My Veterinarian father researched the side effects of over vaccinations on our pets for the last 40 years and is convinced that Over-vaccinations caused cancer. Therefore, this one is my favorite! Great job!! We are the News Now! Cheers!

#11. Vaccine Vigilance: After a continued increase in COVID-19 shot deaths, turbo-cancers, and other injuries, the public has reached a tipping point in their understanding of the dangers of vaccines. COVID shots are becoming officially labeled as bioweapons in the U.S., and more massive class action lawsuits are ensuing.

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Thank you for pointing out, that “vaccines” for animals are just as bad as they are for people. I think the “vet cartel” is just as bad!

Bourla, Mr. Pfizer, is a veterinarian...interesting.

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Yes, veterinary medicine is on our radar now as well! It’s been on mine for over 17 years, I fight against it and refuse to allow my pets to be sucked up in their “life threatening” practices. I also don’t subscribe to the pet food/pet diet crap either, that the vets are pushing either!

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I agree, and they have been putting overloads of toxic iron in the pet food, which feeds parasites and makes them prone to infections. These cats lived to their 30s with table scraps. https://medium.com/the-mission/is-commercial-pet-food-killing-your-pets-c0f4cfac56f8

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Me too Frontera! 😺

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Exactly!!! Yea, there’s definitely something there! Go team!

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You are welcome to look at my father’s book, I think that it’s still available on Amazon. “How To Afford Veterinary Care Without Mortgaging The Kids” by Dr. James L. Busby.

How to Afford Veterinary Care Without Mortgaging the Kidshttps://a.co/d/7We3q81


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Ordered the book!

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Some of this is so unjustified it could be considered fraud - or at least unethical - in my opinion. What do you think?" - Dr. James Busby

Almost exactly what my doctor said when I asked him "why do I only need a tetanus shot every ten years, while my horse needs one every year "

I will take a look at this book !!

In the meantime, I wonder if you could get your father to take a look at my Iodine for Horses, because I could use some help answering some questions I have. Thanks!


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I talked with Dr. Busby, he switched over from a large animal practice to a small animal practice in 1980. He said that he has never treated a horse with extra iodine, since you can purchase a salt lick with iodine in it. I would stay on the side of moderation and trust the animal to use what they need. Nice chatting with you!

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I did come across this article about tetanus shots. Here again, they are over selling their products.

Study shows tetanus shots needed every 30 years, not every 10

A revised adult vaccination schedule could save millions in health care costs.


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wow that is excellent information! thanks! that will save me from getting a tetanus shot every time I end up in the ER 🤪 which would be nice, because who knows what is in any shots these days, right?

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Jan 7, 2024
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my doctor's exact words were "he doesn't. They're just trying to make money".

Some vets won't keep you as a client unless you do all the vaxes that they recommend.

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Jan 7, 2024
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That's a lot of cows!

I think once every ten years would be ok for the horses, even though they are, like you said, accident prone.

I heard horses can get lungworm from donkeys - what's up with that? I don't know anything about lungworm.

Would you say 1 horse is about as much trouble as 20 cows? Just curious....

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I will read his book. I wonder if he proposes abandoning all vaccines. Or, are some safe and presumably helpful? Thanks.

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Good morning, yes I will copy this and text it to mom and she will show it to dad. I will try to get back to you soon.

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Thank you. That’s very kind. 🙏

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God bless you and your father. 🙏🏼

Unfortunately the prediction seems to take a leap. Declaring Covid shots bioweapons is a long way from revealing the fraud of virology, viruses and vaccines.

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It is coming. I am an RN and woke up--belatedly--to the dangers of vaccination in 2009. I am vaccine injured from the Hep B vaccine series I got as a practicing nurse. And they are giving this Hep B vaccine to newborns right after birth when they do not have an immune system. Vaccination has always been in their arsenal of weaponry from the very beginning--since the introduction of Bruce Jenner’s Small Pox/Cox Pox barbaric inoculation in 1796. The incidence of Autism and other vaccine injuries is staggering and not sustainable--from the childhood vaccines. Who will take care of all the children/many now adults when the parents pass? I hope I am wrong but I think we will see more and more deaths from the CV jabs as the days go on.

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Well said. Albert Bourla described his 'vaccine' as "a tool in your war against the pandemic." What he really meant was, a tool in your war against the population.

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Dr Zev Zellenko nailed it when he addressed that Israeli Rabbinical Council (not the Talmudic/Satanist bunch), that the parent is just offering their child onto the alter of Moloch who is wearing a white coat. Rudolph Steiner has also told us. And countless others.

