I’m sick and tired of Israel’s annihilation of Gaza’s people. We’re getting dragged into another Globalist stinking World War. Why can’t humans enjoy the beautiful earth God gave them and stop all this barbarity?

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I'm right there with you, Katherine.... sick and tired of the darkness.

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There’s a lot of money in war... There’s a lot of money in land grabs... There’s a lot of greed to go around.

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Our money. Their wars.

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Our money and lives.

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I’m sick of the US colluding with SatanYahoo. Our big gov and military are the guiltiest of the guilty. They tell us lies on the vision box but are definitely part of the NWO agenda. SatanYahoo plans to do to US what he’s been doing to GAZA&Palestine. Noahide law will be kicked into high gear and all our presidents and congress are responsible.

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They are all foot-soldiers for the State of Israel. Our government and its representation has been dead for a long time.

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You mean jeWSA!

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Until HUMANS get a grip and go after the origin of evil; THE TRUNK AND ROOTS OF THE TREE OF EVIL, it's impossible to live in peace.

We are also assured in The Holy Bible of the presence of evil being on Earth to thieve souls from God until Jesus comes again...Which means humans MUST remain diligent to this fact to disallow evil to take spiritual ground as it now clearly has. Far easier to maintain GOOD GROUND than to REGAIN GROUND FROM EVIL.

The 13 Families of The Venetian Black Nobility claiming to be of all world religions when they're actually Pagan Demon Worshipers ARE THE PRIMARY ENEMY OF THE WORLD. For the last 1000 years they've hid behind the people of the British Isles. Following WWII which never really ended; the U.S. IS THAT THEY HIDE BEHIND...Taking more and more of the U.S. since the asssassination of Kennedy. THEY ARE THE SHADOW GOVT...The Central/International Bankers of The City of London, Monarchs/Peers, Corporatists aligned once with The Dutch /British East India Company....Blackmarkets/Organized Crime; all the same organization.

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Well said, Blaze. And now, more than ever, we see them and their evil work.

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Aug 1
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Thank you, NoName. I will check out the link.

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Please; must disconnect the British people from the Government the people have historically been unaware of until these most recent of times; just as the world was virtually blind to this ENEMY.

The British people have suffered terribly at the hands of the Black Nobility...More so than anybody else. The Slave Masters ALWAYS take out their most heinous evil onto the one's at home when things outside the home base go wrong as the loss of the U.S. Revolution and then the bloodier French Revolution creating such terror in the British Isles.

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Aug 3Edited
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The whole world is awakening to the fact of the ENEMY of all people being the Establishment in place for thousands of years.

Once people see; there is NO unseeing.

There is NO option except to fight and that means it's a tech war against THE MACHINES being created as we speak...BULLETPROOF MACHINES CONTROLLED BY AI ROBOTS.

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Aug 3
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There's a difference between being awake and having no remaining layers to identify. Many haven't had the audacity to guess and others refuse to believe their own critical thinking and are afraid to believe research wrote of in books, magazines or even discussed in Blogs or Interviews. Still others are terrified as the enemy saturates all visible institutions and seems formidable if not overwhelming.

Until the last 4 years, I didn't follow my own logical path to the correct conclusion. Once reaching it; I wondered how I ever missed the big, pink elephant in the room given all those decades of suspicion.

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First, let me get something out of the way.....

I am NOT a 'bible thumper' or a 'religious wing-nut'; I am NOT 'religious' AT ALL. So-called 'religion' was MAN-MADE, and therefore, FALSE.

That being said......


And the CENTER of ALL Evil.....the BANE of EVERY HUMANS' existence, IS the Khazarian (aka 'Israeli') State and ALL Khazarians (and their NON Khazarian MINIONS) on the planet! Khazarians are NOT JEWISH! I am NOT talking about those who ARE Jewish.

I speak of those who CLAIM to be Jewish, but are, in FACT, SATANISTS.........Khazarians!

We are literally entering into a new Age (the Age of Aquarius); and things, here on Earth, ARE changing for the better, for HUMANS. EVIL IS LOSING!!!! If people have been paying attention, there have been MANY 'High Level Evil Do-ers' who have died (been sent back to their Master......Lucifer, by GOD!), in the past several years.

And the timing of the BEAUTIFUL Russians vs the Uki NAZIS........the Khazarian State vs THE WORLD, is also SUPPOSED to happen, NOW. It IS Gods WILL. And I trust in that! 'COME WHAT MAY'.

As HORRIFIC as WW III would/will be, the alternative is much, much, much, MUCH WORSE!

If one can.....imagine YOURSELF being IN Gaza, since the beginning of the Khazarians False Flag attack ON THEMSELVES. I suggest going and WATCHING ALL VILE video of what the Palestine People have gone through since then. Now, IMAGINE YOU LIVING IN THAT!!!!!!!!!

And THAT is what Khazarians want to DO TO THE REST OF US. This is NOT an exaggeration! There are countless videos online......words OUT OF THEIR OWN MOUTHS of what they think of us, and how they want to KILL us.


Not only are Khazarians NOT Jewish, they are NOT HUMAN! They are, LITERALLY, Satan-worshiping Demons!!

What NEEDS to happen, WILL HAPPEN. It's Gods WILL!

And I'm OK with that (even if I die when nukes start flying)!

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Yes, I agree. Well said, DawnieR. You are spot on. We ARE the Palestinian people. And we are dealing with old, satanic Babylonian families.

