"This is a California REAL ID. If you have it, get rid of it. If you don’t have it, never get one…. and tell your friends and family to do the same."

How do you get rid of it once you got one?

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Cut it up. Start over. Go back to the DMV (that's what it's called here in Cali) and get an old fashion ID. Yes, they have your info, but you are no longer participating in the system, being tracked by your REAL ID everywhere you go. By doing this, you are expanding the number of the 110,000 million Americans who have said NO!!

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Remember that old Nike commercial?? JUST DO IT! :~)

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If you can get rid of it don't they already have any information they want?

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I'm repeating my response from above here: Cut it up. Start over. Go back to the DMV (that's what it's called here in Cali) and get an old fashion ID. Yes, they have your info, but you are no longer participating in the system, being tracked by your REAL ID everywhere you go. By doing this, you are expanding the number of the 110,000 million Americans who have said NO!!

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Good question! They gave me one unbeknownst to me, so did that give them the right to access my info even though I didn't give them any unusual info as in the past?

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I'm wondering that too.

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My sense is, if ya don't use it, they can't track ya.

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I am using mine when I fly but I can still be tracked with my airline ticket. You are going to get tracked one way or the other.

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Catherine, don't make it easy for then. If you participate this, you are giving permission for this system to exist and expand!

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Maybe try being less defeatist, and a bit more defiant. :~) I believe it’ll take ya farther in life.

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This has been very hard to find any answer on

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What's the question?

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you answered it above, that we can turn it in for an old one. Thank you.

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Oct 2Liked by Reinette Senum

American ID is unconstitutional

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

I raised cane with the Department of Motor Vehicles 2 years ago when I went to renew my expiring drivers license. They made me remove my hat and glasses. I called and spoke with the main supervisor at our capital. There is no opt out consent form. She said that I could just write it on the bottom of my application but she could not tell me or guarantee who was compling the data. She said they would not issue me a drivers license unless I did what they said. I was livid. This Real ID is bu..sh.. I informed her that she is directly contributing to building her own gulag and all of ours. They all played dumb or they all were. I got the damn thing so I could legally drive. I'm still pissed about it. Neferious IMO. I'm filling out the form. Thank you.

PS Twila's awesome and so are you. Thank you both.

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Oct 3Liked by Reinette Senum

Most DMV people I lump in with the TSA people, the otherwise unemployable drones.

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Yes, they play dumb because they don't even want to think about what they are participating in.

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Last license I got renewed was a nightmare! At a certain age, they make ya take the written test. I studied, and still didn't pass after 3 tries. Some questions weren't even in their pamphlet. They gave me a home tutorial, and I passed. MAJOR waste of time, energy and nervous system output. They oughta be jailed!

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As you may already know, we only need a drivers license for commercial driving and not for "traveling from place to place." However, while many take this on, you have to be willing to get pulled over, explain yourself, and risk being arrested by law enforcement who don't care about your constitutional rights.

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For sure. This is off-topic, but I asked for a 12 week extension on a "moving violation" ticket I recently got pulled over for (on the freeway). I wrote the local "superior court" a declaration of innocence, stating that if the court examined the officer's "DASH-CAM" footage of the incident in question, I was certain they would NOT find my driving negligent, "unsafe," or having caused any danger to other drivers. As luck would have it~ or perhaps by divine intervention, I've been declared NOT GUILTY, and my $234 refund check will be forthcoming in the mail very soon.

I am posting this for your followers, so that they might consider following this protocol, when they believe they've been unfairly ticketed. The upshot? No dings on my driving record, no higher insurance premiums, and I'm not out my $234 bucks!

I watched the CHP officer in my rear view mirror, struggling with whether to write me up or not. I knew he felt ambivalent about it... but he musta needed to meet his ticket quota that week. Bottom line, all's well that ends well.

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I feel you, that's insane. Makes me not want to drive at all if possible.

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Drive, Throrsh, drive. Don't let them take your freedom away.

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👍 Preferably in an older, gas powered vehicle, with minimal computerization capabilities.

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Fine. Great info. But what about those who might already have the Real ID? Suppose a person is about to travel with no time to procure a passport?

After all, the original Real ID roll out was well before the Covid Con and I have friends who rushed out to get them. What do they do? 'Get rid of it?' How's that? It's a drivers license!

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I'm pasting my answer to this from above: Cut it up. Start over. Go back to the DMV (that's what it's called here in Cali) and get an old fashion ID. Yes, they have your info, but you are no longer participating in the system, being tracked by your REAL ID everywhere you go. By doing this, you are expanding the number of the 110,000 million Americans who have said NO!!

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Eventually the passports will be linked too, if not already. Maybe not as everyone doesn't need one.

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Do NOT make it easy for them. When you get your passport, it does have a chip already. Put that baby in microwave (hopefully one you don't have in your home), and cook it for a few seconds. That will cook the chip!

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Oct 2Liked by Reinette Senum

"The Pact Of The Future" Document, 193 nations have accepted this, however, Argentina was the first to speak out against this, but of course Biden was all for it! Many say we need Trump in power so he can deny the WHO! Personally, I'll be writing Kevin Kiely abou this as well.

Dr. Tenpenny (Video: 3 min.)


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Trump did nothing to stop it, in fact his constant ranting about "voter id" is I think another sideways move towards this real id garbage.

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No, the voter ID for voting has nothing to do with the Real ID. As has been noted by several commenters, the rules are different by State.

