Nov 13, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

I think the most likely scenarios are that either Dr Simone Gold is controlled opposition and was planted in the medical freedom movement. Or she has been framed with planted evidence. Either way, the result is to discredit the medical freedom movement. I don't think we'll ever know the truth about Dr Simone Gold. What we do know is that the purpose of this whole situation is to discredit the medical freedom movement. This and "suicides" are among the oldest tricks in the FBI and CIA tool kit to discredit movements that help We The People.

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Dec 23, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

Exactly. The cia can make up anything they want and destroy anyone they want. They could have been part of this forensic audit. I cannot truly believe she would be so extravagant about her living expenses. This seems like a setup to destroy the truth movement.

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This is absolutely a possibility!

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It is wise and correct, at this point to admit to such a possibility. The T party, to just an ordinary working persons perspective, just vanished. It is important to distinguish several things here; What are the public aims and ideals of the AFLDS organization, and are their actions appropriate for that goal? If the answer to that is supportive of free choice and freedom from tyranny, then the flaws become more common personal corruption, potentially an inability to resist the temptations of money and power, or the deep state destroying an organization. (Those can be orthogonal as well, in that the deep state would certainly use any found unethical behaviors to destroy the movement they feel threatened by.) "Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to Licentiousness" ... George Washington.

While it certainly takes funds to run such an organization, as the vast majority of their work is communication, with some funds needed for research the Feds are NOT doing and legal efforts to protect individuals and prosecute tyrannical governments and their corporate partners, it is not clear how responsibly it is directed.

As such personally I would like to see results (to the stated aims and ideals) income and budgets broken out along those lines...

1. Communication costs events etc... 2. legal actions to defend individuals from group tyranny, both from the Government and associated three letter agencies, and the corporations supporting those actions.

Regarding Dr Ryan Cole, AFAICT he was a very qualified medical professional running a successful business completely out of the public eye, who took great risk in speaking out on all that he saw wrong with the vaccine harms. His actions have all appeared deeply honest and sincere. I cannot imagine the statistics he reports from his lab are fake, and he has openly invited anyone to look into them. I always try to remember that "Divide and Conqueror" is a favorite tactic of the left, and destructive tactics appear to be all they are good at. The AFLDS has no personal authority over my life, and has fought for my freedom.

I also support Dr Robert Malone, yet his work has also been attacked. I would however like to generally see how he, and others, are spending their income. I do not care how they spend their personal funds, yet if millions are coming in from public support, even substack, I would like to know how much they reserve for their personal lives. I have zero need to understand what they do with those funds so reserved. I just think such communication to supporters would be good voluntary practice, and would certainly attract more support. I consider the multi-tiered legal approaches to be the most potent weapons we have against this vaccine tyranny and the COVID virus itself, likley man made, and this should be heavily pursued and prosecuted as well. Longer term we must get back to the US foundational principles, decentralize, (entire federal 3 letter agencies must be dissolved) transparency, individual GOD given individual liberty above man made laws.

As an average citizen I am looking for any way to support the legal actions to protect our foundational liberties, and that is the guidance I need to direct my support.


Thanks and All the Best...

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Nonprofits are obligated to disclose salaries and assets, and how the money is spent. But IRS for some reason didn't publish any 990 forms for Free Speech Foundation on its site. The only one I was able to find is 990 for 2020 (note, Joseph Gilbert's salary is listed as 0 for 2020 but he joined the org only in 2021 and even the name is misspelled, they probably have a bunch of other clerical errors).


(click on "View PDF")

You may also look at the recent court document https://www.americahappens.com/_files/ugd/e906e1_c0469e7c03f64e359280ce14221516fc.pdf

Read in full, this blog tried to fool people by publishing only a part and then spinning it.

And for the sake of transparency, how much is Kevin Jenkins paid by the Board? Somehow he became a speaker for AFLDS and the most important person claiming even firing people! But he doesn't have any position in AFLDS and doesn't represent it in the lawsuit. He's a head of a committee hired to perform an audit and chart a business plan for AFLDS, which was promised to be published within 30 days. It's been almost 2 months, nothing has been published, no business talk, no promised transparency. Just more hysteria. There is also a media company (Studio17) involved, their site listed as AFDLS News. They published documents with an AFLDS letterhead but no signatures, the contact is an outsider email. They hosted all talks by Kevin Jenkins. They produce a podcast for Joey Gilbert (I tried to watch it, but he mostly just brags how great he is, boring), it's even on his LinkedIn profile as a job. Is it paid by AFLDS money? I can't identify any other source.

