Thank you for this excellent interview. I challenge us all to think in terms of interacting factors. I think our bodies only function as ideal humans when the frequencies around us are ancestral. Shots and other poisons aside, malnutrition aside, trauma aside ... we cannot expect to recover--as individuals or communities-- while moving in an out of a stew of man-made frequencies. Even if shots ended tomorrow, we are wallowing in top-down-engineered frequencies, the specifics of which are unknown to us, and probably not controlled at the local level. Where is the switch? (Is it a switch?) And who turns it on? And who told that person to turn it on? Changes to the electromagnetic requirements of life are the foundational layer for the tyrannical, population-based changes we are witnessing today. It is all right under and over and around our collective nose. For those who are not offended by WWII analogy, EMFs are the new cattle cars, barbed wire, watch towers, and officers with machine guns, all wrapped up into something invisible and easy to label as progress. The new EMFs are chipping away at our humanity each time a new frequency is quietly turned on, and we are not even aware of it, not even discussing this yet. All injection-related outcomes are interactions with the synthetic energy produced by our phones, wifi, meters, antennae and towers. The atmospheric changes are so profound that no amount of 'lifestyle' decisions (to eat properly and to exercise) are enough to override the trajectory for those spending significant time under the shadows of the towers or beams of the antennae. If we fail to restore ancestral energy to the planet, multi-generational life will suffer until extinguished in the areas now targeted. I think that is a large part of the plan. The frequencies vary by location -- globally and locally. I recently went on vacation to Jekyll Island, and I visited each public beach with my EMF meter. There was a pulsing into the yellow range every 45 seconds. The high income residential areas were green (safe) and the Holiday Inn parking lot was high red (a level which is illegal in some European countries.) I am grateful for the endless work on free speech and mandated medicine, but EMFs seem to be the central weapon -- they are at the heart of all the tyrannical processes and poisonings, used to project propaganda, used to program, used to injure and kill, they interact with all other forms of poisoning, and create elevated nutrient needs that even high quality food cannot supply. Humanity is being 'treated' as if a cancerous tumor: co-poisoning and radiation.

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I agree with JustANobody, and everything you have said about the man-made frequencies. They could have chosen to use frequencies that would not cause harm, and even be beneficial, but they intentionally chose not to and to instead use harmful frequencies.

"If we fail to restore ancestral energy to the planet, multi-generational life will suffer until extinguished in the areas now targeted."

I profoundly agree, and as part of ancestral energy I include Earth's energies. As a living being in my mind, who is host to countless other living beings (similar to us with all the microorganisms we host within our terrain), they have been working at disrupting and lessening Earth's natural frequencies and energies too. Part of the 2012 thing was that Earth in her orbit on the Milky Way (if we can believe any of what 'the science' tells us about this) was at the outer edge, furthest from the center of the galaxy where the magnetic (read frequency) of Earth was weakest. We have passed that apex and are heading in closer to the center of the galaxy, but of course this takes a long time. These demons are well aware of the skyclock and do things when the energies are such that most benefit their agenda, and when we and Earth are the weakest.

I have been thinking for quite a while now, since these negative frequenices are just energy, vibration, frequency and we all have our own energy, vibration, frequency which we are able to control -- can we intentionally affect the frequencies they are attacking us with? Masaru Emoto and Veda Austin have shown that we can affect the frequency and structure of water by our frequency and intention and the information we give the water. Can we change the frequency of these frequencies traveling through the Aether? I believe we can. So then the question is how?

SoCalGal - what EMF meter do you use? I love that you surveyed the different areas that you did and told us the results. i think we should all do this.

Remember when Trump was spewing his propaganda about how we were in a race for 5G with the Chinese and that we had to win the 5G race - for no good reason and totally ignoring the fact that the Chinese had already won... with their Wuhan 5G pilot city, and considering the fact that all the 5G equipment is manufactured in China the propaganda he was spewing was non-sensical? He was pushing for 5G everywhere, and in the middle of that a news story comes out about how Mar-a-Lago would not be getting 5G. The excuse was that it would detract and not fit in with their aesthetic. In other words, those antenna/transmitters are ugly and wouldn't fit into their beautiful city. Which again is unfounded non-sense because those transmitters can be disguised as anything. But it was so telling... 5G for all of you chattel (and we'll program you to beg for it), but not in our elite neighborhoods. So it doesn't surprise me at all that the right neighborhoods were in the green, when the rest of the areas you measure were yellow or red. Imagine if we had citizen scientists who did this same experiment/survey everywhere and published their results. Would it wake some more people up?

