Reinette what you say about the county government being a corp. IS TRUE FOR ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT, that is what DEFACTO Government means , the problem is all the human resources have become " corporate" fictions" as well , that is what government birth certificates, SS # and other "adhesion " contracts create, this is the underlying foundation for all your talking about here , Everyone is outraged by these abuses but slaves have no rights, and the owners and corrupted leaders understand this slave STATUS , the people dont realize it yet. Even the the 1871 replacement Constitution is a CORP. one Its all corp interfacing corp , I talked about this in my podcasts, Im not part of this system. And for being part of this slave status you get to vote in rigged elections. Dont get mad at me for what Im saying , its the painful truth of what has happened to this country. Your cell phone you mention is the deadliest covert weapon ever developed , it can kill, and is programming minds and can transmit disease symptoms, get rid of it.

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Thomas, I certainly wouldn't be mad at you for what you are saying.... I wholeheartedly agree.

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such a great comment also what you reveal about the very dangerous COVERT WEAPON Smart Phones not only radiation toxic but essential for injections agenda Syn-Bio digital convergence [biometrics Ray Kurzweil calls the 'Singularity']. Ownership of USA Inc. corpse-oration [dead babylonian families merchant traded owned 'property' with no rights other that written contract by owners] is the Crown corps of the City of London, together with other 'city states' [self jurisdictions] Vatican, Washington DC all these x3 are 'property' of BIS Basel Switzerland the worlds top commanding 'city state' [self jurisdiction]


BIS - Bank of International Settlements a 'city state' - Basel, SWITZERLAND ---- www.bis.org

BOOK > Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World by Adam LeBor -


When Central Bankers Say They Want Absolute Control, You Should Believe Them ---- Carstens of BIS -


- 67s - 9Dec22 - The Vigilant Fox

Johnny's Cash and The Smart Money Nightmare - richplanet.net -


- 18m 19s - 5Oct22 - The Truth Above All

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Thanks for superb backup comment and all the included site info. I HOPE EVERYONE here on Reinette's wonderful site will read/listen to all this, and UNDERSTAND the full magnitude of what has been done long ago , and is behind all the current nightmares everyone is complaining and struggling with. This wont accomplish anything without understanding the foundations of it all, and who the real enemy is. I encounter so many who complain about everything being weaponized, while volunteering to be tracked , spied upon, EMF targeted, destroyed cell by cell, and mind controlled by their cellphone they can live without, while at the same time have their hands out for every "BENEFIT" and handout , and rescue these CORP. throw at them to steal their freedom and sovereignty and replace with controlled dependency. ON TOP of it all they openly always announce their intentions to do so, even down to this global depopulation agenda. I hope you can get Reinette to interview YOU about all the info on the sites you have included. SK

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All this your talking about this weaponized everything has been in progress for a long time we have already lost it all WE MUST NOW GAIN IT BACK Woodrow Wilson lamented at the end of his life " I have destroyed my country by turning it over to the INT. BANKSTERS with the Federal Reserve act" of 1913. No one from then is even alive today. We are experiencing the consequences, with a lot more steps in between.

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Not only the coverup goes to the top so does the development of all the bio weapons , patents , deadly "COUNTERMEASURES" and all mind control projects

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Under Obamination the very definition of informed consent was changed basically they can lie , omit , withhold ingredient lists and do as they wish "for the public good" This was the foundation for this plandemic to be launched. ALSO all these emergency declarations and powers are completely fabricated, unlawful , and they make it up as they go , it will continue as long as WE ALLOW and TOLERATE IT Check out this site https://the-quash.captivate.fm/ by a veteran attorney

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Yes, rewriting the laws to cover up their crimes. Will check out the link you recommend.

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writing 'rules' you have no verified contract with for other men / women to rule you as divine Gods, thats why the 1666AD 'personage' fraud created, to steal us from our Land rights endowed from God. [L]and+[A]ir+[W]ater x3 jurisdictions = LAW

1302AD Unam Sanctam papal bull claimed mans inalienable rights to Gods [A]ir, acquiesce creates Tacit Agreement [contract presumption] Maxim of law, 'ignorance of the law no excuse'.

