I added this to my Playlist for tomorrow! The last interview you did with her was fantastic.

You know I'm now going to bring up chemtrails, so here we go:

Two things for you. First, I found a video in which a pilot proves these chemtrail planes are not on radar. He shows the planes spraying then shows the radar https://twitter.com/Agent131711/status/1687478503032422401?t=9paQ7T4IW9bi9OHu5IZyZA&s=19 only military can be in stealth mode.

Another chemtrail thing I just discovered. I know the plan is to go after the "little guys" first and I think this is a great strategy but wanted to share this because you have a team of researchers and im just 1 person.

We know the Dept of Energy (DOE) is the (or one of the) main players in the chemtrail game. We know they were the foundation of constructing the program and we have the old presentation they did that shows they wanted to spray neighborhood's for 30 minutes a day and use roads as gridlines. I have a giant file to send you next week with mounds of evidence. Anyway....

We already know the DOE is/was behind taking the coal fly ash from power plants and transporting it to military bases to be used as chemtrails. We have Google earth maps of the train tracks going directly from the power plants to the military bases processing plants. We know the ingredients in chemtrails exactly match the ingredients in coal fly ash. We know that, prior to chemtrails, coal fly ash waste was (and still is) offloaded into cement mix, just how byproduct from the zinc smelting industry is the biggest filler in powdered laundry detergent and just how fluoride waste is offloaded into the water supply to strengthen our teeth. Just how furnace waste is artifical sweetener, just how petrol oil refinery waste is a filler in "vitamins", and so on.

The second thing: i found a contract number. I was just reading this "

CESM1(WACCM) Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering Large Ensemble Project"

(https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/bams/99/11/bams-d-17-0267.1.xml?tab_body=fulltext-display) and near the bottom of the page is an acknowledgment section that says, "The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is operated for the U.S. Department of Energy by Battelle Memorial Institute under contract DE-AC05-76RL01830. Jean-Francois Lamarque’s participation was supported in part by NSF Award 1243107. The CESM project is supported by the National Science Foundation and the Office of Science (BER) of the U.S. Department of Energy. The National Center for Atmospheric Research is funded by the National Science Foundation. This research was developed with funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)"

The contract number, DE-AC05-76RL01830 is interesting. It's "indefinate", for 30 billion dollars, going from the Dept of Energy to Battelle Memorial Institute - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory which is also the DOE. The category is "541710: Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences".

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) one of the United States Department of Energy national laboratories.

The reason I bring this up is, I believe this indefinite contract could likely be tied into the funding for this program, and, if it is possible to tie Make Sunsets or any of the little guys to the DOE or Pacific Northwest National Lab, that might be valuable.

I cant wrap my mind around how this little, new company landed the geoengineering contract with NOAA. it just doesnt make sense. Ive been trying to look into them and there is such little information. It seems like a shell company.

By the way, have you seen Make Sunsets site lately? Sickening stuff. They are over emphasizing that they are using balloons to release sulfur into the sky. The brag about how much sulfur they have already released. So that got me thinking... where is it coming from? Where is it being stored? Why is their mailing address a little mailbox center?

I was wondering if the release of these chemicals conflicts with the Toxic Substances Control Act Appendix C. Additionally, all of the "Sulfur Disposal Laws" per state, every state I have looked into says sulfur must be disposed of in sealed containers. I have yet to find a state law that says "or released into the atmosphere".

According to the CDC, sulfur inhalation is very dangerous, "respiratory irritation induces symptoms such as sneezing, sore throat, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and a feeling of suffocation". We just went through "the most deadly pandemic in history" that forced the whole world to shut down because people were experiencing these identical symptoms....yet a company is intentionally releasing chemicals into the atmosphere that cause the identical symptoms? How is a doctor to properly disgnose a patient with said symptoms without knowing they have been exposed to sulfur inhalation? Should citizens be informed of intentional public release of chemicals that cause the same reactions as covid or flu?

If Make Sunsets can shoot chemicals into the atmosphere, can I? Can you? This is such lunacy.

One final thought; it's 2023. We know the chemtrail program started in the 1990s. Although it's too soon to get declassified information from the 1990s, we should be able to get declassified information from 1988 because it's been 35 years.

