I would argue that Huawei and the CCP are in fact partners with the US government with the purpose of keeping Donald Trump from winning a 2nd term. So China’s infiltration is not an infiltration - it is a partnership with the US Deep State and the DNC.

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i agree that it is an infiltration- the brits took over china long ago- what is china really?

my vote registration was changed when bernie was on the ballot- my husband noticed that my registration had been changed from dem to green- meaning i would not have been able to vote for bernie- then of course- when the dems threw it to hillary and bernie wouldn't defend his right- i realized the fix was in-

it's not just the dems

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how about the republican romney family and voter hacks? it was well documented- we had a series of voter protection people here in marin to address this issue--Through a closely held equity fund called Solamere, Mitt Romney and his wife, son and brother are major investors in an investment firm called H.I.G. Capital. H.I.G. in turn holds a majority share and three out of five board members in Hart Intercivic, a company that owns the notoriously faulty electronic voting machines that will count the ballots in swing state Ohio November 7. Hart machines will also be used elsewhere in the United States.

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Apparently a majority share isn’t enough

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Bernie sued the DNC and no one knows that. On the surface all was maintained for his and his family's safety.

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'it is a partnership with the US Deep State and the DNC.' Correct.

The Democratic National Committee and balling buddies within the CIA, hijacked the 2020 election and set up an obvious coup d'etat event January 6, 2021. Our bought and paid for media was instructed to frame the (now former) president, and Americans bought the tune hook line and sinker. Don't forget to vote and pay your taxes on time.

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Trump has already been selected for another term. These narratives will not hold up.

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As much as that idea would be ludicrous, if there hasn't been evidence referenced, with so-called DJT "Russian collusion" charges in the 2016 election(s). That which turned out to be complete fabrications of the truth. And that which turned out to be exactly the opposite. When in fact, HRC & Associates, are colluding with China to overthrow America in favor of a new world order..

Therefore your argument actually makes complete sense to the matter.

It would be the wiser thing to do, making a offence-ive move forward with the elections, by simply hand counting all the ballots collected within the United States. And who cares how long it takes for the rest of the world to know the results.

Until America gets this sovereign nations "thing" figured out and dialed in; drastic measures must be the precipice of protecting freedom from the imperialist tyranny that continues to be the only thing that stands in the way of humanity at large.

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Huwawei founder now under house arrest and only allowed to teach at high school level. Soros booted out of China. What we've done to China and Russia and the world? Why would any means of China weakening the u.s. or the west be a surprise. It's all a game and we're just pawns until we declare we no longer will be.

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entirely possible

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yawn its already arranged.......no matter which bag of scum win this election entertainment , stage show of useless entertainment...the Jews-Jesuits-Masons will be in control....

IDK , but when is the millions of brain dead americans gonna see the light? all the time spent of being entertained by the election scam , vaccine bullshit , NASA bag of lies, and a dozen more 'Bouncing Balls' bouncing around for the braindead Goy to keep your MINDS and eyes and emotions trained on.....

OH!!! Never mind!!! just PAY YOUR TAXES!!!!!!! and STFUp.....Do NOT ask questions.. just DO as you have been TOLD to do....Just keep your eyes and mind trained on the 'Bouncing Ball' of your Choice....Stupid Goy!!!

Meantime......5G also known as Directed Energy Weapon is eventually gonna Cook You and your famly and pets and friends and everyone around you too........Oh NeverMind...go back to your cells and games ...HEY!!! New Judge Judy's on!!! Uhhhhhhh is not an answer!!!!

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What old Conspriticy Theorist Alex Jones was talking about in 2009....>> https://odysee.com/@TheFallOfTheCabal:3/Kill-With-Covid-19-Vaccine:d << Damn I hate it when these Conspriticy Treorist are really right!!!!

