I've known about this water stuff for years and I learned about it through Deborah Tavares at stop the crime.net. yes they are messing with the water and yes they are causing droughts as well as flooding and yes they are stealing the water to help their own benefits elsewhere. The thing that drives me crazy is they're blaming it all on climate change! I have written my Senator here in North Carolina about all the nonsense about covid-19 and the 5G towers and that I wish our state would take after Tennessee and stop spraying our skies with poison everyday. People don't realize the long-term effects of these things and there are no studies, that are honest that even seem to care about long-term health effects. She sent me a vague reply back so I decided I'm going to write her again and I would like a detailed answer to my questions. My mom used to say the squeaky wheel gets the grease and let's just say I'm a very squeaky wheel when it comes to fighting for the United States that I grew up in, and that my grandchildren will never know what a normal sky looks like or normal clouds. I have pointed this out so many times and people look at me like I'm crazy because they don't even look up at the sky or seem to notice or seem to care after I show them. However I'm just one person but I'm going to do everything in my power to bring this out in the open. I wish everyone would just get together on this and stand up to the evil Elites who actually control everything. That's the only way it'll ever be stopped. The fact that I thought this was the United States of America and it's actually a corporation is one of the few things I've learned over the years. I'd rather be awake and know what's going on, then asleep like most people seem to be. God bless you for the work that you do and trying to wake people up.

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Deborah is awesome!

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Jun 22Liked by Reinette Senum

How about the Governor?

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TS, I would start the conversation with the simple fact that our commercial aircraft and commercial shipping have tons of heavy metals in their fuels. This is a powerpoint presentation I often give. Get familiar with it and share this info: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18mKjtjVC_Ufd8nzL6mII-UXrzCdz5R7h/view

While there are other nefarious programs, you can't start there. People won't hear you. Come in, rather, with how the fuel itself is toxifying our world. People can digest that, to begin with!

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Thank you, Reinette! I so appreciate how hard you work to keep us informed.

At the risk of drawing comment section vitriol my way, I've heard RFK, Jr. speak about many of these issues. He has been fighting to protect the environment for decades. And, while I recognize how broken our government is, how voting is rigged, and that I don’t give away my power to anyone, I can't help wondering what it would be like to have individuals like him get in there and help to dismantle the broken system.Because it's not going to dismantle itself or just by all of us chatting on social media platforms. There are some people born with a leader/warrior archetipe and I think he's one of them. I imagine light-worker warriors like Vandana Shiva in his cabinet. Or maybe you, Reinette, being the solutionist that you are.:) I will never stop being an eternal optimist - my sun is in Sagittarius, after all. XO

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And my moon is in Sagittarius.... so I'm right ther with you, Barbara!

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Jun 21Liked by Reinette Senum

I agree.

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Jun 22Liked by Reinette Senum

Please Share. “Del Says His VACCINE CONFIDENCE BILL is "Too Clever" for Some

Trojan Horse, anyone? https://peggyhall.substack.com/p/del-says-his-vaccine-confidence-bill

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Jun 22Liked by Reinette Senum

Please Share. "You Were Right About RFK Jr." https://peggyhall.substack.com/p/you-were-right-about-rfk-jr

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Dismantling the system that was never meant to work for us (but keep us ignorant and enslaved) is up to us. It begins with educating our selves and others so that we can take the information to our elected persons at our local level.

Once we get rid of the machines that "count" the votes, we can then get rid of those (s)elected persons that do not work for us, but work for their puppet masters. We figure out who they are by attending meetings, listening carefully, taking notes and asking questions.

One of the things we can learn is that we have been lied to about nearly everything (fossil fuel is a misnomer and scarcity of water is a fear tactic). Abiotic/Abiogenic process: the earth regenerates oil.




The earth is full of water that also regenerates:




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Please Share. “You Were Right About RFK Jr."

I hate to say I told you so... but I told you so.” https://peggyhall.substack.com/p/you-were-right-about-rfk-jr

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Solar Flares. Please Share. Del Says His VACCINE CONFIDENCE BILL is "Too Clever" for Some

Trojan Horse, anyone? PEGGY HALL This is what Del Bigtree stands for, and this is what RFK Jr. stands for. I hope you will watch Del Bigtree's episode 376, where he states that this bill does not override other exemptions. So then, why do we need it? That was one of my criticisms: we don't need more laws, and we certainly don't need a law that states that if a vaccine has been approved by the FDA after being tested for one year against a placebo or another vaccine it can be required, it promotes the use of vaccines and confidence in the FDA. https://peggyhall.substack.com/p/del-says-his-vaccine-confidence-bill 1. https://peggyhall.substack.com/p/del-says-his-vaccine-confidence-bill 2. WHY is DEL BIGTREE Promoting"VACCINE CONFIDENCE"?! https://peggyhall.substack.com/p/why-is-del-bigtree-promotingvaccine

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I'm right there with you! Fortunately, I just got back from the Music & Sky event, where I connected with Alec Zeck.... they have done tests to prove that viruses don't exist - the linchpin of the pharmaceutical industry - I will be interviewing him soon on this bombshell information!

