
The Last Bastion to Avoid Radio Frequencies; Your Home

Lack of testing, education, and protection has created an invisible toxic soup in and out of our homes. This is what you need to know and & what you can do about it. Pt 1.

In the last two decades, we have seen exponential growth of wired and wireless technologies, which generate what is known as Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and cause a disruption in our body’s bioelectric signals and cause cancer, DMA damage, and a host of other biological consequences.

Imagine if all wireless signals (electromagnetic “smog” known as radio frequencies, (RF)) turned to smoke, we would all be yelling “Fire,” running out of the immediate area and looking for the source of danger. But with radio frequencies, we do not have this luxury; we can neither smell nor see the smoke, thus hiding its presence and the dangerous frequencies that envelop us.

This is the inherent danger of electromagnetic frequencies and plays a significant role in how we have quietly been subjected to a multi-decade biological experiment.

Now imagine yourself, every day, going around opening a microwave door and turning it on throughout each room of your home. That would naturally sound alarm bells in your head, and you would never do such a thing.  And yet, every day and night, this occurs in our home and workplace environment.

Again, imagine for a moment all of your neighbors doing the same thing, turning on their microwave ovens in each room, causing their devices’ frequencies to emanate beyond each of your home walls, and so on. You would soon realize we live in a toxic soup of frequencies.

Interestingly, we would never think to keep on any other electrical device day and night, such as a radio, television, electric lawn mower, hair blow drier, or washing machine. We only have these items turned on when we need them. And yet, without question, we have allowed wireless devices to be on 24/7 without ever thinking perhaps we should turn them off when not using them. Or at least turn them off once everyone in the household is ready for bed.


In 1947 the International Telecommunication Union established the ISM bands, “industrial, scientific, and medical.” The objective was to delineate what devices would be allowed to utilize certain frequency bands so there would be no interference between devices.  The ISM initially designated the 2.4 GHz band as an unlicensed spectrum for microwave ovens. This band was initially used for devices that didn’t provide communications. While originally established as the frequency band for microwave ovens, the ISM opened up the frequencies years later. Today, in both microwave ovens and cell phones, Wi-Fi utilizes the 2.4 GHz band, which often interferes with each other.

While Wi-Fi and microwaves use a similar radio frequency, there are two significant differences: focus and power. A Wi-Fi router sends its signal out omnidirectionally, in every direction. A microwave oven sends its signal in a single direction bouncing back and forth off the interior walls of the oven.

This is considered “low-intensity exposure.”

But when you hear “low-intensity exposure,” you are misled to believe “low intensity” is better than “high intensity” and unlikely to cause harm. This is not the case. It simply sounds better; damage and harm occur to living tissues at both levels. The injuries are merely different.

We have also been misled to believe that non-ionizing radiation is “safer” because a person’s tissue does not heat up, causing harm. But it has been proven that tissue can be injured even if not heated up and that non-ionizing radiation has negative biological consequences.

Now when it comes to the human body, every organ, whether the heart, brain, kidney, or liver, maintains its own bio-electro/magnetic field. When the delicate balance of these fields is upset by other frequencies, the flow or life energy is disrupted, leading to illness. These microwaves generally keep the body inflamed and exacerbate conditions such as cancers, arthritis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, auto-immune diseases, heart issues, mood disorders such as depression and anxiety, sleep disruption, and more.

The most critical time for our body to heal is while we sleep. Unfortunately, all these electromagnetic frequencies are sensed by our body as sunlight. This includes blue lights such as your LED clock. When your body “reads” frequencies as sunlight, it does not go into a deep sleep known as REM; that moment when your brain releases melatonin. Melatonin eradicates free radicals (that later cause cancer) that your body produces earlier throughout the day. If you never go into that deep, restful sleep, your body cannot heal and repair.


We must understand that no agency, government, or commission protects us from harmful products. Even the agencies that are designed to protect us don’t. They have been hijacked by industry insiders.

Laws, regulations, and policies have not kept up with technological advances. Most devices have never been rigorously tested, particularly with many other devices simultaneously. Nor has public outreach caught up with alerting the public that these products, such as the microwave oven, often become more unsafe over time. This is why I decided to conduct a simple test with an EMF Acoustimeter (video above).

