The WEF and WHO are unelected “elite my ass” one world demons that are trying to rule the world. Most of the brainwashed sheep are unwittingly asleep to their real agenda which is depopulation “who needs humans, at least so many” and control, making us slaves. The many of us must awaken our brothers and sisters to rise up and end both organizations. WEF and WHO members should be the ones of depopulation ( if I termed their extinction correctly). No more Schwab, no more Gates, no more Tedros, no Digital currency, no more lockdown, no more “plandemic”, no more complete. Hang em high!

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They are suffering from cranial-rectal inversion and should be quarantined immediately.

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So rich… how we follow the spin of the bouncing ball of the “breaking” news in cardinal coordinate time NEWS narratives ignorant of the hidden hand in extra-dimensional terms of the occult (hidden) truth in plain sight of the adept, where the neophyte scrambles for meaning without, not knowing it will never be found. Predictive programming the “they” project into the main-stream mid-stream media who govern (control) the zeitgeist, ignorant of proper time.

Herd mentality of herd immunity in the terrain of communities of 15 second attention span. Sooner than later in bifurcating timelines, perhaps, to be 15 conditioned into 15 minute city time crystals with 5G MK-Ultra Mocking Bird mind control. All the while we resist, ignorant of their Looking Glass technology (stolen from Nikolai Tesla by John Trump at MIT) after his passing, after giving humanity the solution to ALL our so called problems under the Hegelian terms of the Gestalt-shift and parallax of left-right duality in red-blue poly-ticks; many ticks that drink blood from tortured small children no less… what a world eh?!

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It’s a hell of a world

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In terms of solution, given you are from the resource industry Malcolm Bendall hails open source from, I invite you to explore the Plasmoid Unification Model as (www.strikefoundation.earth). In March of 2023, Malcolm Bendall and Randal Carlson were on Joe Rogan podcast to introduce a plasma based technology that has the potential to revolutionize ALL of society, for those who truly innerstand the nexus within the juxtaposition of currency and current as energy, and the central bank role within the ORDO AB CHAO and money “grown” on the tree of knowledge of good and evil that Adam and Eve ate from the fruit of… to rescue from the grasp of irrationality of artificial intelligence in science back to the organic intelligence of Vedanta and the matriarch, as the patriarch falls to it’s knees, NOT because any resistance is offered, as that only feeds it to sustain longer. It appears no one wants solution just to resist the problems that are in truth all manufactured as the machine has classified THOUSANDS of patents that freed humanity LONG ago. Nikolai Tesla alone is the greatest unsung hero that Elon named his car after, not to honor him but to obfuscate his name, which BTW is the name of the unit for magnetism, but he dies, penniless, alone as a reward for his gifts to humanity… what a world in-DEED!

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Tesla was the true genius of modern man. I am an engineer in the petroleum industry. It will be interesting to read. I hope there is an explanation in the website you linked

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Yes, he has open sourced it all, it is in a nascent state of development since March 23. I am an engineer (Civil... usually) as well. I have a cosmology of consciousness that is literally out of this world, but not for now. For now we need to focus upon bridges to the junk in the DNA. Implosive energy production is a MUST in metaphysical terms of ion exchange within the singing spheres and biogeometric principles... hydro-atmo elemental water and air) . If you do not know Viktor Schauberger, Walter Russell in addition to Tesla (Russell and Tesla were contemporaries) and you will not find this stuff within the quackademic halls of quantum quackery and mathemagics of form.

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More here with deeper explanations. The discussion of the Vajra is where the Geometry of Consciousness and Morphogenic Matrix Math intersect with the plasmoid, through the OID in the ovOID (egg) and olOID in the cardiac (heart) cardiOID (Fractal) https://www.howtube.com/channels/StrikeFoundationEarth

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Though I don't have tne intellectual intelligence to understand most of what you are talking about on an engineering and scientific level, I intuitively understand it and why they shut down Tesla and any other human who gave solutions that would put Greed and power out of business. Thank you. This inspires me.

The big question I have is how to connect this (or any) technology with nature in equal dialogue - not to change or enslave nature to 'obey' human domination of the natural, but to work in harmony with it. Many so-called primitive societies understood this on an elemental cellular level, even though they didn't, and don't, have the technology or words for it. This excites me - if a marriage of both is possible, then all is possible - and finally maybe we can stop the suppression and weaponizing of these technologies (plasma has been weaponized, no?)

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All of us may enjoy a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2024. The solution to that issue has been worked out and is open to peer review. I was an Engineer with Glenn L. Martin; Martin Marietta; Am& F Titan 1.

www.orsja.org follow the prompts: Assemble 1st amendment form a social compact ARTICLE I Section 1; unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America 1776; the 1777 Confederation and perpetual Union's articles styled The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859 prior to 1861. To confront the de facto you must have the de jure and all your bona fides in order.