But don't forget 5G (Directed Energy Weapon) the Ultimate & Final Culling Tool will FRY what's ever is left standing after the Medical Hulocaust of 2000 kills '6 Billion' GOY >>>>hello FEMA-FryEveryManAlive

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9/11 anyone? see for yourself at this link- this will be happening the day after the s'election'- and i get we won't know the selection process for many months- i wonder why this 'operative' doesn't mention this critical piece of the election pie?


Breaking: Major National Cybersecurity Exercise on Election Day; What??? Jon Rappoport

Background: “AFCEA [Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association International] Atlanta [Chapter] Homeland Security Conference on Critical Infrastructure, November 6-7, 2024, with a large scale cybersecurity exercise on November 5, 2024” (link in footnote)

—On Nov. 5, ELECTION DAY, there will be a special cybersecurity exercise at the Conference.

The exercise is described as a large-scale interactive event, with participants from federal, state, county, city government agencies, academia, and industry. The exercise wil simulate a cyber-attack on “critical infrastructure.” That’s right. It’s a so-called “Jack Voltaic”-type exercise, which was developed to test responses to attacks on large infrastructures.QUITE odd to schedule the exercise on Election Day. QUITE odd to run an exercise simulating a cyber-attack on critical infrastructure ON ELECTION DAY, especially since electronic voting across the nation IS a piece of critical infrastructure.

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Yup. Same game as Sandy Hook, the 9/11/2001 'exercise', the 7/7/2005 event in London, the Event 201 simulation by Johns Hopkins, and the list goes on and on. Electronic voting *tally* machines have been in use since the early 1980's, and there hasn't been a Lawful election since. The American public continues to sleep-walk in their graveyards of democracy.

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It's the playbook as we all now know and it is right in our face.

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Valeri, Thanks for alerting us but this event has been postponed. (Click on your link.)

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this guy Gary Berntsen is just a planted DARPA Mouthpiece ttrying to get China involved in some political BS.... LOL...."whistle-blower" this guys a paid shit-stirrer triyng to stir up 'hate'....another Babbling Idiot.......

The Internet is full of Clowns...Any slobbering Idiot with a Cam and Professionl apearing Mic sits and babbles on and on about their favourite bitch-session.... YouTub is packed with Clowns .......of course what do ya expect when its owned by Google which is also OWNED BY DARPA!!!

LOL..DARPA is owned by a handful of Jews _Jesuits and Masons......

BUT STFUp......go lay down.......take your 'medications'....

stupid Goy

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Of Course 99.99% of everything you wear and use and cook with and many eat was produced in China....even the computer your looking at was made in China. Your cam ..the computer in your car ...so this Clown Bernsteinski is just Babbling Bullshit,,,,,Sht-Stirrer

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TRUTH! Thank you for saying what I would have said....The Patri Government created by man is a Scam...voting supports their artificial system, generating a larger Morphic Field for those who created this fabricated world...

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more of the jab killing 2009 .....them damn Conspritiesy Theorists always seem to be right .....>>> https://odysee.com/@TheFallOfTheCabal:3/Kill-With-Covid-19-Vaccine:d

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...and he's a terrible actor.....

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"As sophisticated as the machine is, it can be defeated with significant turnout against it."

There you go Reinette, that's the why to the phenomenon that you recognized and have been talking about, the concerted effort to get republican voters to think it's futile and not both voting.

On the other side of the aisle, what I am seeing is the opposite. An almost ridiculous level of trying to get the dems to vote. The area I live in is I think mostly democrat, but there are a fair amount of republicans too, which I think the dems here don't realize. But in a local newsletter one of the younger thoroughly brainwashed democrats posted that she was participating in some campaign to encourage dems to vote, can't remember what she called it but their approach is to get volunteers like her to handwrite letters or cards and post them to people, from some list. She was posting on the local newsletter to see if anyone wanted to contribute to her efforts by buying stamps since she would have to pay for everything herself. I took from this that the participants in this campaign to get dems to vote got access to some kind of voters roll with names and addresses of people to write to. That seems like a pretty scary and intrusive invasion of privacy to me. Maybe these people have already put their name and address out there in the public by consenting to be in the white pages (if they still exist) or something.