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I agree, a lot more neds to be known.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

It seems clear that Dr. Gold is a Magna Cum Laude graduate of the Elizabeth Holmes, Ramesh "Sunny" Balwani school of management. The difference is that Holmes and Balwani may have caused some health issues as a consequence of their malfeasance and chicanery. But the reverberations and collateral damage in image and efficiency of the AFLDS organization could be far worse. The Theranos twins biggest problem was to swindle ultra-highly positioned and visible people, who would not stand to be bamboozled by a skank with a fake baritone voice. The scary thing is that if Gold is a spook, she is likely to slip and slide in the complexities of the "justice" system and have the actual facts obfuscated. Why the organization is not filing charges of embezzlement, RICO charges etc. is beyond my comprehension.

Thank you Reinette for having the grit and acumen to bring this to light.

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Thanks, Peter. And all good points. Love your style of writing....

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Perhaps John Carreyrou (author of "Bad Blood) might like to research this. However, since he works for the Wall Street Journal, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, perhaps, this time, he would not have a free hand or sharp pencil--to tell the whole story!

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Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

I have a low income and sent AFLDS a $50.00 donation. Thank you for putting the spotlight on Dr. Simone's egregious behavior. Wow. She is a train wreck; morally, spiritually, and ethically, . What a sad day, but we of the medical freedom movement will move on. I commend her for her earlier work, but she needs to step aside and get out of the limelight. She does not have enough moral strength to withstand the temptation of bribery or misappropriating funds. Like so many careerists who continue to stay silent about the jabs due to getting monetary rewards, she too in her own way fell prey to the deceitfulness of riches. Very disappointing. I am unable to answer your a, b, or c. Thank you for addressing this sad news in a reasoned way.

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Nov 12, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

I never trusted Simone Gold because in the beginning she got out and claimed that all these drugs like HCQ were a cure all to treating covid and further tricked people into believing that the scam-demic was real when all along this virus has yet to be identified. Nothing but a "Paid Operative" from big pharma.

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Many prominent physicians like Kory and McCullough have treated people successfully with HCQ and IVM,which validates their legitimate use decisively.

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Agreed, and this was a correct and vital focus, and still should be, The suppression of effective prophylactics to enable the EUA should, in a just world I am willing to support, result in many law suits and prison terms. Just how effective applied prophylactics are is discussed in my very short post here. https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/covid-policy-2020-vs-2023-and-prophylactics?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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"Many prominent physicians like Kory and McCullough have treated people successfully with HCQ and IVM,which validates their legitimate use decisively."

Treating them for what? How were they diagnosed with having covid with the not fit for purpose PCR? For a virus which was never isolated or purified. They were treated for hear say.

"War has broken out in the scientific literature that strikes at the existential core of Covid-19 and its proposed causative virus.

At the heart of the controversy lies the fact that the creators of the most commonly used test, the RT-PCR, published instructions for how to test for SARS-CoV-2 “without having virus material available,” in their own words, relying instead on the Chinese scientists’ genetic sequence published on the internet.

The paper “Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time PCR” was published 24 hours after it was submitted to Eurosurveillance, clearly evading peer review. Its lead authors were Christian Drosten and Victor Corman, which is how it took on the title “Corman-Drosten paper.” It provided the “recipe,” or work flow for the Covid-19 diagnostic test, quickly applied all over the world, after it was accepted as the standard of testing by the WHO.

German scientist Christian #Drosten was also a co-discoverer of the SARS-associated coronavirus, and developed a test for it in 2003. Drosten, who heads the #Charite Institute of Virology in Berlin, and a team of fellow scientists in Europe and Hong Kong, moved very quickly, as soon as cases of the illness were being reported out of Wuhan in December of 2019. They submitted the paper on Jan. 21, it was published in Eurosurveillance on Jan. 23,* and was immediately accepted as the standard of testing internationally, by the #WHO, which began sending test kits to affected regions. (Fact check: was it 24 hours? Corbett says yes.)

