I just can't see how I can handle everyone believing in the political system. These people are the biggest morons in the country. But what is so disturbing is that people in masses believe in this system. We ught to be concentrating on what we the people do like we fight their wars for them. And stop caring about these people because they don't care one way or the other. Why put any attention to these actors. We need to get out of this illusion. We need to get into beng involved ourselves as sovereigns and not think anyone can do things on our behalf. We simply need to make the conditions where we can choose. It can be so easy as we have the tools now - instant communication across the earth.

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I'm with you denise, when I see all the people still not realizing that the political system is just theatre and drama to distract us while the psychopathic parasites do what they want... well, that is what gives me a sense of hopelessness more than anything else.

I know we are fighting evil, and the parasites are clever and well funded, they have resources we don't, they control all the control systems (except the divine control system that has created everything natural) - to know what we are up against only makes me stronger in my convictions and prepared to fight harder and to the death. The 'to the death' part doesn't bother me. This has only made me stronger.

It's seeing the willfully ignorant, mentally lazy, hopium addicted masses who have incorporated their political leaning as part of their self identity and cannot put it aside long enough to see through even the obvious lies and hypocrisy, and certainly are not willing to look a little deeper at the things that should really dispel their illusions that I feel a sense of hopelessness.

So many who would be on our side, but they willingly allow themselves to be programmed by the Project Mockingbird propaganda media, and fall for the same old lies they have fallen for over and over again because of their savior syndrome, where they believe a savior is coming to save them, even when the same 'savior' didn't save them last time, and if they looked a little more closely for themselves instead of relying on controlled media to tell them what to think, they would see the damage that said 'savior' actually did. I have only in the past couple days had it come to my attention that there are people who still... STILL... believe all the Q psyop propganda! When so many humans, even smart humans who are aware and awake to much more than the 'norm' can be so easily brainwashed in a lasting way, do we have a chance? My strictly logical mind says, no. The much larger part of me that is connected to my Creator and operates within the Creation says, ALWAYS!

Since I got knocked into it a couple days ago I have been orbiting in the outer rings of the hopeless zone. Not for long though. There are others like you and me who see through the lies of the political system. I do believe in some places at the local level there are good people in the political system, who want to change things for the better. But until they can get their system independent of the political layers above them upon who they are dependent, they are not going to be able to do much. Reinette just told a story that illustrates this. So not only do we have to be sovereign and act like it, but so do our local systems and structures so that they can do things that serve us, and only us.

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Donna I couldn't agree with you more. It's gratifying to see someone who "gets it" through and throguh. Imagine all the energy spent on this crumbling system that could be spent on buildign the new system. I have written a blueprint for how we can start laying down another way of making decisions as sovereigns. We need to be in touch as we are becoming an underclass and losing out on being able to be part of society because we see what is going on and almost all around us don't. Would you like to join our weekly calls? It's very important for us to collaborate because peolpe who can see through the illusion are few and far between. We can make inroads when we are connected but can do nothing on our own. I look forward to a great life, not death but i know what you mean.

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Thank you Reinette...!

So much to mull over from this presentation, as with the last one...

.... you take us 'on a wild ride', love it...!

Yah bless Sister<3

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Possibly useful idea to keep in mind when designing strategies -

Naomi Wolf, in her forward to ‘The Indoctrinated Brain’, by Dr Michael Nehls, notes:

"Many of us have noted that our loved ones and colleagues have changed. Post- mRNA injection rollout, we notice that people who were highly educated critical thinkers, have become unable to think outside of two simple binaries. We watch in astonishment as formerly sophisticated loved ones and friends regurgitate talking points with no self-awareness. We wonder why there is a sense of something inchoately missing when we sit with a vaccinated or COVID-fearful friend. We cannot fathom what has caused this sea change.


Dr. Nehls argues that the spike protein, along with other COVID measures, represents an intentional attack on the human hippocampus—where autobiographical memory and individuality itself originate—and that “fear porn” keeps us from holding on to the autobiographical memories that encompass our former selves. As a result, humans have become deindividualized, more suggestible, more forgetful, more compliant, and less able to engage in critical thinking and creative reasoning. This argument utterly accords with what many of us are seeing, to our horror, every day. Dr. Nehls’s The Indoctrinated Brain is an indispensable book because it applies neuroscience to politics and especially to the politics of fascism. The need for that has existed for as long as modern fascism has existed."


In this interview, Nehls explains that spike protein brain damage is basically like Alzheimer's, and the relentless repetition of the narrative serves to fill the empty space where a person's identity had been with the party line. So when you show them material that contradicts the party line, you are making an assault on their personhood. I could not stop thinking about this.


