Mar 16, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Love the fearless message. After I started to ask the police to arrest the store manager who called them to reject me from the public space for not wearing a mask, the friendly cops were beginning to understand that discrimination is a felony in California. The powerless manager bullies got "Dick Faced" fast! Love your message of being brave in the Truth, the enemy of fear. Thank You!

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LOVE to hear that more people were doing this. My god.

I actually HAD an exemption and the store managers didn't care!!!!

I fought for two years just to shop for groceries and basic items and was harrassed almost every step of the way. I had a few friendly cashiers. Man, that was a rough period.

Here is my exchange with a manager in Aptos. I would document my entire shopping experience discreetly, to "capture" the authentic moments of harassment (it happened time after time).

We need more people saying "no" to the bullies that feel empowered to act like...well....dickheads. :) For the action, go to minute 6: https://www.bitchute.com/video/vbDHkx6BoKot/

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Just to add a bit if humor here, one day during the plandemic, my neighbor and I went (maskless) shopping at Aldi. The poor little shopgirl standing at the door, forced to be a nazi, asked us if we had our masks. As we walked through the door, my neighbor responds, while slapping her hand onto her pocket, yep! right here!

I admit to only wearing a mask at my chiropractor, but that was completely selfish....I didn’t want him closed down because of me, then what would I do?

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THAT's a great response.

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That's GREAT! :D

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Mellowkat, Watched your video of your ridiculous and illegal manager experience. Gosh, thqt brings back such memories!!! LOL! Interesting that 'mask' and 'skam' are so similar... Really appreciating how you handled that - quoting the law. I learned to absolutely ignore the most rigid of them, as if I was deaf,and blind. It helped, but when their pre frontal cortex is flooded with cortisol, nothing helps. I actually was the one who called the cops on them one day. They got confused, which I saw as progress for them. But that poor 5 yo boy... That part made me sad.

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In the beginning, I was very calm and patient and really tried to have conversations with store owners and managers. They were very fearful, very cold. I recall trying to have a conversation with one store owner. She asked me to step outside and she asked me to stay 6 feet away from her. I instinctively sat down on the side of a water fountain to appear less-threatening while I talked to her. She disagreed with me, argued about the health and safety of everyone in her store and refused to let me shop. I told her that technically, it was discrimination if she denied me, and asked her if she would accommodate me by pick out a few items for me and let me pay with a credit card. She said "sure," and went inside and called the police to get me to leave. I was in such shock. I sat for about 7 minutes, waiting for her to pick out my items and ask for payment, and that's when I saw her walk toward the doors. She was holding a phone and talking, and she told me to leave and she literally closed the sliding doors to her store. I stood up and said, "wait, aren't you going to get those items?" She ignored me and shut her doors. I walked up and smacked the glass and left. She told me she the police were on the way. SO BIZARRE.

One year later, I ran into her in a parking lot. I told her I wanted to talk. She was still under the same zombie-belief that masks work and that she was protecting herself and her employees.


I went through a period of rage. I was worked up every time I shopped.

I have since had time to chill out. :) I also learned to keep it moving. I stopped trying to explain my rights to everyone and I shopped and ignored the employees who chased me down. I was once chased with an employee wielding a temperature gun at WHole foods.

Truly surreal times.

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I never had those experiences they would not dare, never wore a mask anywhere , carried the DONT MASK DONT ASK placard from ADA. Always showed them the lawsuits they were liable for. PLUS here in Wash. we have OPEN CARRY POLICY EVERYWHERE , so we all ALL CARRY OPENLY makes them think twice.'

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That boy and his mother were amazing. We'd been having the BEST conversation in the checkout line. When the manager (Jeb Binstead) took me outside, the little boy said "I know taekwondo..." (he was suggesting he could fight for me).

Sweet nugget. His mom purchased my groceries and brought them out for me. Beautiful humans!!!