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You've validated many ideas that I entertain about all of this!

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Well said. I have tried to tell people that there is no religion. It was created for a purpose by man. If people just think! The Bible was tampered with. We have so many different denominations and organizations that teach different doctrine. That is to confuse. Christians fight amongst other Christians about who is right or wrong. It shouldn't be that way. It causes division, which is what they want. We are at the time where evil must be eradicated from this earth. Man cannot do it alone. This will take divine intervention. God wins.

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Yes, god wins!

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If people just asked themselves ONE question (and were HONEST with themselves).....

If the Bible (and other 'holy books') were SO POWERFUL......then WHY have they BEEN ALLOWED TO EXIST all of this time?? Those who have been running this planet, for MILLENNIA, would have NOT let them exist.

These 'holy books' are just another CONTROL mechanism to STUNT ones Spirituality; to KEEP ONE FROM God. It KEEPS one 'IN a box'.

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I believe the Bibles were misinterpreted. How many times since the first edition of the Bible has it been updated? Why do we have so many Bibles with different wording?

If the Bible was originally inspired by God, then we would have one Bible that is the exact same words no matter who publishes it. No need for updates like people say. God knows past, present, and future. But since he allowed Satan control, Satan has the power to supernaturally change the Bible. God expects us to research alongside the Bible. I can't say the entire Bible is wrong, but it's been translated so many times into so many different languages. Some Bibles have more books. People rely on the KJV and King James was no saint. They also follow along with Scofield and Darby. Both are liars. Dispensationalism is a lie. The Vatican hid many books in their huge library, miles long, underneath in a tunnel. People listen to men that say some books weren't inspired by God. Who are they to say? Witnesses are not always liars.

One man did a video and said his Bible, that he has used for a very long time, was supernaturally changed. Words were replaced with other words. I firmly believe God did not mean for it to be this way. Also, churches don't need to exist. The seminaries were infiltrated and the preachers are either knowingly or unknowingly preaching false doctrine. The People are the Church. There shouldn't be 4 different end times scenarios. This is a subject that can't be debated with most, because people come back at you like snakes. It's all about keeping us away from God. The more confused we are, our faith becomes weaker.

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Have you read The Naked Bible by Mauro Biglino? It's a huge eye opening as to the level of manipulation through the language! Hold onto your seat: https://www.maurobiglino.com/en/the-naked-bible/

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I have read some of his stuff. I know who you are speaking about. Someone had posted something along time ago that I followed up on. Thanks for sharing!

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Nukes are 100% another jew fearporn hoax! Just like the Black Plague was from “poisoning the wells”, not from supposed rats spreading an unknown fake virus, like what the jews lie, and tell us, for thousands of years. Wakey ² Sheeple Grabblers!

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Yes, many have looked into and studied Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and supposed nuclear bombs for years, and have proven that there is no evidence of this technology or its use. It does seem like psychological warfare. I mean, think about it—having school children see the fake videos of nuclear tests (which we can now tell are nothing more than models) and forcing children into nuclear drills, hiding under their desks as if that would save them. If this doesn't stink of psychological warfare, I don't know what does.

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Communist Party Billionaire are Destroying America Bill Malinda Gates Are communist Democrats really stupidity people / Kevin Kenneth Koehnke the Wisc Right Wingers Republicans

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I'm with you on this Kath. Enough is enough. This lunatic is running around doing whatever he wants and the West are feeding him munitions. Imagine if this was Putin. Can you imagine the outcry? There is something far more sinister going on here because the media are silent over these latest school deaths 🤔

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Exactly... imagine another nation doing what Israel is doing... Americans and its media would be losing it.

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100%.The silence is deafening. And that - tells us everything we need to know 👍

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.....Mitch, see my Comment just a bit BELOW yours in "Newest First' sort - will explain EVERYthing.....

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Am endlessly appalled with the fact of everybody being so easily dissuaded from attributing this tyrannical evil to the ORIGIN of all in this world today; The 13 Families and their associates of the Venetian Black Nobility now Internationally organized out of The City of London and multiple locations in Switzerland; but especially Basel at the BIS.

Israel and Gaza Operation is a mere twig on the Tree of Evil. All orders originate in the City of London, and Basel, Switzerland at the BIS which is owned outright by the Rothschild Family...The Central/International Banker Family Cartel, They are alined since the conquoring of Britian by Wm The Bastard Conquorer in 1066 as Wm never attacked and took The City of London. It is its own Nation since that time in history. They are allied with the remaining Monarchs/Peers (Presidents, Premiers, Dictators are only Minion Puppets) Multi-National CEO/CORPORATISTS once united under The Dutch/British East India TradingCompany, as well as known Organized Black Market and Mafia. This is the organization, the origianl Conglomeration benefiting from all current False Flag upheaval in the the world. This is the only organization owning Khazakh Oil, South Asian Opium, The Slave Trade, Weapons, Rare Items as Beluga Caviar.

They are currently also moving in claiming The Western Hemisphere since El Chapo's fall allowed them to claim the Illicit Concaine Market which has now been expanded to 'The Slave Trade' under cover of The Cocaine Drug War equal to that of the Opium War in Asia centuries ago. This organization plans, supports, manipulates, orders and funds every upheaval and War For Profit and Power on ALL sides in the world. This is the appearance of Psychosis which is really EVIL as the worst disease known on Earth. Throughout all Earth's human occupation; these were the original Slave Traders, Drug Czars, Weapons Distributors and Oil Magnets. They THIEVE all resources and claim all for themselves.