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Yes, I interviewed Naomi on this very topic a few months back. Very disturbing to say the least.

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This happened DECADES before the VAX and is called neuro-linguistic programming done daily on the TV.

A Jewish friend in Hollywood explained its rather simple method:

Emotive strength, [think dead women and kids], + repetition= strength of programming.

This is why they choose schools to murder children in order to take the serious weapons for their CCP butt buddies; they used this in Australia at the Port Arthur RITUAL, where women and children were targeted [by COPS] for effect.

It's "The Craft", aka (((Masonic))) witchcraft, and done via a unique and repeatable universal numeric language using Gematria.

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Thank you for pointing this out... I feel the TV has been priming the public for this Covid scheme.

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yes, absolutely true. I haven’t watched TV for over thirty years which helped me to hear that still, small “voice” when it said to look at what Dr. Mercola was saying (although I hadn’t be on his website in years) when this nonsense first started. Stepped right into that darned rabbit hole and been falling ever since!

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thank God for the rabbit holes ,right? and for the top 12 spreaders of misinformation!

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LOL! You do NOT want to know the inner meaning of that one amigo!

(I'll spare you the details, but will say it's forbidden in the Bible for a good reason and no I'm not 'anti-gay'.

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... and fear is the primary tool for the main courses like the kill shot.

If you knew what I knew you'd NEVER watch TV at all; it's been almost 20 years since I kicked the cable habit! Much of it is directed at our subconscious!

(Nor would you allow any children in your charge, except perhaps with pre-training on this and even then with great limitations!)

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well, even with my limited information I have arrived at the same conclusion! just don't watch that stupid/evil thing!

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My friend who did get one shot does not watch TV or listen to the news much, and her sense of self is totally intact and no narrative BS is coming out of her mouth 🤓

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Fascinating.... what pressured her to do this? Do you know?

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she just didn't know any better, maybe you needed it to get to a concert or something? oh wait no, probably the husband, as I was not invited for Thanksgiving for 2 years due to not getting the shot, because he was fearful of covid. She didn't ask me first ☹️ anyway, it looks like people might be able to get away with one shot, the damage seems to be cumulative with successive boosters .

Of course, the husband is the one who watches TV, hence the fear there.

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We need to use this same technique against them. Simple messaging. Repeated over and over.

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I see the same changes in many of the unvaccinated. Actually, I see these changes in almost everybody. I see confusing behavior and conditions, even in totally unvaccinated children. My hope for the coming year is that the resistance backs up from their own highly outcome-specific narratives (i.e., spike / spike protein; brain; nervous system; immunity) and begins to consider the population as whole beings, now poisoned and traumatized, each to different degrees, but all of us failing to meet the elevated nutrient and energy needs imposed by the blanket poisons in the atmosphere--metals and non-native electromagnetic frequencies and trauma resulting from the ongoing propaganda and changes to our relationships. We are all living highly engineered, almost entirely artificial lives. The details of how are bodies express current challenges are unique to each, but are resolvable only by changing our surroundings towards ancestral, and easing our historical and ongoing body burden in many ways. If all vaccines were to disappear overnight, we would still see increased illness and mortality over time, because the the list of weapons is long, and many have been acting on maternal bloodlines for generations. 'Spikes' which are probably the result of tissue dying (cells breakdown and tiny garbage bags form to collect the debris for ease of removal) will continue, as we continue to degenerate, as we continue to live in communities with increasing radiation densities, and as we continue to be poisoned in more ways than I can count.

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I believe you are correct. I did not have these shots, no PCR tests, never got COVID that I know of, no cell phone, never had a computer until the pandemic (libraries were closed) no TV smart or otherwise, was exposed to those who had gotten multiple doses at my volunteer work unfortunately (shedding?) and sometimes just don’t feel like myself. I will sometimes notice this unusual emotional numbness which thankfully dissipates, or darker thoughts than I generally entertain. Nothing drastic but certainly unusual for me. But then again I recognize there is no longer a “normal” to anything. While I take certain supplements to help mitigate radiation and heavy metals that are quite literally raining down on us, I believe the greatest thing we can do is go inward, connect with our spiritual selves and source, and yes, embrace this change as this was our reason for incarnating at this time. We are in for the time of our lives, interesting beyond measure!

