What Did You Know By When? The Question Every American Should Be Asking Their Leaders Now

Reinette Senum's 3-year anniversary of resigning from city council, calling out her leaders for their Crimes Against Humanity, and how the weaponization of Fear Appeal has played out to date.


Three years ago today, on July 8th, 2020, I read my resignation letter rather than wrapping up my mayorship in Nevada City (CA) and taking my ”oath of office” to begin my third term as a city council member. The 3.5-minute video clip of this Zoom city council meeting is above and worth a look.

While I initially supported a two-week stay-at-home order in March 2020 to get a grip on what was taking place, California’s statewide mask mandate was entirely different for me.

I was one of the very few elected officials in California to call out Newsom’s overstep of authority in June of 2020 in my Facebook post. And when I did, this community lost its mind and its heart.

I received massive blowback from a community influenced by psychological warfare and made incapable of reckoning with “others” suffering.

Community members and friends saw my action as a betrayal, and coming from somebody who had dedicated over 20 years to this community; it was a nonsensical move in their eyes: They had been instructed to believe that only those wearing masks “cared.”

At that moment, my “liberal and compassionate” community lost its ability to hear and assimilate the cries I was receiving as mayor from those who could not wear a mask for various reasons, which I addressed in my resignation statement.

Most of the public did not realize that, like many of our local elected/appointed officials, I was privy to the dialogue and “group think” of our county CEO and public “health” directors via weekly government Zoom calls. By the spring of 2020, it was apparent that the only message allowed to share with the public was “the only way out of the “pandemic” was through vaccination.”

I had called out Newsom’s illegal statewide mask mandate (NO individual has the authority to force a medical device on every citizen’s face), and I was calling out the unlawful closure of schools, businesses, churches, playgrounds, parks, and the destruction of our society.

I knew by late spring 2020, just after winning my third election, that I would be incapable of keeping my mouth shut because I was witnessing the onset of a massive crime against humanity. Voicing my concerns and objections would only be a burden for our city staff with incoming emails and phone calls from a misled and angry public.

No other elected/appointed official was doing this in this county. I was a lone voice.

Rather than speaking to difficult truths, our “leaders” were leading us all off a cliff, all of whom have now received an injected bioweapon into their bodies and remain clueless to this day…. or silent.

The local rag, The Union, continues to print the fear porn to this day, and the “alternative” radio station, KNMR, where I had been a radio show host for a decade, closed its doors, played reruns, and continued airing the mantra “be afraid.”

I made a difficult decision to let go of a community I loved dearly and speak uncomfortable truths instead.


Soon after I resigned, our Nevada City city council members unanimously voted down our county’s CARES Act funding for the city because they knew it would come with strings. Following the city council’s rejection of the CARES funds, our county CEO, Alison Lehman, decided to contact every city council person and twisted their arms, demanding they re-agendize the CARES Act item and, this time, approve the funding….. or expect a “difficult relationship with the county.”

Never had I seen such blatant overreach and interference in local government by our county. But the county CEO (remember, our county is a corporation, not a government) wanted what she wanted. She wanted the strings attached, control of our city, and a means to enforce the county’s Covid lunacy.

With that CARES Act decision, each of our city council members had an opportunity to take a stand, do the right thing, not cower to a bully, and change the course of our local history. But instead, they sealed the fate of our community, and they all capitulated like cowards, took the blood money, and began enforcing another unconstitutional act, up to a $200 fine for anyone not donning a mask on the streets or in the businesses of Nevada City.

When the fine came up for a vote by the city council for going without a “face covering” in December of 2020, I and other concerned citizens took to the dark streets with our pots and pans and began banging them like hell outside the home of then mayor, Erin Minett, while she and the other city council member and staff were on a city council zoom meeting.

Government meetings had been relegated to online, public comment was a thing of the past, and the city and county were making decisions with very, very little public input. Now, the city wanted to muzzle us even on the streets.

While our local police were on our side as we pounded our pots and pans in front of the mayor’s home, they had to move us along because of the neighbors’ complaints. So we did… to the vice mayor’s house, until ultimately, we were moved along by the police once more (who apologized for having to do this again). Ultimately, we ended up in front of city hall where our city manager was zooming into the city council meeting.

Every time we went from place to place, you could hear our clamoring, clanking, and yelling in the background of the city council Zoom calls. We sounded like a traveling Whoville.

During this city council meeting, one could get a clear picture of the “sophisticated” state of the city council. Their sneers, remarks, and disregard for our constitutional rights during this city council meeting were clearly demonstrated as our clanking got under their skin. However, our cries to the city council to reject the fines for breathing freely went unheard, and they passed the mask fines nonetheless.

Ironically, Nevada City law enforcement was not supportive of this, rarely fined anyone, and our parking meter man was the only person willing to enforce the ridiculous order.

But the public didn’t know that, and soon after the fines received city council approval, Nevada City lost most of its retail business to neighboring Grass Valley, where people could breathe freely while they holiday shopped.

But I digress….


So, why all the fuss over the mask mandates and proposed fines? It was clear that this, plus the business closures, constant 24/7 reporting, billboards, paid online influencers, county/city threats, censorship, and massive public deception by all media outlets and government, was designed to force the public into capitulating into getting the death jab.

This public pressure cooker by our county health department has a name, and it is called “Fear Appeal,” a widely accepted form of public health “marketing.” While Fear Appeal has served a purpose over the years — to reduce drinking while pregnant or educate people about the dangers of smoking —this time, it was weaponized entirely, and all of our elected/appointed officials were the unwitting enforcers.