The Suez Canal has long been a glut in the Supply Chain to Europe from the Asian/Australian Indian Ocean and Evil determined they required Israel to provide alternate Transportation Routes to insure the continuity of the Supply Chain to Europe and to better connect the world empowering their One/New World Police State based in complete monitization they've dreamed of since the Fall of Hell's Angels.

The evil Black Nobility plans, supports, manipulates, orders and FUNDS all upheaval in the world. They now saturate all Puppet Govt. as that they define 'The Five Eyes', China, Russia as well as all the factions they create for the purpose of creating the appearance of enemies to falsely divide the people as Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, Iran the Nobility hides behind. They are the Chess Masters manipulating, ordering, funding all.

As abbhorent and loathsome as it is; the focus being primarily with Israel must change to the real enemy of all. THE FOCUS MUST BE ON THE REAL ENEMY OF ALL HUMAN BEINGS. WE MUST CHANGE TO ADDRESSING THE ENEMY OF ALL LIFE ON EARTH; The Venetian Black Nobility hiding behind the people of the British Isles for 1000 years which now hides behind their Minions saturating World Govt. and every Institution THEY CREATED to serve their ends; especially the United States.

People must SPEAK about this enemy of all enemies commonly as those they order around are not the Trunk of The Tree of Evil; they are the branches and twigs. By constantly allowing the focus to be removed from the primary enemy; they've succeeded to sway the attention from themselves when in fact...THEY ARE BOTH THE ROOTS AND TRUNK OF THE TREE OF EVIL.

When a tree is taken down; we don't begin with the branches and twigs...We chop, slice, saw as lose to the Earth as possible to bring the whole monstrosity quaking to the ground before removing the branches allowing the twigs to burn in a great pile or to simply die from lack of nutrition and water. WE EXCAVATE THE ROOTS; which was not allowed following WWII as the Nobility ordered and accompllished the assassination of U.S. Generals, and it's theorized FDR, for trying to dig-out the roots of their evil from Earth before it could be accomplished. WWII never really ended; nor was there a victor as the same organization PLANNED, SUPPORTED, MANIPULATED AND FUNDED BOTH SIDES. Evil only regrouped, continued on with the German's evil sciences in North America, Russia and now China...Based out of hell. They began the next phase of Unrestricted War on the Traditional Family Oriented Christian Cultures creating unbeatable strength in 1954 to eat Constitutional Republics with their Unalienable/Civil Rights out from the inside. This is their latest attack and the pieces of the Board are almost completely in place for the threat of Conventional Worldwide War.The entire west is now utterly infested with ENEMY/FOREIGN OCCUPIERS.

The Psycho's are in The City of London, Switzerland and every location of Central/International Banking Houses in the world. Also, they are the locations of all multiple residences of the 13 Families and their associates the now terminated Secret Service Director spoke of when givng testimoney to Congress as being the organ ordering the 'HIT' on Trump. Trump opposes their COG; Continuity of Government under the Totalitarian Techno-Feudalism mirroring the old Imperialists. They choose all camaigning for Govt. and it is their Minions saturating all Institutions, NGO's, Think Tanks as well as the Secret Society Menagerie of Demon Worshipers.


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what is BIS? nothing more aggravating than these acronyms and the assumption we know what you mean.

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Here's a good book on the BIS- pdf used to be on archive.org


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The Bank For International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland owned outright by the Rothschild Family out of The City of London. It is the Central/International Bank of all Central/International Banks. Basel and The City of London together is the TOP OF THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING INDUSTRY OF THE WORLD. These bankers have 100's of Trillions of any kind of valued currency or substance as Gold...It's impossible to count.

Tower of Basel is the pre-eminent book bringing people up to date with its presence on the World Stage. It's wrote by Adam Labore...REMARKABLE BOOK. Reading it helps much now transpiring to make sense. It reads fairly quickly and is not that long.

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How about typing your comments in lower case, so they're easier to read. I won't read your all caps, it's too hard on my eyes. (-:

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Lol, not that many caps that are usually easier to see for those who have vision issues. FUNNY YOU HAVE AN ISSUE WITH CAPS😂.

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The entire post was in caps, before BlazeCloude3 edited it. There's a reason why there are capital letters and small letters; and, one of those reasons is readability. (-:

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There are some people who have vision issues and use full caps so it is easier to read.

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Says you... Get lost.

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Good grief, I bring up an issue that is real for some people and you can’t deal with that? Wow, sorry for you. Hope you are grateful for good eyesight. Not everyone has that.

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Whatever...Took twice the time to go back and edit. Prefer to let the stupid computer do what it wishes. See no reason to be a Power/Control Freak over machines and software.

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Just plug in a different usb keyboard to your laptop and you won't have the issue anymore. It's that inexpensive and simple.

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Cap Key turns on when it determines it feels like it. Doubtless, it's 'Ai'...Or, who knows. Get fed up with having to return to fix it all the time...So, just let it do as it wishes.

Apologize for lack of conscientiousness. Takes almost double the time to correct the errors.

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Are you saying that it's the browser you are using which is turning on your caps? I've never heard of that happening before? If so, what browser is it? I'd like to help you resolve the issue...