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RIght?! One day we are speaking to the truth of science in good-bad light illusions, blaming it on geometry of the universal constant of proportion in phyllotaxis terms, that is somehow “bad” with Keyloics, gatekeeper gnosis… all the while there is no problem without a solution, save ignorance of the unknown unknown. The “problems” are all manufactured through the Hegelian Dialectic of thesis, anti-thesis-synthesis, problem-reaction-solution dynamics in play for eons and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion followed to the T of Tav 22 (X), now with Disease X, and Twitter turned X, from Space X, which in truth is Code X (Photo 51) of our DNA and the capsid below the plasmid that Corona (coronary) brought in the water (icosahedron) when love came to town. Look it up please, enjoy.

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might be fun to put that last sentence to music....perhaps even the complete works of cosmic sojourner. i wonder if the beast would get indigestion from that particular loush. i do appreciate the rhythm in your words.

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Ha ha, thank you but my work will not be complete within this lifetime, as the truth of the matter of mind over matter in the heart (www.frankchester.com) is the sojourn is eternal between parallel lines of the train tracks and 10X10 ROW of the train of thought and circular logic within the cubic thought form all religion is based for the adept to see and the neophyte to follow the leaders and their puppet parrots they put on pedestal to call the "expert" to trust as with IN GOD WE TRUST to babbling silver tongues from Babylon.

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Seems pretty deep for me. Got any links ?

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Malcolm Bendall's work will be deep enough brother. It is unconventional, and even though it was showcased on Joe Rogan, as such it is poorly inner-stood because too many are looking at it through the lenses and filters of bias within the Standard LIE in belLIEf in the experts and the Standard Model of the circle-jerk of peer reviewed half-truth and obfuscation of the magic within matrix algebra in magic squares, the mathemagician call recreational rather than re-creational. Long story, short of peers to peer review... in due "time".

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Are you certain it isn't a world of hell?

This is what happens when the most blessed in the world with freedom to know and worship deny God. God releases all hell; to roam the world seeking the ruin of souls using humans to torture, rape and murder other humans as the children and babies by the monsterous Demons Wearing Human Being Suits for their power under Demons and a hallucinogenic Adrenochrome Fix.

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Your god sounds like an asshole.

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As though the brutal, pagan Earth Mother Demon creating Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Fires, Vocano's, Earthquakes, Blizzards, Floods, Electric Storms and Winds, Landslides and Avalanches or any number of freaky things to happen catching human beings off-guard is a bowl of Cherries. Or, Anubis, the Dog Demon-god of death and the Underworld enslaving, raping, torturing, murdering, trafficking innocent babies and children for some lousy ritual to find, keep or maintain some demon-god powers with Hallucinogenic Adrenochrome Fixes or depopulating with Mass Omnicide...Or, Molock and throwing babies and children into open furnaces and fire for 'Human Sacrifice'...Or, Baphomet, Ba'al, Satan/Lucifer...So many reprehensible and repugnant demon-divinities for so many now-a-days sentencing all of the world to this current resurgence of evil making Earth Hell. Indeed, those as I and the faithul willing to pray, fast, worship and praise as the blood sacrifice are the one's holding the Earth at any reasonable level of sanity in any way.

Earth Mother is the Bitch and the demons...Utter Evil . Sorry you must have had terrible parents without boundaries making you the kind of person taking the identity of a plant...Which screams volumes about the fact of the worship of the creation insteadd of God who created it; someone mocking God and reducing yourself to profanity when attaching your opinion to Him. God Bless and Keep You. 🌹 🙏🏼🙏🏾✝🙏🏽🙏🏻🌹

Have no more patience today for those of the Earth Mother Cult camouflaged with the definition of 'CLIMATE CHANGE'. There will be no more responses from me with you

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"Earth Mother Demon" LMFAO! Feel free to jump ship anytime!

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DWAVE quantum control game theory to analyze the 64 black and white squares of the Mason’s and the hexagrams of the Queen’s move on the chessboard that is your biofield through the cryptographic Auric code of our DNA. Noetic interferometry of projective holonomic Riemann sphere complex plane geometry, within the 8X8 identity matrix of Mercury, messenger to the gods of NEYEN priestly personality types of the enneagram. The moon and the waters it effects within tides of the womb and consciousness… lunatics, in lunar loony tunes in Rudolf Steiner's 8th sphere and 8 phase over 28 days (daze) in cycles of 13 organic eclipses about the ecliptic. The total solar eclipse of 4/8/24 will create a Grand Cross centered in Cairo Illinois with another from 8/21/2017, SEVEN years prior.