1666AD Cestui Que Vie Act claimed inalienable rights to Gods [L]and, by creating claimed 'property' title when come into Gods world Earth called 'Person[s]' the occult trick contract [a fraud] of the Crown BAR legal system.

Bloodline ruling families inter-generational go back at least 4000 years, why they play the LONG game. Correct LAW knowledge to more still in ignorance critical to this war

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Yes , Rahdinite Babylonian bankers,

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remember the 2012 Smith-Mundt Act to permit blatant PROPAGANDA, even more so than what went before with The Pilgrims Society.

MSM in full propaganda lockstep since 1909

June 5, 1909, The Day British & American Pilgrims Society Slavery-Demons Formerly Began The Takeover Of All Public And Private Life Globally - 10Sep21 -

Full Transcripts Of The Censored Public Records Of The First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 [Crystal City, Shepherd's Bush, London, UK], Jun 05, 1909—Jun 28, 1909.



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Thank you for this, Frank. You are a wealth of knowledge.

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We must correct all our brothers & sisters who are calling 'legal presumption documents' law when it verifiably, truthfully, is not. Indoctrination has contaminated the lexicon. This knowledge relatively new to me never had to deal with anything other than Commercial Contracts signed agreed between the parties before, which in truth is all 'solely & only' what the word 'legal' truly should be used for. Living men living women, we the people, are born under only one Master = God/Creator/Supreme Being whatever word you use, born upon Earth in the awe of creation. No man or woman have ''divine right to rule'' without producing a verified signed contract with you individually, they simply do not have it, ergo no jurisdiction to be lawful.

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Obviously they dont care about lawful , only force, coercion and menace, and they have gotten away with it for so long, and the population so terrorized for so long they conform in fear.

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if you are ignorant & do not establish correct law jurisdiction they then do not care thats true, but if exposed to not be correct LAW jurisdiction they are toast since exposes them. The scam only works if not exposed to the people many still have no idea of LAW from generations of indoctrination including God is the basis of LAW...... Watch for the cointelpro agents pushing the Crown BAR lawyers cul-de-sac cases narrative this year its coming the next psyop, the mass murderers require to escape the noose which can be done in their controlled Crown temple BAR admiralty maritime jurissdiction of 'rules of civil procedure'. [you have no verified contract with btw ergo not LAW] Effectively other men acting as Gods with divine right to rule. [Freemasonry].

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Im so glad you mentioned the PILGRIM SOCIETY and what they are all about because RON DESANTIS [the next major controlled opposition in line for president of the bankrupt corp, IS A MEMBER along with membership in SKULL and BONES , KNIGHTS OF MALTA , KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, ST, ELMO S HALL . Hardly a"RED STATE" freedom fighter . Same as DJT all Jesuit controlled .

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amongst many other freemasonic org memberships [secret or exclusive societies] Zbigniew Brzezinski was a Tavistock inductee, JFKs Astoria speech never more relevant eh he nailed it, what about LBJ part of the assassination group,

Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty exposes at end WW2 lots of the military equipment in no longer required in Pacific Theatre was shipped & stored ready for the planned then but much later Vietnam War. Just one reason JFK eliminated, are more.

Allen Welsh Dulles = SwiSSy trained sleeper agent before made active starting in CFR.

Also led the suppression of SwiSSys 1897AD in Basel Switzerland Protocols using the Merkaba Star you see on Molochs forehead as its logo. [Merkaba is ancient egyptian name of pharaoh family bloodlines]

True faith people who practised judaism always used the Menorah as their symbol before this time, the Star represents ancient egyptian pharaoh symbol for the night, dark, the Underworld of their god Set, saturn, satan & more.

Quote, In 1921, while at the US Embassy in Istanbul, he helped expose the >>> Protocols of the Elders of Zion <<<< as a forgery. Dulles unsuccessfully attempted to persuade the US State Department to publicly denounce the forgery.