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Well said Teresa. I feel like this laser focus on the spike protein by that community uses the same approach as the virus/lab created viral bioweapons camp and they both are used as a red herring to dangle in front of the seagulls (us) to distract us away from those things you have mentioned like what they are spraying into the atmosphere and especially the man-made harmful radiation. This trick works so well, that along with the addictive gadgets and social media, that in my experience the harmful manmade radiation frequencies is the hardest thing to get through to people about, by far. People who are onto pretty much everything else, it's like they go into android standby mode and cannot even hear or absorb anything I'm saying. When I finish they snap out of standby mode and act as if I hadn't even said it. There are some who do hear me, and just dismiss it out of hand or even say, "I know, I know, it's just that [fill in the blank excuse]."

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Hopefully the seeds we have planted will someday spring forth in those who remain closed to truth, and they will realize they were planted with love💜. That is my most heartfelt wish.

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I have the same experience.

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Very interesting Phar. The hippocampus is also where we store maps and navigational information. I can't remember if it's also where navigational functions take place as well. Something I read a long time ago was talking about a study done on London taxi drivers that determined they had much larger hippocampus' than 'normal' people. They have also studied these taxi drivers in Alzheimer's research, I tihnk comparing against those with alzheimers.

So I wonder if the vaxxed London taxi drivers are having trouble performing their jobs like they used to, and if they are exhibiting the same symptoms ("becoming deindividualized, more suggestible, more forgetful, more compliant, and less able to engage in critical thinking and creative reasoning"), and to the same degree.

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oh! that's pretty interesting Donna. many of us rely on our phones for navigation, I wonder if that was part of the plan or just a happy coincidence for the monsters. I think my hippocampus has always been deficient, I have not much memory and no sense of direction, in fact the reason I have a phone is because my brother gave it to me because I was always calling him up and asking him for directions whenever I was lost!

and yes the London taxi drivers, I will have to ask my sister how they are doing. it takes them years to learn " the knowledge" . and are they now getting lost!?!

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Cant agree more ! Sensational presentation today . Just perfect in every way . Keep up the good work you inspire me .

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Thank you, it was all wonderfully & beautifuly stated. Blessing to all!

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Yes! Thanks! WOW!

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Great podcast. Might I suggest we stop using the phrase ELECTED OFFICIALS. This is programming language. They are not officials, but servants (or serpents) and are not truly elected by the masses. All rigged.

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Awesome, Reinette! We need more of this.

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I haven't listened yet, but the text is not only rather poetic, but "just what the doctor ordered"!

thank you Ms Reinette :o)

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So glad to hear.

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Exactly!.....it's what I've been saying.....'THEIR' System(s) are collapsing.....and it IS a GOOD THING! EMBRACE it! One just needs to PREPARE for it, and then 'ride it out'. People will have a MUCH easier time if they 'LEAVE THEIR SYSTEM(S)', NOW! Which is what that James O'Keefe clip was basically saying. I've been telling people, since, pretty much when the PLANNEDemic started....."LEAVE 'THEIR' SYSTEM(S)!!". And I explain what that means. It's simple, really......STAY in 'THEIR' System(s), and the end result is DEATH/DESTRUCTION/HELL! Or, LEAVE......and one gets to REBUILD their life into whatever they want, in 'the new world'; one will HAVE LIFE!

I also have been saying.....that the DEMONS/EVIL is now showing itself, for ALL TO SEE. And this IS A GOOD THING! EMBRACE IT!! Now we KNOW WHO, and WHAT, they ARE!

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You are spot on. And as difficult as it is to leave the current system we have all been dependent on, it will be much easier now than after that system sinks to the bottom of the sea, hauling everything that depends on it!

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Thank you so much Reinette for being a person who is expressing the best version of herself by utilizing the wisdom and strength and knowledge the "opportunity" has offered at this momentous time in humanity's ascension! This is a time as stated by Deloris to make up our minds what we wish to do as powerful creations of our God Parents. We must all come to know who we are right now and why we are here at this specific NOW! You are a great inspiration to me and I appreciate it so much. Love to you, Sharon

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I loved this video; I thought the last one was the best, but this one is even better. Thank you!

It's clear many shifts are taking place, and not all will join us; I've made peace with that. Instead of being angry or annoyed at those living in fear, still wearing a mask, and believing in the mainstream media, I now send them prayers of love and peace.

I go through sadness for the innocent humans who have been used and harmed; I had no idea anything was wrong before 20/20. But with videos like this one, as everything connects, the truth is rolling out faster, and those meant to awaken will. I can process without fear; I am grateful for the information from your platform and others that give me so much hope.

Regarding politics, it's theater, and I'm not entertained. This, too, will crash and burn.

I'm excited for this new change. I ask God daily what I'm meant to see & hear; my questions are always answered in ways that astound me or make me chuckle. I envision a world where money is not at the forefront, creating and trade are valued, and we learn how to care for ourselves and help each other do the same, genuinely living and creating based on our unique gifts.