Some in this community, however, knew what was going on. So, a group of dedicated activists and I did everything possible to dissuade our county and city officials from following the deceitful plan. We showed up at every county supervisor’s meeting for public comment and were forced outside for well over a year, where we endured everything from hot, smoke-filled air in the summers to cold snow storms and blustery winds during the winters.

It was very apparent that the county didn’t give a damn about our health… otherwise, they wouldn’t have kept us outside in those conditions.

During the county supervisor meetings, we were corralled together before an outdoor mic and screen at the county building, relegated to the sidelines like an afterthought. Long after many Covid restrictions had been lifted in California and the public was allowed indoors in other counties, our leaders still refused to let us inside our county building. So, I took it upon myself to grab my car keys and get others to do the same. We started tapping on the bottom floor of the windows of the glass castle known as the county Rood Building, over and over, to let those who “represent us know we disapproved of their leadership style.”

We also wanted them to feel the pressure cooker we were forced to endure.

We tried every which way to stop the Covid madness, but to date, this is what their “leadership” has cost us:

And this:

All these deaths. All these injuries. All this suffering. This is what we were trying to prevent.


Our historic gold country-style buildings and historic sites remain, but the community I once knew is gone. Many have moved away or have retracted from their community interests; we no longer stroll the neighborhoods like we used to or look each other in the eyes in the grocery stores or when driving through our town center.

Nevada City is a shell of itself; its residents are siloed into an invisible open-air prison and remain relatively oblivious.

While we were locked away during the stay-at-home orders, as mayor, I would drive the city and county roads at various times of the night to see what could be happening (I have mentioned this many times in interviews) and was horrified to watch a small army of utility trucks coming and expanding the broadband cables from pole to pole while our community was in a deep slumber between 3-5:30 am….. over and over again.

In the dark of night, these utility crews would quietly extend the broadband cable from one telephone pole to the next, always disappearing before what remained of a morning commute, began.

I was baffled about why this happened until I discovered it was happening worldwide. These broadband cables are the backbone to the 5G millimeter wave antennas— that just happened to pop up in the same fashion worldwide while we were all in “lockdown” for our protection….. nothing to see here, folks.

One has to pause momentarily and consider what level of global deployment would take to pull this off. This type of global broadband expansion doesn’t just spring up spontaneously. It had to have taken years of preparation, billions of dollars, and was clearly part of the plandemic planning.


The global surveillance system is nearly complete now that we have been conditioned to stay in our homes, where we can be so conveniently spied on as if in our prison cells.

Anything you have that is wireless; you can damn well assume it’s spying on you.

How convenient for our overlords.

Covid is when the surveillance cap was put over our oblivious heads, and now we find out that even our wifi routers are providing 3D surveillance within the walls of our prison cells…. I mean, homes.

Who needs a prison system when you have this?

I lost many people in my community who I considered friends. But despite the loss, I thought it worth the loss to try to save their lives and freedoms. The whisper campaigns, the cancel culture, the banning from Facebook groups and social media, the sneers from oblivious city council members, and the targeted and nasty reporting from our local media allowed me to see the true colors of the very people I would have died for. It was shockingly dark and enlightening all at the same time.

I just went with the flow and bowed out of everything and everyone community-related.

Now, I have a new legion of friends who would fight to the death for me as I would for them. I have arrived home, but it is not where I thought I would be — in an invisible cage.

My clamoring, shouting, and pissing off my community was not a stunt. It was a desperate attempt to save the very lives that hated my guts because I made them uncomfortable. I told them what they did not want to hear….. seems like a mortal sin these days.

Today, we can now clearly see how the crime(s) went down. We have now lost millions of lives around the world and witnessed extraordinary injury, as well as the destruction of the middle class, mom-and-pop businesses, community and family/friend networks, and innocent childhoods, life savings, dreams, and hope of the young, our freedoms, and privacy — while a massive surveillance control grid popped up in its place.

Every person you see in the city council Zoom meeting above was complicit in these crimes against humanity…. whether they can admit it or not. And the pendulum is swinging; we know their names, and in the end, justice will be pursued — as long as they all live long enough to receive it — because they are walking-ticking-time-bombs.

Today, however, we have a three-year-rear-view-mirror to look into. It’s relatively easy to see the road we have traveled. Listen to what I stated in my resignation speech. Was I wrong? Was I an alarmist? Was I misinforming?

If so, please let me know where and how I was.


As I stated at the end of my resignation statement, the time would AND has finally come to ask the question of all of our elected/appointed/hired officials: What did you know by when?

This was the single question to determine whether a person committed a crime against humanity during the Nuremberg trials.

These elected individuals had the same information available to them as I had available to me; with just a slight scratching of the surface, one could quickly uncover something nefarious was afoot…. Or, at the very least, uncover what was being underreported or censored by mainstream media. But every single official in this county chose to go along to get along, allowing their friends, neighbors, business owners, and children to feel the extraordinary weaponization of fear appeal and believing the only escape from the pressure cooker would be through the injection of a poisonous needle(s) and the complete reduction of their freedoms and privacy.

On a side note, I can’t tell you how many “died suddenly,” “died unexpectedly,” turbo-cancer, strokes, heart attacks, and prions disease is striking this community…. and yet the county/city band marches on, pushing the death jabs like they don’t know better. 

Many fear our future, but it is already here. And either we clamor like hell before the cage is permanently locked or accept our fate for future generations.

Turn off everything wifi. Stop the surveillance. Stop living in fear. Demand answers. Stop listening to those who have clearly misled you for the past three years. Take control of your health. Speak to strangers. Start looking your neighbor in the eyes again, and recreate what you lost, but better this time!

If you don’t do this, your children will never be able to do so themselves.

And most importantly, rather than believing the false and deadly narrative, now is the time to begin asking all those responsible for the damage, What did you know by when?


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