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Thank you for this reply. Veda Austin's work on water (or should I say living plasma?) is remarkable. I remember her presentation many times a day to prevent myself from sliding. Her demonstration shattered my view of chemistry and makes 'science' look almost silly. Since I learned of this, my relationships with my children have improved, for I am now conscious that they are a reflection of me (water!) Reinette interviewed Matt with Cultivate Elevate about solutions. If you have not yet seen his videos, you may enjoy them. He is light and jovial and calls everything happening 'nonsense,' so my nervous system remains calm while learning. He is researching the 'old world' and how the buildings tell us of incredible technologies (now suppressed) and possibly peace that we cannot imagine.

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Teresa and Donna, thank you both for your beautiful input. I agree with you wholeheartedly. How can energy NOT be everything? We are bioelectric beings. In the morning, I make it a point to look around at my surroundings and give thanks for another day. I give thanks to my ancestors. I give thanks to the home I live in and the comforts that surround me. I thank the hummingbirds that fly outside my window and all of nature that conspires so that I may have this experience.

And, you hit upon the bad frequencies. Why can't we be doused in healthy and beneficial frequencies? It's clear this is an evil plan. But I do not consent, and I say this too throughout the day.

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Everyone must hear this interview to more fully understand what we are up against , SK


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This is absolutely the best comment and by far succinct!

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Well said. Sad if you are in the hospital, you are surrounded by all the emf even more. They could use hardwired like it used to be. I generally don't like being in an elevator with other people in part because of the emf. Most are clueless about it. Many will have wifi, data, Bluetooth going all at the same time and all trying to connect to signals. I generally also just have my phone as a phone when I am out. I used to.put it in airplane mode in the car, but my family would get upset as they couldn't reach me. Our natural vibrations are completely off, but I do believe in positive thinking and sending those vibrations out to help counter the bad ones.

I have just recently come across this woman. This is someone else's channel, but her own one listed. However, Odyssey I don't use, so I can't figure her channel out. He is very direct, but she is even more. She has a lot of information about nanotechnology in the world and that includes our body.


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The 5G is so strong in hospitals it's not uncommon for me to come out with hives on my arms!

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Sep 22, 2023
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If they have 5g then yes its was definite factor in the old folks home that started plandemic in Wash ST. AND they had all been given "regular" flu shots

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Wow. This woman really deals in specifics. Her job is the opposite of mine! Thank you you for posting. First time I've heard many of these terms. I think it is probably wise for us to imagine that we are being 'harvested' in many ways. I have been imagining the geo-engineering metals as the new data cloud, but this information rounds that out.

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Oh, yes, Sabrina. She is off-the-charts brilliant. She cusses like I do, so how can I not like her? Her information led me to this: the Qube. If you go to this page: https://www.ourspirit.com/qube, you can read about it. They have a symbol called a Sigil. You can print it out on your home printer and put it on EMF devices to counter the frequencies. Does it work? I don't know, but it certainly doesn't hurt, and I have throughout my house.

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Wow she really is off the charts remarkable , I adore really smart people like her. LOL She definitely paints a very negative picture about some very well known personalities whom many have thought are on the good guys side. So we are left wondering are they just ignorant of these things or are they complicit?

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Harvested indeed check out DAVID Icke recent interviews on this and the trap in "the light" on Inspired channel and he has done others on this topic as well

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She has knowledge that I had never heard about. I follow an alternative dr that has talked a lot about nanotechnology in us and that is how I found her. Yes he promotes his protocols for removing heavy metals, parasites etc. I don't get too wrapped up in that.. In life I also think we have to believe in endless possibilities of the human body being able to heal. What I mean is, if we are sending our body a lot of negative beliefs via our thoughts etc, I believe we are more likely to create that situation in our body/ life. Being that we are electic/ energic beings, just the thought of a food being bad for us can create a negative impact. Hope I make sense. Thanks for watching her.

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I am sorry, I can't find what you are commenting on. Substack is strange this way. Anyway, I know about this and I believe Dr Buttar was targeted along with many others. I went down this dark road years ago and had to stop, because nobody around believed anything I said about the food poisons, vaccines etc. Till covid I had nobody to talk except my husband as he almost died from meds by Kaiser several years ago. My kids and myself have been through medical problems and those became my red pill moments, but my husband was later on. I have had friends that would almost yell at me when I suggested that parents should be able to opt out in school about vaccines when California took all rights away. I shared the Substack article with many already. One is an alternative dr that Reinette knows too, she has been on his shows several times. He was recently not allowed to be on stage for the Clay Clark event. Media Matters went after him. He exposes vaccines, nanotechnology and many other things as he is tired of dealing with the country being so sick. He hasn't fully said all the details, but sounds like the people associated with Trump asked for this. He is totally speaking about it and the Sabina information.

