They are purposely destroying the infrastructure of our country and blaming it on the Boogeyman.

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Faith, I completely agree with you. We are living in a "reality" that was purposefully, incrementally constructed by evildoers who hate us, mock us, and quite obviously want to enslave us with their psychopathic machine-mind technology so they can continue raping and pillaging Mother Earth.

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This is all part of the devolution plan..... ask yourself a question-who owns all the refineries in the US? On the same note who owns the US military that is run out of the pentagon.? Go take a look on the SEC website and you will see a number of corporations all of them what people have believed to be public services Cetera for decades. But it doesn't stop there because the Commonwealth of Australia is a corporation as well along with the police in Australia New Zealand the UK the list goes on and on and on.

Go have a look at the "Dunn and Bradstreet" website and look up some of these entities you will find they are independent businesses. This is all part of the current devolution plan which is part of the continuity of government started by JFK, and fully initialised by DJT via executive order 13912 when he federalised the National guard. For those who don't know the national guide is not allowed to leave the state it is contained within unless federalised by the current president, and how many branches of the National Guard have you seen in other states recently? And I haven't even began to point out the ones who have been flying around the world for the last three years.

You have to listen very carefully to what Trump is saying -he keeps talking about "Central casting" especially when he's talking about the border.... there's a reason for that, and it's not too hard to figure out, especially when you have a look on the FEMA.gov website at continuity directive one and 2 currently in effect. The federalised National Guard and every other Such document has been extended by "Joseph R Biden jr" every time.....NOT "President And CIC Joseph R Biden jr" which is what the so-called Press should be putting as his signature when extending documents of such nature assuming he is indeed in control of country as the president. USA Corp has gone Bust, we are living through a continuity of government which is As verifiable as the sun coming up every morning, all you have to do is a little little bit of reading. NCSWIC..... Don't be scared of the eclipse. WWG1WGA

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Yes good info , I think thery may have eben federalize all law enforcement upon emergency declaration, the christian fanatics are going bezerk with the eclipse fear, but Im sure we can expect some human bad behavior , and who knows what CERN is ever up to.

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When looking at all available info at this time, I say there is no possible way this is OTHER than intentional infrastructure sabotage . I have seen other info saying this ship failed inspections , and should not have been on the water , not sure he is correct about that. But the greater reality is THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN ACCIDENT, there is only cause and effect , it may be difficult to determine all aspects of cause and effect , but someone made this happen, just like ALL THE OTHER infrastructure "accidents" wake up people . SK

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Here is example this ship supposedly contained 13 container with bio weapons and now this from Gates infected GMO mosquitoes


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This is a distraction to take people down a blind culdesac and waste time and energy

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The digital revolution and smart anything is the sure ticket to disaster. All digital crap can be hacked, including elections, and the more digital you go, the stronger your prison bars. Going digital means giving up your human sovereignty, dignity and freedom. As usual, humanity has been duped again.

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PRECISELY its all about CONTROL always has been SK

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It sure is troubling and maybe Biden knows the insurers won’t pay for the rebuild because they know it was a cyber attack. I think you meant I 95 not I 94.

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Absolutely. It was clear Biden doesn't want anyone sniffing around (no pun intended), and thanks for the correction on I 95.

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Joey thinks it was bridge game played in Baltimore and a card table collapsed. If anything needs to be rebuilt, it's Joey's brain.

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My first thought when I first read of this yesterday was..."This is very suspicious". Then I listened to the GOV say in one of the short clips I watched, something like, "The people need to do all they can to help" I thought WHAT? the people have to fix this or be responsible to pay for this? I can't find that clip this morning but will keep looking for it. Because that also didn't land well with me and felt like he knew something. Knew that insurance wasn't going to pay fo this...and was trying to get The People's support for WE THE PEOPLE.....paying for this. I also am reading an article on Yahoo stating that there were things that would normally be done in a ship losing power such as throwing down the anchor, and that there are generator back ups which would come on and then throw the ship into reverse. Non of this was done. But this certainly is a very fishy event. VERY FISHY. Biden saying that the GOV with pay for this...is BS. The ships owners insurance needs to pay for this. I also can't help think it's also an event used to distract away from other things going on. I wonder what that could be.

I'm pretty intuitive and my first thought and feeling was....this was not an accident. It was just too weird that only a few seconds before the hit....that any SOS went out? That in itself made no sense

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When my husband and I watched the twin towers coming down on 9/11, my immediate response was Bush & Cheney did this. Feeling the same about this "accident". My husband was a Ph.D. EE. I got the videos of towers coming down. He watched and he is not as quick to blame the govt as I am. But even he admitted it looked more like a planned demolition than an accident caused by aircraft. So more of the same. That incident destroyed the Middle East. What is this incident intended to do, I wonder? The great famine the WEF wants?

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Hi. I think it is evident what brought down the towers, but experts can't talk about it (for personal and professional safety). Same thing may be happening with the bridge.