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Jun 21Liked by Reinette Senum

Deborah Tavares has been alerting us for years about the "water wars"

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World Economic Forum Agenda Weekly June 6, 2024 highlights water INVESTING. Your article is perfectly timed for the big issue on hand.

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Thank you Reinette and thank you Elaine Buxton!

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Thank you! You’re able to articulate & explain these things (that most people don’t want to look at) in such an inspiring way. Keep up the good work!

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Thanks, Marae!

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Incredible Reinette! Tim Stephens "Calgary's Water Crisis" uncovers the real story up there.

I suspect the East Idaho water "crisis" is bogus to destroy the farms. Thanks for the name of Elaine Buxton.

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It's all manufactured! We have enough to provide for ourselves. We have psychopaths at the helm, and it's beyond time for this monstrous system to come crashing down.

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Apparently, water is being shut down at the same time that cobalt mining - which requires a lot of water - is commencing. The company with the mining contract is the recipient of Ukraine “aid” funds.

It’s nuts.

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It's happening here in my home county as well. It's a story I still need to cover! Most people have no idea in this area that we are draining down to reservoirs, our farms can only get water once every three days, and we are entering a very hot summer.... what could possibly go wrong?

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And based on past experience, when the reservoirs drain out it’s hard to tell if it’s just a natural cycle, mismanagement, or intentional.

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And based on past experience, when the reservoirs drain out it’s hard to tell if it’s just a natural cycle, mismanagement, or intentional.

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I looked for more information on the shut off of the water in Idaho today. It is about water rights and mitigation. The articles and reports I read today are included below.

May 2015:


Let's get into the meat of the water issues in Idaho. I am no expert in this, but I did locate information concerning water rights (ground water and surface water) for agricultural purposes and information on the Snake River Plain Aquifer. Every one is going on about the cobalt mine and water. I think the current fear narrative playing out on social media is just a huge distraction.

Newsflash: I live in an area with a lot of irrigated farms. My family farm is a dry land wheat farm and the road I drive to get to town goes through dry land wheat, range land and then drops down into irrigated farms and orchards. I live about 7 miles from the lower end of the Snake River. There are four dams (hydroelectric dams) on the lower Snake River. There is still talk about removing these dams to assist salmon recovery.

2014 | Idaho Water Issues Background and Science Focus: Snake River Plain Aquifer


2023 | New Idaho Department of Water Resources order would force 900 groundwater users to curtail use

Department says senior surface water rights holders would face shortfall without curtailment that could affect eastern Idaho


2023 | Eastern Idaho’s groundwater has declined by hundreds of thousands of acre-feet. Will that trend continue?



(This is the same aquifer but a different area of Idaho. This is in southwestern Idaho. I included it due to the maps it contains and the explanation provided about ground water and surface water).


2024 | SWC, ESPA Ground Water Districts Reach Settlement Agreement, Avoid Curtailment In 2024

Published online: Jun 21, 2024


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Thank you for this, BK. I will look into this. I have more to report on water, including what is going on with the Klamath River and their damn removals!

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Thanks BKBlair. I will look at the links you sent. I knew a man that worked for the Canal District in Rupert, Idaho. I should have listened better. They talked water right lingo a lot. This is a huge issue and I was asleep!

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Water rights have been a huge issue in my area also. There are a large number of acres that are irrigated for a variety of crops. I live in an area that grows dry land wheat. A beef feedlot was built in dry land wheat growing area about 15 years ago. They received rights to pull 30,000 gallons per day for the operation. They are using the same aquifer that many of our wells are on. Most of the dry land farms and houses have been her for close to 100 years. Some have been in operation longer.

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Thanks for the U of Idaho presentation about Water issues. I am learning a lot.

This board blows me away with all the good info. It is overwhelming.

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I had just located the presentation about water rights from the U of Idaho a few hours before I opened Reinette's substack, It is very informative.

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Yes. The name of the company is an Australian company - Jervis Global. Many articles misspell the name as Jervois.

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Interesting that Jervois has Cobalt operation in Idaho.

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Thanks for name of Jervis/Jervois!

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Thanks for the Cobalt /Water connection. interesting.

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In UK our privatised water companies are discharging raw sewage into the seas and rivers, spoiling beaches and killing wildlife...

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Are the people protesting? How can this be allowed?