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Doubt it's the Browser. My Maltipoo's get excited and jumped on the Keyboard of the Laptop. Tried to get it fixed; but it didn't work. Not on Electronics enough to matter as work very hard outdoors daily. THANKS FOR THE OFFER. Best offer presented all day.

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Then, if it's the laptop keyboard that's the problem, here's a simple solution, assuming that you have a free USB port on your laptop.

Simply purchase a USB keyboard and plug it into the USB port. You will then be able to set your laptop a bit further away from you; and, if you purchase a good USB keyboard, it will be much easier to type on than the laptop's keyboard.

I have an older Dell Inspiron laptop running Windows 10 which I purchased an older HP KU-0063 keyboard for off of eBay. It looks like this one: https://www.ebay.com/itm/315226702463? - It's a good, heavy keyboard which sits solid on the desktop and doesn't slide around and it's wonderful to type on.

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To me, it would be a daunting task to begin to understand what you are talking about. Regarding the Black Venetian Nobility, I'm reading that there are 18 Families. So, how do the 18 Families of the Black Venetian Nobility relate to the 13 Families you mention; and, where are the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and I imagine other such families in all of this.

Also, you talk about taking the tree down at its trunk, or by its roots; but, you don't personify the trunk and the roots; so, I don't see how any group could start to take down the tree.

And, one other question, if I may. You say that the Secret Service Director indicated the 13 Families in ordering the hit on Trump. Was this Cheatle; or was it the current acting Director; and, do you have a link for a video of the session where that statement was made?

Thanks. (-:

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Had an Interview of a Romanian Female Journalist outlining her research into this horrible Organized Crime Syndicate. She created the Trees of each family, it's connections through marriages, religion, Government, to business, Formally known Organized Crime as the Sicillian Mafia, Russian/Chinese Mafia. It continues to exist in the U.S; but is now ran by the Nobility itself through U.S. Intel and Council for Foreign Relations as well as several Think Tanks and NGO's. ALL are connected directly to the House of Windsor/Guelph/Drago with The Royal Institute for International Affairs.

It's 13 primary families who collected associates through marriages and business associates around the world with the Bush Family being the highest of this order in the North American Continent managing the Obastards, Clintons, McConnell's, Reids, Pelosi's, and too many others in Govt. to count. Factually, almost ALL in Govt. are Bribed, Blackmailed and Threatened by those of this Crime Famliy.

The Tree of these 13 Families and their connections is MONUMENTAL. The Interview alone requried 4.5 hours to watch and I watched it twice. The woman posting the Substack totally disappeared with the Interview with her. Have tried to find it and could not. Her presentation would help greatly for people to begin to ascertain this enemy better. They are TERRIFIED people will identify them...As they have been since the French Revolution. THEY KNOW WE WILL KILL THEM FOR ALL THE EVIL THEY'VE PERPETRATED. Their identity as 'Black' wasn't about color...It was to signify the methods by which they've clung to power over the world since culture and society began.

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'Barack Obama', is indeed a KENYAN 'Safari Club' product of 'the Company's Strzok family.....

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Yes...He was. Just as Kackles is a JAMAICAN...Of the same Clown Club.

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I watched the discredited SS director's testimony but remember nothing about orders from the 13 families. I think I would have remembered that. nonetheless I agree w your premise. can you go back and edit so it is more clear please?

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She didn't claim, 'The 13 Families'.

She reference 'The Families'. Many people are not aware of what she was speaking about although more and more people are now coming to be aware of these evil people historically controlling the known world since the beginning of human time on Earth...If not before.

The U.S. was the first complete defeat they've ever known since Rome and the French Revolution utterly brought the fear of God into the Demonic with the bloody horror of vengeance it became. In all honesty, the Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits of those 13 families and their Minion Associates in Govt., Universities, Media, Deep State Agencies, NGO's and every Institution you can think of continue to view human beings as their OWNED slaves; their Human Cattle Herd to do with as they wish and it was that general delusion leading to the cruelty of 'The People' creating the Revolutions. Regardless of whatever their defeats of the last centuries have been...THEY ARE attacking once again to diminish the numbers of human beings as they're TERRIFIED as a result of the way the thieve, cheat and murder the people to this day and know they deserve the punishment of the people they despise and plan to use as slaves.

If you were unaware of The Venetian Black Nobility being comprised primarily of those 13 Families, the terminated Director's words went by without notice as it requires knowledge of their existence before one attaches importance to them and hears all references to them.

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I know about the families but didnt hear it. hard for me to imagine she would mention her real employers' names.

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Was stunned to hear it myself. Had to reverse the T.V. several times to be certain I heard it correctly. Given her befuddled presentation in Congress; it was certain she wasn't conscious of what she said. Since nobody has brought it to the attention of the public since that day...It's not surprising people haven't spoken of it. HAPPENS OFTEN that they give clues to the Nobility's existence and it's seemingly never repeated nor a topic allowed to be questioned.

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Benjamin "bibi" Netanyahu.....AKA: Benzion Mileikowsky

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Right.... why do these monsters all change their names?

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Bill de Basio has changed his name twice. He was born Warren Wilhelm Jr., changed it to Warren de Blasio-Wilhelm, and then to Bill de Blasio. Who does this?

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Don't you hate it...I am also sick of hearing the fake name JACK RUBY...JACOB RUBENSTEIN was just another destructive war maker killer...

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Benzion Mileikowsky (later changed his name to Netanyahu) was his father ...

