Oct 21, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

As and outdoor enthusiast - there is very little wildlife to be found. No insects, no snakes, no rodents, nothing but a few deer which don't seem healthy to me. But nooooo, nothing to see here. Ugh. Sucks.

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I notice the same. The bird population is a fraction of what it used to be. I have talked to a man in his 80's (I think) who grew up in this area and he has told me of all the birds, and different varieties that are here no longer. It's heartbreaking!

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

Another great one Reinette!

I love Dane and his work, I have a T-Shirt, I need to walk around town with it, maybe someone might have a question. I just have to stop myself from vomiting information LOL. #beliketheturtleslowandsteady :)

Thank you again for all you do~


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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

Been following his work for a long time. He's a warrior, just like you!

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We the people are an amazing species to be able to tolerate all these assaults and insults and survive (those of us lucky enough to survive and even thrive). . . Gaia herself is still breathing and sustaining us in her glory wisdom. I wonder how much longer we can subsist with so much destruction of nature. Let's hope Gaia has some tricks up her sleeve to be able to deal with these lunatic psychopaths who are ungrateful to Mother Nature, and trying to act like the great creator whose mysteries I hope they never know. Their evil must stop.

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

Just ordered the cards to distribute. Thank you very much, both of you. I am forever grateful for those like you and Dane who never give up sharing truth, as heinous as it might be. Soldier on brave ones.

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Everything Dane says is accurate and well documented, providing a detailed resource for how our ecosystems and health are being destroyed by geoengineering. However, I feel his red alarm focus on the doomsday, catastrophic tailspin to the soon approaching end of life on Earth can leave leave us without hope unless more solutions are suggested. I have been writing about false flag water shortages, death of forests and weather manipulation too, which can be seen on my Substack newsletter, Search For Truth News. I believe we need to do more than increase our self awareness and spreading the word within our personal networks; in other words take some sort of action. This requires creativity and critical thinking.

I have begun to virtually attend the California Water Commission Board meetings, representing the Department of Water Resources, which is part of California Natural Resources Agency. CA Natural Resources is the umbrella department for CalFire, Conservation Corps. , Conservation, Fish and Wildlife, Water Resources, Energy Infrastructure, Parks and Recreation, Board of Forestry, Energy Commission, and the regional Conservancies. Reading the website documents and board meeting notes of these agencies and other related departments is very revealing about state government intentions, actions, and even failures.

For the past two months, the Water Commission Board and DWR staff focused on how to deal with climate change as the principle driver of goals and actions. At the Oct 19th meeting, there were only 6 people physically present, who were land owners or legal representative of owners of land being purchased by eminent domain in the Delta for the Yolo Bypass Project. After they spoke and the commissioners voted to continue with their right to take their land and water rights for public benefit, they left. I was the only person to speak virtually for the public. I suspect that few people attend the board meetings of other agencies as well.

DWR staff gave two power point presentations describing the catastrophic die off of forests and water shortage. Their main solution is more conveyance of water resources from the North to the South, constructing the Yolo Bypass for salmon migration, and more desalination projects. They will be conducting workshops that the public can attend and offer solutions. They had no solutions to the forest tree death and wildfires other than continuing their struggle to better manage the forests as a vague goal. Only one commissioner mentioned the need to consider the needs of underrepresented rural communities.

The staff and governor-appointed boards of the above state departments remain in control of our future so far. Hardly anyone attends their meetings or speaks up, which does become part of public record. Clearly, the commissioners are either totally ignorant or woke puppets who could care less who they hurt with their arrogant use of power. They have a history of purchasing land when regulations don't work. And they continue to roll along with no verbal objections from the public at the meetings. They did mention landowners and some conservancies had submitted written comments, but there was no transparency of that content. Lack of transparency overall is evident.

