HOLY COW REINETTE! Albert just told me about this Dr Gold fraud! I am in Sunnyvale right now closing my Mom's house and shutting the door on her life in Silicon Valley since 1969, ending with her murder on 8/15/22 from 4 shots Moderna. I WILL GET JUSTICE FOR HER MURDER MY FRIEND. We're going to recall 4 BUTTE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS and the DA, PLUS 4 CHICO UNIFIED SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS for 20 years of crimes from embezzlement to murder and pornography sex crimes and all things in between. WE NEED HELP WITH MEDIA COVERAGE!! Here are a few updates.

But I am going to Cavalry Saturday night with Albert. INSANITY!







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So sorry about your mom!!

Your videos are powerful. I am in a county close to you. You seem very organized about what you are doing. I am in a group where we are organizing via Nationallibertyalliance.org starting with a Safety Committee similar to the founders. They have so much information on that site and they will help. It's all about the real constitution and the real bill of rights and eventually to use the sheriff to our advantage. We are also using a couple named Jack and Margy Flynn. They recently did a 9 video series via a man named Mel. They claim that no state or county is operating under the original constitution, but we can change that if we organize and learn about the constitution and take actions.

https://rumble.com/v1pd1mu-americans-need-to-know-that-the-constitution-guaranteed-and-secured-their-r.html Here is one where they explain their book and more.

https://rumble.com/v2786li-the-constitution-is-the-key-but-which-one.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=19 Here is one they did with someone else.

https://www.qfs1776.com/us-constitution-teaching-series-by-jack-and-margy-flynn Here is where the series and affidavits etc listed. All free. They want to save the country. You just need to sign up with an email or you won't get to the right videos. The series are US Constitutional classes.

There are other videos with the Flynn's, but if you listen to them first, you will probably be inspired.

My point of this is we need to use the constitution in our favor. We also want to collaborate with other counties and get more and more people involved.

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Ya this woman seems to get more and more delusional by the day...

I feel sorry for those churches falling for her serpentry

Of course she’d be going after churches

Dark energy lovesss them some light filled Christian spaces

Pray these churches have discernment and not let her wickedness infect their sacred spaces.

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I emailed the church mentioned and wrote about their response below.

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Hey Reinette, I heard you say last week you're doing my detox with a friend--congrats, hope it's going well! Reach out to me, if you have a minute, FB DM is a good way. I am relying on you for the ongoing story about Simone Gold, thanks for keeping us updated. So disappointing, as I was so impressed when she rounded up a dozen doctors on the steps of SCOTUS. Everything since she got out of jail has been beyond strange. And when my husband and I got "covid," in Aug 2021, FLCCC was completely unavailable to help us. (We don't go to doctors, haven't had to navigate the medical system, but was thinking to get IVM just in case--not possible, even after so many donations and publicity.)

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Robin, yes your detox was absolutely amazing. In fact I would love to interview you about it. As you already know, it’s important y’all take care of our health specially now as we witnessed the allopathic medical world crash and burn. As far as Simone Gold, yes I too am very disappointed. I was excited to originally see her along with all the other brave doctors. But unfortunately, something is seriously amiss and this train continues off the tracks.

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Hi, sure, your EA can contact Caroline at greensmoothiegirl@gmail.com, and we can set up a time for an interview (you can be an affiliate)--we had 950 new detoxers start last month, last year was crazy too. I'd rather NOT be having people buy so many detox programs because it's pretty clear why they are. In fact, it appears to me than well over half of them are unvaxed, because we all just got a big dose of motivation to avoid the medical system at almost any cost. It is so broken. IDK if you know that how I studied human detoxification for many years is that I spent 4 years in bed after a flu jab in grad school.

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Yes, I have learned about your health issues in the past. This is generally what sends us into our own self-healing. Just like those injured by the shots finally becoming awake to vaccinations' real harm. I will reach out to Caroline. So grateful for you, Robyn! Love to share your story!

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This sounds pretty serious. I just have ONE consideration that could be explored. Namely, while she was in prison, the USA Gov COULD have 'brain mapped' her , like they are doing to Americans, and it could cause this erratic behavior. She should be asked if she has ringing in the ears, tinnitus, headaches, and get a Functional MRI.. by omeone qualified, to see if the USA Gov has been messing with her brain... like they are many Americans uninformed. Just some thoughts. Now a days, I think everyone should have this done, and the benefit of the doubt before final judgments made.