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I never filmed anything, but I have been followed and harressed in similar ways. Nobody ever called the police on me. I got my local Grocery Outlet owners to back down right away as i told them no lawst laws exist that they couldn't inforce it as the police have no code. I used a lot of information from Peggy and some worked and some didn't. I stopped shopping at Trader Joe's for months as my friend got severly harressed by an employee and a shopper outside. Safeway I have completely stopped. Whole Foods i haven't supported since it was sold only on rare occasions, but not for 3 years. The employees have been unfriendly since before the Plandemic at all of them. Raley's became my go to as they never harressed me in another city. Just 1 cashier totally crazy spraying sanitizer around the check out area. My husband was behind the plexiglass and I said loudly to him as i was putting the groceries in bags away from the area as she had demanded of me, step away, look at the spray in the air. It was awful and I wanted the store employees to know and made a comment as we walked out too. Never saw her again. But I was harressed with Kaiser so many times and it was impossible to deal with them and I had no choice, but to go along, because my daughter has been very sick during this time. The list is so long for me when I start to think about it, i get sad that humans have been able to do that to other humans. In my area I felt so alone I thought nobody was on my side for about 2 years. And I am in a big city. Peace to all the that didn't give in. Together we will be stronger.

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OK, when you finally mentioned living in a big city, it made more sense. The CA cities are controlled by communists building their compliance system. CA is just becoming a colony of the ChiCom. If you doubt this, look at a list of CA legislative bills. You can't beat that by yourself--not on the street--but I certainly respect your courage.

I live in a CA red area and encountered no resistance at all--even Safeway--although most people wore masks in the beginning. I had to get red-pilled myself in early 2001 and finally "woke" up. And my real estate agent says she sees the left-wingers in our area fleeing to the cities. They're especially afraid of Trumpers in their neighborhoods!

As Mike Adams recommends, get out of the cities if at all possible!

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Yes I am aware that cities are the worst.

I have finally found a group that I am becoming very connected with and we just formed a Committee of Safety similar to.the founders. We are growing by the week too.and united more than 3 years ago. We have to do everything we can to take our country back county by county via the true constitution. I am surprised that they are fleeing for the cities. Interesting.. We are using Nationallibertyalliance.org should you or others be interested too. We would like to collaborate with other counties.

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Also, see Paul Preston's *New California* campaign.

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I wish you would press charges!

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I've contacted MULTIPLE lawyers to help me. None of them have been interested because there are no cases that suggest a "win." I wanted to be like the man in a wheelchair who traveled across the U.S., suing stores for not having wheelchair access. :)

I've contacted CHD lawyers, Tracy Henderson, and PERK. They're taking bigger cases, not these "smaller" ones. Believe me, I wanted to send a nasty letter and drive my point home: they were discriminating!

I also filed reports of discrimination to the US dept of Justice, Civil rights division. They IGNORED ME and passed me off! I have to find the letters of response (which came back 6 months after I filed). So pathetic. We have to take matters into our hands and REFUSE to comply and stand up for our rights for ourselves.

I had sheriffs arrive multiple times to talk with me outside. They were sympathetic, but ignorant. "that's their policy," they said.

It was beyond frustrating. Not sure what the statute of limitations is, here. We're in unchartered territory!

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Unbelievable! Did you ever take him to court? I can’t help but wonder if he’s still managing that store or not.

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I live in a CA county with a constitutional sheriff who declined to enforce mask rules. I saw young guys at the grocery store who ignored the rules from the start, but it took me months--I was still reading MSM. No one ever approached me or commented once I was unmasked. Once, I was in the checkout line with a bunch of laughing, joking, masked deputies, but they ignored me and other unmasked customers.

My hardware store ignored the mask rules from Day 1.

Moral: Try to vote in a constitutional sheriff.

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THAT's funny!

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Nicely done! Totally agree with not cowering to bullies -- give it back to 'em! 🌞💪🏽🌞

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Reinette, I want that turtleneck sweater! It looks so cozy.

