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"Do you personally know anyone who has recently fallen ill with a mysterious sickness that just won't quit? I'm talking about the sudden onset of cyclical symptoms like high fever, profuse sweating, violent vomiting, inability to keep down food/fluids, and dramatic weight loss — feeling better briefly, only to relapse again."

Yes, I know many. After getting between 1 and 53? Covdud 19 shitshots and/or throw in the new and improved Flu Fuxxine (double strength starting in 2023) and maybe even the RSV fuxxine. Disaster. All fuxxines are disasters. All of them.

Next question?

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UnExperts, while I don't disagree with you, I have friends who are wi-fi free, nowhere near cell towers, not vaccinated in any way, been away from large populations of peeps, and got sick as dogs.... how else can this "illness" be delivered? Perhaps aerosol, but the illness is very sporadic.

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"while I don't disagree with you ... "

And, I don’t disagree with you. Neither this response of yours, your post about mosquitos nor your previous post about 5g even though you retracted part of it. You did good in your PARTIAL retraction less than 24 hours later. My opinion only. Hard to believe CO would retract less than 24 hours later. :-)

I/we noticed the same thing with mosquitos the past 2 years. Mosquitos galore in the dead of winter? During cold/rainy periods? Weird. Maybe we are missing something, but I don’t ever remember mosquitos in the dead of winter.

Next, I’m going to have to try what you are doing i.e., slapping the shift out of them to see if they are full of blood or white gooey stuff.

I didn’t mean to insinuate that vaccines (all of them) are the only cause of long term and severe illness, maiming, deforming, slaughtering & even 5% of the time, sudden death within a month to a year. Just that vaccines and all other meds are probably running #1 &/or #2 as far as destroying health (and brains) of human beings. Often, for very long, long periods to forever.

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Reinette, I think a lot of people are overlooking the 30+ million recently-arrived illegal aliens from all over the world have poured into our country unchecked, un-quarantined, and free to roam about. They are touching door handles, railings, bathrooms, and who-knows-what in public places....that U.S. citizens likely also touch within minutes or hours. Those illegals have introduced an entire smorgasbord of parasites and bugs against which our bodies have not yet developed an immunity defense.

God knows what array of third world diseases they've brought with them. Diseases that have gone largely uncontrolled in poorer nations where only a select few are lucky enough to receive legacy vaccines (the ones already proven relatively safe & effective) and antibiotics. There have already been reports of polio, tuberculosis, measles, and other nasty bacterial and virile infectious diseases that had largel been eradicated or 99% controlled in North America.

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