This was the best convo, Reinette! Dr. Larry is a RARE bridge. So many gems here. I left allopathic medicine years ago. Everything he said is true. I rarely get sick and am a master at stopping a cold in its tracks. But, I just had one (no, I didn't for a moment think I had "the Covid" as my sister calls it. :) Or rush to get a C-test. My body needed to detox. I'd fallen off of my usual really healthy eating wagon (cider donuts and potato chips for starters) and I was having dreams of deep grief that led to something brewing in my lungs. Both TCM and Ayurveda recognize the connection between grief and the lungs. https://barbarasinclair.substack.com/p/reflections-on-stopping-a-cold-in

It is so liberating to realize that we are in control of our own health. Not some man or woman in a white coat. My only regret is that I didn't realize this when my children were young. They are fully indoctrinated by the allopathic system and they think I'm crazy. THANK YOU for all that you do, Reinette. You really get it. xo Barbara

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Barbara, Thank you for the kind words.... and I'm so sorry to hear about your children's indoctrination. I can't tell you how many times I have heard this. This indoctrination seems to solidify, especially among those who go off to college for their "higher education." But I say, give it time, the will understand soon enough.

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Thanks, Reinette. And yes, biding my time, hoping they see the light. xo

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Oh. My. God. I love this interview so much.

I am so enjoying the discussion of how our children find "the good stuff" in their "quiet space" (aka: when they feel "bored," and aren't distracted from one app to the next).

As I comment, I'm also deeply appreciating his comment that he's not even sure "mRNA" is what was actually given in the jabs, considering this "experience" never had to do with a virus in the first place.

Fantastic. His delivery is so soothing. <3 Big hugs to you both, Reinette and Dr. Larry. xo -Kat

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Side note. I glean that you either understand crypto currencies and have decided against them all or that you don’t understand it and so haven’t quite developed an appreciation for what the best of them offer us for the future. But one common mistake that too many can not yet discern (and perhaps this is the issue here) is that CBDCs are not the same thing as crypto currency, nor are CBDCs intended to offer what Bitcoin (for one) was developed to offer. Indeed, CBDCs ought to scare the sense back into us. But the best crypto (none CBDC) projects (an industry still in its infancy) ought to give us hope. And here’s the kicker… the only major fraudulent and nefarious problems with crypto exchanges of late are with centralized (so called safe) exchanges. Centralized exchanges where we give our assets to a centralized body to hold or use will always be prone to corruption. Enter Bitcoin. The antidote to control. If that makes sense.

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Really enjoyed this conversation. Thank you! And thanks again for fielding your subscribers' questions! While people of the USA have not risen up yet in a significant way, they are bubbling up and waking up day by day- and that tipping point you speak of may happen before long. For the Vietnam War it was the draft that finally sparked the massive peace movement (I think?) and like you mentioned, now, it could be folks' 401K going away, or something of that nature for everyone to rise up together. I believe folks are percolating all over in various pockets and a critical mass may occur with a particular, undeniable catalyst.

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Thank you so much for this interview. He is such a real person with such real solutions. I keep comparing my life as a young person growing up in Europe to the way my young adults are growing up. I tried my best to influence them with my life from Europe and my husband whom grew up very differently too. However, California is very different as I have lived in another state too. It's too long to explain, but I have struggled with living here.

Btw, on the other video, the person whom was very critical about the whole virus thing, I think was unnecessary. I still question it too as I don't understand why we get sick, but the freedom movement should come together not divide more.. In my family 3 of us just got sick and why all but 1 ? Never before did I get sick when my kids were younger and during this nonsense we have some of us 3 times now. But all since the vaccines rolled out. The truth wins. Thanks again.

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Can't wait to watch!

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they are calling the clots ,white fiber. thanks reinette for having great guests. thank you dr.p. my friends got it cause they wanted to go to concerts, etc..work travel. they surprised me. kpfa 94.1 totally pushed the jab. mary tielson , top 40 sunday show. said she won't get another booster or the flu shot. she had a complete turnaround. at the begining she pushed the narrative and shaming. they eat artichokes like that in england. george carlin told us we were getting screwed. it will be the informed a we will rise up. i'm not sure what we are waiting for ,

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Exactly! AND I have seen many who were pushing their shots now saying, Oh, daaaaamn. It's heartbreaking. I don't feel good about it. We now have to watch the carnage. It's painful.

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