I would be interesting in knowing more though, if anyone else has more information on if these people who are going to be receiving hand written letters actually consented on having their name and address out in the public. Or am I just being too paranoid and security conscious?

Now, having said all that, back to the quote, "As sophisticated as the machine is, it can be defeated with significant turnout against it."

Speaking as a programmer, this makes no sense to me. The programmers who wrote this code are not stupid, they are not amateurs. I don't see how turn out in significant numbers can 'defeat' the machine. If it's a human manually flipping votes and trying to keep track on a sheet of paper or even a spreadsheet, okay that would be possible. But a computer with a well written program which assumes that Trump may win and has algorithms to handle various likely scenarios... nope. If I were one of the programmers of these machines I would just have my variables for the weights or percentages declared at the start of the code (which they should be doing anyway), and then adjust them as needed for each election. If any state is getting within a red zone where Trump is getting too much ahead then the code automatically changes the weight and now flips every other vote for Trump instead of every 4th vote. Focus on the swing states, leave the red states alone because it's expected they will vote red. Leave the blue states alone, unless there needs to be some perception control so people don't realize how many democrats have flipped.

Finally, for the one or two of you who are yelling in frustration, "but our votes don't matter, it's the electoral college that chooses the president"... yep. There's that. Although I do think that if it looks like the popular vote was a landslide in Trump's favor and the electoral college voted Harris there will be a massive uprising, especially after the shenanigans in 2020. So the voting machines and counting machines are important for perception control, and still important to the discussion.

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I have helped in a small local election and and you get access to people's information. How many times they have voted in the last several years, what party, how many in each house or apartment and ages. I found it very invasive and didn't like it. I think they get it from the county office when you register to vote. I got the information from the people I was helping. I don't think people actually give consent for their information to be used this way, but I don't know how you would opt out. This is California. I don't know if all areas are the same. Another one I helped just said to go to as many houses as possible unless it clearly said not to and I didn't know peoples information.

I know someone in California that has written cards to Philadelphia residents asking them to vote for a certain senator. They claim Republicans will take ALL women's rights away.

No president has that kind of power as we are a constitunal republic and have several branches of government for a reason. But that is what they are brainwashing the democrats on, sadly.

Now your knowledge about machines I don't have, only from reading and hearing people talk about it. But I believe that no technology is 100% safe.

In terms of this election I have also heard that they could end up saying Trump stole votes and go after him for that!

This country is so messed up. Lately I can't focus on it because my own family is going through a serious crisis and I have to focus on that and find ways of making a lot more money.

Thanks for your information.

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Thank you Minkat for your very informative and articulate reply. Wow, on the invasion of privacy, or privacy breeches is another way to put it from the registration information. This would be like doxxing someone, if that information got to a 'helper' who was heavily brainwashed and triggered about voters from the other party and wanted to go to their house to threaten, scare or do even worse to them. And in California of all places, who have excess layers of onerous 'privacy' requirements that website ownters, app creators and everyone in the online space has to go through to 'protect the privacy' and private information of individuals in California, and have ways for them to contact you and get all their information deleted permanently.

Sounds like the person you know who is writing cards to persuade democrats in another state to vote for a certain senator sounds like the same scheme that this woman in my area was involved in. So some morally bereft evil genius has figured out how to make money (I'm guessing) by selling persuasion/peer pressure services to politicians while leveraging non-paid but well brainwashed volunteers to feel like they are somehow helping, or being 'part of the solution' to save the 'democracy' that is so under threat... of course ignoring that America is not a democracy and the threat is actually them and their Marxist/communist party and allies/controllers.