In the harrowing months that followed, amid lockdowns, economic collapse, school closures and widespread panic, few were aware of the immense problems with the paper, which tragically offered a testing method that would yield between 80 and 97 percent false positive results, due to a non existent gold standard which would be the virus itself.

It all came to a head on Nov. 30, when the Corman-Drosten foundation paper was challenged by 22 international scientists who wrote a letter demanding the paper’s retraction, along with an extensive critique citing 10 errors in the paper it deemed “fatal.”

Celia Farber.

And Christine Massey's - " FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (211 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever"


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Regardless of the truth about the origin or nature of the illness, the objective evidence is that huge numbers of people in a short time got sick.. I was one of them. It was not any test, bogus or otherwise, or speculation about the cause, that made me sick. Despite being elderly, when I used McCullough's protocol, I got better. THAT is what counts. This is certainly no defense of a the tests, but the lived reality of improved health via the use of several herbal and vitamin therapies. So let's deal with the reality for restoring health from sickness. The quibble over the nature of the cause is distinctly SECONDARY. Lives matter! Jon

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I am in Cahoots with about the virus- here's a GREAT piece- would love to hear what you thnk about it--one of the most articulate discussions on the 'no proof of virus' .

The interview with Michael Bryant is the most articulate I've heard yet- it's not about making anyone wrong- it's all about bringing up facts and perspective.


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Nov 15, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

At this point in time, my gut says, I need more information. Just a terrible situation but one that needs to bear the truth. Will continue to dig and read up on this one.

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ALWAYS follow your gut, Mary!

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

Reinette - Thanks SO much for addressing this. I saw this report of the lawsuit and the apparently large purchases. I’m glad you dug in. My first reaction was exasperation.

I shift to a thinking process - also not taking reports at face value. it seems like a ridiculous story that this amount of funds could be taken for a house and cars and housekeeping without it being noticed along the way before an audit. Is it covering for something else?

What upsets now about what else is a lie in this - were there lies about these alternative treatments?

I think it’s a possibility she is controlled op,

as other parts of her story seem to be odd, including the J6 situation.

I like your process of thinking this through and getting some more insight from others you know.

I’m here in Pennsylvania, already exasperated with the election results.


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The use of effective prophylactics as being very effective is also very real, and certainly not dependent on AFLDS. https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/covid-policy-2020-vs-2023-and-prophylactics?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Brilliant coverage Reinette, I never trusted her or the organization , something seemed off about it all. Its clear to me most Americans DO NOT understand controlled opposition and most of the major players in the game on both sides are [DJT and DeSantis , and Tulsi G. ALL perfect examples. This has CIA smeared all over it, boyfreind is handler, Khazarian mafia all over it as well . Look at her backround and family heritage, In prison solitary confinement Mk Ultra stuff probably done as well even if she was doing the spending spree stuff before as well. She is programmed clearly, and yes designed to help destroy medical freedom movement. Expect more of these kinds of attacks, look who was the "only political personage" to greet her upon immediate release from prison.

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One must also be careful about how easily the statist use "divide and conqueror" as a tactic.

Never forget that the one skeptical of the given assertion, is everything else, so "everything else" will always be vulnerable to divide and conqueror, and it is best to not easily fall for that.

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Nov 15, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

I am forever thankful to AFLDs and have benefitted from their services. I want to acknowledge and honor their leadership during troubled times. . . . And, It seemed odd to me that SG was inside the Capitol pleading her mission on video, when the subject at hand was about "election integrity." Odd. I felt she was being an opportunitst for her cause but it felt a bit misplaced to me. . . . We are going to see otherwise good intentioned people reveal their "Manchurian" selves. I don't think she will be the only one who surprises us. She behaves like someone who has been mind-controlled. I wish the organization all the best.