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Im so tired of Israel. I hope Iran takes out some important strategic centers in Israel and quickly. Ive had enough of them messing up the world and killing civilians, stealing land from the Palestinian people. Israel needs to think about either a one state solution, a two state solution, or just depopulating and GTFO of the middle east. what ever made a bunch of Europeans/Ashkenazi think they could come to a Middle Eastern nation and kick everyone out?

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They truly feel like the head of the snake.

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Do you really believe that the White House and congress are trying to diffuse the situation?

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Nope. Not at all. I think it was just a cover... so that when Israel gets into the thick of it, the WH an say, "We told them not to do it."

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the fake jews are the MOST EXPELLED "HUMAN" GROUP IN HISTORY. It's about time to rid the earth of their destruction! and time to read FROM HEBREW TO NEGRO...let's let the REAL JEWS voice be heard...

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Yes, and the sooner we realize they have been hiding behind the real jews, the sooner we can move on.

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One legend from the middle ages: by borrowing too much money from bankers, kings and dukes and counts found themselves bankrupt. They decided to kill their creditors, thus ending the debt. That's the legendary origin of some historical genocides against Jews.

Translating this legend to the present day: Every broken nation who owes money to Jewish creditors may get the idea of killing of their debt by killing of all the bankers, and their inheritors.

Of course, in reality, one murder does not cancel a loan, and mass murder does not end the existential risk of mass debt.

But thugs don't think things through, and are often delusional.

Conclusion: it's risky to loan money to thughs.

Moreover, entering into national debt should be a crime. A deficit is the prelude of violence.

Kids: don't have deficits and don't borrow money.

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I have no debt. I have no loans. I buy what I can afford..... because I don't want to support this slave system.

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Pressure must be on high mode for Bibi to do what he did not get done as a younger creature and “hasten the Mashiach”. There are old videos of a rabbi telling Bibi he needs to get the job done. We are likely in for a long and bumpy road.

Hastening the Coming of-Mashiach Chabad.org


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Gosh, it already feels long and bumpy, but I think you are correct.

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Lol, Maybe should have said longER and bumpIER road.

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Here's a site set up by Jews to warn other Jews about Chabad being a mafia:


Check out the mafia, crime, arson and drugs sections.

Trump and family seem to have connections to Chabad

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Thank you for this, Sandra!

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Seems Kushner gave a chunk to chabad.

Kushner Foundation Gives $342K to Chabad — Still Surprised About Jared and Ivanka’s Synagogue? – The Forward


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Hi Sandra,

Here is a link to the reduced version of Bibi and a Chabab Rebbe talking about the hastening of the mashiach. It was posted in today’s Henrey Makow article below the video.

Bibi Netanyahu Meets the Rebbe | 1990-1:42


03 Aug 24

Mankind is in an Occult Death Spiral


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And seems like they are taking off their masks and revealing themselves--they seem to be fulfilling the below quote right now:

"The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands." — Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, 'La Revue de Paris', p.574, June 1, 1928

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Oh more good griefs, ugh.

What is weird I guess, when trying to show people these things in black and white no response. It is so bizzare. Have a family member who once had a bit of open mind, now only accepts what they get off Daily Wire, a total opposite of their former ideals. I am baffled as how that happened. When I asked if they stood by B Shapiro going after C Owens for her putting America first over Izrael first NO repsonse. Now anything I get from this family member is from Daily Wire. I have become siding with the enemy “Hamas”. Guess it is just hanging on as long as we can and at least a few of us see what is coming our way.

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Yes, trying to wake people up is so tiresome and frustrating. I basically give up. They've pulled off so many psyops and gotten away with all of them. Most Christian Zios still believe in the official narrative on 9/11 and they are impossible to wake up. And so many fell for 7/13 and still think he's going to save America when he's just another Zio puppet (IMO he's their best puppet and all we have been subjected to has been Masonic theater). We're being set up for epic disaster.

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You just said it better than I have ever seen. I have gotten to where I say nothing to save me getting frustrated. There are a few on subst where I find my pressure relase valve.

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Thank you for the link. Interesting at a glance. Bookmarked and will explore.

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I haven't gone through everything at the link, but the sections on crime, mafia, drugs, arson, and fraud are worth a read.

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I gazed and will be looking more this weekend. The good thing the info is from Jews and not the goy. Better back up coming from Jews. I think it was the Chabad NY headquarters where those tunnels were found. Convenient how the tunnels were supposidly filled with concrete before any investigation🤔. If they were truly filled with cement that is a lot of cement. Maybe filled with foam insultion for easier digging.

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A link to the reduced version of Bibi and a Chabab Rebbe talking about the hastening of the mashiach. It was posted in today’s Henrey Makow article below the video.

Bibi Netanyahu Meets the Rebbe | 1990-1:42


03 Aug 24

Mankind is in an Occult Death Spiral


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Right after the October 7th incident, and the immediate over kill of the Gazans, I thought that Netanyahu was behind the ensuing slaughter. I am sure of it now!!!

If the Zionists were able to track the Hamas leader in Tehran with WhatsApp, I think a similar strategy could work & a well placed missile could take the psychopath out without killing innocent people!

BTW, I've always thought that Netanyahu was a terrible leader & like The Felon, only looking out for his own selfish interests!

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He is a perfect example of the psychopathic leader.

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We have too many of them these days!

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Okay...I also need to get something out of the way:

Trump is attempting to play us Christians for being the fools which he believes we are:

In 2017, Trump converted to Orthodox Judaism and pretty much kept that from his followers. Trump will be putting Israel first and America someplace after Israel.

