Jan 31Liked by Reinette Senum

Eye-opening concepts! Having awareness of the cycles gives us the opportunity to be mindful of them so that we can navigate through the cycles with deeper insight. This lets us activate our conscious choice as to what we choose to align and resonate with, even amidst excitability cycles.

Our souls, at their deepest essence, exist beyond time in a cosmic realm. When we align with that timeless divine essence frequency we can mindfully witness the cycles and their influence, so that we're not so severely under their influence.

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31

It doesn't escape me that the 4 week hormonal cycle referenced in the video clip tied to the moon and our brain is a parallel to the women's hormonal cycle. The moon is also characterized as feminine/yang/dark and the sun masculine/yin/light. So the fact that the moon has an effect on us in a 4 week cycle that literally describes the female sex hormonal cycle...is not surprising though I've not been introduced to the specifics he shares before. As Jim describes it, first as lazy (menses aka a period of rest), then seeking social input (follicular aka seeking connection), then getting things done (ovulation and shortly after aka nesting), and finally mass excitability (PMS luteal). And as Jim also points to 4 hormones that involve our brains in a 4 week cycle, so too does the female body have 4 hormones that orchestrate this 4-phased cycle.

Additionally, Cliff High has a fascinating blog about our pineal gland, photons (sunlight) and melanin in the body. My novice leyman's interpretation is that there is a pathway for human psychic ability via biophotons as just described (and would that ability be heightened during times of solar flares because the flares produce intense amount of photons?). Photons are electromagnetic. So is this yet another example of a mechanism that exists naturally (biophotons fueling the pineal gland via melanin making us beings of light literally) vs an attempt to synthetically construct/mimic such a mechanism (5G electromagnetism) for interrupting the natural EMF/photon signal and importing the synthetic one into humans. Fascinating! There are certainly powers that be that don't want us to know this, that don't want the photons to fuel us and yes...they know these cycles and use them to their advantage by trying to insert their own revolution while making the knowledge of this esoteric info i.e. astrology, eastern wisdom, etc wrong with judgments called out in the bible against it.

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Thanks Reinette.

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Excellent , no doubt there is a lot of effects as related here . SK

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Magnetism can drive excess calcium into our organs, leading to many diseases, including influenza, which is named so b/c it is the "influence" of the stars:


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Jan 31Liked by Reinette Senum

Changes in the sun change you. The sun is going through dynamic changes and transformations. These changes in the Sun assist in man’s capacity to access our consciousness, awareness of enlightenment and personal transmutation. Pay attention and access this sacred energy frequency bathing you daily in its Light! 2008


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we are part of the Universe which ancients considered to be an organism. Not just sunspot activity affects earth but all the planets do as well . Astrology has been bastardized but there is actual truth to it. Every planet has a different energy/vibration and musical tone and the way planet energies interact with each other effects earth and everybody living here. At the moment of our birth, the different planetary energies create an imprint on us. When I started to delve into astrology in the 70's what is happening now, was already forecast then.

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Gregg Braden , geologist, science engineer, spiritualist, Best SellerAuthor 5x over talks about conflict cycles

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THE LUNAR EFFECT: Biological Tides and Human Emotions

by Arnold L. Lieber, M.D.--Produced by Jerome Agel

Anchor Press / Doubleday, 1978.

"The unity concept proposed here is compatible with Einstein's unified field theory, with Darwin's theory of evolution, and with Ludwig von Bertalanffy's general systems theory.

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of course the vampire elite are stoking the fires of revolution.... people are reacting... its not like the people themselves have an upswell in motivation to revolt..... the 'good' shepherds are stampeding the flocks and herds wanting to run them off a cliff... actually they aren;t stampeding anywhere near where they would like them to be....

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All very interesting.

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I’ve been watching the different solar graphs for years and was able to see how the “ Ascension symptoms “ I was going through matched the flares or cme’s or Schumann when they were especially strong. If any of you are going through these symptoms know that what hits Earth affects you also.

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Help needed!: Am I the only one on this forum who remembers way back in August when Mr. J. Lee attributed the Lahaina disaster to the hurricane winds? I CANNOT find the vid (!) -- was it removed? NOT the video regarding Chinese satellite. But after 7 years of waffling about paying attention to Jim (i.e. following and unfollowing) I confess to not being able to listen to him after that. Anyone who remembers that video, PLEASE comment.

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Well ,is the moon a planet or an artificial satellite?

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Extremely interesting forecast. Looks like time is short to shut down the global predators

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