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I had a bad feeling about this organization and specifically Dr Gold from the very beginning. She talks a good talk and I don't doubt she had good intentions to leave her Medical job to start a movement that I believed in. But the way their AFLDS was run was from the beginning very odd. For example I tried to contact the organization numerous times to donate a significant amount of money, but I wanted clarification on their financials. Normally when I do this with other non profits I get a return call and I am sent detailed financials on where the money is going and what is getting spent. Guess what. I never got a call back. I even wrote emails with no response. Then I saw Dr Gold in person and I tired to talk with her after her speech. Again she would not talk with any of the public and left the church without any interactions with the public. Ever since then I did not trust Dr Gold and I do think this is not something that just started after serving her prison sentence. I do not think the organization was transparent from the very beginning. She is smart and had great ideas about how to change the system. But when it came down to it she has a flawed way of thinking deep down. Almost like a mental illness. She will never see that she did anything wrong and has probably permanently ruined her own organization from her actions. She will dig in deep but it's no longer going to work. Sad Indeed.

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Thank you, Ron, for your personal account. As you can imagine, I'm fielding a LOT of calls and messages from people and employees who have similar and disturbing stories to share.

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Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

There is another possibility. There are a number of modern-day carpet baggers on the loose these days. Perhaps she's just a plain old garden variety racketeer. After all the entire pharma/medical system that she comes from is one huge racketeering organization. What better place to learn the scam? Just a thought.

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The Con-vid crisis has brought out all kinds of opportunists. Some have capitalized on their hard work done in very difficult times--that takes chutzpah to turn lemons into lemonade. I dont fault them but seeing opportunities especially when the covid fascism destroyed some careers. We are also starting to see the movement to start dividing where some of the chaff is getting seperated from the wheat--that is from the Lord.

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Yes, indeed, moral failures lead to destroyed organizations. I touched on that in my comment here as well.


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Maybe she is BOTH a narcissist and an agent. This news comes as quite a shock.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

Why wouldn't you consider a possibility that it's Mr. Gilbert (plaintiff) which is one of those things? Who's he to believe what he says?

I've read the entire complaint, some parts are just real funny. Like, having a business position with the company, he claims he had no clue about Dr. Gold's spending, and somehow stepped in to business operations only when she was in jail. In January 2022 she mysteriously resigned and he became a chairman, but there is no any press release, like the one where she reasserts her leadership. In October 2022 she accused him of misappropriating funds and asked him to resign. Before that, if she did anything wrong, it was no biggie, her presence was good to collect $$. But now they want her out... Really? How are they going to collect donations without her??? It's a great business talk! The complaint is only focused on barring her from the company and paying damages for "business disruption" starting $75,000. But no demands to seize and sell the expensive house. Strange.

Funny that just today I received a letter from AFLDs signed by Simone Gold asking for a donation to AFLDs. Either Dr Gold is blissfully unaware about being pushed out or Mr. Gilbert is using her name and signature to collect donations. Who wants to give money to HIM anyway? It seems whoever started it, the idea is to destroy AFLDs. But before people become aware, collect $$.

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Everything was just fine until she got out of prison and the results of the audit were revealed. All the staff had otherwise been completely unaware, just doing our jobs as usual, working harmoniously with the Board for months, when everything changed and Dr. Gold announced she was back in charge and we were to no longer engage with any of the board, literally in the matter of a day or two, we were all being forced to swear our allegiance to her. BIZARRE IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT.

She is forcing the staff to choose sides and has relinquished control of most of our accounts and resources including our email platform and the AFLDS bank accounts. The donations go to those AFLDS bank accounts which until the Judge stops her, she also has relinquished control over.

She has singlehandedly spearheaded a campaign of terror on innocent AFLDS staff since this fling, forcing us to swear allegiance to her or she "does not accept this" or "You are OUT!". She has forced staff to hand over passwords and account access to many of our resources as well and we haven't been able to perform our jobs since.

A major red flag here, is that only 1 of these parties has continued to behave like a guilty, cornered criminal. No one on the AFLDS Board has asked us to swear allegiance to them, or relinquish accounts and passwords, or sent messages of termination over text, or gone out of their way to contact and drag in volunteers to a mess that NONE OF US should be a part of in the first place.

She is a manipulative tyrant do not be fooled. And please don't take this as an attack on Dr. Gold, I am just voicing my experiences over the last week or so and also I am not alone among staff when saying that ANYONE at AFLDS that is found to have been involved in the misuse and/or abuse of AFLDS funds should be exposed and ashamed!!