Sorry for the long post.





contract https://docplayer.net/13995393-Doe-battelle-prime-contract-for-the-management-operations-of-pacific-northwest-national-laboratory-de-ac05-76rl01830-table-of-contents.html

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Agent131711, thank you for this amazing information! I will file this in a safe place and share it with our attorneys. And, yes, makes sunsets is a mystery. But their NOAA application is simply a report, not a contract. And while they are considered a bit of a "little guy" in all of this, going after them creates a fissure in this monstrosity of a rock. Thank you for all of your sources, and let me know when you want to email me. WeTransfer is a good site for sending big files.

In appreciation,


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I now have a handful of posts up on my new substack, http://Chemtrails.Substack.com. I am going to start releasing scrubbed documents shortly.

Did you by chance make a proton email yet?

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Amazing info! and yes getting rid of the fly ash has always been a huge problem. When Waste Management put a mega landfill in my County, the citizens demanded that it would not accept fly ash from the neighboring power plant. I'm sure that promise has been breached. But the reports I read on concrete made with fly ash we're pretty dismal , I turned out to be a crappy construction material. so I don't doubt they're dumping it in the sky.

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Thank you, very pertinent❣️

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Lovely! Thank you for bringing back Gabriela - love her stories and insights. Thank you Reinette for sharing information on all the different spheres of our life, especially our beloved animal companions!

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My pleasure. I'm learning a lot as I go along.

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I am so grateful to be brought back by Reinette! I love our conversations that help to inspire people! :)

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I'm sure the cost of a session with this woman ($555 for an hour) is going to put her outside the realm of possibility for most. How can such a high cost be justified???

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She has other modules available for $77 here: https://connectedenergyhealing.com/master-module-series

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Thank you so much!

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I've been practicing effectively for 20+ years and most actually come to see me first as I save them money in the long run compared to veterinary care. If they have worked with vets with no avail, I can usually find the solution to the issues. In many cases that are severe point them in the right direction of tests to then put protocol together to help an animal who may have passed but for my work. I also care for three very special needs rescue and am the sole provider for them so the cost is based on my efficacy and my ability to take care of my family. But like I said, anyone who works with me has found that I save them money in the long run compared to crazy vet bills that can run in the 3,000's. My heart break is when I help people with large animals who have paid already 10K to save a horse with NO results but yet my work helps the horse. I just wish they had found me first. The master modules are a great way to start if you want to start learning and don't have an animal who has compromised health issues or chronic conditions. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to address my fee.

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Oh, Gabriella has me crying around 13 min. in. Thank you for bringing her on. I will look for the other interview.

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Thank you! I so appreciate the kind comments and feeling the emotions that are genuine from the stories from the long career!

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Want to add, I use BJ's Raw out of PA and their food & formulas are great.

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Great to know. We have changed our dog's food to "The Farmers Dog," which is highly nutritious and comes in plastic bags that need to be refrigerated. It comes with instructions for your dogs' specific weight. This food has transformed our 13-year-old Golden Retriever, who was really slowing down, arthritic, stiff, and having difficulty going upstairs. This food took years off of her life in a matter of a few days.

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Thank you, will fwd to my son & 4 grandchildren who live in PA. 👏

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The more we share the more we inspire! Great information! :)

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So crazy how the animal medical system is mirroring the human system. Horrible.

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Yes, it is awful and we do everything in our power to keep away from BOTH systems!

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Yes, such a poignant observation and that applies to pet insurance too. It's as bad as Blue Cross of Blue Shield trying to get them to pay the vet bills they say they will when you pay so much every month! It's tragic and horrible to play on pet parents emotions with those coverages and then not pay out as they are supposed to. They are always looking for loop holes.

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Another great interview. Regarding vaccines I highly recommend Dr. Will Falconer's Rabbies 101 course. He helps people navigate how to abstain from the annual or every three year shot. He is in alignment with Gabriela on so many issues


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For anyone interested in a very different approach for feeding your dog or cat you might consider looking into Rotational Mono Feeding by Nora Lenz. The testimonies and photos are mind blowing.


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Love it! The more we share, the more we inspire thus growing and upgrading to good health for our animal companions and ourselves!

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Thank you Reinette for having me on and sorry for the delayed response on my part! The move has been crazy and we are still unpacking through working with a lot of new amazing clients! I appreciate all the great comments on here!

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