Thank you for encouraging your readers to take action on this very important water issue. In addition to the land and rivers that need to be confiscated for the Delta tunnel, there are more related projects such as the Sites Reservoir and the Yolo Bypass. The Dept of Water Resources, DWR, is actively buying up Delta properties. The Yolo Bypass alone is converting 40,000 acres into a cement channel to divert water from the Sacramento River and includes water flows already under conservation for migratory birds and fish. These actions will convert California natural resources and destroy watersheds and ecosystems forever. It truly is a matter of life and death.

The projects are described on the DWR website, such as the EcoRestore Program. I also posted an 11 minute video about the Delta Conveyance Tunnel Environmental Impact Report on my Substack newsletter, Search For Truth News. There are numerous impacted farmers, water districts, tribes, and wildlife activists opposing these projects, but we need help from as many concerned people as possible.

Daily water news, meetings, and educational webinars can be found at www.mavensnotebook.com. I check it every day. I have been attending virtual zoom meetings too, which reveals information not available elsewhere. The public can make comments at these meetings and submit written comments as well.

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Is there a template of what we should actually write to the DWR. Or simply say don't approve The Delta Conveyance Project? Thanks

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Wonderful, the POM billionaires who use sonar to find aquifers and buy that farmland, then pump down into them and back out to sell to LA?. 🤬🤬🤬

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The funds behind Newsom is sickening. That could solve so many problems in this state. I knew he was getting big money from tech, hospitals, pg&e, unions etc as I have seen the numbers from the man that put it up on substack. He was featured in the documentary The Real Truth About Anthony Fauci. But to see this many private people with this amount of wealth gladly supporting him, is truly disgusting!!!

Thank you so much for keeping us informed. Glad to hear some in our government want answers. I want answers too and will keep spreading the truth about water.

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