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It is not really "allowed" but our regulators are captured and toothless. Profit over safety every time

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Your Elaine Buxton interview in Aug. 2022 is a Home Run. Elaine dug deep and even went through boring Water Board Notes. It is a huge wake up. You do excellent work Reninette always but this water deal is maybe the best ones

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Thank you, Kevin!

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What about the spraying? Anything new on the fight for chem trails? Seems they spray the skies less esp over here in Tahoe Nevada? Did you get any info from people on the samples received?

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We have a public records request in for who we are pursuing. We can't file anything against them until fall when they are federally required to report their weather modifying programs (generally before winter).

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Thank for the update!!

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There was a large article in the Siskiyou Daily News two days ago about the removal of the Klamath River dams. This substack made me wonder what the real reason is. They say it is to protect the Salmon, but is it really?

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ShastaBetty, I have a story on the Klamath.... it's a train wreck!

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I would love to hear that story!

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It is not to protect the salmon. They are still opining on removing all the dams on the Snake River in Washington. Those are all hydroelectric dams. They help with flood control and a large percentage of the crops grown in eastern Washington and western Idaho are transported on the Snake River.

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Fire departments, tank trucks, y’all get on this! Water these farms!

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I've thought about doing a crowdfunding campaign for our local farms, but now only get water once every three days because of their "catastrophic" failure with our water canal system..... owned by the evil PG&E!

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Crowdfunding for water delivery?

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People don't want to discuss what they perceive as negative topics. It is like they treat truth as the enemy.

Perhaps they realize subconsciously that if they open up to truth, it will trigger a cascade of red pills they will have to deal with. It will impact their psyche. They will have to alter their mindset. People don't want their illusions shattered.

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You are correct, Kenneth. The truth is very uncomfortable, especially when you realize you must do something about the topic at hand. I believe people will soon be having a shocking and massive wake up call in the near future. I don't think most are ready for this.

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Kenan thinks people are waking up.


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Peeps are waking up.... not at the level I had been hoping for, but I do see this.... and I see it with people saying, "Something's not right." That's where the masses are right now. Now, "what" is not right; they don't get it yet. They don't know how dark and insane it is... and this train is moving so quickly particularly with the outcome of the Covid shots, alone, I'm losing a lot of people around me - many having injury after injury - and still oblivious. They are in this recalcitrant denial. It's heartbreaking.

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Language has also been weaponized.

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Yep.... spells, and programming!

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They need water to cool nuclear cores and now data centers for Microsoft, Meta, Facebook, Cryptocurrencies, etc.

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Oh yeah. The data center consumptions are growing at a huge rate. We never equate our online world as a water consumer, but it's a growing monster.

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Right?! And the cryptomining companies. Yet, digital and electric are so much better for the enviroment as we heat up the waters and kill off all of the oxygen in the ocean that then kills off all the fish and ocean life, as well as, eventually, our life! So much for Climate Change. In PA, I can't get a bag for groceries anywhere. I have to carry things out by hand, have my own reusable bag, walk out empty handed, or have a duplication of effort and expense to re-do my chores.



Every Bitcoin transaction uses, on average, enough water to fill "a back yard swimming pool", a new study suggests.


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Holy cow. That is insane. I will check this out.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24

I work in IT and have worked for many Utility companies (Energy, Telecomm). The whole climate change is a complete lie. Plus, I remember, when I was selling Real Estate on the side, a Seller in the Frankford neighborhood of the City of Philadelphia was telling us a story about how the neighborhood declined. What I recall her saying was that the Utility companies forced everyone to go from Electric to Gas!!! She said that it drove many into poverty and many to lose their homes because they could not afford the conversions. I've been looking for research on this and can't find much. That said, does this sound familiar? Except now they want people to go from Gas to Electric.

I'm also trying to find someone to do filming in and around Philadelphia. The radio towers in an area of Roxborough and Manayunk consisted of 3. Now, there are more than 13 and they are constructing more!! The old Golf Driving Range was bought by the Utility Company (PECO/Exelon) and is now a high voltage substation. That substation goes along the railroad tracks (exactly as outlined in Agenda 21/2030) and is along a Bike Path. I use to ride my bicycle along there all the time. I would never do so now! Our heart has 2 natural pacemakers.

There was also a structure across the street that, initially, I thought was a homeless encampment. However, during huge storms it dawned on me that they were probably illegal utility workers who won't be able to bring claims against the companies when they start getting ill from being exposed to things that looks as though they must be extremely harmful. The wattage going through these monstrosities looks ominous.

Yet, no one seem to notice. Or, they just don't care.

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There was an excellent series that takes place in Vancouver, BC, called “Intelligence.” Primarily about the marijuana trade, it began to delve into water rights issues in Canada. The series was then abruptly canceled.

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Whoa. That should tell you something.

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