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And what is the significance of Cairo, Illinois?

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GREAT question! For me, personally it is deeply entangled with my sojourn as I cycled across the USA in the summer of 1997, and on 7/2/97 rode through Cairo, where the Mississippi River and Ohio River confluence like the Sacramento and American in NorCal. VERY important "coincidence" but the story goes deeper as along the way I also went through Hopi land and the Grand Canyon... those who follow the genius of Rudolf Stiener, who BTW predicted Corona in the early 1900's, and is the foundation of the Waldorf School system (Anthroposophy) are best prepared, as he said the USA is Egypt reincarnate, with a karmic debt to save the world with the red-white-blue and 50 pentagrams on the flag. Were you aware 90% of the Grand Canyon is restricted to the public. Why is that? This stuff is so profound most are not prepared to contextualize as an observer within the observer effect. We create reality accordingly through bio-photonic light.

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I would estimate that timeLINE in the mascuLINE storyLINE of neurolinguistic mind control (govern mens) is firming up well for those with eYe to see and ear to hear after having my ear on the train of thought tracks since 911, what a ride in-deed to see through my eYe, and all the SHIT that I know I do NOT know, grateful all the while, I know HERE and NOW I do not need to beyond precept, in Sir Ockham's honor, where the fools who beLIEve they know, and have not been introduced to the unknown unknown simply can not contextualize!


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Dr John Trump didn't steal Tesla's work. The US gov went in and took (confiscated) it and asked D. Trump's uncle to look at it. That was a cheap shot but not true. Dr Trump was an inventor himself, but not on Tesla's scale. Wondered if the gov helped Tesla "on his jouney"?

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Thanks, for clarification

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Noted semantics dear Doctor. However, from a larger, cosmic perspective-relative to all the suffering these discoveries would have ended, remain hidden in the patent office and under classification. Not the government (mind control etymologically) did NOT help Nikolai Tesla, and neither did Elon Musk by purchasing the company that named a car after him without disclosing we do not need the TOXIC batteries, with a pathetic service life as he gave humanity global wireless electricity at the turn of the century. With Malcolm Bendall's PUM we will restore this organic technology when more stop looking for saviors like Donald Trump, to BE the change.

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Well said.

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* add joining the WTO, NAFTA - the Clinton Administration of the 1990's - premeditated murder of America's middle class. Gutting manufacturing and jobs from America and selling them out to China and other foreign beneficiaries of the scheme. Kudos to you!

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Yes! From the beginning of that time, I kept repeating that. Nobody wanted to hear it!. Why sellout to any country, let alone one that isn't our allies? Even friend turn from time to time. Keep your wealth at home! Build your own country- God, family & community first

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Don't Forget The UN, NATO, CFR, IMF, CIA, MI6, Five Eyes & On & On! There Is A Lot That Needs To Be Exterminated!

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We would do best by not calling this group of liars and leeches Elite, but call them what they truly are, the “predator class”

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You got that right. I always hated to use the adjective “elite” when describing the demons. Predator class fits very well and I will definitely use the description

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Defunding is only a first step. Participation in any way other than journalistic should be considered as traitorous and denounced as such. The entire US congress is mostly comprised of traitors. Likewise the Supreme Court and the entire administration. Voting against this bill would be more proof that they are in fact traitors, but they remain traitors regardless of their votes.

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While we are at it, let’s add the UN as well. Kick them out of our country and let’s demolish the building asap

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I suggest sending them to Epstein Island, minus any women or children.

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:). And no food

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Let them eat the bugs!

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Klaus Schwab Receives Tough Love From Dr. Phil:

Following a failed annual summit in Davos on the theme of “Rebuilding Trust,” World Economic Forum Chair Klaus Schwab sat down with American psychotherapist and TV personality Dr. Phil McGraw to address his trust issues with the public.


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It says “global elitism;” that is slightly different than global elite

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If there was a Nazi Conference, would you fund it? Would you attend even if against Nazism? Would you promote it in the media? Then, why aren’t we making Davos a non-event?

Any non-supporting legislator is a traitor!


1. Pray

2. MAGA (Make Assets Great Again): money should be 100% backed with gold and real assets. This makes masonic counterfeiting harder. They are buying everything with false money: listed corporations, media, medical system, political parties, politicians, universities… !

3. Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void). Freemasonry is the church of Lucifer. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).

16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet


No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach law urgently!


Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of lethal Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?


- Their main source of power apart from sin-empowered demons? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.