You are so right about bullies. In my experience when you give it right back to them, everything changes, often in the most unexpected ways.

I just want to point out down near the bottom of his email that you posted the photo of is something interesting. I'm removing his emphasis and adding mine, but the words are an exact quote.

“Again, please stop and reflect as you read all of the NONSENSE ABOUT YOU and your total lack of leadership and weird opinions below.”

The nonsense about you? He's admitting that the bad things being said about you are non-sense? It's remarkable how the truth slips out even when they don't intend it to.

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Had not noticed that. Thank you for pointing it out!

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Humor can defuse so much. Use it like an Aikido master to direct your opponent's energy towards deconfliction. Nicely told story.

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Thanks, Ned.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

OMG Reinette!!! I'm speechless -This is about the most encouraging thing I've seen since the world lost it's mind (the most recent time, anyway). In a nut shell, you've outlined your two-point plan for the future. 1. Dear DickFace, I don't give a damn. I don't need you. 2. Build a parallel universe! Now that, my friends, is how leadership is done!

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I guess it's about keeping it simple! LOL

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Mar 16, 2023·edited Mar 16, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

There is a new word I've grown fond of 'crybullies'. It accurately sums up how mental midgets react to opposing views. They have zero mental ressilence and thus are incapable of functioning in society during tumultuos times. The tide is turning and these individuals that have navigated the last three years by insulting others are going to have to eat crow when those who stood up, spoke up, and showed up for humanity are still there on point and with love and preservation for humanity.

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I agree.... it feels like the pendulum is swinging the other way! And I love the term, crybullies!

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Thanks Reinette that was a great response💕 I needed a good laugh. I know that is not liked by the crazies now. So I will laugh harder and Sing. I bet they don't like that either.💕🤗💖♥️🌹♥️

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Bravo! 🎯

By the way. You must be doing some things right. You look great!

Keep up the good work!

BTW part two - did you see Bigtree trying to gaslight the no virus community? Is he RFK’s proxy?

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OMG...I am so glad to see the DEL reference to his BULLSHIT RANT...I COULDN'T BELIEVE MY EARS. it was so DISINGENUOUS about the truthers wanting to let murderers off the hook. no one ever said that. I was disappointed in del but not surprised. He seems to be becoming CO...ass licking Malone, Cole etc. and notice nary a mention of Sasha L and Katherine Watt. Highwire does good legal stuff but they are losing the plot re what REALLY went on .

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

I would like a link too. I haven't followed Del much for quite some time. He was great before covid as I learned so much about vaccines for years. Bored with it now as not much is happening. Dr Malone I don't trust at all. George Webb has great information about his conflict of interest.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Watch the recent Dr. Sherri Tenny interview she did with Dr. Paul Alexander this past week…he lays out some interesting stuff about Malone…also Sage Hana on Substack has written a lot about Sketchy Dr. Malone and his ‘DOD, DARPA/Big Pharma’ connections. How does one get a nice horse farm without all that mRNA patent $$$?

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

I will. George Webb has been trying to uncover things about him for quite some time. I said in the beginning, something is not right about him and have never trusted him. He could have helped stop the technology before it got used. But he is involved is so much more. He is trying to save himself before people turn on him.

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Go look on the Malone Institute website it shows ALL the WEF MEMBERS LIST an all their political selections.

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i watched that interview too. It was great and eye opening and i loved his attitude

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I read somewhere that Dr. Malone had amassed a fortune of $10 billion. Maybe from patent royalties. But he seems legitimate to me and he works with Steve Kirsch.

It would be nice to have one billionaire on our side.

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The highwire still covers a lot and not just about vaccines anymore. Food shortages, WEF, today it was about human trafficking.

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I know I watch sometimes. I just feel like Del got stuck in some things for too long.

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Agree about Del, Malone & Cole!

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Do you by chance have a link, Jeff? I didn't know about this!