Trump, "I'm not Christian." Trump admits it to a crowd of Christians & they still refuse to believe it!


Listen, very carefully, to the first 26 seconds of the above video where Trump states, "And, again, Christians, get out and vote! Just this time! You won't have to do it any more. In four more years, you know what? It'll be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote any more, my beautiful Christians. I love you Christians. I'm NOT Christian. I love you. Get out; You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don't have to vote again. WE'll have it fixed so good you're not gonna have to vote."


President Trump Converts to Orthodox Judaism - Moshe Schulman - Medium




Did Donald Trump Convert to Judaism & become a Jew? - (posted 5 years ago)



An explanation as to why Trump would state that in four years, we Christians would not have to vote again has to do with the Noahide Laws, which, essentially, Jews have for non-Jews.

Note in the following article:

Did Trump Admit He is NOT a Christian? Did Trump Just Predict the Fulfillment of the Noahide Laws and Mass Murder of Christians?


under the subheading, Will Trump Invoke the Noahide Laws?

"Trump has done more to promote the Zionist agenda than any other President in U.S. history, and that includes endorsing the Noahide Laws, which makes believing in the New Testament and that Jesus Christ was the historical Jewish Messiah, illegal, and punishable by decapitation.

Could this be the reason why Trump is stating that if he gets back into office this year, that Christians will no longer be able to vote, because they will either be dead or it will be illegal for them to vote anymore due to the Noahide Laws?"

This is a question we should all ask ourselves. To learn more about the Noahide Laws, go to YouTube and search for videos using the search string "Noahide Laws" (without the " marks). The first two videos the search returns should be the following:

1) The Truth About the 7 Noahide Laws


2) Beware of the Nohide Laws



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Yes, and some suggest he's a crypto Jew:

And he might even be crypto-Jewish:


"few weeks ago I came across this photo. Caption reads: "Fred C. Trump, who donated the land for the Talmud Torah of the Beach Haven jevvish Center..." It got me wondering.Why is the Trump family so entangled with jevvs, professionally & personally. Is DJT a cryptojew?"....(long thread) ...Trump's involvement with Resorts International is an interesting part of his story. Resorts International was used a front by the C¡A & møssād to launder profits from drugs & arms sales. Trump stepped in as front man of Resorts International in 1987 & became famous from there.

Also seems like he's been captured by the bankers:

From twitter link above: "In 1990, when Trump's Atlantic City Taj Mahal casino was about to put him out of business, "Wilbur Ross, then an investment banker working for Røthschild Inc, helped bondholders negotiate with Trump," ultimately saving his business. Doesn't talmud tell jevvs not to help goy?"

https://x.com/TheResetSniper/status/1814509118104785358 David Rockefeller when Chair of Chase bank kept his failed casino & property 'Empire' going with a bottomless overdraft. Those that dont see it are stupid.

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How sad you buy into the BS lamestream wh0re media is selling you. That video of Trump saying "he's not a Christian" has been debunked ad nauseum. Your selective promotion of gaslighting and BS indicates either an exceedingly low IQ or a willful desire to mislead. (Look at the videos where his statement is slowed down. He said "I'm a Christian".) People are flawed enough without adding on flagrant lies to promote your hatred. Stick to the facts, which you choose to ignore to make a point you don't have. Because Trump's daughter converted to the Synagogue of satan when she hooked up with the sh!tbag she married doesn't mean Trump converted.

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Wow Donny Duped keeps getting worse and worse. Sad to see how much the Donny Duped will defend their idol.

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The video has not been debunked. And, Trump definitely said he is NOT Christian. AND, Trump has converted to Orthodox Judaism.

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Yeah, and Trump seems to be letting things slip. He's also been calling people Palestians as if it was an insult (so he's acting very Jewish).

IMO, Trump has always been MIGA. MAGA never existed. And what we've been living through has been theater. A nurse on twitter has this in her profile "Politics is just Masonic theater" and I find myself agreeing more and more.

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I have heard that he converted to Judaism back in 2017.... if anyone has evidence of this, please do send it my way.

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I think Trump has been chosen. Based on the staged events of 7/13, there are Rabbis saying that he's been chosen by God to become the President and he'll serve Israel. They expect him to rebuild the 3rd temple (they even have coins on this), which will probably kick off a huge war b/c that will inflame the Muslim world. The Rabbi said there's going to be a new UN in Jerusalem, and Jews will rule the world. So maybe we the American people won't be voting in another election b/c they are ushering in the JWO- Jews will be ruling us.


Also, since you mentioned how Trump said we would not have to vote again, I recently saw a comment that mentioned the book "The Last President" by Ingersoll Lockwood, written in the late 1800s, and said the name Trump was in there. From a review on Amazon, I found this:

his book was written in the late 1800's and for the author to write such a story, I'm speechless. The ending is very forboding and aligns with what we are dealing with today. The people in power have always been in power. These secret societies have been operating behind the scenes for longer than we can comprehend. They control the technology, the advancements in medicine, the economy, even our history. Look at what our elites have done to this country over the last two decades. Look at what they're doing to the world around us. It's all by design but the good news is it doesn't have to be. Nobody can determine how the author was able to predict the events of 2016 and beyond nor can anyone explain how he got the names of Trump and Pence for the characters in this book.