You are correct, no technology is 100% safe. We have countless examples proving that point and more examples coming in all the time. And then a whole other can of worms were the technology is intentionally used (often created with the purpose) to track us, identify us, surveil us, change our data (including our votes). How anyone can still trust these things are safe is beyond me.

I agree with you 100% on what you have said. Our country is so messed up. This is how they do it, create chaos on every level they can to get the people who are lazy and/or easily overwhelmed to just beg for more government regulation of every little thing and punishment for those who don't take well to slavery and won't comply. I just finished listening to the podcast Greg Reese released today where he talked with Mark Passio. Very interesting discussion. The topic of slavery came up a lot, so I'm seeing things a bit differently from that perspective right now because they were absolutely spot on. They talked about this very thing, the morally bereft parasites create as much chaos as they can so the majority of people beg for the government to intervene and save them, and they thus throw us all into a state of slavery dictated by immoral, egotistical people.

I'm so sorry that you and your family is going through something stressful at the moment. I hope and put my intention into the situation healing and changing to bring more ease into your life soon.

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Thank you so much. It is very needed. Slow healing and costly due to no insurance at the time. Medicare only covers some for right now. Will need more surgery too so a long ways out.

I wanted you to know about this group that someone in my county knew about. Her family in another state were involved in "fighting" this on the opposite side. They had organized groups to counter this and teaching others.


If you look you can find groups and events around the country. Less right now it seems. A year ago they promoted a lot of letter writings and more in California. I would randomly look to see. I shared here for Reinette to see a long time ago, but not sure she did.

Yes the privacy issues really troubled me, but I know it was legal what they were doing. They didn't want to put fliers out to democrats or people that hadn't voted for years. They were a team, one for city council and one for mayor and they represented republican and independent.

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Wow, I just had a look at the about page of that website.

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Tore Maras aka ToreSays is very forthcoming about her involvement while she was subcontracting under CIA Director John Brennan with the theft of many foreign elections. She was young and indoctrinated and thought she was serving American. So if this gentleman’s allegations are above board I can only assume that the CIA, and probably other international intelligence agencies, are working with the CCP Venezuela, Serbia, etc

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The "hack* is really quite irrelevant when. We have a Zionist Occupied Government. https://x.com/realChrisBrunet/status/1849923445095600346

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Yes, some intelligence - funny how none of the more than a dozen intelligence agencies managed to predict 9/11 - but than false flags are planned. The plan for the invasion of Afghanistan (which he was a major planner of) was said to be on Bush's desk the day before 9/11. Recall on 9/10 we also learned that Pentagon was unable to account for 2.3 trillion. The office working on this complex problem was the same one destroyed by the 4th "plane". They pulled the Patriot Act out of the drawer blew off the dust and had it passed within weeks. Fear is a beautiful motivator and is the greatest destroyer of critical thinking causing people to believe what the "experts" describe. So with plans to invade and destroy 7 countries in the Middle East to protect Israel and the CIA having been instrumental in creating internal conflicts in SA countries and installing their trained operative as head and fixing elections, the brave former CIA agent comes forth to warn us that others may do unto us as his Agency has done unto them.

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i'm glad you said zionists instead of israelis!

thank you

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video: this CIA 'Clown' is just reading a script by his bosses , DARPA....Chavez is just another employee of DARPA....a dancing figurehead for .....and what is DARPA? https://www.darpa.mil/

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Reinette, we appreciate you bringing up the issue of Nevada county election! It's truly is a shame that so highly paid government bureaucrats are doing such a poor job!

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Elections......Hahahahahahh what a JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!

Just another LIE for you braindead Americans to ponder..

Fact is DARPA has been in Total Control of the USA and much of Ftat Earth for decades

USA ====Majority and "Christians' ..... Led By Jews as 80% USGoverment are Jews or Jesuts and/or Mason's...s o Christiians get out there and Dance and Kill for the J-J-M.. fight them 'wars' get dem ' badguys' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhiHoqp0neU "" YES!!!!!! you stupid christians get out ther and KILLKILL_KILL......Pillage.Plunder.Rape for Jesus !!! ........................fuckin' Goy will do anjything they been TOLD TO DO !!!!!!!!!