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I was commenting on this video Sabrina https://rumble.com/v363e1e-august-9-2023.html

and the Dr Ana M interview


I would suggest everyone watch these two back to back extraordinary info from extraordinary minds/beings.

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thank you for this link, @minkat. will check it out.

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Yes, you have articulated exactly some of what I have been struggling for words to express. Man engineered 'reality' and now transhumanism -vs Natural Law and ancestral frequencies that have sustained peoples for milennia. So well put. I feel just a little less existentially lonely, reading this. This is what I grieve - that so many seem to be willingly giving that up. We are losing the very best in ourselves as a species, due to this technological nightmare. The young know nothing else, so how would they fight it? and this is the hill I will die on because if we let our Natural humanity die, I don't want to be here anyway. may as well fight this dehumanization. We were born for these times, I keep telling myself, but I am having a hard time wanting to stay alive anymore. Thank you for this.

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I too feel quite isolated. There is a catch-22 with the synthetic frequencies, one that benefits the industrial agenda: Some that go in and out of the frequencies (green to red, back and forth) I think are the ones that eventually feel sick when they enter red zones. This happened to me -- I lived directly under a tower for 12 years. The process of become aware of what was happening was unbelievable. But these people flee the cities and are given a ridiculous label of 'hypersensitive.' It's like calling severe autism 'quirky.' The post-poisoning labeling is also pre-engineered. It is difficult to find cracks in the agenda. 'Born for these times' - interesting. Maybe we were born to find cracks in the agenda and to connect dots for the likeminded different interests. I often wonder - if the solution is always to decentralize, then is it necessary for us to unite? Is there a way to stand as millions of individuals to defeat these engineered forces? I don't know.

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That is a thoughtful, interesting perspective. Hive mind hasn't really gotten us anywhere, has it? Maybe how we unite is to tune ourselves within to the ancestral frequencies and I imagine then, as the indigenous ancestors did, and their progeny are still doing and relearning, we would pick up the 'smoke signals' on the wind, in the waters, the plants and animals and earth itself - and we could connect and unite in this way, individual and in tune. That gives some inspiration. Thank you for this conversation.

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It seems some of the best info is really coming out now, to help people like you and me, who are not wanting to be amongst this any more! I actually had those feelings as a child, not wanting to be here because the humans I saw (with so few exceptions) were mean or cruel and I never understood why they had to do that. That was 60+ yrs ago. And I get it now, but still dont understand why they cant see how it could be. I think we NEED to stay and pray and build our frequency best we can and support those braver and more resiliant than us. After all, I believe it is likely we volunteered to be here to add our beautiful energy to the war. Thats all we have to do, just be here, KNOW who we are, ask for Gods protection, and be here.

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Thank you for this.

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Excellent comment and agree with you either we change this dramatically or face extinction. please stay in touch.

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See my comment above. Thank you for your scribe. Very true.

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Regarding the changes in those who’ve taken the Covid shots. Some family members have taken it and have changed. My teenage granddaughter got 4 shots (😢) and I no longer have a connection with her. She was bubbly and funny, but that part of her personality is gone. I thought it was me, but my son said she’s changed too. He got 2 shots, but I still feel the connection to him and he won’t get more shots. My daughter-in-law got 4 shots and sounds like a blithering idiot when she was a very intelligent college graduate. My husband got 2 shots and my connection with him seems gone. He hates everything and constantly complains when he didn’t do that before.

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I feel strange 'liking' this post. What you are all describing seems to be the end of family. I agree that these changes are happening.

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If there was an "agree" button, we'd be hitting that.

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Sep 15, 2023
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Yes, while I have not seen a dehumanization with all those vaccinated, I do see a very high rate. I still live in the area I was raised in. I know this town intimately. We used to look at one another when driving or walking by. Nobody looks at anyone anymore. In the grocery store, nobody looks up and greets each other, eye to eye. Rarely do I see people smiling. And as Naomi stated, infants are not as expressive and receptive as they used to be. And as far as Disney films..... now I see them for what they are: psych warfare. Creating childhood trauma. As an adopted child, I would ball during the opening of these movies because it generally dealt with the separation of mother and child. Now I know what they were doing....

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my son and his girlfriend - soon to be man and wife- do not show the affection that they did before the jab- i see it in many- a sort of lifelessness- at the airport- what naomi says- absolutely true-

now when a baby reacts to me i am surprised- it used to be a daily occurence- i did see it happening at the beginning of cell phones when women would ignore their babies as they 'strolled' them down the streets- worse when they started running and pushing the baby carts at high speed ignoring the children's weeping

i used to come home weeping- now it's as if they babies and children have given up -- just given up

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Although I have really withdrawn from almost all previous friends and acquantances, with people I still deal with through work and services I need I have seen a change in many/most vaccinated. People who were previously pretty sharp are just stupid to the point of incompetant now. That sounds rude and perhaps crude, but it's to the point.