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Trump is the same as the Democrats, Marxists, Progressives…

I voted for Trump twice. Then I woke up!

Trump and Vance have TONS of ties to people that make money off of surveillance.

Look at the people that would have never voted for Trump.


After Operation Warp Speed, and losing my career of 23 years, I WOKE UP MAJOR!


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Would you prefer foreigners to sell surveillance software to our Military? I choose American entrepreneurs over foreigners. The Military and IC have been procuring surveillance products before Thiel came into the picture. Broze is a grifter, he was exposed by Alison McDowell a very long time ago.

Operation Warp Speed began under Obama, Catherine Austin Fits and Greg discuss it, maybe you should look into it.

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Isn't the State of Israel in charge of US surveillance system?

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Thanks Reinette, Ive been hearing about this lately & have a Real ID drivers lic. from CO which is expiring soon. So what if your DL is expiring & you are in a state who has real ID DL's, what are you supposed to do then? Drive without a DL? Idk. Some practical answers are really needed here. Where can we find out?

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Is Colorado giving you no choice? If so, I would look into the constitution right of being able to "travel" from point a to b without a drivers license. A driver's license is only for commercial transport but we have all been fooled into believe we have to have one. You really need to know your constitution rights around this, and be willing to get pulled over, no the facts, explain them AND then still take a risk of being arrested because there are a lot of officers out there who don't care about your constitutional rights. But, I guess, I have to ask you, where do you draw the line. When do you make a stand? How does that look?

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Oct 2Liked by Reinette Senum

I don’t have it and have commented already. Thank you!

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Oct 3Liked by Reinette Senum

Thank you Reinette, comment posted.

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Excellent PSA, thank you.

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I am thankful I got my license in MT...the DMV guy straight up said it's ridiculous and no one needs to do it.

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And there you go!

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Good to know! Unfortunately Im in AZ & I think they already have it effect.

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The I.D and License is a ATM card. It can be swiped like a debit card to access the trust account held on individuals in each state or estate. This is why police demand it. They are surreptitiously billing your trust. The rank and file don't know this, they are just ordered to "get that I.D." My I.D. says, "Federal Limits Apply," because I refused to give them all of my paperwork, or the "keys to the kingdom." Federal means "contract." Contract Limits Apply, it says. I don't even say I am a "U.S. Citizen." Why, I am an American Indian, not "Native" American, and saying so places the person under jurisdiction of a corporation located in the District of Columbia, Washington City Virginia. I refuse to contract. I had to physically explain this to the Supervisor at the local DMV in order to get my license released, they refused to except a mail renewal, and the computer "bugged out." He told me, "In all my years I have never seen that happen." Your License or ID should be treated like a contract and a million dollar debit card.....................because it is, except not for you.

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Thanks for expelling the "Fed limits apply" part. I didn't know the backstory. Do you ask for this when you get your CA drivers license?

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No, when you refuse to give them your birth certificate, which is a bank certificate or anything needed for "real I.D." they have to issue it with FEDERAL LIMITS APPLY" at the top right. When you renew you will get that as a default if they don't get your documents.

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What state are you in?

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Golden state.........................now rusted..............Ca.

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Good answer.

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You already know. We share regions.

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If you care for your fellow humans, your planet and your health, just stop flying. Jet exhaust is the biggest source toxins in the atmosphere, toxins that are killing all life on earth. Slow down, take the train. Enjoy the ride. No search, no ID check.

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I love train travel. It's my favorite and I'd be happy to swap!

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Me too!

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I agree, if we would have all stopped flying when the TSA crap first started things might be different now but omg, try to tell some of these people they cant fly just for a while, until they stop trampling on our rights & the screams would be heard in outer space. We are a pretty selfish, me first bunch here in the states- its too bad & now look at this mess!

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Tho they could do the same with train travel simply to push the same agenda TSA does.

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agreed...unless you're flying across the ocean! No trains do that yet!

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Let's hope that the lost art of sailing ships make a comeback.

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It's still optional in some states including Virginia. My DL is due for renewal in a few months. Their letter said I can go either way. Also there is a $10:00 upcharge for Real ID.

I'll pass.

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They are charging you more so they can track you better????

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Of course!

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Dear Reinette,

…yes please advise particulars for those in CA and CO who already have one. Does it help to go back and discard /quit using the ‘real I D ‘ version and will they issue a non-air travel compliant version in those 2 states?

FOR SURE….in AZ…you can get DL w/o real I D.

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I'm being repetitive here. This is my answer: Cut it up. Start over. Go back to the DMV (that's what it's called here in Cali) and get an old fashion ID. Yes, they have your info, but you are no longer participating in the system, being tracked by your REAL ID everywhere you go. By doing this, you are expanding the number of the 110,000 million Americans who have said NO!!

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Yes I just found out they have an opt out option in AZ- thank goodness. Thank you.

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So glad to here this!

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

Colorado got these in 2012 when I had no idea what was happening... it looks like I can rid of it but is it already too late? They have all my stuff then anyway? Ok sounds like it's worth it to give it back anyway

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Again, repeating myself here: Cut it up. Start over. Go back to the DMV (that's what it's called here in Cali) and get an old fashion ID. Yes, they have your info, but you are no longer participating in the system, being tracked by your REAL ID everywhere you go. By doing this, you are expanding the number of the 110,000 million Americans who have said NO!!

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Just say it was lost!

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