This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: masonic and satanic secret societies counterfeit paper money and launder trillions with which they buy Banks, seats in the Federal Reserve (the only private run Central Bank in the world), political careers and parties, puppeticians, listed corporations, media, healthcare corporations and organizations, universities, foundations, judges, etc.:

Confessions of illuminati, David Rockefeller (finest quotes):


Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master, Satan):


The way out of this mess:

1. Create an easy system for real money: private currencies/warrants based on real assets, goods, services, etc. (gold, corn, oil, distance/volume/weight transportation, labor human hour/minute, etc.)

2. Ban legal tender. Let the free markets decide which real-currencies/valuables/warrants they prefer to trade with

3. Ban paper-backed currencies (unlike real-backed ones of point 1.)

4. Enforce a Legal Banking Reserve of 100% of deposits (so banks don't create money based on air) and therefore there's no excuse for a Central Bank, because there would be no risk of bank-runs since all their loans are fully backed with deposits

Anything else you might think of?

Now, are you really ready for this?:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


Plllllease, on my knees, don’t believe me, just do your own homework by searching the following in yandex.com, mojeek.com (includes crawl date filter and substack search), gigablast.com, startpage.com, duckduckgo.com (not Google, Bing, Yahoo censors). The key terms to test them? Child Satanic Ritual Abuse, Child Satanic Ritual Murder.



President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.

Confessions of a former mason (Serge Abad-Gallardo):


Confession of 33rd degree master mason - Masons worship deities/demons


Masonry's Satanic Connection


Masonry's Satanic Doctrine | From Their Own Books


Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See


Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies [1995] [VHS]


Satanic Pedophilia Torture and Blood - Dark Satanic Secrets Revealed




Freemasonry: 100% incompatible with Christ


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And about Masons and their oath... it supersedes every other oath they take, including their oath of office. It should be illegal for anyone with a conflicting oath (like Masons) to run for or take office in government at any level, in the same way it is illegal for a non-natural born American citizen to run for president.

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Great! I'll quote you in my book!

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Agreed. Thank you

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The physics of love is based in sympathetic resonance and energy is money brother. Central banking Babylonian money magic within the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 legalese construct of personhood in the legal fiction of the strawman from Oz (If I only had a brain) and the corpuscles of the corporeal corpse, dead at sea in law of the sea. So called law based in inversion of "time is money" not energy, and IN GOD WE TRUST without truly innerstanding who's "GOD", and what "TRUST" eh? I posted above a solution based in plasma technology that will allow a smooth transition to global wireless electricity Nikolai Tesla gave us at the turn of the 20th century. "Diaries of an Economic Hitman" by John Perkins, Retired General Schmedley Butler's "War is a Racket" is prescribed along with G. Edward Griffin "Creature from Jeckle Island" were on my shelf a 20 years ago as a structural engineer... one of the "experts" that was labeled and shunned by all I ever held dear.

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🎯🙌👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I’ve said since March 11 2020... anyone who read John Perkins “Confessions of an Economic Hitman" could readily see what was being foisted on us... it was so obvious it all is governments plural coup operation against citizens... though I’ve asked uncountable people if they read “Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins” or read UN Agenda 21/30, or G. Edward Griffin "Creature from Jeckle Island".... the response was always no.... we the awake and aware are David facing this monster Goliath...

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Indeed. Thanks, for the reminders of these books. I had not read them, but will now

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When we truly innerstand the nature of quantum contextuality within the observer effect relative to the quote "When we change the way we look at things the things we look at change" from Gandhi, if I recall we can see that in truth we are the things we look at in the Law of ONE heart ONE love superimposed in space of coincidence, entangled within the synchronicity of time in space-time where the observation collapses the wave of sub-wave subtle energy of sacred geometry of infinite possibility, to the particle that in truth is just a "space" wave of time. Irrationality of an approximation in space and probability in time through the "rounding" of numbers and squaring of circles within the infinitesimal of calculus, that in truth is artificial intelligence. And I "aced" every level I, II and III and beyond so I loved them but the truth goes so much deeper in Vedic terms of Sanskrit... I digress... because I have changed how I look at things to such a degree the "things" I see few other can see without having chopped wood and carried the waters.

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MAGA Is A Satanic Principality & Not Your Acronym It Is A Deception, Besides USA People Need To Start realizing They Live On The Same Planet As The Rest Of Us And Give Up The Ethnocentrism! There Is More To The World Than "MERICA"!

Registered Member (no degree)

Active Member—Satanist (First Degree)

Witch/Warlock (Second Degree)

Priestess/Priest (Third Degree)

Magistra/Magister (Fourth Degree)

Maga/Magus (Fifth Degree)

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You bet there is. There is much more to myself, my God, my family, my community. That doesn't mean I have to take the rest aof the world under my wing, especially when I have no power there.