Their ability to remember and comprehend is gone to a very noticable extent. This and their complete inability to apply logic and what I consider basic thinking skills is what leads to the incompetence. Arguably they didn't have strong logic and thinking skills in the first place, which is why they fell for the psyop and got vaccinated.

I notice people getting frustrated, rude, aggressive when I'm trying to explain something to them and they clearly aren't functioning sufficiently to 'get it'. I work in IT, I'm a freelance web developer and create apps as well, and large part of my work is customer service, and I've been doing this including the customer service for 2 decades. I have a great customer service history, and my current customers who have the apps LOVE me. They are so gracious and appreciative. I am able to explain things to them so they can understand it, I'm good at connecting with people in this way. So I know that when I'm having these interactions with people who incapable of understanding what I'm trying to explain, rudely talking over me and cutting me off, getting downright aggressive and acting out their frustrations that it's them, not because of me.

I was talking over the fence to one of my neighbors, also unvaccinated (neighbors on either side are unvaxxed) a few weeks back and he brought up how he's noticed the vaxxed are getting really aggressive and losing their shit over stuff so easily. We were talking about my landlord who he leases land from who lives behind me. The landlord thought in the beginning that the whole CONVID thing was a lie (I asked him when it started what he thought) but then he went out and got vaccinated. Now he's gotten really greedy, he's broken our rental contract, is lying to me and as my neighbor has pointed out seems to have no short term memory capability. When my neighbor moved into the house he had a girlfriend who was pregnant and he told me they had broken up because she got really aggressive and nasty (that's his side of the story), she had a miscarriage. I asked if she had been vaccinated. And yes she had, he didn't know about the escalated rate of miscarriages in vaxxed women until I told him.

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Donna, I'm sorry to hear this, but I'm not surprised. When I have conversation with people I once considered open-minded, if I say anything they don't 100% agree with, they completely shut down. Now inquiry. No curiosity. Simply a wall. And it's the end of the conversation.

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It is really sad in a way. For the most part though I see it as those people were never my tribe, they were not people I could have relied upon if it really came down to it. I have never been good at self-denial, I'd rather have the truth even if it seems hard. I would rather know that I can't count on someone, than to think I can and find out it's not the case in my time of greatest need. It's easy for people to pretend to be friends, it's easy for people to say they have your back, but what I found out is that it's usually not true.

A few years ago I had a neighbor told me a ton of truth about the government, various politicians, the CIA, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Pope, Vatican, etc and all the nefarious, evil stuff they had done. He would stop by sometimes as he was walking past my house, or I would run into him walking when I was out walking my dogs, so over a period of time he had told me a lot about these psychopaths and their agendas and plans.

One day he said to me something like, it takes a lot of courage to hear all of this and take it in. Most people don't want to hear it, they don't have the courage it takes to see what is really going on in the world. I thought about that, thought about the people I knew who couldn't or didn't want to hear the things I would try to tell them about, which was mild compared to what this guy had told me about, and I realized that he was right. It did take courage. And I had the courage to hear the truth. And now I'm telling this story, because all of you here reading this have that courage too. We are all courageous. And in situations like this where we are connecting with a common focus, I always think of synergy... the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Special gratitude to Reinette, who by speaking the truth despite all pushback, is drawing together the parts... us, so that we can feel the synergistic power of our collective courage.

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I have definitely noticed this as well but with those who spend lots of time on their cell phones not just the vaxxed.

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Oh yes, the cell phones. That could definitely be a factor too. I had noticed that but hadn't made the connection, I was thinking it was generational. Keep watch for how these people may change after the test alert tone/signal they say thay are going to send out on October 4th. through phones, TVs, computers.

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YES YES , I would advise everyone DONT LISTEN TO IT , or watch your cell phone when this is happening keep it in aluminum foil or Faraday bag or cage . REMEMBER HAVANNA SYNDROME ATTACKS . My best remote view probabilities on the possible upcoming traumatic EVENT many are feeling and Cliff H and others are talking about are the following CYBER POLYGON internet and comms . cyber attack shutdown, US dollar collapse and attempt to force CBDC s, major revelation [true or fake ] on UFOs and evidence withheld, or ACTUAL PROJECT BLUE BEAM Alien event . Chines attack on Taiwan or major event in Ukraine war ACTIVATING DIRECT American COUNTER .