My comment to the Water Commissioners was that they should consider weather modification and primary water as modern technologies used all over the world to deal with the drought. Their bodies stiffened and they gave no response. I don't know if it does any good, but certainly no public commentary is akin to giving up or giving consent. I would like to suggest that a possible action more people could take is to attend the state board meetings of all the natural resources and make comments. It is easy to do on zoom.

The DWR plans to conduct workshops to finalize natural resource solutions as an opportunity for agencies and the public to become engaged. I assume this would would be in collaboration with other departments. I intend to watch for those workshops and attend, where I might have more of a voice than the 3 minute verbal comment at board meetings. Written comments can also be submitted in more detail. I submitted written comment on the Delta Tunnel EIR so far. The midterm elections are very near. Remember that the governor makes critical appointments to these state department boards and needs the support of the state legislature for projects and funding.

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Elaine, yes, Dane does lean toward the doomsday side of the equation. While this is as much possible that we survive just fine, we must shake as many people awake to what is at risk. The vital information you share and continue to share about water is a critical piece of that pie. This highlights yet another program to keep the general public in the dark, unaware of what is transpiring.

Perhaps we should do a water recap? I know much has happened since I last interviewed you!

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

Thank you for doing all this very important work. Please don't stop.

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I hand out little notes with the website primarywater.org at my farmer's market to the farmers in hope of them realizing what is going with our water. I am not much of a public speaker, but will do things in other ways and have the entire Plandemic.

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Dear Reinette, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for having this important conversation with Dane Wigington. You two are a couple of Earth angels. No doubt about it. It is troubling to me that so many people are still blind to what you can literally see happening in the sky. And, also the effects on the ground. "Oh, those are just contrails from the jets" they say. And, of course, after denying that this was happening for so long, now the powers that be have weaved it into the "Save the planet by blocking the sun agenda." I'm just one person without a big platform but I will share it everywhere I can. Just this week I put up one of Dane's geoengineering posters on the bulletin board of our local post office. It lasted two days before someone took it town. Our small town Climate Action Committee has nothing to say when I try to share this information. Still, I won't stop trying. THANK YOU!!! Sending a big virtual hug to you and Dane!

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You're welcome.....

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Dear neighbor!

I am honored to call you friend.. I so appreciate your wisdom , knowledge and understanding of the situation humanity and our dear Mother Nature are in and your ability to articulate it.. Thank you for this amazing interview of Dane and may our paths cross again soon!


Luma Nessence


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I remember the first time I was labeled a conspiracy theorist was when I was discussing Wigington’s work in 2012.

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I believe I believe I remember that!

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Weather modification causing drought, warming, floods and storms are all connected to water, food production, forests, wildlife habitat, air quality. There is false scavity but also very real extreme danger. Then add impacts and threats from war and sanctions. Europeans are waking up now, probably faster than Americans. Action is needed now, before it is too late in US. Sadly too late for some Europeans who are looking at a cold and hungry winter with no jobs since industries have had to shut down without energy supply.

There are some hopeful signs that I could share. Always love to listen to you and share ideas about solutions.

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Thank you, Elaine, and great insights on your part.

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Do you remember the Dr. Guy McPherson event where he talked about the time left on our Planet for most of us? https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10205393339379953&set=a.1141348380908

It was hard to swallow but here we are now & what he said was true!!!

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West Sonoma County here, anyone else continuing to notice big forecasts turn into trickles? A couple of weeks ago we were set to have a almost two weeks of continuous rain. We got two days. Persistent day long trails webbing up the sky. Clouds yesterday looked like someone fiddled with their DNA, a lab experiment gone wrong, a face with a foot for a nose. And from friends to family, people love to make fun of me, it is an interesting response, even when faced with proof.

Dane is excellent not just for his work on geoengineering but for his ability to wrap it all together, he is not just focusing on weather manipulation, he has always presented it within the full picture with full context

I hope Herman is well.

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Thank you for bringing this to my attention! I had heard the rumblings but wasn’t a believer. After watching & listening I understand it has been & is happening!

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