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The end of the hoax known as virology is coming? I pray that’s true. 🙏🏼

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I assume you mean one jab is "Over-vaccination".

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I am coming from the perspective that if it’s a “Live” vaccine, then a body only needs it once to be effective for life. I am coming to the conclusion, that the medical industry is creating an environment of fraud, extortion and racketeering that is beyond reasonable.

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They are using the new vax to transmigrate “data” for cryptocurrency. Thats why the new vac save 0-1 persons for all the rest they injure or kill. This is all about depopulation and biometric theft to be sold as cryptocurrencies and btc. It is murder for money.

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I love these Reinette and I think they're all possible. Very much within our grasp. Thank you for putting them out there. Best to you and Happy New Years!

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Ah, some awesome news! Great predictions. Let's see this as done! Brava once again. Love to you, Marcia.

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Starting on January 20, 2024 Pluto is moving into Aguarius, through September 2024, with a short ‘retrograde return’ to Capricorn (where it’s been since 2008) until November 19, then it goes back into Aquarius until March of 2043. For many of us it will be there for the rest of ‘our’ lifetimes. Pluto in Aquarius is about CHANGE.

I quote from Cafe Astrology:

“While Pluto is in Aquarius, we take social structures and politics especially seriously, and we seek major reform in these areas. Unusual, intense, or dramatic happenings are possible with friends and networks.”

From Astromatrix a more in depth look at this transit:


So needless to say much of Reinette’s “predictions” have the ‘energy’ of Pluto in Aquarius to be possible in some form or another.

“On a personal level this Pluto in Aquarius transit challenges us to reassess our relationships to friends, communities, and technology. It’s a time to identify and distance oneself from toxic relationships and to align with groups and technologies that resonate with our highest values.” 💓🙏🏻

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Fascinating. Thank you for this additional layer, FL!

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A more in depth look at Pluto moving into Aquarius.


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Reinette, Totally compelling and inspiring of similar reflections. How about this one: "The early 20th Century industrialists are identified as the visionaries of global slavery through manipulation of centralized regulated medicine - its educational system, controlled practice and pharmaceutical influence as a propagandist marketing mafia sydicate to coerce system dependency through creation of population health ignorance and helplessness, designed only for industry profit and subjugation of the population; natural medicine, home remedies and the decentralization of medicine and health experience a revolution of bringing self-empowered health and healing back into the home."

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Very insightful, Lonner. I was not familiar with the 20th Century industrialists in this way. No doubt, we are seeing massive decentralization from education, health, to food!

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Jan 4, 2024
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Thank you Reinette. Yes, Carnegie and Rockefeller, especially. The AMA was created in 1852 as a labor union to make sure that doctors got paid. Carnegie commissioned Abraham Flexner (an educator during that strict Victorian age - not a doctor or medically trained!) to create the curriculum for medical schools. After that was accomplished (around 1910 - 1915), all herbalism, home remedies, chiropractic, osteopathy, bio-electrical therapies (the Reif Machine), etc. were made "illegal" by the now medical ruling class captured government regulators. If you were found practicing any of it, you were "practicing medicine without a license", heavily fined and/or put in jail. The AMA became the major marketing arm for the pharmaceutical industry, mostly created by Rockefeller, as his chemists learned how to make "medicine" using crude oil industry chemistry. This coup de tat of the healing world was when medicine and healing - which were the two snakes of the Caduceus - violently separated. Medicine could not control the world if the people were empowered and "self-diagnosing and treating". Operation Lockstep pdf may still be easily accessible and downloadable on the Rockefeller Foundation website. It shows the Rockefeller blueprint for taking over the nation using medicine/pandemic propaganda. Rockefeller was a genius with a wicked vision - everyone is identified with a body; control what you have convinced them will save their lives and control the products and methods and you can get them to do anything. (I wonder how much he may have learned from Hitler...) The profound error that neither Rockefeller nor Carnegie anticipated is that the wisdom for health and healing tools (herbs, etc.) and practices evolved from the innate wisdom of th body - eminates from the regenerative force of Life itself. You just can't stop that unless you're God. Hence their plan is necessarily failing because it is also true, I believe, that you cannot supress the innate wisdom of freedom, which, I believe, winds itself around natural healing - the old and ancient Caduceus rises! We all have had enough of their paradigm and are retuning Home... So wonderful to be neighbors with you and all these great people here.

