Love you Reinette. Your depth of understanding of so many seemingly disparate issues is overwhelming, and I appreciate all that you do. Thank you x

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I’m in my sixties. Since I have been a little girl, the Americans have been fed the scenario that Russia was the huge bogeyman in the world. And no one questioned it. I remember the ridiculous duck-and-cover drills in grade school. No one remembers that Russia was an ally against Germany in WWII. The older I get, the more ashamed I am to be American. And most of us have this massive hubris that America can do no wrong. We all bought the bullshit. Maybe ashamed is not the right word. I am angry what our government is doing and has done in the world in our name. It’s no wonder Americans have such a poor reputation around the world.

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What we have to distinguish is the difference between Americans and the American "government." Most Americans are good people. Our government, hijacked by parasites, is giving us a bad rep and creating this mayhem.

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So true!

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America is no longer America...It's taking orders from the Black Nobility and has since around 1902 out of Europe/U.K., The City of London. It's been an escalating progression of theft of power and Inalienable Rights with 'The Fed', Legalized Income Tax, Both World Wars leading to more and more theft really quich following their assassination of Kennedy. THE U.S IS RAN BY THE NOBILITY OUT OF THE U.K. AND THIS IS THE LOCUS OF BLAME...AS THE U.S. IS MERELY A MAFIA ENFORCER AND NOT THE ORIGIN OF ALL THE CHAOS.


We now see and know what's happening; but in the meantime...It's not wise to paint Russia, China or anybody as innocent here as the World is operating as an International Death Cult Mafia led by the Nobility and all the Oligarchs across the globe grow wealthier and wealthier and God knows how much or what Putin has been rewarded with to allow the whole scheme to happen. He's a part of the whole plan just as the rest of the Leadership of the world.

Don't lose hope...Pray, fast and maintain laughter and joy with family and friends to help keep the blues and feelings of doom away. God is allowing this to bring the world to him.

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Thank you!!! 🙏💕

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This is what Nyquist has been talking about too. Troubling world. Thank you for always keeping up.with things.

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You're spot on!

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Love YOU, Reinette!

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Thank you for explaining this to the feeble minded left that roots for corruption. I cringe when their ignorance is on full display.

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Thank You for keeping us so well-informed. 🙏🙌🏻

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American government is headed for the dust bin. Play with fire, die by fire. Putin has every right. Thanks for sharing this video.

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I loved Russia when I visited there. It was a while back because we were temporarily out of the Cold War that I had grown up in. So, I was in Red Square for a marching band competition--the same Red square where all the tanks would line up but now it was the marching bands from all over the world doing precision moves to incredible and inspiring music. I remember thinking, the Cold War is over. I'm so glad. Now I have to always say this when the subject comes up--I love Russia, I love the Russian people, I love Russian music, literature, philosophy, religion. When I went through the streets of St. Petersburg there was classical music coming through the windows. The advertisements were not all beaver shots--how weird right, to advertise toothpaste through a woman's open legs. In Russian ads the women have their legs together. I could go on. How sad now to have to say, I repeat. I love Russia.

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Are you serious? This lady just called an entire country a “cesspit” because of arms trafficking, sex trafficking, mafia activity, etc, all of which happens in the US and many other countries also. Does this mean that the citizens of these countries do not deserve military or humanitarian aid in times of injustice and crisis??? This is disgusting

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Sounded like aid is going to the government who is turning on their own people. THAT is disgusting!

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A special message and call to action.

I'm writing this about a day after posting this essay which I hope you read and share widely.

As I consider recent events it seems clear we must remove Biden from office. I will expand on this in my next essay. But suffice it to say we are all facing an extreme existential threat from those controlling the Biden Administration. And I don't think we have the luxury of waiting for the 2024 election.

So what do you think of replacing Biden with Trump. Not in 2024 but IMMEDIATELY. Before Biden destroys our republic. I'm not a great fan of Trump but surely he is the lesser of the two evils regardless of you party affiliation. What if millions of Americans began demanding this through the Big Tech Platforms, demonstrations, before our City Councils etc. And the message is short and to the point.


Remove Biden

Reinstate Trump

If you assimilate everything in my latest essay it obvious the Biden is purposely attempting to destroy our republic in order to usher in the Great Reset. His war against fossil fuels is the primary reason inflation has robbed every American of 10% of their incomes and investments. He is pushing for a digital currency which would establish a "Mark of the Beast" Chinese Credit System. His "likely" destruction of both Nordstream Pipelines (from Russia to Germany) could lead to a Nuclear 3rd World War. His use of the DOJ/FBI to intimidate his opponents is the act of a tyrant. Bottom line? Biden needs to removed from office and the real winner of the 2020 election, Donald Trump, needs to be reinstated as our legitimate president immediately: along with his cabinet and staff. Meanwhile Trump wants an immediate negotiated settlement to end the Russian/Ukraine War, which I wholeheartedly support.

Please share your thoughts in the comment section.

Bruce W. Cain

September 30th, 2022

President Biden: Pushing the Globalist Agenda and is the most dangerous Domestic Terrorist in US history


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I'm so grateful for you and your knowledge - sharing clear information that is beyond freaky. Stay strong friends.

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