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She could have made a deal too. Why did she get such a short time in jail, yet hundreds are in jail and have had no due process. Several in solitary confinement. That was the thing that I didn't understand. Why did she get special treatment.?? There is an older woman in jail and I believe she has cancer.

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she is still sending out letters from Frontline doctors with her signature...I got one this week

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Reinette... Thank you for sharing their new vision moving forward. I love the inclusion of giving communities the tools and support to navigate their own health and wellness. I’ll pray for their strength to overcome this 🙏

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I emailed the church because I saw too many people posting about it. The response I got back was that they didn't want to be the ones to judge based on what they are hearing in the media. They had plenty of that themselves. They want to give her a chance to tell her side. I forwarded your substack with Kevin Jenkins and asked them to look more in to it. I have been to that church for several events and really enjoyed it and I had to speak up. I had also posted about it here. Thanks again!!! Any chance I can email you? I am in a group organizing and forming a Safety Committee and much more in my county. Nevada County has the seal in place by Nationallibertyalliance.org

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I posted some more information in the comment below as she is in a county close to me and we all need to work together and help eachothers out even if it takes hours of research and learning this.

https://www.youtube.com/live/QNm_nkJrk_Y?feature=share Someone in our group just posted this about voter fraud in Lodi too. The idea behind NLA is to collaborate with other counties and help get people involved and educated. The Flynn's approach is a quicker one, yet still hours of learning. NLA you become a stamp of approval group and eventually you can have paid jobs working the courts under their organization in your county. So we need to wake up the bears, women, men, mamas and daddys,, grandparents, retired military,

young people, etc, etc. Right now we are still a small group, but a mixture of everybody. People are angry and want to take actions at this point. Enough sitting and doing nothing.for 3 years. The Constitution is the way in my opinion.

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I hadn't realized this was happening until just seeing this now. Makes me wonder what happened to her in jail. For her to start this organization at such an important time, and standing up, to hearing what she is doing now, I agree, there is something that changed in her. Unless she was stealing money from the beginning.

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Unfortunately, this began before her 60 days sentence.

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big bummer 😵‍💫, thanks for the info

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What about their website? Who operates it? Looks like she is still in charge there...

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She still has control of the social media, Website, and there AFLDS emails.

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Reinette, you said how much you HATE corruption (I'm with you all the way on that!). I recommend taking extra magnesium, doing some deep breathing and relaxation and sitting down with a nice up of chamomile tea before reading this. But you will want to read it:

House of Fauci: How Dr. Christine Grady, aka Mrs. Fauci, Used Her NIH Position To Backstop Her Husband’s Pandemic Health Directives


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I've been trying to find a way to alert you to the fact that Andre Corbeil had Dr. Ardis and Simone Gold on Rumble calling her a "medical hero". So decided just to post here. Hope you see this. He had no clue about the issues with her and I alerted him the problem and pointed him to your two substacks with Kevin.

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In the Q&A at Calvary recently Dr. Simone Gold defends her postion on this matter during a VAC (Values Advocacy Council) .


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I think it's very important that before anyone listens to Simone Gold at this Calvary event, first they need to look at all of these court documents/decisions before listening to Gold's answers. Once you are familiar in particular with the recent AZ court decision you will see how much fabrication Gold is continuing to spread. All the documents are here: https://www.americahappens.com/news-page

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I appreciate the information. Thank you.

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In the Q&A at Calvary recently Dr. Simone Gold defends her postion on this matter during a VAC (Values Advocacy Council) .


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2-14-23 judge denies motiion to dismiss

“There have been sufficient facts pled to state a viable cause of action for removal of directors against Mack and Matthesius.”

Let the prosecutor arrest her.

Tthe board should all resign and start their own charity.

Very wasteful expenses here, and Kevin never disclosed this in his interview.

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It sounds like they're running out of money ($1.1 million spent over 4-5 months) so they want to sell the house they wouldn't bother selling for 1 year. How is Kevin going to reduce exorbitant salaries of those same Board members who hired him? So much for transparency, trust and integrity.