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Or anyone with a microwave (hopefully you don't use it) you can throw it in the microwave. They are faraday cages will stop electronics from being damaged by an EMP even, or so I have heard.

You know how they do these 'simulations' a couple months before they unleash a real-world false flag event uncannily similar to their 'simulation'? Well, this is a simulation... only this time it involves all of the population. I wonder if they have had a simulation in the past few months, or one happening soon around some 'event' where they would have to use the emergency signal service. I read that this would be only the 2nd time they have tested this. In decades. Yes, they are up to something. I'm sure they have a way to track how many of these signals go through, I hope a significant number of people turn their devices off.

Have you seen that they did one of these in the UK just a few months ago?

Remind me again what Havanna Syndrome is? I have only just learned of it recently, in the past few months, and I am blanking on what it is.

I have really nice faraday bags for my phones, iPad, and I will have them shut down in their faraday bags, along with my laptop (need to get a faraday bag for the laptop). I'm also in Mexico, with no US number. I have no TV, no radio (which they say they are also going to blast this out to). I think October 4th is a good time to make up my own National Holiday (since this seems to be a trend, or maybe competition for the most ridiculous). So...

I hereby declare October 4th National Digital Detox Day.

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I certainly would never have a microwave , but do keep some important comms electronics in protected Faraday cages [homemade] live off grid , no TV ever , no cell phone . Havana syndrome is direct attacks via EM , or possibly even acoustic and or Radio frequencies to cause serious damage to anyone targeted. Its called that because people in Havana embassy picked up their CELL PHONES heard and audible sound , and had a host of serious injuries , dont know if any died afterwards or not. And it gets even worse if you listen carefully the the 2 interviews in links below fasten your seatbelt for these


https://rumble.com/v363e1e-august-9-2023.html these 2 should be heard together

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We don't live in a democracy. We have a democratic way of voting, but that is where it ends. Our system was designed as a republican form of government. But has morphed into an evil Oligarchy. Article 4 Section 4 of the US Constitution explains what system we haqve. The Framers hated that word, democracy, and it is found nowhere in our founding documents.

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We neither live in a democracy or a Constitutional Republic at this point, and depending on ones level of knowledge we never really did. Im very aware of Franklin 's statements and the attempts to do so, and maybe we functioned a bit that way for awhile . BUT the same Elite , false church establishment, secret societies, European royals, and banking families ,and Templars had their hooks and agents in it from the beginning. It was known by some and already "discovered" long before crazed , madman Columbus thought he would reach India by sailing west, and though he did so when landing in the Caribbean, and immediately claiming the land for the POPE and Queen and King of Spain and began the extermination and enslavement campaigns [by PA[PAL BULL] that would continue throughout N. , Central and S. America , and importation and enslavement of African peoples, CONTINUING to this day. We are in the extension of this now, they just more advanced wicked technology to do so. As my song of 16 years ago states "We Are All Indians Now " SK.

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Agree. It's a shame that we have been so deceived about everything for so long. We need a true freedom reset. I sure don't have the answers, but voting is a joke. Be blessed, sir and follow Christ.

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Kudos to Naomi for candidly admitting that she is "not so sure we get out of this" ...it takes courage these days just to answer questions directly ... I tend to view Dr Wolf and Karen Kingston as models of courage ... on the other hand, I view Tulsi and Chris Hedges as cynical actors ... I've done my reearch on both of them so please don't challenge me ... they're both straddlers .... they've got one foot in their world and only one foot in our world ... and one more indicator of Dr Wolf's courage was on display here ... although she just released a new book, she did NOT have a fresh copy mounted on a bookshelf behind her for all to see and hopefully buy ... my kinda gal!

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Good points all around!

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I don't know who Hedges is, but support what you say about Tulsi Gabbard and will add some information to that (which you probably already know PITA Contrarian, but others may not). She is a WEF Young Global Leader. Even though her photo and bio has now been removed from their website. Talk about an infiltrator.

She was a major in the Hawaii Army National Guard... She continued to serve as a major in the Hawaii Army National Guard until her transfer to the 351st Civil Affairs Command, a California-based United States Army Reserve unit assigned to the United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command, in June 2020.

-- Wickedpedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsi_Gabbard

She has more recently been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command

United States Army Reserve.

Psychological Operations Command... she's a high ranking officer in a psyop unit (in California even though she lives in Hawaii, is that common?). You can read from her wickedpedia page that she not only supported contact tracing during CONVID but she took action to get rid of the health officials who had not done a good enough job of implementing it.

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Damn. Yes, I have had information given to me about Tulsi. I supported her when she first made a big splash... but enough information has been given to me about her, and now that I know she is a high ranking officer in a psyop unit.... that tells me all I need to know.