That is American money donated by the people and for the people. PERIOD.

There are plenty of honorable staff here that have poured our souls in this mission and done nothing but right by the movement and AFLDS and we have spent the last week or so being harassed, manipulated and bullied. It has been completely distressing and unfair, but we are all on pins and needles awaiting the judge to put an end to the terror campaign and hostile takeover. Stand by for the fireworks and prayers up for the future of AFLDS...this movement NEEDS it to bounce back!!

If not...then if she is Controlled Op - mission accomplished. : (

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You mean she controls the accounts.

Until the hearing on the TRO and the court orders her to retain control or at that time, relinquish control, she has all the assets.

She did start the foundation, but she cannot manage money, and living in Beverly Hills, she is accustomed to a luxurious lifestyle.

It’s too bad because she’s an excellent marketer with a mellifluous voice.

She overplayed the kindness of donors.

She got greedy.

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This isn't a court doc; it is just another AFLDS Press Release like the ones Simone drew up saying she was reinstated as head of the organization. Could this one have been drawn up by her as well?

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Feb 19, 2023·edited Feb 19, 2023

It's an old comment. The lawsuit itself has been already dismissed back in 2022. Here, located it for you:


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Thank you for digging!

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Sounds like a primadonna. But she was the one who started the org and was bringing $$. If she's out, you're out, end of the story. No money, no business. I myself was a donor but I wouldn't give more to this mess. But I'm not motivated to give anything to some "board" or "innocent stuff" either. If you want to stay in business, look for a better leader.

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I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ME....THIS ISN'T ABOUT ME!! Or where I end up...this is about the PEOPLE. The BLOOD $ that was stolen....that money was justice for many families! I know bc I am one that has worked the frontlines of this war and experienced the murder and devastation first hand and I know that money is NOTHING. We won't have anywhere to spend $$ in 5 years if we keep this shit up - it'll all be digital and based off your social credit score. I am doing this for the mission I and the many other righteous freedom warriors have poured our souls into to find out that potentially out leadership was just using our hard work to pad their pockets. It's shameful and unjustifiable. I don't care where I end up bc even if AFLDS dissolves today, the war is still raging and there are still freedom battles to fight. I am a veteran, I took that oath VERY seriously. No matter where I end up...it'll be with the mission and with people that support it selflessly not with a fraud that pretends to care.

Now I am on a mission to make sure no more innocent Americans are duped into donating their energy or $ to a fraud!!

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I researched the records. Does anyone verify claims anymore?

She never bought any house in Nov 2021, the deed was for an organization affiliated with Mr Gilbert in Jan 2022... The language of the complaint is tricky, she might've signed a contract on behalf of Mr Gilbert to keep the house but never indented to purchase it for herself, and it was purchased by his LLC.

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She has no mortgage or rent to pay. If it’s owned as office space by the llc she is a squatter, especially if the board wants her out.

Thise cars belong to the foundation, not hers.

Those credit cards, likewise.

I’m certain the judge will ask what perks the other board me,beers are receiving.

Generally salaries of board members are permittted for corporations, not charities or foundations.

In addition she is fleecing the accounts for personal benefit, TAX FREE

The IRS will shut the foundation down, and maybe more than that.

That’s a No-no.

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Her CEO salary in 2020 was $33K/year, totally fleecing (no forms published yet for 2021). Ever tried to research things before brainlessly believing any allegation on the internet? Will you bet all your property that those allegations are true? $1,000? $100?

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Do you know who stole the $$? Is the entire org corrupt? The LLC that owns the house was registered for the same address as Joey Gilbert Law. Well, maybe, they were thinking that putting $$ into real estate is safer than a bank account... But there is no way the board didn't know of those expenses.

And a FORENSIC audit (sounds like breaking into computers). So much advocating for freedom. Maybe, Big Tech pledged money.

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ANDRZEJEWSKI, AJ was also listed initially at this law firm address.

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To be clear, this is written by the current AFLDS staff that remains and had to pledge allegiance to Simone.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

MK Ul?? Or C. O.