The business plan (which looks like a school paper completed in a rush before deadline - who's "CC"?) sounds like establishing a quasi-government authority, a "parental figure" above the people. Supervise community gatherings! Educate them how to manage their health, one size fits all, and about homesteading (what has it to do with frontline doctors?). "Navigating the new world"????? Sounds scary. I thought it was all about protecting individual liberties, but never mind peasants. We have plenty of educate-supervise nonprofits in our area serving as an arm of the Democrat party and corporations.

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Oh hey Julia!!

Still stalking Reinette’s Substacks??


Knew you’d be back...

CC is Citizen Corps the citizen advocacy branch of AFLDS sooo ya makes sense why they’d be doing community work.

As a matter of fact, CC has been doing it all along actually, weekly meetings with the state leaders, monthly meetings locally in communities around the country, help with homeschool, help with PMAs, help finding freedom docs, help finding freedom churches, help fighting school boards and etc

how do I know this...I’ve been working for AFLDS CC and was the coordinator for about a year (for which Gold consistently praised me, how amazing I am, such a great leader bla bla bla...) then Gold got caught stealing by an audit by a law firm SHE INITIALLY HIRED, her fluffy panty model GF John was fired, and she went psycho. Her and her bfs piggy banks were about to be confiscated and sooo they panicked and decided to limit access to the AFLDS assets to any of us that REFUSED TO SWEAR ALLEGIANCE to her....including myself.

What that creature didn’t realize, bc it’s a serpent, is I only swear allegiance to God, family and my country.

So for me, the once praised dedicated employee, who was there since the beginnings of CC, working tirelessly for the citizens ACTUALLY helping people get out of hospitals, get meds, fight legislation and school boards...I was now an enemy of the serpent Gold.

I wasn’t just showing up at events to spit a “give me more money” “I’m a folk hero” spiel so I can keep being a fake celebrity like Gold the serpent

I was a gem in that serpents eyes for a long time, but over night basically bc I refused to give it my passwords, hand over the contacts, addresses and names of tens of thousands of Americans or lie to the board as per her request, I was “OUT” (her/the serpents words)

Absolutely manic, most insane experience of my life. Never known someone so comfortable blatantly lying...

It’s serial killer, anti-social psychopathic type behavior...chills me to the bone

This woman is an actual serpent and I know that people like me were put in its space on purpose...just like I did with covid, I will never stop fighting to get the truth out about Gold and doing everything I can to keep people from continuing to feed her pathetic, self-imposed, parasitic high end lifestyle

Did you know this bitch was trying to charge patients $50000 to give a treatment plan at some point in her pathetic career

Like who does it think it is?! Dr Perfect??

Check it out for your self, shame on this creature for doing this to people, I pray no one ever fell for this nonsens...https://web.archive.org/web/20161111183113/http:/www.drsimonegold.com/services.html

Karma is piling up for this creature and Im going to be one of the first people to visit it when it goes back to prison. Canttt waittt 😊

God protect all those that continue to be deceived by this serpent and her circle of pathetic sycophants.

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Feb 19, 2023·edited Feb 19, 2023

Those are concierge services, and I can't tell if those were particularly difficult cases (with 40% not difficult enough), very sick patients, how many patients served (just a few per year?), if the services were worth the price etc. Some families would gladly pay $50K for exclusive doctor attention and diving into the latest scientific research. If it's not worth the price, then nobody pays, free market. Visit your corporate network. I don't use any allopathic medicine but if somebody wants/needs it and pays crazy allopathic prices, it's their choice. In 2020 the FBI arrested under some technicality a doctor who successfully treated cases of covid resistent to HCQ by his own inventions. How did he dare to charge $25K? Totally a grifter. It doesn't matter if the patients lived or died. Attorneys charge a lot, this is outrageous! Earnings of Hollywood and sports stars are completely unacceptable! Who cares about liberty and due process? Justice requires everybody to be equally poor and miserable.

I sensor, you feel that you were underpaid. Then why didn't you ask for an increase from the REAL leadership?

I guess, the plan is CC "re-imagined". In our community we were self-managing just fine and doing all this mentioned stuff as volunteers. But if somebody needs help, they ASK for help. Not the other way around. Particularly interesting is this attack on the freedom church when it invited a "disapproved" speaker. It's how tyranny works.

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