiences underscore the remarkable human capacity to manifest personal miracles, presenting a powerful message of self-empowerment for all who seek healing and transformation.

Join us for this exclusive interview. We'll uncover the profound insights she has gained on her path to recovery and self-discovery, offering a fresh perspective on health, healing, and the power of the human spirit.

Don’t go it alone in your journey back to wellness!


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