I choose to live in gratitude daily.

Thank you again, Reinette!

Blessings to all~


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Linda, I have been meaning to get back to this post. It's been on my mind and I agree with Mary, it's beautiful. If there is anything I have been learning it's to let go. Let go of expectations. Let go of beliefs. Let go of old friends and loved ones. Everyone is making a spiritual choice whether they realize it or not. And because of this personal transition, I am appreciating life and those around me more than ever.... such as you and Mark. I send you both much love.

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Beautifully written Mark and Linda-I resonate so much with your writing.

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Another useful bit of info when designing strategies is how people on adrenochome basically develop schizophrenic personality traits.

Adrenochrome & Schizophrenia-like thinking, Part 2; actually, its a bunch of topics. Spike plus media messaging is causing Alzheimer's like damage and personality changes per Dr Nehls, via Naomi Wolfe

Question - If elites are using adrenochrome rich blood (of terrorized children) for anti-aging or other purposes, then it likely is also causing lack of empathy, poor judgement, increased error rate -


She also further explicates Dr. Nehls ideas - brain inflammation is a positive feedback loop! A runaway train... Regardless of what sets it off. And she gives ideas about how to counter it.

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That schizophrenia is a spiritual disease/attachment has a ton of evidence that Jerry Marzinsky has evidenced along with doctors in the Middle East.


It's been tied to the NDST3 gene variation and is the reason these psychopaths appear to have no empathy.

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I don't doubt it. My experience with a schizophrenic person falls in line with the adrenochrome idea, but my purpose for posting it here is mostly to lay out the characteristics - because, to make strategies to deal with these people, it is useful to be able to predict how they will respond... that is, know your enemy!

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Twain and Phar, very enlightening a duly noted..... had no idea about the correlation between andrenochrome and schizophrenia!!!

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I did not either! The good news is that they are prone to making mistakes, so that might be something you can leverage with the Aikido approach. Which, by the way, I think is a really good idea. I hope you can keep working on that .

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We know the bloodline Luciferians often are possessed, but I've not seen the evidence for the blood drinking /schizo thing other than circumstantial.

It's more about the energy released from getting the blood, but I have heard it makes them horny and high from the endorphins caused by torture. David Shurter said that, and that they have a massive orgy after the torture/sacrifice/blood-letting.

Do you have other evidence? TY!

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No evidence at all. although I don't doubt that the sacrifice Etc is happening, some people produce adrenochrome in their own bodies naturally, maybe it is associated with certain bloodlines, due to genetic anomalies, I don't really know. I am just seeing a description of characteristics that could be useful to know about when trying to develop strategy to deal with these monsters.

I think possession is a pretty good description too!

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Some shamans also believe that schizophrenia is due to a fracturing of the person's spirit where a part has been lost or estranged from the whole. They work to bring that part back in to reunite with the rest. When I think about these psychopaths I think about this and wonder if the same thing is happening. There are stories, who knows if they are true, of these people as children being put through some horrific things by their parents, or 'friends' of their parents with parental consent. Basically, MKUltra tactics. Who knows if that is true or not. But if it is it makes sense to me.

Are there any studies showing that psychopaths are far more likely to have children that are also psychopaths? Because these bloodlines sure have a strong, unbroken saturation of psychopaths in their lineages.

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Very true and this is why they inter-breed; to maintain that 'open door' to Djinn many of whom appear soulless, but others rebel against the kult.

This reptilian side of God's model appears like a proving ground for both sides of the veil; shortly we will be in the "Dragon" side where dualism is a not so fond memory.

Here's a video on the 'silver lining' within the 9/11 ritual that says this very thing; the dual serpents will soon be gone: https://archive.org/details/911-ritual-do-you-believe-in-magic

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Another fabulous post, Reinette. May I add one more?

6. Be creative in your day-to-day life. Garden, prepare food from scratch, make music, paint, write, decorate, dance, and do it like this is your last day on Earth!💖

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THANK YOU for this gift, Reinette. I've been feeling this coming and I'm soooo excited. My dad in San Jose is turning 95 today. This article will be his birthday present.

If I ever make it back to California, I hope to have tea with you. Or you can visit me in the paradigm-shifting Drôme Valley in southern France. Either way, meeting you is on my bucket list. ❤

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Jill, thank you for the kind comment and please wish your father a Happy 95th. Make sure to sit him down in front of a camera and ask all the questions you can think of about his life, his memories as a child, his parents and grandparents.... it's will be worth its weight in gold to you and your family later on! And once you get back to the US, give me a shout. I'll put the tea kettle on!

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