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Let me know if it doesn’t work. Tom Cowan also has it on one of his recent videos.

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Did you post it? I can't seem to find the video. Thanks. Used to be a huge fan of Del before covid .

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Got it. Yes nobody is wanting the main people to get off the hook, not at all, but he hasn't wanted to even go in that direction. Even Dr David Martin he has not had on considering he has the best chronological data about everything, but he has called it a bioweapon since the beginning. At one point he had a major rant about Trump calling him out. I don't disagree with that he should have stopped his nonsense a long time ago, but let's stick to the ones that have committed these crimes on humanity for decades, Fauci, NIH, and his long list of people including the dod. Let's go back to AIDS as that was a was awful. I mean I just heard that tetanus has been used as a slow birth control poison. I have nerve damage nerve from the Tdap from years ago which is what the tetanus shot is today and has been for a long time and I had no clue. Thanks for sharing.

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Tetanus has a sterilizing effect on women when used too frequently, such as every six-months. This was done in Africa.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

i don't even care what you said- i just love it and had to laugh

thanks for the welcome haha! and i will listen tonight

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WEIRDO! 🤣🤣🤣 💖💖💖

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I REFUSED TO WEAR A MASK! What I saw was a Satanic "Mask Ritual" whereas they stand around a pentagram, 6ft apart wearing hooded cloaks and masks. They also love masquerading in masks at their satanic orgies and sacrifices. The goal of satan is to mock God's creation......Also in France "Person" (purse on) was referred to slaves who had to wear a mask, or "Purse" which permission was required to remove. Sound familiar? I used a template provided by a CA Attorney spelling out the ADA exemtion and the fine (1st offence:$75k-2nd=$150k) which I had laminated on a card and wore on a lanyard when in town amongst the zombies. So I was provided a FACE SHIELD?!?! Really? Proof of fraud and tyranny! Along w/the ADA lanyard I wore a t-shirt I made @spreadshirt.com "I See Sheeple" (I later penned "Dead" with a dripping syringe before Sheeple;-) On the back It says "Exponentially decreasing numbers of increasingly enlightened people are deemed insane by exponentially increasing numbers of decreasingly enlightened people!" Being physically/intelectually quite capable of fending off any aggressive confrontations, I only received positive responses from a few literate folks. I am wearing my latest activist shirt w/a picture of N. Tesla "The thing about smart MF'ers is they sound like crazy MF'rs to dumb MF'rs ;-) Your last comment reminds me of a favorite quote I have in my e-mail signature line: “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

― Buckminster Fuller

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THAT is one of my all-time favorite quotes, btw. I try to live by it! And thank you for the history regarding "persons." I had no idea!

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Doohp! I meant to reply to this comment but it went to the main thread. Can I/you fix that? I'm a dinosaur and don't do this often.

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If you want to edit your comment, click the three little dots below it and "edit" will be available to you!

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Love this, Reinnette… I came up from Placer County as a restaurant owner protesting mask mandates and met you on the steps of the Nevada county building. I appreciate the stand you took for truth.

My daughter is a musician who studied and performed in Nevada City and Grass Valley, so we spent a lot of time up there. She lost a lot of business and friends because of her stance against masks, vaccines(which coincidentally began in 2019 opposing SB276) and mandates.

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Please let you daughter no she is not alone and that our numbers are growing by the day.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Hey Reinette,

Have I told you lately that

I Love You....

That was awesome. You are funny and fighting the good fight, for which I thank you immensely!


LK, a huge fan!

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Thank you, Linda K!

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Great video. a breath of fresh air!