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Trump's father was Lutheran, so I'm guessing Trump was raised Lutheran. In 2016, CNN claimed that Trump is a professed Presbyterian. But I believe Trump has siince converted to Orthodox Judaism in 2017, though he kept that relatively secret until now. There were reports years ago that Trump's businesses were failing and one or more big banks bailed him out...whether that has anything to do with his converting, I do not know.

From what I understand, being a crypto-Jew is the same as being crypto-Jewish, which is "... the secret adherence to Judaism while publicly professing to be of another faith..."; so, now that Trump has stated that he is not Christian; but, has not publicly professed to being Orthodox Jewish, I do not know what one would call him. "Shady" would be my choice. (-:

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Reinette I have the upmost regard for you. Now if I were to put this to you, let's chew it over for a while before spitting it out. - we need to totally ignore what is going on "out there". Instead we need to put our minds to what we are doing close to home or at home. In this case, perhaps we should be talking with the miliary and the police and get this man's idea of war as a solution to everything (even though they rarely identify the problem) and turning them away from the most severest karmic consequences of killing people. It is doing the deed that racks up negative "points" not telling people to do the deed. The rulers know this and so they get us to imagine thus manifest, the scenarios they thrive on. There would be no war if nobody went. It is up to each of us to repudiate killing of our species FOR ANY REASON. Rare occasions would arise of course that may make it imperative to not live that principle however those cases are rarer than hen's teeth. It is imperative that women nurture humanity and totally oppose war at every opportunity. We have lived in a male-constructed reality long enough. It's time to challenge those cockeyed ideas.

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Well, said, Denise. I agree wholeheartedly.

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Reinette as a women of note, you have a lot of power I feel. I'm glad you agree with the iterpretatoin I have put out, but if we know this is all going on behind the scenes, why are we still using ALL of their systems? Why do women continue to abide by rules and laws that were drafted SOLELY BY MALES? Yes they were predatory and men can calm down, I am not blaming all men. But the men taht are around today could commit to learning a few new strokes - like listening to what women have to say. Yes there are lots of airheads around, but I'm not referring to them. We all need to support women to speak out because if you notice, it's still not happening. Women are totally abiding by laws made only by men - what logic is there to it? Women are 50% of the population, and I know it's hard to get through to everyone, but we need to be equal by initiating things too not just leaving it all to the men. So let's initiate 3 new systems that will render this sysstem not just totally unethical to all living beings, but feckless. It doesn't help anyone, not even those who are at the top of the dung pile. What I'm basically saying is let's have a talk? I write about the new architecture we need to totally checkmate the adversary while making the ones for nature - thrive. It's all about incentives. The incentives are all skewed towards negative energy right now (eg: making money through exploitation and waste)

The incentives need to go towards those who do the right things for others, for the earth. This is as easy as pie, It's just the mind control we all have become aware of and talk about because that's what dissolves it, strangely enough.

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Nukes are just another talmudic, jew, fearporn, Hoax! Nobody has ever split afuckin' atom, let alone made an atom bomb! Israel ain't got no Nukes, and for all you sheeple grabblers, wakey², nobody does!!!

Just get it done Hezbollah, they have nothing, but the Synangogue of Satan and their father, the devil!!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌 Om Swastyastu 🕉 my blessings!

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But dirty bombs still hurt

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Ya, I don't think they're a Hoax, my dear!

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I don't think dirty bombs are a joke. The huge were-going-to-obliterate-your-city is. And this is my response to a comment similar to yours, above: Yes, many have looked into and studied Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and supposed nuclear bombs for years, and have proven that there is no evidence of this technology or its use. It does seem like psychological warfare. I mean, think about it—having school children see the fake videos of nuclear tests (which we can now tell are nothing more than models) and forcing children into nuclear drills, hiding under their desks as if that would save them. If this doesn't stink of psychological warfare, I don't know what does.

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Than what was dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima?

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Yep. Merrick is correct. If it had been nuclear those two cities would be uninhabitable to this day.

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Powerful unknown explosives, carpet bombing (like Tokyo), hundreds of thousands tons of conventional explosives,TNT, Nitroglycerin, IDK, but ,there wasn't any radiation left there for thousands and thousands of years, like they (the lying jews) told us. The people were out in the streets the next day selling flowers, and setting up shop. I heard we were seen piling hundreds and thousands of tons of of UKNOWN explosives in Hiroshima the day before.

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It's interesting to me, how the term, "psychopathic" is used frequently to describe Israel's leader, Netanyahu in this post. People say the same about Donald Trump, just because he's a no-nonsense guy who won't take shit off ANYONE. It seems we wanna use disparaging diagnostic psychological terms against people we don't agree with, or just plain don't like.

At some point though, I think it's appropriate to offer specific instances of PROOF when bandying about these terms, so we can sound reasonably intelligent, and be taken seriously. I can make presumptions about Kamala Harris being a Borderline, based on her obvious LACK OF morals (fellating her way to the top in affairs with married men), character (constant self-contradictions and bold-faced lies on her positions pertaining to policy), coherence (word salads, cognitive dissonance, deer in the headlight babblings which might be stage-fright driven, with perhaps some ADD thrown in) and bad, unpatriotic decisions regarding the well-being of America and its citizens.

I might even be tempted to call Harris "psychopathic" just to score points with my readers and help them vilify her as much as any OTHER bimbo running for presidential office SHOULD be... but no, to me, she merely seems Borderline Personality Disordered. A gal whose emotional development was stunted at around the age of 2. In short, she fits the diagnostic criteria.