We send billions of dollars in aid to many countries every year. Unfortunately, those corrupt agencies involved don't really help the people. It is not America's job o go within each country and fix the bad guys (there would be much bloodshed, even within the innocent). Each country, so beautifully, has the right and responsibility to make with it what their people want and will support. Build infrastructure, build a way to prosperity within each country. It has never been the way to bust into other countries culture and rewrite it...thankfully. Yes, criminal organizations needed to be ousted, just like the wef and other parasites. We all have interest in laying that dog to rest.

Our concern must be for each , our own country's well-being. Reach out, in prudence, to assist those trustworthy allies, but get the facts, the sources right. It's imperative that we have honest and just people running our countries. And the oversight must be the same, yet larger than the government itself.

Each cares for its own. Locally first.

I wish for more people to understand their worth, their power, their ability to forge systems that work, even in small communities.

If we let ourselves rely on anyone except God and the gifts He endows each of us, we're lost.

Yes, to helping build infrastructure to start the process of allowing others to use their power and resources. No to lording over our power and resource - especially when our own are falling.

It's a hard no to the global empire idea! Are you planning to go back to Egypt for 400 years?

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A Hard No To Egypt & Slavery, A Truth Worth Dying For!

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They may not understand till they get a swift boot in what they identify as their nuts .Evil scum! Spend your life amassing billions and you become something less than human. Has one super billionaire ever made a truthful statement to the world.

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But knocking the beasts out that want to sell out to a rising self proclaimed globalist empire is imperative. Our best choice now? One that supports America first. God first, then family, then community, country and reach out to other allies to help them create a just community based governing system.

You are delusional if you think globalism is any kind of good. It's used to suck up any power and resource you all have, and divy it out after scoring your worthiness. Let's not go back to 400 years in captivity. God meant us to be free people, not enslaved.

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Nice! Let's hope this happens. Their overreach is preposterous. They were not elected to rule over even the very bugs they want us to eat. Imo, this whole group is not "The Fourth Industrial Revolution", it's "The Fourth Reich" in disguise. Did you hear Nestle? They are going after the water now and has stated that water is not a right. Are you kidding? We are 70% water. They must be stopped and charged according.

We also need a list of products and companies that these reptiles control so we can stop purchasing asap.

The word is getting out and those involved are being exposed and listed in online forums. I heard even Gates didn't attend this year. The world is waking up as keyboard soldiers are working overtime. It's working 💪

#winning! Thank you for your hard work and keeping us informed 💞

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Nestle Has Been Stealing The Water A Long Time They Just Said The Quiet Part Out Loud!

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It's working. Keep working hard!

Nestle has been doing this for a long time. I no longer buy any water except out of my faucet. I can't support it. This is unchecked. It needs to be stopped. Also, remember, there are so many other companies within brands. I believe nestle is just part of the package. Squeeze them all. A lot of snack foods companies, if I remember, are also owned by nestle. Boycot them all. We don't need any of them!

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Let us not get too excited until this bill passes and changes occur; otherwise, this "Bill" is just another example of "party politics".

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It's not about getting excited as much as it is alerting the masses and letting them know now is the time to put the pressure on, and watch which way the votes go!

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“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ~ Buckminster Fuller

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Part of the equation. Blocking another devil while trying to rear its ugly head and wishes, squash it out before it can rise is also wisdom.

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EXACTLY Reinette! Not that there is something that the political parasites are paying attention to because it's in front of them, it's a litmus test for who the traitors in our government are. The left side of the aisle should be behind this too, because the WEF and WHO and their agendas are clearly a "threat to our democracy" according to the false narrative they like to push. So they have no excuse to not back this bill, and will be showing their hypocrisy if they don't.

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These parasites are a threat to our Consittional Republic

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Many of the seats are said to be "bought by s0r0s". Bought for "the young leaders" who really were college students ignorant of how the dots really connect. Put them in seats of power and play puppet master. I can't see it any other way.

It's true, they will show their colors. Unfortunately, the demo side is oblivious to this. They see the shiny things being promised them, but can't see between the lines.

I sure hope we have some of that side that wake up. Also, they will be forever marked if they don't.

Yes, we will see who votes on that bill. Is it still possible for them to understand the lie being sold to them?

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The word has to get out that these chemtrails are harming the elite - they have to be made to realize that there is something "good" in it for them. Interfering with the food supply will affect them too unless they plan on eating bugs. And the farmers out there -- start acting "enough."

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I guess the trick would be to get someone to introduce it again.