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yes these family blood related demons have ruled by this strategy a long time, sabbatai zevi a fascinating history, they assimilate other peoples identities [identity stealers, parasites] then accuse you of what they covertly create, or their sinning practices, the hegelian LARP Live Action Role Play their current modus operandi. Why during a 'gov crises role play practice' by gov agencies it morphs into a real live event, eg 911 to UK Manchester Bombing to Event201 etc. Malone today a curent live hegelian LARP operative, Matt Ehret just published a report about Malones recent article demonisng China, the NWO's planned for by Pilgrims Society fear inducing 'bogey man'. Change Agent infiltrators everywhere to 'control the narrative' great discernment required.

We already know end WW2 the west duped Chek, for their created + imposed communist Mao, Kissinger instructed Jimmy Carter & Zbigniew Brzezinski led charge to modernise China for CCP for the NWO Technocratic beta-model to roll out rest of world.

Book - Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technocratic Age - Zbigniew Brzezinski

“I foresee the time when we shall have the means and therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the behaviour and intellectual functioning of all the people through environmental and biochemical manipulation of the brain.” – page 12


Why the true rulers remain hidden in the shadows, they know if exposed would be defeated, who we know, likes of Kissinger, Schwab, Roschilds, Rockefellers, just their family owned puppets.

'If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle'. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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Reinette, I think you may want to have Aman Jabba on your show. He talks about AI and surveliience. It is right in line with this interview and others you have had.


Thank you for your courage and being a beacon for FREEDOM!

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Thank you for this, Nan!

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I believe I designed this Case Management System over 25 years ago. Just a weird factoid.

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Well, hell. Tell us more!

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Around 1995 I designed a Case Management System for the California Department of Justice. It was the the department for Medicare and MediCal fraud. A fellow named San was the director. They wanted a system with one database so investigators of the crooked doctors could compare notes. There were other reasons to implement the system, but with several offices throughout the state, it was a breakthrough to consolidate the data.

We used client/server architecture (microcomputers) on the state’s new wide area network. Until then the only architecture was a mainframe. Mainframe systems are slow to develop without features needed for managing cases.

I submitted the winning bid and then designed it. Then I worked with a friend who wrote the code. I trained the two information systems staff.

I expected other states would want it. A couple of bureaucrats expressed interest, but ultimately the bureaucrats, including the feds didn’t take an interest as long as I was around. I demonstrated it at a conference in Las Vegas. It was pathetic.

The state was happy with the system for years. I’ve lost all my contacts with the state.

Crooked doctors need to be investigated and prosecuted. It could easily be used to impose tyranny on the people.

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Wow. Thank you for the background. It looks like they have finally taken up your work and have it rolling... but we don't blame you.... who would have known???

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Please do tell us!!

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Hi Reinette! The #1 VAERS Auditor in the world is from right here in Santa Clara County, I've worked with many people inside "The County" SCCVMC. At one point in my life I tried to get a plush job with the county because I actually knew the billing and tech people pulling the levers and none of them could hold a candle to me. Part of the reason they never wanted to hire me, they knew I was threat to the most of the high level nitwits that were interviewing me over the course of 5yrs. It's time we chit chat. welcometheeagle88@protonmail.com I'm the creator of https://www.vaersaware.com/

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I will reach out. Look for my email.

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I know the woman you are interviewing… she and I spoke out at our local BOS meetings early on criticizing the handling of COVID and the health director and their lies.

I have since been elected to our local school board and am trying to learn the ropes there and figure out where funding is coming from and what I can do about it.

Thanks for speaking out truth.

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Good luck , Im afraid you all in CA. are going to have to realize your state has been turned over to and into the CCP , like Austr. New Z ,and the Phill. it will be the first places they actually militarily invade after already infiltrating and taking over politically and economically. I believe there should be evidence Hillary C. actually did this deal with CCP , It would be more good investigation for you Reinette. Then all of you there will stop banging your heads in anguish about each horrific new tyrannical move and realize what has actually happened. Your continued weather warfare is another example.

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I'm right there with you, Thomas.... but selling us off to the CCP started before Killary.