Did I mention she's a pathological liar (like Biden), appears to have little or no common sense, no relationship to cause and effect, no sense of healthy boundaries or impulse control (like her hubby who fucked his kids' nanny and got her pregnant while married to his first wife). Bottom line, "Birds of a feather flock together," and like attracts like. We are drawn to people who precisely match our OWN level of emotional development. So, in my not-so humble view, the BPD diagnosis fits for our dear little Kamalalalalalalala... and tis the season to be jolly! Cackle, cackle, cackle.

Here's the deal, and I don't state this because I was born to two Jews, even though I left the Jewish faith as a teenager, because in my opinion, they believed in a vengeful, wrathful god, which didn't fit at all, with My ideation of Him. My God has a terrific sense of humor, incidentally... and during really dire times of need, I've received audible replies to my prayers. But I digress.

Ya don't fuck with Israelis! They train their kids in early adolescence to fight, and many are raised on Kibbutz's, which instills in them a strong sense of community. When it comes to the Jewish people, they learned the FIRST time around with Hitler, that passivity was in NO way advantagrous to 'em, and they fundamentally reject it like their very LIFE depends on it, BECAUSE IT DOES.

Israel did NOT strike first to initiate this horrible war. Their enemies did, and adding insult to injury, they carried out this surprise attack on a Jewish holiday (holy day)! Can you GET any more amoral or sinister than this?? To not forcefully RETALIATE in response to this grievous act would have been unimaginable to these proud, God loving people... so, retaliate they did.

If someone dropped a bomb on Your home out of the clear blue, would YOU not be inclined to go after 'em with a vengeance?? Have you any capacity for EMPATHY (the ability to identify with and relate to another's inner experiences, perspectives and pain)??

Bottom line, ya don't poke a sleeping bear, unless you're fully prepared for WHATEVER follows. Only a FOOL thinks otherwise. Frankly, I'd like to see Israel completely wipe Hamas off the map, and I'd cheer from the sidelines. Sorry... does this offend your sensibilities?? Too bad for you.

In today's upside-down, inside-out world, where men are imprisoned for defending others on a bus against an armed attacker, where people are jailed for DEFENDING their families and property, where people who were once lauded as HEROES when they guarded and protected the safety of innocent people in the face of vicious, brutal attacks, we seem to have totally lost our MORAL compass.

What we've always known as morally RIGHT, is treated by our whacky administration as wrong, and what we've always known as morally WRONG, is sanctioned, permitted and encouraged by greedy, malevolent PSYCHOPATHS (used appropriately, in this instance) who don't give a flying fuck about the sanctity of human life, and who value only the accumulation of war-wealth over humanity.

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Many political leaders and heads of state are complete psychopaths, people like Macron, Trudeau ... Having a psychopathic personality makes their "job" easier. Their actions destroy countless lives, but they are unable to empathize:

"Psychopathy, or psychopathic personality, is a personality construct characterized by impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited and egocentric traits, masked by superficial charm and the outward appearance of apparent normalcy."

Has the Israeli PM shown any remorse for his actions and the carnage in Gaza ?

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LOL. I’ve been in the healing business for 30+ years. I am familiar with the characteristics common to psychopaths. But thanks for illuminating the rest of our audience. :~)

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.....ohhhhh, there's more than ENOUGH evidence he s indeed a COLD-hearted SOCIOPATH, Shari - an estimated quarter-MILLION Palestinans alone dead or missing, 99.5% entirely INNOCENT of ANY wrongdoing or malfeasance - and you really SHOULD read my Comment further down; it may provide RARELY-seen philosophical context dating back SIX-EIGHT millennia.....

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How is it you presume that NO innocent Israeli lives and limbs have been lost? Can it be that you believe ONLY Palastinian lives matter, and Jewish ones are completely expendable? Kinda sounds like it, dude.

Do not bother replying. I try real hard to volley ONLY with emotionally intelligent people. It’s a waste of my precious time and energy, when I stray from this determination.

Try to be good to yourself (even tho I’m sensing it’s a foreign concept for ya).

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Shari, both sides, Israeli and Palestinian people, are nothing more than fodder to these global - you got it - psychopaths. And, yes, the vast majority of our leaders ARE psychopaths including Harris. They are breed, MKultrad, and placed into these positions of power. I will have more on psychopaths and Kamala in later Substacks.

Also, the State of Israel (Mossad) was very much involve in Oct 7th on a multitude of levels. They used this as their casus belli - an excuse to do exactly what they are doing now: WWIII

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PS: I think I’d have felt differently reading your piece had it been evenly weighted, and not accusatory of only one “leader” of the middle eastern war being “psychopathic.”

I feel that NONE of these conflicts are necessary, and yet, if anyone physically attacks ME, they’re gonna have hell to pay~ and without lifting a finger, they will inevitably get to feel my full wrath.

Does this make me a “psychopath?” I think not. I believe it makes me merely human.

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Sorry - CAN'T be figuratively putting words in my mouth and just flat-out PRESUMING, Shari - I do have an ABUNDANCE of emotional intelligence and, truly abhor ANY loss of innocent life (INCLUDING, 'Israeli' - but, STILL at Netanyahu & the Z/S[c]ionists' HANDS; 'Hamas' is yet ANOTHER little tool - by HIS admission - for DECEIT.....)

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