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That’s right we need to unite the masses to this evil plot

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I prefer and recommend B Fuller's approach, as there are no problems without solutions within the subject-object causality of duality and superposition in space of coincidence, entangled in time of synchronicity brother. They MUST coexist simultaneous, and our focus determines our experience, what we Cchoose to look at, and when we change the way we look at them, they change!

"When I am working on a problem, I do not think about beauty. I only think about how to fix the problem. But when I am done, if it is not beautiful, then I know it is wrong.”

"The Things to do are: the things that need doing, that you see need to be done, and that no one else seems to see need to be done.”

From: letter to "Micheal" (February 16, 1970). Micheal was a 10 year old boy who had asked in a letter whether Fuller was a "doer" or a "thinker".

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Yes, and how many times have we hoped only to get the same results? And you might want to ask yourself why many are waiting for the cr$minal politicians to save us?

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Yes, and how many times have we hoped only to get the same results?

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Catherine, this is the game. I have fought against bills and won. Then they are introduced over and over until the public grows worn and the bill passes. We can do the same thing. Legislators bring it forward and we put on the pressure. We do this over and over until it passes. This is currently being down in NH with the (geoengineering) Atmospheric Act: keep introducing it until it gets passed.

This is all hands on deck and from every level. Leave no stone unturned.

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Remove yourself and the claim to the de jure as you are seeking remedy and they do not have that option in their de facto law form.

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Trust me I get it and none of us are getting any younger. Let us hope that this younger generation coming in learns your belief system before they fold. BTW what bills are you talking about - just asking? I would love to see that Atmospheric Act pass in Calfornia - most people don't even know about this bill.

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I am excited! It could be theatrics, for sure. We must remain diligent and hard at work uncovering the deeds of the devilish organizations

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Can we reprint this in The Flame with Attribution? It is a physical newspaper going out to over 40 states.

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At this point any statement or attempt to call out the WEF, if only the tip of the iceberg, is worth noting. The effort by these govt officials has been stated and recorded. It's out there for all to see. Passage by the uniparty is nearly irrelevant.

Q: what happened with the previous version of bill?

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It died in committee

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Jan 21, 2024
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Can't figure out why we are still in WHO except for people like John Kerry. When someone tells you they desire Earth for themselves, and plan to kill off 7/8 of the population, I say it's time to say Ta Ta!

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Jan 21, 2024
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You're a gem. Thanks!

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Last time they said they defunded the WHO I think they just shuttled the money to Gates and he shuttled it to the WHO.

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We need to remove ourselves once again from The Who and all these global elitist groups.

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Yes that's correct. He defunded the WHO and still gave a massive amount of our money to GAVI.

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You mean President Trump did?

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That's correct Devi. President Trump defunded the WHO (yay!), but gave an insane amount of money to GAVI. So basically he eliminated the micromanaging middle manager and funded the serial killer parasites directly.

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Just making sure because that was my take too. I was thinking back then is he that myopic, what is going on?!

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Trump was not someone I knew anything about prior to 2016, but what I heard from people in 2020 (Trump supporters) was that he was suspicious of vaccines and had spoken out about them being unsafe, prior to running for president. So when Trump supporters use convoluted excuses to answer my straightforward comments and questions about why he did or did not do obvious things that would actually have helped us I know they are desparately making excuses because they can't face the reality that their 'savior' is most definitely not a savior.

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Honey, this is an entire global system that is trying to usurp your power and resource, and freedom. Trump did nothing like that. You have a lot of reading ahead of you. I have hope that you'll discover who they are and what they are trying g to do- even to you!

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But President Trump did--I remember he gave a lot of money to GAVI--that is Bill Gates. Honestly aspects of this drama, I am still in observation mode.

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Thankfully, we all are. When was the money given to GAVI? Had we established that they are a derelict group usurping power and resource from many.

Yes, there are still observations to make- as we always should, pandemonium or not.

For me, I have to look at the usual identifiers such as who they stand with, what good they have done for the people. Also though, they have taken this man through the mud. They are afraid of Trump. We may not know it all, but we have heard Biden say "we need to finish this, vote for me". We know he is heavily connected to nefarious world agencies. Treason and dereliction of duty, just part of his crimes against the people he swore an oath to protect. He's knee deep in the globalists lot and pocket. Nikey Haley is also a globalist, therefore, I can't trust her with the US presidency. It is even reported (I have not seen the proof, so we'll have to dig into that). However, it is reported that she has been funded by democrats. We know it isn't beneath them, the dems, to infiltrate with lies and schemes. We know by her past actions and her words today that she embraces this globalist idea. We also know this has been in her past work.

We do know that Trump knows what he put in place to roll back demo plans, we know that he knows what they undid. We know he has a business mind and knows how to look at data and at emerging trends that may point to other problems upcoming.