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This is frightening news about how far down the road we have gone towards totalitarianism. It highlights the weaknesses of democracy when citizens don’t fully educate themselves about governance and politics beyond voting once every 2 to 4 years. Democracy that fairly represents any community requires active participation and attention by the people within that community. Otherwise elite rulers dictate based on self interest. Voters who are uninformed cannot make wise decisions for the greater good and they are easily lied to.

We are in this mess because of apathy and lack of attention. Americans have taken freedom for granted and believed they were more special and deserving than people in other nations. They believed we should lead the world with our examples of human rights. But most of what we have been told are lies and there are many examples of inequality and discrimination that need to be addressed. It’s time to wake up to the reality of what we have created. The information war is ruthless. We have allowed it to happen. I just hope it is not too late. Your podcasts are bringing the issues into the light.

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Well, said Elaine. Particularly regarding our path and lack of attention. We are getting what we have earned in many ways.

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apathy , lack of attention, HORRIFIC TREASON, and intentional dumbing down, a completely corrupted educational system, and actual overt mind control programs, very technologically advanced. Amazon participated in these type programs along with CIA here in Seattle, Tacoma , and Everett, as preparation for them being the designated SMART CITY prisons in Wash.

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Yes, we have been messed with, badly. But if we can now be aware of it and raise our consciousness, we can escape and rise above the prison matrix.

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yes its a NWO 'lockstep' agenda, command hub Switzerland since 1291AD in roman Novus Ordo Seclorum check your dollar bills. Christ fought the same demonically possesed family money-changers & was crucified for it. Film Eyes Wide Shut exposed this bloodline family practices for what they did to his daughter, 24mins cut after Kubricks suspicious 'timely' death watch the editing around the circle scenes. Research the great Jerry Marzinsky on demonic possession. x2 very strong Christ souls in this video below

Newsbreak 160: Stopping the WHO's Secret Private IHR Controls from Publicly Bullying Governments


January 14th, 2023. - Ramola D Reports

2010 Operation "Lock-Step" - The Sinister Agenda behind Covid-19 - [Rockefeller Foundation created 1913 same year as the FED & the ADL!] -


Sustainable Development Transcends Political Systems To Control Everything - 29Nov22 -

Agenda 21 Is Globalization on Steroids called Technocracy


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Great links. Ramola D is awesome. She went through the NWO plans on YouTube while still there. Scary. Rosa Koire and Deborah Tavares have been my other previous resources. Sure wish we could still tap into Rosa's knowledge. What a wonderful person she seemed to be. Time to really get involved. I have said for 2 years, we need real actions to change the plans. I don't need anymore information about how bad the bioweapons are etc. I have known from the beginning. We need it stopped and nobody elected have so we have to do it. Peace.

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LAW knowledge required for that, never ever use their Crown BAR legalese fraud owned 'property' title 'PERSON', we are a living man, living woman, or one of the people solely & only.

Even word 'human' a London Crown temple BAR 'legal jurisdiction presumption' constructive fraud also avoid using 'human rights', we were born under God/Creator/Supreme Being our sole master LAW being do no wrong or harm called trespass [no man is a God with divine right to rule why leaders swear oaths on bible]. Research words of Lords Prayer.

To battle knowledge of LAW required as the sword of truth for justice. Crown temple BAR 'legal' system are Godless, satanic [freemasonry supremacy oaths taken by top people]. Word 'legal' supposed to be solely & only limited to administering complex written verified contracts with peoples signature agreements on. That dont exist its all FRAUD by verifiable satanists at the top w/ indoctrinated IGNORANT order followers beneath.

LAW = x3 jurisdictions, [L]and + [A]ir + [W]ater = inalienable rights are endowed from God not to be trespassed, man, woman, w/ equal dominion on Earth, not BAR personage 'rules' without contract from ANY man ruler of Water-only 'personage' jurisdiction started 1666AD by identity theft land pirates.. eg the Crown temple BAR city of london. [Godless, a satanic org]

Watch x4 foundational JURISDICTION knowledge vids >> awarriorcalls.com

juris = of right

stay away from the freeman on the land or soveriegn citizen going nowhere BS, above is not that.

Judges are not to rule as Gods, only solely jurisdiction referees to ensure 'no trespass on the case' occurs.