These devices now touch every corner of our lives without consideration. We have to be our own advocates and assume that pretty much all of these devices are not safe, and it’s up to us to act accordingly.


We cannot see these frequencies. However, we can measure them throughout our environment.

The microwave I was using to measure ultimately had a signal 100 feet away and outside the cabin where it was being tested. The only way I could confirm it was this particular microwave oven was because the place is many miles away from any electromagnetic “smog.”

Cell phones operate between 800MHz and 1900MHz, and microwaves between 300MHz and 300GHz (300,000MHz). They function in different bands of frequencies, but they still impact our bioelectric bodies.

The average microwave uses more power than a Wi-Fi router; typically, they generate 1000 watts of power. Conversely, a standard Wi-Fi router generates about 100 milliwatts (or 0.1 watts) of power. You’d have to increase the Wi-Fi router’s power output about 10,000 times and confine the beam to have a chance at cooking anything.

This doesn’t mean, however, these frequencies don’t have biological impacts. Particularly when considering how ubiquitous wireless devices have become in our world today.

“Bioelectricity refers to the regulation of cell, tissue, and organ-level patterning and behavior as the result of endogenous electrically mediated signaling.”

Humans are bioelectric beings. So, when we encounter electromagnetic frequencies, it does not become a matter of “Do electromagnetic frequencies affect us?” but, “To what degree?

This answer depends upon one’s epigenetics, age, diet, previous and daily exposure, health, environment, and more.

The exponential growth in wireless devices has created for our humanity a nonconsensual study that is being conducted even within the “safety” of our own homes.

Our homes should be a healing sanctuary, giving us a break from the daily assault through the airwaves.

When we truly become aware of the danger, we commonly seek out and implement countering measures to protect ourselves and our family members. Education is key to the first step to returning our homes to a safe place.

We can reduce that particular threat, and at the end of this two-part series, I will share some of the steps you can take… know, it’s a journey, for sure. You don’t just unplug all at once.

The first step to stepping out of this RF assault is understanding how these frequencies work.

So, I have a short list of little-known information for you to consider to help you better understand why I encourage taking control of one of the environments you spend a significant amount of time in; you’re home:

  • When it comes to radio frequencies, distance is your friend. The further away a wireless device is from you, the better.

  • Essentially, cell phones and wireless devices are two-way microwave radios.

  • A cell phone in your pocket or your body raises the chance of damaging sperm and eggs. It also increases the likelihood of testicular, anal, colon, and brain cancers, as currently documented in age groups where cancers were once rare.

  • Because children’s skulls are thinner, they can absorb twice as much radiation into their skull’s bone marrow than adults.

  • A cancer that may take decades to develop in adults can take only a few short years in children: Their bodies are developing, and their cells, including cancer cells, are splitting and multiplying, unlike adults.

  • Long-term cell phone (and cordless phones) use is linked to increased brain cancer in human studies. Animals exposed to low levels of cell phone radiation have developed increased cancers in the largest ever cell phone radiation study on rats at the National Institute of Health (NIH).

  • Standard 900 MHz cordless phones and bases are significant RF perpetrators. Cell phones and cordless phones cause cancers, including aggressive and deadly glioblastomas.

  • Your hand and arm become an antenna when holding a cell or cordless phone.

  • When you touch the tip of your finger to a cell phone screen, a charge is sent around your body and instantaneously returns to your finger, signaling to the phone where you are touching the screen.

  • Cell phone users are developing what is called the “Smartphone Finger” (https://www.healthline.com/health/smartphone-finger). Your finger is conducting energy. It probably doesn’t like that.

  • Cracked cellphone screens leak radiation, increasing your exposure.

  • Signal bars are not an accurate measurement of the strength of your cell phone’s signal. While they indicate the quality of your reception, there’s no industry standard for “this much signal equals this many bars”—each cell phone manufacturer uses their calculation. When placed next to each other, two different brands of phones on the same cellular network might display different numbers of bars.

  • When we talk about safety standards such as Federal limits, we do not realize this is over an average time. These standards do not regulate spikes in device power output — whether accidentally or by design.

  • The fewer the bars on your cell phone, the more RF output from your cell phone as it attempts to search for a strong signal.

Stay tuned for solutions and the next steps in Part 2.


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