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Clarence, great quotes. I recently read that Kennedy knew of the dark state and how the CIA was created to squelch anyone who knew what was going on and threatened to be a whistleblower. No wonder they shot him down. More evidence suggesting the CIA was complicit in his assasination.

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We can thank predatory philanthropy for assisting in setting up the global slavery system. Money. Money. Money. It's the biggest influencer in academics, research, education, training, agriculture, etc.

The Maudsley Hospital and the Rockefeller Foundation: The Impact of Philanthropy on Research and Training https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2723762/

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Thanks BKBlair. Just read the article. My takeaway: If one party has a "need" that seems to only be met by a dominating other party, who colonizes the first party to get their "need" met, then the actual "need" of the first party is treated as "inadequate"; equating to gaslighting their authenticity if they don't "perform" in a deserving way. This is the core of the definition of a cult - defining who is in and who is out, based on "acceptable" behavior. I just lost my appetite for lunch...

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Love all 13 predictions.

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Impressive -- let us watch eagerly as they infold one victory at a time.

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As my grandmother would say: "From your mouth into God's ears!"...:-)

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Outta the ballpark Reinette! Thank you for joining the “awake, rabbit hole crowd”!

I always love your take on things!

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I pray you are correct...❤️

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I love your predictions. Now, if we can just stave off that cyber-attack they've been table-topping!

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I hear they're developing a vax for that.

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Pushback is happening:

ASTONISHING OPEN LETTER: Military Officers Seek Accountability: https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/military-officers-seek-accountability. Open letter to American people about criminal COVID-19 vaccine mandate. This morning a friend in the US Marine Corps sent me a copy of a document titled “An Open Letter to the American People from Signatories of this Declaration of Military Accountability” signed by several ranking military officers. Though I’m far from sure about it, I suspect that such an open letter to the American people, authored by military officers expressing their grievances about the conduct of senior commanders, may be unprecedented in U.S. history. Even if it’s not unprecedented, it’s certainly extraordinary. The opening paragraphs strike me as bold, honest, and patriotic…

TN Citizens for State Sovereignty - Tennessee Putting Teeth in the Tenth: https://tncss.substack.com/p/tn-citizens-for-state-sovereignty Nullification is not only a state's right it is a state's duty and responsibility…We truly believe Nullification, if enforced, will stop many of the constitutional violations imposed on the American people from our federal government (including the Supreme Court). It was the intent of our founders to extremely limit the power of the federal government but over time they have exceeded their authority and we have allowed them to do so. We also believe that Nullification is our last peaceful solution. Our founders clearly stated that Nullification is the rightful remedy when our federal government steps outside their lane.

Pushback to Tyranny & Control Increases in 2024 – Catherine Austin Fitts: https://usawatchdog.com/pushback-to-tyranny-control-increases-in-2024-catherine-austin-fitts/ Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says the top story (out of 20 top stories) of 2023 was massive, documented pushback to tyranny and control by the evil Deep State globalists.  CAF explains, “Our top story of 2023 is ‘The Year of Pushback.’  It was so long, and it was so big, we had to make a special page and move the other 19 top stories to a whole different section on another page.”

Consumers Are Rejecting The Great Reset: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/consumers-are-rejecting-great-reset “…Markets in the real world are rejecting the “Great Reset.” Whether eating bugs, driving EVs, munching fake meat, or living in the metaverse with censorship, none of it’s working. We can only hope that this trend continues in 2024 and that it bankrupts the companies that threw themselves into the whole racket. Let’s hope the consumer marketplace can render its final judgment before all of this jazz becomes mandatory, which is the real goal…”

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Cont'd: It was so long, and it was so big, we had to make a special page and move the other 19 top stories to a whole different section on another page.”

Consumers Are Rejecting The Great Reset: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/consumers-are-rejecting-great-reset “…Markets in the real world are rejecting the “Great Reset.” Whether eating bugs, driving EVs, munching fake meat, or living in the metaverse with censorship, none of it’s working. We can only hope that this trend continues in 2024 and that it bankrupts the companies that threw themselves into the whole racket. Let’s hope the consumer marketplace can render its final judgment before all of this jazz becomes mandatory, which is the real goal…”

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Todd Wood interviews the constitutionalist chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party, Kristina Karamo, and it is exciting!


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I don't know if those were predictions but they look a lot like a wish list!

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Yes, impressive! I like everyone of them ! Keep up the good fight 😍

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Let’s hope your predictions are spot on. But I think Americans have become to lazy to rise up and will just accept their enslavement

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