If you think this is a non-issue, then you haven’t done your research. I prefer to engage with people who understand what is at risk.

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That was GREAT!! Keep up the good work and we will keep supporting you. Thank you, Reinette and Nikki!

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Thank you..... I will check out.

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Oh yeah! Miss Dana Ashlie... wide awake, courageous, and she's in Blue Jay, CA. Someone you might want to connect with Reinette.

If you do, tell her, tell all these people who are talking the truth to get their YT channel mirrored over to Odysee (it's easy to set up then they don't have to do anything, it happens automatically), and get on Substack. Putting all their eggs in the YT basket leaves them too vulnerable to being disappeared along with all their content. We don't want to lose their voices if the demon parasites decide to delete their channels.

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Yes, 3 years ago! Dana is so knowledgeable, even when it comes to New Age and 5G.

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I did. She's been at this for years. I've literally pulled' ticks' off back of my neck( hairline). Nowhere near grass or trees. Felt them drop onto my head. Big and moving. If you look at the ground, u see them everywhere. They mention tick- like in the video. Anyways, been using ' Borox' for years along with ACV. Pulled things out of my skin.

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That's my worst nightmare.... ticks dropping from the sky.

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I am not even kidding. I wish I was. It was being sprayed heavy that day. No where near areas you would find them. Nor did they drop from a tree. I was absolutely freaked out. At first I thought it was a scab. I felt it drop. It was heavy compared to other ticks I found.. Like on my dog once.

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I heard a story, I'm trying to remember who told this... maybe David Icke? (I don't necessarily believe some of them more far out there stuff he has said, but he's obviously been right about things he predicted 30+ years ago because we see it happening now. He's responsible for waking up a LOT of people, and having persevered through constant ridicule, smearing and harassment.). Anyway, he said that CIA agent either told him directly or otherwise related the story of a mission he was given. He was put in a plane, along with box. The plane was going to fly over a country (Cuba I think... I heard this a few years ago now) and at a certain location he was to open the door of the plane, open the box and dump the contents out of the plane. So at that point, he opens the door of the plane, opens the box to dump out the contents and realizes, it's a box full of ticks. You know how ticks climb, so some climbed around to the outside of the box, climbed on his hands, and so he's trying to shake them all out, shake them off himself. He said it was the most creepy, disturbing things he ever had to do. I'm not sure if he found this out or it was based on other information of sciences experiments, but the idea was put forth that these ticks had been or had possibly been infected with manmade lyme disease. He was dumping them over a place where 'the enemy' would be hanging out or passing through, and they wanted to get enough of them sick/weak/disabled by lyme disease that they couldn't fight to defend their country.

So, there's that. Does anyone here think, after what we have seen, that this is beyond the imagination or capability of the military and the clever but conscienceless scientists to do something like this? (science - con-science -- huh, that's interesting). Need I mention the genetically modified mosquitoes that Bill Gates-of-Hell is so excited about creating, releasing more of (has already released in Florida) and using as flying vaccine carriers? Altering and weaponizing nature against us -- this is looking like well-used pattern to me. As far-fetched as the ticks weaponized with lyme disease might have sounded to any of us years ago, from the perspective we now have, does it sound far-fetched, or does it sound more like, "ah, well that explains some things"?

Sorry for my lack of details on the tick story. If anyone else has heard this, chime in, what you do you remember? Who did you hear it from?

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No.... we were interviewed by Maria Zeee. Any videos we make will not be using the "c" word!

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Reinette - there are many documents on geoengineering to be found on the website https://zerogeoengineering.com/. I just wanted to share that resource for your lawsuit in case you were not already aware of it.

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Thank you, Carina. We are also in contact with Jolie, who operates zerogeoengineering..com She is brilliant!

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hello, Reinette! Whatever you need - money, signitures, etc! I am in Georgia and we will be helping as much as I can! Thank you for starting this lawsuit! We need it badly. We will all join!

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Thank you, Masha. We want our ground crews up and running by the end of this month. We will have our SaveOurSkies.org website up next week and we will have all the information, action items, and bi-monthly webinars to assist people such as yourself to get activated!

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super awesome! Thank you so much, Reinette!

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This was great! I love Nikki, she's so knowledgable about so many things that matter! I'm so glad she is working with you on this Reinette. I hope you have seen the interview your friend, the wonderful Peggy Hall released a few days ago with Robert Brame forensic arborist breaking down the evidence from the California fires. If not, you need to see it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHeoaIh7cx8

These demonic parasites MUST BE STOPPED! We cannot stop, until they have been stopped, and completely removed from this realm!

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I haven't watched it but it's on my list. Thank you!

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Cool cool cool! This geoengineering fake climate change non sense is equally as bad as the depop shots. So glad your taking the bull by the horns. Are you familiar with "aplanetruth" on YT? He doesn't like Dane (anymore), but there are schisms everywhere. Oh well, don't we know it. I figure a gal like you knows both these folks. See you real soon! wink wink

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Yes... I am familiar with aplanetruth. We have SO MANY amazing citizens out there covering this issue! And we are pulling from their good works.

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I figured you knew, that guy is good. I love his stuff.

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WelcomeTheEagle88! I was watching your videos covering the VAERS data on Brighteon - Brilliant!