We know Trump also bore the onslaught of battering, verbal and legally (this use of pur tax dollars foe political gain ought to be made illegal, if it isn't already). We know he and his family withstood the low blows constantly hurrled his way...just for running the country in a sensible and financially responsible way, which is why the dems hate him. Their wealth appears to be attached to our tax money and what the federal reserve prints, and we pay for.

He may not have initially been onto them, but he got it pretty quickly. He is a patriot, from every angle I can see.


They continously say it "we have to finish this". "We want as little choas and hurt as possible".

Every time they roll out a video or newscast the incriminate themselves. They need to be recorded live every time and rewatched.

I liked Tim Scott, other than opening every pipeline, but he hadn't been dragged through the fire yet either. The younger set seemed to argue and bicker..good people, at least one thinks globally and not ready to assume the seat of presidency yet.

I have liked Desantis and he's doing a great job where he is- we need him to keep it up there and possibly pursue presidency the following term. We'll see about him too.

Christie: wasn't he involved in some crockery or scandle a fee years ago? As I watched him weasel around, I just didn't trust him.

Trump may not look like the well spoken, charismatic ones we have seen in the house lately, but many can put on that face.

So, I continue on my path asking questions with every new bit of information. The big one: who best, in this political climate, can best steer us to safety?

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everyone of the presidential candidates are bound to Israel. I actually have gotten texts from various Repug Congress people with a picture of the Israeli flag asking me "Whose side are you on Deborah? Israel or the terrorists?" If you reply back they never answer so it is a one way communication. I have to delete over 25 texts a day and sometimes friend's messages are way down on the list. GAVI is a Bill and Melinda Gates organization. I have been active for at least ten years in the Vaccine Choice/Vaccine Free/Medical Freedom with boots on the ground activism in many of it's applications. In 2016 President Trump was the only candidate that addressed the vaccine issue and suggested (got to be careful what you say about vaccines, especially back then, because people get triggered), that the program (i.e., the childhood immunization schedule) should be looked into. He inferred there may be a link between these injections and Autism (there are a litany of vaccine injuries besides Autism but we have to start somewhere). Dr Ben Carson who I liked/like was silent on the issue, as were all the presidential candidates. I'd venture to say tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people, voted for Donald Trump due to that issue alone. RFK Jr met with President Trump early on in 2017 (many of us hoped he'd be the vaccine czar). But Trump also met with Bill Gates and Bobby said that Trump was swayed by Gates. And that became clear and is what we experienced. Trump, or whoever advised him, appointed Alex Azar as Secretary of HHS. Why was AG Barr appointed or selected? Why was Christopher Wray, also appointed by Trump, allowed to stay in power? Then there was Mike Pompeo appointed as CIA Director then SOS. (I don't like that guy at all.) The Covid task force and all the players were a disaster! From the first day when I saw all these so called health experts from all the departments of the HHS I cringed. Trump did suggest we might use HCQ and the backlash was brutal. We can't redo history but what the world has been plunged into feels like a tsunami swept over us and now that force is is pulling us back and eventually things will be stabilized--come hell or high water.

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This is another encouraging sign of resistance for now ...

A couple months ago, REP THOMAS EMMER introduced a bill to prevent CBDCs from being used as surveillance weapons ... now I'm waiting for somebody to shove a microphone in Janice Yellen's face to get her opinion on these developments ... Yellen is another un-elected reptile who'd like to sock us all into a digital currency ... and let's also get the opinion of all members of "the squad", especially AOC and Jayapal ...

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Yes, and I think it's important for people to know that many times a bill has to be introduced over and over until it grabs hold. The more we promote that his bill exists, the more we can get people to back it up... if it doesn't pass this time, it may later. We have to come at this from all directions. 2024 is the year!

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this is a crucial point- thank you !

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Nice try re CBDCs but it needs to be gone completely, not "regulated."

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This is true, Lupa ...

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Jan 21, 2024
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It never made it beyond introduction and then to committee.

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Let's keep at them. I'll write my state representatives again today.

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yesterday in marin we had a speaker- good friend of rosa koire- speak about 15 minute cities and the the sustainability agenda- few showed up to hear and discuss- these are the kinds of talks that must be given over and over- and we must meet to talk if possible- it's the only way to start to get into issues like these that show where the IMF/WEF etc are headed- we need to start speaking to people who are starting to wake up- they are everywhere- also very important to not overwhelm people so that they shut down- time's a wasting!