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Wow! Thank you Donna .... did not know she was an advocate of contact tracing ...

"Hedges" is Chris Hedges ... I used to love he guy, but not anymore ... I firmly believe he is "controlled opposition" ... and did you notice that Tulsi has quietly withdrawn from Maui and hasn't made a post to her Substack page in weeks? ... she had to leave the scene of those heinous crimes because she was operating under an extraordinary conflict of interest ... eventually, somebody was bound to ask her about the true nature of those fires and she dare not say a negative word about the MIC's obvious role and weaponry ... ya see, the MIC actually cuts her paycheck ...

And I followed the Paradise "camp fires" very closely and the big diff between those fires and Maui is that a researcher named Jamie Lee snuck into Paradise ground zero and captured what I believe is THE most damning photographic evidence I have ever seen ... I saw several photos of charred cars with large holes bored in the hood and roof, a photo of a skeleton sitting in the driver's seat of a charred car and the photo of a charred school bus ... it appears TPTB really took a lesson from Paradise and locked down the Maui crime scene before anybody could get in there to take photos ... and did you see Tulsi's recent interview with Joe Rogan in which she pushed the "wild fires" narrative?

I too was quite aware of her unacknowledged closet relationship with the WEF ... I was actually chasing her all over the 'Net until she publicly distanced herself from their agenda in 2021 ... in 2015 she made a post on Twitter in which she said she "was honored to be chosen as one of their YGLs" but still has not denounced the Great Reset ...

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I was thinking a couple days ago that she had been unusually quiet about the fires right there in her home state, when in the past few years she has been jumping onto Fox news to give her opinion about anything and everything that had a less personal connection for her. I only saw today that she did an interview with Rogan. Interesting that it was an interview with him, and not Fox or The Hill or something. Targeting a different demographic now it seems. Has she ever been interviewed on Rogan before?

I didn't know about Jamie Lee and the evidence he collected. I'll have to try to find that. Send me link if it's easy for you to find one. That would be really bone chilling to find a skeleton in a car. But what it means is that someone was on their way to evacuate and was hit by something so fast and unexpected (to them) that they didn't even have time to get out of the car. Normally you see a fire coming and you go the other direction.

You can see more about Tulsi's work to get contact tracing implemented in Hawaii on that wickedpedia page. Lot's of other interesting information there too about who she has endorsed, and what she has done.

Regarding Tulsi's unacknowledged time in the YGL program, Dr Robert Malone (IMO controlled op infiltrator, bad guy, weaponizing lawsuits against other health freedom individuals to crush them) publically challenged her to talk about her time with the WEF YGL, and she didn't. Now even though I don't support him, he had a huge platform at the time he put this challenge out to her. The fact that she never responded is telling, IMO. Not that she would tell the truth... Lt Col of Military Psyops, I start from the premise that we cannot believe a word she says, unless I see proof or intuit that something she said might be a grain of truth. But still, she said nothing.

I think she is smart. She's a bit younger than some of these career public serpents and her mind is sharp because of that and I'm sure other factors (better diet, general health, etc). In addition to being smart, she's also discreet, in contrast to many of those blabbermouths (Biden for one example), who will blurt something out, then have to lie and backtrack, or lie from the start and end up building a house of cards from lies upon lies. I think Tulsi's strategy is to avoid lying outright as much as possible by not saying anything, or misleading and applying her knowledge of psyops to direct people down the trails she wants them to go. I think she has a lot of charisma that works on many people. Listen carefully to her voice... she has a pleasant voice to listen to, and even when she's going off about something she keeps it pretty even keel. Now she's Hindu, she is probably a very experienced meditator, and that could be the reason. But I think about the way she speaks and I really wonder if she has been trained in hypnotism, NLP, and similar techniques (who knows what the military has developed in this area) and if she's using techniques like that every time she speaks publically. If someone like her were to get into a position like President, VP, or or various high ranking government positions I think she would be a formidable weapon that the WEF and MIC would weild against us. The people really like her and who don't see that... well, the ones I know also think Elon Musk is a white hat and is going to save us. Sigh. There is a lot of spell casting going on, and too many are under a spell and they can't even see it.

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She IS MILITARY those units and many CIA are all trained , in psychic stuff , out of body work , remote view , psychic warfare , and more , This I know as fact .

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Wow, impressive. I have barely followed her, but only because I knew not to trust her. Didn't have a clue about her military background. She is young and can be dangerous. I agree..

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Here's a link to an interview with independent researcher Jamie Lee 5-6 years ago just after the Paradise fires ... he breached the scene of the fires and got some incredible photos, most of which have since been purged from the 'Net ... but I'l never forget them ...


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Correct on fires

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First time I've heard this. Thank you for posting.