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Great video. I have been hearing recently about all the pilots that are having health problems relating to the vaccines. And how the FAA has lowered the bar related to tests revealing heart health. Scary thought. My question is this: Why didn’t the pilots Union, the nurses and doctors and teachers unions and small business owners stand up and call out the bullshit from the start? Why didn’t they protect themselves and their customers/patients/students from the madness. There is safety in numbers and yet everyone capitulated to the government bullies. I can give a pass to those who knuckled under in the first few months as the information coming from the media was flat out lies. But soon the truth was leaking out and it really wasn’t hard to find. And still most people towed the line, sometimes to their death or the death of others. Literally I know of about 6 or 7 people who stood firm and refused to be coerced or bullied. Yes we have a pandemic but not of a virus. It is a pandemic of fear. When I try to talk to others about it, I am still the tin foil wearing cray lady. Thank you, Reinette, for being a light in the storm!

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Cheryl, all those unions were corrupted long ago by big business. They don't represent the workers, they represent "the bosses."

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I have asked the same questions. In Ca teachers don't have to be part of the unions so why didn't they tell them to get lost? I couldn't understand why the restaurants weren't calling each other and saying something is wrong, we must unite. It was heart breaking to me. I kept saying to as many as I could, can't you see a problem with Costco, Walmart, Target all open and making a huge profit, but they are trying to go after everything small. Those health department people were awful too and they should pay a price. Anything medical was completely crazy and I will never understand them. I have no compassion for people that can't think for themselves. To let people die, I have no good words for the ones doing that. It will be a long time before I can just forgive all of this, I want some kind of real justice for humanity. I wrote notes and taped them to garbage cans, I would leave cards with good websites in stores, post offices etc, but finally gave up. I still see people in masks even outside so some are just too brainwashed by the media.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

I am on the same page. Small businesses social distance as a way of life. You never see more than a few customers at a time. And yet the multinationals were allowed to operate. When I would point this out to people, all I got was a blank stare. And closing the gyms and churches and anywhere else where like-minded people congregate was sinister to me. To me this was a giant social control experiment and the puppet masters learned what citizens will tolerate. The next time they put the screws to us, it will be worse.

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The globalists can more easily control a few large businesses as opposed to a lot of small businesses.

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I use a red area small hardware store. It's a little tight and cramped inside, but all of the covid rules were voluntary there from Day 1. The store employees and owner were always maskless.

Before I got red-pilled, I was one of the masked in that store--one of the sheeple, I guess.

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Hey Reinette, thanks for sharing your great letters, and examples of positive engagement, with a "Dick Face", like "Bob".

Now that, in the fullness of time, we've seen that "Bob" was the one who was undeniably wrong, and who been endangerinh the public, by blindy supporting the unlawful, unscientific and patently unhealthy orders of Governor Newscum... how about surprising him, and your viewers alike, with the Scientific Gold-standard evidence - which clearly shows that you had been RIGHT - all along?





So there we have it...

Lots of good reasons NOT to wear masks, as a prophylaxis against an airborne virus - 0 evidence to believe that doing so has any benefits - and it's more than likely that they do more harm than good, for individuals, and for society.


Feel free to cut and paste, and forward these links - to "Bob". He deserves to know the truth, finally. He can apologize properly to you, in his next reply.

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Right? Three years in and now it's UNDENIABLE..... but I don't hear a peep from the crowd.

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You're not the crowd, and never will be. Two different mentalities.

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Reinette! I love you so much! I died when I saw the title of your post arrive in my email Inbox. 😂 You did not disappoint. The thing I'm most proud of during the PLandemic was refusing to wear a mask. I grew some you-know-whats from that. At age 69, I don't have a history of rule-breaking. But, I was the only one in my apartment building who wouldn't put one on.

You are awesome and I wish we could clone you to infiltrate every public office in the country. Thank you!

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Barbara, my partner, Susan, had a similar experience. She was more of a rule follower.... but covid hit and, baby, she has never been the same!

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My brother is a rule follower--and Covid was no different. He's gotten at least 4 shots 🤦🏽‍♀️. When we were in our 20s he said he was mad at me for not fitting into or "following the family structure" (rules?) 40 years later i still have no idea what he means. lol 😂

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