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Agreed. "Know the enemy and their agenda"

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Just some other thoughts. Noor Bin Ladin was at the Davos conference and was part of the public and she’d said she couldn’t attend any of the in-crowd committee POW-WOWs. Noor said that their geoengineering/ aka climate change narrative was being discussed behind closed doors.

I am excited about this litigation coming up in San Francisco this month against Blinken, Biden and Austin (reminds me of the poem Wynken, Blynken, and Nod), also there is Tore Maras and 3300 signatories’ amicus brief filing with SCOTUS this week, and we are awaiting some action on Attorney Todd Callender’s brief before SCOTUS regarding the genetic manipulation/modification of the human genome and do these individuals have rights bestowed upon on them as enumerated in our “Charters of Freedom.” And we have Reinette and her counsel’s “Save Our Skies” lawsuit to be heard this Spring. I’ll list links under this for trial in San Francisco.

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Did you notice in that article how they mention that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was invoking Amalek? Go back to Reinette’s interview/exchange with Dr Lee Merritt in a October substack. Dr Merritt talks about the Amalekites and that in the Scriptures, God tells King Saul to attack this tribe of evil doers and to destroy all that live, even the animals, within this wandering tribe. Saul did not do that and some of the Amalekites survived and generations have passed and they are here, in present day, amongst us. Netanhayu is acting as if the Palestinians are part of that tribe that attacked the Israelites after being freed by Moses from Egypt under Pharaoh after hundreds of years of enslavement. Personally, I think Netanyahu is inverting the script and play acting at fulfilling Biblical prophesy. It is so heavy.

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That's great! Thanks, for the update! The trio does sound like the poem..;)

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Check out my comment under the Intercept article.

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"My take is that any legislator who does not support this bill is showing their hand as an American traitor. It's that serious."

ABSOLUTELY! And I think this is exactly the message we use when contacting all of those representatives who are not backing this bill. If they are not backing this bill they are clearly not representing US!

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Apparently a Capitol Crime, too.

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Everyone on the left side of the aisle should be backing this too, no excuses, since one of their favorite false narrative mantras is "this is a threat to our democracy". Clearly the WEF and WHO agendas are a designed to destroy any democracy. Of course we know that America is a Constitutional Republic, but from the false premise the democrats are always pushing they would be hypocrites to not back this bill.

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Democracies are inherently flawed because the lowest common denomination or if/when the lower understanding of the whole is greater than 1/2, they rule. You know the old adage: “What is a Democracy?” the answer is, “When two wolves and a lamb are debating what is for dinner.” That is why we are a Constituently Republic. I have always cringed when RFK, Jr states that we are a democracy.

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Just echoing what you are saying, Donna.

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Thank you, for this

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I cringe when RFK Jr says it too, and he says it a LOT! While I cringe, I'm also grateful to him for showing his colors so readily. RFK Jr has also said a lot of things in the past and in his current interviews that make him pretty transparent to any sufficiently suspicious free thinking person with discernment. He's not the savior that many are building him up to be.

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Do we actually realize how evil they really are? Any resistance will be met with force. Yes, they hate us so much, they'll double down and take the whole house of cards down, even to their own detriment. Yes, they are that evil.

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But the numbers, see the numbers.

The cabal is tiny compared to the ppl of the world.

UNITY in fighting the cabal takes it down. Forget all the distractions they create to keep divisions going.

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And take away anything that supports them. Financial funding by our government systems, financial gain from buying our goods and services are some things to stop

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That's right!

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They forced people to die alone!!!

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Yes. They did. Total crimes against humanity and that charge too shall rise to the surface. In the end, these monsters will pay.

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They did. We allowed family when we knew death was imminent. That's a little late. Many not even aware at that time. It was an awful time, for everyone

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WEF is a terrorist organization

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We did not even know that our money funded Davos.

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Well there you go. Now we know and now we demand it stops!

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And it should never. It usurps our power and resource to blow up their big heads and chests, but wishes to take all power from the constituents. We must keep pushing. We must also gather & plan

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Thanks for that great vid, on Bitchute I wasnt able to login so here's my loved it thanks so much. I will pass it on &on&on&on...

It goes well with recent vids and interviews with David Icke.

I swear I can see horns coming out of Klaus' head!

OH really, The Heritage Foundation? He even calls out the Trans Agenda quite well. IDK, this is a difficult buy-in for me.


I like that callum guy. He’s relentless with the questions to these WEF attendees, eventho they don't answer, he's putting his ?s out there! JKerry, what a joke!

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This is exciting news! I’m praying this is part of the great awakening in our country and hope that other leading world countries will follow suit as what our representatives are trying to do.👍🏻🤞🏻 Thank you Reinette for posting this article! You brightened up my day and has given me a glimmer of hope for our country! 👍🏻👍🏻

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