Human Being - definition -

legal definition is 'monster', 'person', 'creature'.

Human = Hue-Man = Colour of Man = not a Man

Man v. Human - 22Aug20 - Everything outside of the Natural World, is man-made.


Black's law Dictionary - Revised Fourth Edition 1968 = legalese the BARs own language / dictionary, a trespass on our rights


p1158 - MONSTER. A prodigious birth; a HUMAN birth [aka berth Admiralty legal law] or offspring not having the shape of mankind, which cannot be heir to any land, albeit it be brought forth in marriage.

p1112 - MAN. A HUMAN BEING . A PERSON [aka legal-fiction-owned-property-titles of humans + persons, owned property, a thing] of the male sex. A male of the human species above the age of puberty.

p867 - HOMICIDE. The killing of any human creature. >> notice your not a 'Living Man' with divine inalienable rights endowed by God but a 'creature' or 'human'.

Acquire knowledge of LAW for the battle there is only ONE LAW cannot be any other 'types' laws created by men only God creates LAW everything else requires a verified contract signature w/ each individual. Read the Declaration of Independence for confirmation

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People get lost in all this law stuff , still thinking we are a nation of laws, we are not, we are nations ruled by men and women, no matter what the law says or judges and attorneys do , or anyone interprets it, it matters not unless some MAN wearing a badge and a gun forcibly acts to force you , imprison you, confiscate your substance, or end your life if you resist.

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men do not create laws Sir they only create 'RULES' then lie either deliberately or through ignorance it is law when it is not. LAW is from God, do no wrong, harm a trespass to another thats it. Men can create contracts between them when the written contracts are complicated thats whats called 'legal' in law, nothing else is LAW. Crown temple BAR jurisdiction claims are a 'constructive fraud' most accept is LAW when is not, it truly is a fraud, and a fraud cannot be LAW.

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Yes good info and true , but it will take more than that , its too late for that to work by itself, Ive been try to explain all that to everyone for 40 years , when it may have worked, but you cant reform, rehabilitate, change , or get apologetic responses from those truly dedicated to evil.

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establishing jurisdiction is simple and easy with correct knowledge and using correct words. Why state schools created so people are ignorant, solution expose true knowledge so it can be gained. LAW jurisdiction requires few words + is simple. God is your only Master unless dealing with a satanist, who lie for fun.

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That sounds good in theory , but fails in practice because acceptance of any of their process, showing up in their courts , crossing the bar, use of any BAR agents of the court/crown, using postal zip codes, any adhesion contracts 'like SS# ,credit cards , bank accounts, VOTING in their rigged corp selections, puts one right back in their jurisdiction. Avoidance of their process = a bench warrant, and if resisted turns into a swat team at your place of abode. I dont have any of those altering my status and have attempted what your telling people and it fails. They dont care about anything your calling GOD or GODS law. If nothing else they will use their last tool which is CONTEMPT , with no limitation on jail time, and as long as some idiot with a badge and gun obeys THEM , that will be your experience. I think its unwise for you to tell people these things who have very compromised status, it will only get them in deeper trouble, and not accomplish what they are trying to accomplish now that all our lives are on the line.

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because this is a life and death war is exactly why jurisdiction knowledge required imparted to as many souls as possible. Jurisdiction created and established with love and in peace not with violence, thats a sin and unlawful. Alternative acquiesce and let them decide what to do with you within their claimed jurisdiction as 'BAR legal system' Gods, which is also a sin and unlawful.

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Yes, I became aware of Lockstep soon after the stay-at-home orders.... have seen it clearly since then.

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I want to leave Nevada County and California. I am fed up.

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I understand. But for me, now is not the time to leave.

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Been happening for a long time

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More info on this topic the new ICD-10 Code Z28.310 to gather your Fauci-ouchy status.


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Very informative - thanks May.

It's all hands on deck people. Speak or forever hold your piece.

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I didn't see an "above" to click upon... Was that a text link?

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The above is the video interview at the very top of this post.

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Ok. Now I see it... I missed the play button, and thought that was a picture.


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