Interesting that you have found the different types/colors have different properties. That makes sense to me. I have never seen red clay sold as a powder. Did you buy it or collect it from the wild?
Interesting that you have found the different types/colors have different properties. That makes sense to me. I have never seen red clay sold as a powder. Did you buy it or collect it from the wild?
I collected it from the bank of a stream just above the water line. This was many years ago and probably a few days into a bad case of poison oak that mainly resulted from unknowingly spreading it from oils on my clothing. After a couple of mostly sleepless nights I must have heard or read about using clay and remembered one area of this stream, a place where I had hiked, with red clay oozing out of a portion of the bank. Drove about an hour to get there and then a long hike from a hilly ridge down to this canyon stream to collect the clay. It was miraculous. The clay immediately sucked out the pus very quickly and I was effectively 'cured' within a day or two. If you've ever had poison oak or ivy you can understand.
Interesting that you have found the different types/colors have different properties. That makes sense to me. I have never seen red clay sold as a powder. Did you buy it or collect it from the wild?
I collected it from the bank of a stream just above the water line. This was many years ago and probably a few days into a bad case of poison oak that mainly resulted from unknowingly spreading it from oils on my clothing. After a couple of mostly sleepless nights I must have heard or read about using clay and remembered one area of this stream, a place where I had hiked, with red clay oozing out of a portion of the bank. Drove about an hour to get there and then a long hike from a hilly ridge down to this canyon stream to collect the clay. It was miraculous. The clay immediately sucked out the pus very quickly and I was effectively 'cured' within a day or two. If you've ever had poison oak or ivy you can understand.
Wow, amazing story! And it really reinforces that nature takes care of us, if we just know what is around us and how to use it.