I also watched, ah I can't remember her channel name, but there was a woman doing some very interesting research drilling down into the data too. One thing she found was certain ways to filter to see reports where there was aggregate data in a single report. So all these people had similar reactions (and many were deaths if I recall correctly), they were all filed under one report but it would be for dozens and over a hundred people in some cases. I mention her because I somehow found your channel after finding hers, maybe she mentioned you in one of her videos.

Huge kudos and appreciate to both of you!

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Oh and the many multiple deaths on one report, is what I call bundled deaths! If we could ethically unbundle all these I think there is upwards of 1500 - 2000 extra deaths! I have all the receipts on my website: https://www.vaersaware.com/

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Yes I believe those numbers of extra deaths could easily be found from what NotBarbie was also uncovering. I wondered who was reporting them, what the situation was. I suspect they were from nursing homes.

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Yup. I know where they are at. This is one of the biggest bundles and legit in my opinion. https://imgur.com/gallery/fD30fsO

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Thank you Ms. Donna, You might be thinking of Julie Threet aka PrayingHawk144 on Rumble. If so we know each other well, I videoed us filing her VAERS report and one for her dead mother. My Bitchute Channel is huge: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/welcometheeagle88/

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It's great that your channel is doing well on Bitchute!

I just went to Brighteon to look up the name of the other channel that was doing deep dives into VAERS like you were, and her channel is called NotBarbie.

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Ah yes. Not Barbie had a channel on Bitchute as well, I remember her and we communicated through comments as well. Just search the word VAERS on Bitchute, Rumble, Odysee, etc.. you will usually find the VAERS peeps like me. Except I'm the best! lol Kind of joking but not, I'm the only one that created a VAERS Interactive Dashboard. The Dashboard is like putting a PhD right in your pocket.

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Do you have a link? When I search the channel I can't find anything about about weather modification etc. I can find a channel. Thanks.

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Love that you are an action taker Reinette! Would love to see you interview Mitch from theOrgoneDonor.com This is short intro to his website and what he is about. "

Welcome to The Orgone Donor; home for sharing Orgone energy with humanity and Planet Earth! I'm not just making "orgonite." I'm an Orgone Energy Researcher and avid Orgone device creator, and I've dedicated my life to creating and gifting thousands of orgone energy devices to the planet in an effort to help raise humanity's consciousness and end the planetary geoengineering agenda. If you're new to this concept and thinking "what in the world is he talking about..." keep reading and prepare to be dazzled! I'm on a mission to restore the rain cycle in the Arizona desert and put an end to the frequency war and mind control agenda plaguing planet Earth. Check out my website, blog, and social media to see my experiments, learn about my latest towerbusting adventures, and stop by my Orgone Shop to explore some of my energy devices for getting involved with towerbusting, protecting the home, and ending this energetic war once and for all!" Love your Substack Reinette! May God continue to bless and protect you!

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Hi Reinette, I would like to volunteer some hours weekly to help with the lawsuit in any way I am capable of that you need. What is the best way to contact you to discuss details? I’m done with being sprayed like a bug and seeing people with dark circles under their eyes. I sent an email to your gmail too. Thank you for your service to humanity.

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Love this, cant wait to see these beautiful day destroyers put behind bars. We all know it's depopulation because we know there is no need to control co2 as co2 is a perfectly fine and natural gas which we all need to function properly, lack of co2 causes hysteria and panic in mammals and were definately seeing alot of that in these times. Stop poisoning our wildlife and native populations and punish those accountable for this destructive practice. Saying we dont need co2 is like saying men can be women. Ridiculous!

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I suggest that the CIA created term "chemtrails" be dropped, and the more apropriate term "Stratospheric Aerosol Injection" be used instead.

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Our team does not say chemtrails... but we can't prevent others from saying it no matter how much we nudge them not to.

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The startups may be pausing, but Chemtrails are still a nearly everyday proccess here in West Central Florida sky.

Keep up the good work, it sounds very promising.

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Noooo, nobody is pausing. Only Make Sunsets in Mexico is pausing "experimental" spraying. Other than that we are being sprayed like bugs.

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I'm in Mexico. I need to try to find out more about Only Make Sunsets (isn't that a lovely, innocuous sounding name?) to find out were they were doing this. If we are being sprayed like bugs and starting to see all the damage they are doing... I don't even want to think about what this 'experimental' spraying was doing!

Speaking of Mexico... they are taking a non-GMO stance to protect their heritage corn and Biden and Trudeau are both acting on behalf of BigAg to threaten and strong-arm Mexico into dropping their GMO ban? WTH? Can the people who support these parasites not see what they are about and who they are looking after (hint: it ain't us!).

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This is probably irrelevant, but I'm currently in Eastern Austria (Vienna and Styria), arrived the 12th of May this time around. For the first few days after our arrival there were still plenty of chemtrails to be seen in the skies. It's been unseasonably cold and rainy and I haven't seen any chemtrails since then; since mid-May. I wonder why?! We ask ourselves, why have they stopped spraying evenbthough the numerouscommercialflights are still passing overhead? The skies were horrendous last summer at this time! I'm wondering what they have planned "up their sleeves." And whether anyone else anywhere has witnessed a stop of the spraying in their skies?

It's definitely amazingly pleasant without them, and I wish it would stay this way!

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Ok, they're back at it here since the temperatures finally warmed up this past week 😡

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Hilarious interview! Blaming winter on "chemtrails" is great entertainment.

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Move along....

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You don't want people watching your videos and commenting?

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You're right. I see the video in your post does, but you and your team didn't make it(?)

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