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Yes Donna excellent AND has she said a word about the evidence on MAUI mass murder ? Does anyone think with the history you just mentioned she did not know this was planned?

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They are not just straddlers they are WEF graduates , pawns

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Oh my! to see both of you churning harmonious energies and radiating the truth with "determined tenderness" makes it clear that the real battles are raging within us all. To have spent time with you and capturing your reflected light has given me the experience to know that the human connection is the reward we earn in being honorably genuine. The list of assaults seems endless, from graphene oxide to mosquitos to this and to that. It can make one choke with laughter at the absurdity that a 5G tower may be modulating the human experience. I salute you and what you say and how I perceive you to feel and I am faithfully relaying same onward to and through those who are willing and able to receive, reverberate and pass it on. Naomi, Reinette you are channeling integrity, goodness, patience, kindness, resilience, humility and much more. And the one thing I would challenge is the calling of Reinette a "warrior." We can jettison that concept and, I beg, we can transmorph that into being "Peaceivists" or "Peaciors". We feel the essence of the creator and need little more than that deep harmony to endure, surmount survive then thrive.

Mitakuye Oyasın ---we are all one.


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Once again.... all beautifully said!

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The United States is a Constitutional Republic not a Democracy....she knows this.

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Yes. She must know this.

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Of course she does so why didn't you question her on this Reinette? Do you think it's a good idea to allow someone to spread misinformation on your platform? Democracy (rule/decision by majority) has nothing to do with individual rights , freedom or sovereignity and the continuous misuse of the term is being used as a doorway into the acceptance and implementation of Communitarianism. Naomi Wolff knows this, she aids in this and she did not misspeak.

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YES! Thank-you!

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*Constitutional Republic!

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THE BEAST can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough!

Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.


There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!

There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!

I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.

My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!

Kudos to Dr. Naomi Wolf's and Reinette Senum's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!

How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.

Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!

As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!


I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.

They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!

All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.

Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links. https://virustruth.net


It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.


There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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I'm not sure if you would have heard of Dr Tau Braun, a countertrrorism and emergency management consultant in the USA. He is well worth a listen for his different perspective. I caught him today, just before listening to your podcast with Naomi Wolf, and I was struck by some similarities that he and Naomi were talking about in relation to the "zombification of humanity". He is interviewed on Truth Paradigm Relays channel - https://rumble.com/v3c9m9v-rise-of-transhumanism-trans-agenda-and-more-featuring-dr.-tau-braun-ep.149-.html. At around 1:00:40 he talks about how our monoamine neurotransmitters - seratonin, norephadrine and dopamine -have been down-regulated. As he puts it, they have been down regulating passion!

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Leona. Yes! This is what I'm seeing. The loss of passion. Empathy. Human connection. Attraction to beauty: I see even in those who stroll by my home. Many would stop to look at my beautiful English garden in the front yard.... now many of them turn away from the beauty and look the other way. It's insane to watch!

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Thank you for this post. I am getting great links to check out on this thread of comments! This reminds me - there is a small group of mothers who are slowly, quietly resolving autism symptoms by eliminating everything that could possibly negatively impact dopamine, including chemicals in food, artificial light and all screens. In its place -- grounding; barefoot on Earth.

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Getting rid of the RFs in one's home, protecting sleeping areas from dirty electricity.... all of this helps.

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In addition to Carnicom & O'Neill, Virginia Farver another Humanitarian deserving of being amplified, especially as it relates to protecting Ourselves from microwave proliferation.

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I agree with Naomi that "Baal" or "Moloch" might be more apt descriptors of the evil we're facing, compared to "Satan." Especially "Moloch," worship of whom was marked by "burning of children offered as a propitiatory sacrifice by their own parents."

Ick. It doesn't get much more evil than that. And we're clearly living through exactly that level of evil, right now. It's so in our faces.

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Very interesting. I was listening to Clif High last week, and he was talking about the aliens implementing circumcision as a means to eliminate higher psychic functions, as the 10th Vagus nerve endings land there. Whether you attribute it to a spiritual or otherworldly force of some kind, or just our own greed and stupidity, something bad is cooking and we are not smelling good. Thanks for having the cajones to face forward Reinette!, and Naomi

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I heard that same Clif High piece. It reminded me of the research on male infants before and after circumcision. It changes their brain pattern... and NEVER recovers! Just look in the eyes of an infant boy after this brutal, inhumane surgery. They look betrayed by their mother... what does this do to the mother/son relationship? All the relationships with women???