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A commenter mentioned MK Ultra. This was my thought...far out as it may seem. She went to jail for 60 days. It is conceivable that she was 'treated' in that time. Admittedly, I admired her in the beginning, her smarts, her chutzpah, her concern. The J6 thing was surprising since I never heard mention that she was there prior to the accusation and lock-up. Things seem to take a turn with that event. I am going to watch the interview another commenter posted of her and Tucker C., because I do honor my intuition. Up till now I haven't paid much attention. I was surprised to hear the original accusation, then glad when she got out of jail, and also glad to hear her speak up initially to the accusation, and I thought all was back in order. Thank you for your intelligent, thoughtful commentary, @Reinette. I will see what hit I get from watching the interview. I will say these days there is a LOT being thrown into the mix, meant to confuse people. This is just one of those things. One must ABSOLUTELY follow the guidance of their own inner wisdom.

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Definitely follow your own intuition. I'm simply trying to provide more info and context to help out the ol' gut feeling.

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Nov 27, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

Purchase history of Naples house and photos

April 2022 moves to Naples, Fl.


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Crazy the house went up 488% in 3 years from 2018 t0 2021!

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I don’t know all the particulars but if I remember correctly Joey Gilbert assisted the organization in getting started, in his professional capacity as an attorney. He befriended Simone and she, him. He stood up for her in a huge way when she was sentenced to prison and even went to the prison to meet her the day she got out. She trusted him and that’s why she chose him to stand in for her while incarcerated. She also endorsed him for Governor of Nevada. Joey Gilbert is NOT your fall guy here. If he was connected to impropriety he would not have done the audit to implicate himself! Likewise in my heart of hearts I don’t think she is the monster she is being portrayed as either.

I have had experience with a couple people who have been mind controlled by certain 3-letter agencies. It is NOT a fun experience for the recipient nor those around them. When I first heard this story I immediately used my intuition which told me mind control. She is not this stupid. She would have known this is wrong and she would ultimately get caught. Narcissism is generally what a mind controlled person is left with. I can attest from personal experience.

No one is asking questions about the boyfriend. Look more closely at him and check his background. He would likely not be mind controlled but helping steer her in the direction “they” want …. ultimately to make the organization look bad.

I believe Joey Gilbert did what had to do as an attorney in good standing. He would not be involved in this while running for Governor. He is wide awake to what is going on in this world and knows the crap the DS does to achieve its goals. I believe Joey is as shocked as anyone at what he found and feels betrayed, as well.

I would get her to an experienced healer who can remove this programming and go from there.

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Those are good points, and we ARE looking at the boyfriend and believe there is something there..... he essentially handles Gold at her speaking gigs and fundraisers, and his role in this is definitely worthy of a deep dive. I couldn't help but think of Kanye West (Ye) in this instance.... this story is still unfolding, and we are not done investigating.

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John Strand 37, was found guilty in the J6 case and released pending sentencing, on January 12, 2024.

With no prior record, he’s unlikely to be sentenced to the full 24 years but he probably will receive a far stiffer sentence than Gold, who pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 60 days.

He is being represented by a court-appointed attorney who offered no defense witness other than himself, who testified for several hours.

Strand is a fashionable defendant, gelled hair to perfection and a twinkling earring.

Strand described meeting Gold in September 2020 at a “freedom rally” he was organizing in Beverly Hills, where Gold had been invited to speak.

Soon after he became her assistant, and subsequently her live in lover, 20 years her junior.

Strand’s lawyer, Stephen Brennwald, asked him during his testimony about the age difference between them.

“Is it fair to say that your relationship involved a fair amount of bullying?”

Strand agreed that it did.

“My responsibility was to keep her safe in a very large crowd,” he testified.

Strand’s lawyer repeatedly said that he was not there wearing MAGA gear or tactical uniforms the way many of the other protesters were.

He highlighted Gold’s “forceful personality” in influencing Strand’s presence inside the Capitol. “Dr. Gold, when she wants to do something, she’s going to do it.”

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What if the organization took the opportunity to badmouth her while she was in prison?

Or what if she is not fully good or bad like most people? Good in everything she has done for freedom movement. Excellent speaker. Not so great at being ethical about money.

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Good points. All of this will have to go beyond bad-mouthing somebody. It will be clear to see whether or not she made these purchases and has been on a shopping spree.

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