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another 9/11 style inside job to destroy infrastructure to speed up the Great Reset while blaming other nations for the attack

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So many unanswered questions. Will we be looking at another 10-20 years of research only to find the same perpetrators behind 9-11 are also behind this? Will we ever know the truth?

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Holding this situation, ALL Creation, in the Highest Light. It's becoming painfully obvious just how much we're facing as the controllers are pulling out all the stops in order to increase instability. We will be required to Humble ourselves while simultaneously stepping UP to claim our right to be FREE HUmans.

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This is going to be a tough one to unpack: so much speculation, for starters. Cyberattack? Is that why the USG and its owned media downplayed this event? Normally, someone breaks a naill and it's all shrieking and finger-pointing, accusations and assertions...speculation. Nah. None of that. Leads one to suspect it might have just been an inside job/false flag. Consider the time of day- least amount of vehicular traffic ergo loss of life. The Key Bridge was built in 1977 and there has NEVER been an accident of this type. Not even close. All these years and all those 30,000 vehicles PER DAY and nothing?

Now the companies whose cargo was/is on board are claiming 'force majeur' meaning- no fault essentially and so any contracts/orders that are lost, delayed, etc. are not the responsibility of the company so customers will have to sit on their hands. How is it that 'someone' had a video at the exact time of the 'accident'? A ring camera on someone's house across the water?

Finally, it is Insterstate 95 not 94 that is the main drag on the East Coast. The Key Bridge is a by-pass (Rt 695) that was constructed in order to keep hazardous materials being transported through the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel. I have traveled that route between Washington, DC and Baltimore to places north. It is a harrowing experience by car whichever highway one chooses.

Amazingly- there have been very few catastrophic incidents on either one. For decades.

My 'vote' is for a false flag/inside job. Blaming the boogie man du jour (China, Iran, Russia, etc.) is just too easy AND not enough noise has been made. The objective is to disrupt the movement of goods.

As an aside: Baltimore is online for Smart-Citydom. It has been trashed and defunded and is a pathetic, crime-ridden pit of poverty and disenfranchisement. And, interestingly, two former Mayors of the City were Nancy Pelosi's brother and father- the D'Alesandro Crime Family. Oh yeah!

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this is very interesting commentary

having seen pelosi up close and personal during our fight against gmos i can tell you that she is one of the snakiest snakes in the business- but you know that.

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terror attack. THINK TIMING . We are at war, if you don't know we are at war, then I will explain to you another way, WE ARE AT WAR. Accidents are extremely rare, protocols are always taken in EVERYTHING YOU DO IN LIFE.

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Multiple reports from experienced Sea going men, along with GPS data show that the DALI had been travelling down the channel at 8.6knots. Prior to the contact with the bridge support DALI's speed was 7.1knots. That is NOT accelerating Reinette, it is slowing. What would cause the loss of speed could be a combination of two factors; the port anchor having been dropped, and the possibility of the main engines going astern. Engines going astern will cause the propellor to act like a paddlewheel, dragging the stern sideways. Propellors are designed to work efficiently in ahead, far less so in astern.

Questions yet to be answered are; what caused the blackouts; what caused the loss of directional control. Doubtless the crew and pilots will be interrogated. Until more facts can be had, we only have speculation.

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Interesting videos and your take. I am wondering why there is a second ship next to the pylon to the right (not shown on these videos) - but can be seen here. https://rumble.com/v4lnblo-no-accident-terrorism-in-baltimore-harbor-heres-the-proof.html?start=190

The author of this video which shows this ship located there for a long time and suggested it was pushing on that pylon - not clear to me. But would like to know why that ship sat there for so long. I know very little about how cyber attacks are done - but I find the 2nd ship a little suspicious. Perhaps there is a video out there that shows the whole bridge 30 min before the tragedy. I am impressed with the speed at which the notification went out to close the bridge. And have to wonder if in addition to aprons being added to the base of the pylons, if decreasing the speed of ships 1 mile before to 1 mile after the bridge would be advisable. Thanks

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One commenter ask "Where's the crew?"

All the attention is on watching the impact. Distraction? Where are the crew and pilots right now? Are they being held somewhere? Are they being interrogated? Do they even exist? The Governor is all over the removal of wreckage. Not a word about the crew, no media are asking about the crew. Why the silence?

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The gentleman trying to explain the ship's movements in the main video above was (deliberately?) misleading in his attribution to the wind as causing the ship to veer off course after power had "died". Simple observation of the black smoke from the ship's funnel reveals that the smoke pretty much "hangs" in the air (thinning out as it rises) wherever it emerges from the funnel (instad of being blown away to the left) while the ship continuously moves away from it. IOW - whatever wind was present was far too light to turn that massive ship so quickly (and, suspiciously...so accurately...).

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There is very little mention of the second ship.

Very interesting.

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