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Regarding the "zombie" phenomenon, I personally believe that human beings are spirit, soul, and body. My experience has been that people who are strong in spirit are less affected. I pray with a woman who was persuaded to get two shots because she has health problems (the irony), and she does seem to have some soul-level confusion, but when she prays, I am in awe. She has such a heart for the hurting and the deceived, and prays with such concern and empathy. So there is hope. May we be renewed in our spirits by the Holy Spirit promised through Jesus.

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We asked them why their babies died.

They said, because our doctors lied.

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3 mins into this video, and I had to pause. I WANT TO SCREAM....AND MY BRAIN WANTS TO EXPLODE!!!!!!

STOP!.....STOP!!!.......JUST STOP!!!!........PLEASE.......JUST STOP IT!!!!!!!

STOP saying that we are a 'democracy'........WE ARE NOT!





A so-called 'democracy' is PURE EVIL!

A so-called 'democracy' is TWO WOLVES and ONE SHEEP deciding what's for dinner. The TWO WOLVES went to sleep with full stomachs. (For those that can't figure it out....the 2 wolves ATE THE SHEEP!).

A so-called 'democracy' is 'MOB RULES'!

A so-called 'democracy' is.....you live in your house, on a street with 7 other houses. The other 7 home owners get together and decide that they don't like the color you painted YOUR house.....so they BURN DOWN YOUR HOUSE!

So-called 'democracy' is 'MOB RULES'!!

The DemonRats WANT a DEMOCRACY! Because a 'democracy' is, whoever is 'IN POWER" can DICTATE what 'IS' and what 'IS NOT'!

We are IN a 'democracy', and NOT A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, RIGHT NOW!! So, HOW ARE YOU LIKING 'democracy'???

When the DemonRats start crying, "TRUMP IS A THREAT to our ('OUR', meaning, the DemonRats 'MOB RULES'!!) 'democracy'.". THEY ARE CORRECT!! Because in a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC......ONE group does NOT HAVE POWER OVER THE OTHER!!


And ANYONE claiming that THIS REPUBLIC is a 'democracy' is NOT AN AMERICAN and should be SHOT FOR TREASON!!!!!

'Democracy' = PURE FKN EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I definitely think I'd be less angry if I weren't circumcised. At least I refused to do it to my son...

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I was recently introduced to Phil Schneider's Last Speech. Unfortunately, it was on YouTube but I watched his presentation about what he knows from his work with the US Government. This includes DUMBS, Area 51, dark money and how world leaders and government agencies are working with dark, evil aliens from another world. I think he called them "the greys". He said there are good aliens from the Pleiades (sp?) fighting for us here but they had to go home to fight to defend their own home planet. I know! It all sounds so fantastical! It sounds absolutely insane. But he is legit and what he has seen and experienced is frightening, to say the least.

I have been digging through the weeds of rabbit holes since January of 2020, when the Holy Spirit told me, "This is the beginning. Do not fear. Prepare." during prayer for Wisdom and Discernment about any illness that was circling the globe. I was an Assistant Manager at a well known drugstore and 95% (minus alcohol and cigarettes) of our sales were OTC cold and flu meds that winter. Everyone was sick. My teen daughter was extremely sick for all of December 2019 through mid-January 2020 but all tests came back negative. This piqued my interest so I prayed. I found answers but too long of a story for this purpose. Howeber, I knew about Wuhan through a student there using a VPN. She did an interview with one of her friends who has a Channel on YouTube and she said they just locked down the city.

Anyway, long story short, kept digging and digging for Truth because I just could not believe that any human, no matter how evil, could do so much damage to all of Humanity! Even the worst human wouldn't willingly eradicate most of us and cause so much sickness, suffering, torture, pain and death, spray the entirety of the world, poison the air, food and water that every living thing needs to live. It's like everything must die and they only want the minerals and metals. My biggest argument was why would they poison themselves in the process? It never made sense. Unless they had some antidote.

Phil said that the NAA (I think it's the negative alien agenda) has been going on for decades and Presidents, the UN, three letter agencies, DARPA, etc have been working on eliminating humans, save for a few which will be allowed to remain to be enslaved to work and they're ramping it all up.

He displays rocks, metals and off planet materials and discusses technologies being implemented that are being used to create fantastic submersables and flying objects that are literally, out of this world. He said the aliens are real and alive and fly back and forth between earth and their home.

Then there's also an interview with Laura Eisenhower on SGT Report that gives confirmation of this negative alien agenda.

It's all very disturbing so I do give warning that you must hold a sincere belief and faith in God and in our purpose and know His Voice and you are secure in your relationship with Him to remain fearless and to not become distressed from a very dark, evil epiphany.

He was "suicided" after this last speech. Tread these waters lightly. But I do believe I have found out why we are living in an upsidedown world and it's unbelievable .

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