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a Goy is an animal like christians ......and unless you are a Jew then you are just 'another goy' and a Jew can do anything to a Goy..spit on a Goy piss on a Goy, Kill a Christian or Goy.. Interesting reading the Talmud and Torah what cna really be done to a Goy....and with NO GUILT....why evey a Jew Can suck off a Babys Mutaleted Penis ... legally but is a priest did nthat he would be in prison for years.....kinda making 'dem Jews' superior to all Goy>>> https://odysee.com/$/search?q=jews%20sucking%20blood

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This election is full of potential fraud go vote in person on paper

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this drama will continue for many months- let's call attention to the 9/11 war-gaming that is already planned for the day after?

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I believe Mitt Rimney is the owner of Sequoia

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NOW that ballot boxes are burning and being stolen from the postal service, and many other acts of sabotage are happening, around the US, I guess the Deep State has found a way to bypass the facts of stolen election by implementing simpler but effective ways. to do it! I truly believe that there is not going to be a true election of any kind and that there will be many disclosures that start the ball rolling on : 1, Divine Government, 2. a new way to create community 3. and leadership in each community, that is Divinely inspired or related to a higher frequency and consciousness then human kind has ever known. You dear Reinette . I believe, will be a huge part of Divine Leadership and so will many other women who must now bring back the DIVINE FEMININE aspects of our world to connect with the DIVINE MASCULINE to save our planet and humanity.

Thank you for all the things you have done in service to humanity, the elemental kingdom and Mother Earth. Love and Light, Sharon

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Always - IMO, great and provocative investigative journalism from this Substacker. I will go so far as declaring it better than just about all the news media on commercial TV combined. Not including Dr. Phil's new network Merit Media or NewsMax.

Nonetheless, your introspect is impeccable.



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Get over yourself! Start fighting the real and biggest enemy. .....The real and biggest enemy is your own government. They lie, they invade, kill, bomb, kidnap, poison you, make and sell weapons of mass destruction, sell fake democracy, create fake terrorist groups, fake monetary system, poisonous vaccines. Now has China done anything like that with over 180 military interventions, coup d'etats, sanctions to anyone in the world. Guess what USA has done it to Many countries in Latin America, in Asia, in Africa and in Europe (Ukraine). USA is the biggest terrorist in the world....with their terrorist daughter Israel. Too much blood in both their hands and MUST be brought to justice! Soon or later Karma!

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It's All governments, not the subjects. American Civilians are not to be included in your hatred. We've been swindled years ago by the remnant tyrannical world of Imperialism. Slowly chipping away at the foundations of America's sovereignty.

Until the idiots that run countries and nations wake up to the fact that they are not God's, aren't the chosen ones or entitled by blood lines or biblical prophecies, karmatic debts and so forth; but are too, simply human. The War wages on between the good and the evil. That which only exists within the human mind and perpetuate the weakness of humanity; not strength or power and certainly not worthy of recognition or leadership into the future where they don't have any purpose.

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""""Berntsen has made it abundantly clear that Huawei is not just a company – it's an arm of the Chinese state, wielding immense power and influence. The threat to U.S. national security and democratic integrity is real and immediate. Policymakers, security experts, and citizens should be working together to mitigate these risks and protect America's sovereign""" << Hauwei has been InBed with DARPA for decades... DARPA uses Huawei built computers and RF Radiation devices by the million......the computer in your car was made in China chances are pretty good made By Huawei Ltd >>> https://www.huawei.com/en/corporate-information <<<

This Berntein is a Jew trying to stirr up hate for China .....standard Shit-Stirrer....and YOUR Taxes Pay for slobbering bafoons like this to spew out LIES and innuendos..Just another Jew looking for a freeride on Dem Dumb anerican-goy

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