Oh Reinette, where oh where is the safe space? Mosquitoes in winter in engineered snow? Honestly, my friend. We are having a game night tonight because all of this is too much, and we haven't stopped the world to get off yet. How do you cope with all this diabolic madness? I'm sorry that you and S have had so much hardship with these storms, and that your state-of-emergency area is finding some relief...but now I hear you have mosquitoes and snow that is cracking the should-be-snow-weight-bearing-trees. I can't process all this evil madness. Serious stomach ache after reading your article, and I knew most of the info before reading it. . . . HORROR SHIT SHOW. Love to you both. x
Thank you for the kind words! We make sure to laugh and spend time with our loved ones, oh, and yummy, healthy dishes to go along with this. We both ponder how any of us mentally/emotionally hold up against all of this. Fortunately, the snow is melting with this rain, and it didn't start out as the deluge we thought it might. We are fine... down river, not so much! And the tree has been cleared from the house. We have many wonderful people helping us!
Why California? I've been thinking about that as my niece with her three children and Russian husband are moving to Connecticut. California has become too awful for her. I've lived here long enough to say that it was not always like this--it was relaxed, friendly, free, and affordable until hmm sometime after 2012. Then it became a living nightmare. The thing that keeps coming up in my mind is "they want it". They want people to leave so they can have it for themselves. Who are they? It's hard to say but I would look to big tech, Hollywood...those people. And some other people that are like phantoms. I confess I voted for Jerry Brown, and then went into shock when he signed SB277. Now, everything bad happens here first. Bill Gates is a complete lunatic, seriously. I can't imagine screwing with nature the way he wants to.
Yes, there is no doubt that California is an important asset. We have a lot of goods; oil, gas, water, gold, minerals, trees, ports, farmland.... and the list goes on...
Horrifying!! It'll be soo interesting to see what your GMOsquitos autopsies reveal!! Sure you know this, but citronella oil is a major repellent to these bloodsuckers... hopefully, still, despite their Frankenbug design! Thanks, as always, for the heads up on the ongoing craziness.
YES. YES. YES! Most of those repellants are harsh toxins, and our skin is our largest organ, it works both for getting rid of toxins but also absorbs them.
Horrifying indeed. Everyday it's a new nightmare w these psychos. When the hell are they going to be rounded up and disposed of permanently? It's just sickening.
September 16th, 2022: Update on CDPR (California Dept of Pesticide Regulation). 5,460 emails of opposition. Roughly 24 emails in favor of the release of these experimental, genetically-engineered mosquitoes. https://www.bitchute.com/video/cjJZFSe2q8m0/
I am confused. I didn't think they had been released in California as I thought we were waiting for them to ask for more public comments. I emailed last time and did not hold back. This is very troubling.
That's what we thought as well..... and then we began to watch these unnatural mosquitoes happily flying through our winter blizzards... so something is seriously amiss. Mosquitoes, as in natural ones, CANNOT live in these temperatures. So, it's looking to me like these companies don't really give a rats ass about public input or the law.
Thank you. Please report back what you find out i saved the contact information from Kat. I have no problem contacting people about things to get answers.. Could the mosquitoes have moved from Florida via a plane? That was my concern to begin with also. Bizarre world, but not giving up even though some are naysayers.
Oxitec's "Friendly Aedes" should NOT have been released in CA, yet.
CDPR is supposed to have a second public comment period, but they've stalled and delayed for one year, now. I would expect them to announce that they are proceeding, if they do decide to proceed. There is nothing on California DPR's website, except the first public comment period from April 2022. After receiving over 5400 emails of opposition, I might guess one of two things:
1. They're stalling
2. They've quietly proceeded (unlikely).
As of May 21st, 2022, the senior staff attorney at CalEPA said this:
"Hi Kathryn,
I do not have any further updates on when the next public comment period will be. CDPR is still reviewing application materials and will announce another public comment period once that process is complete."
I have not heard back since. Per my public records request, I expect her to notify me about a 2nd public comment period OR to tell me that they will/will-not proceed.
Meanwhile, Oxitec had two positions they were hiring for out of Visalia last year. One was for a field engineer (I have to find the screenshot to be sure), and the other job was for a public relations position. The job descriptions are no longer available (I'm not sure if they've been filled).
Oxitec is building a R&D facility in Visalia. I can't find an address for them (yet). They may be done by now.
"DPR will provide more information on the status of the Oxitec research authorization application and the department’s evaluation on its website. In the interim, comments may be sent to mosquito.ra@cdpr.ca.gov and will be retained for future reference during the department’s public input process."
PLEASE NOTE: In 2017 and 2018, Google/Alphabet (Verily Sciences) released wolbachia-mosquitoes in Fresno to "reduce the population). They likely exacerbated the mosquito problem, IMO. These corporate oligarchs all work together.
There is still no update on the CA project on Oxitec OR CDPR's website. Call Delta Mosquito Vector control district and ask them! Mustafa Debboun is the manager: mdebboun@deltamvcd.org
I am sorry to say I agree. At this point...I've dived enough into so many complicated webs of the global PPPs....and when you follow the money, you find the same eugenicists/bankers/elite players. They want fewer humans on thsi planet, fully controlled and utilized as the slave class (IMO). I just made another fast update on TICKS and Oxitec (weaponized ticks): https://www.bitchute.com/video/EtJj5uO6K7VK/
They're weaponizing everything! They poison us, and then drum up their "solutions." What an unfortunate reality to bear! But I'm there.
No more bugs on the car windows or car bumpers but mosquitoes in the middle of snowy winter? There is no safe place? Either we figure out HOW to stop them or the trends will continue?
Thanks. I look forward to that. All levels are important. All perspectives are important. I myself have seen far too many "leaders" emerge, gain followers, with solutions that fail to generate the kinds of results we need. I note how adept the enemy is at controlling all sides, anticipating opposition, and giving the leaders it selects bribes and threats so they can be controlled and are no threat. I note how so many leaders of the opposition appear to change with time. I note how people tend to have just one solution and fiercely defend it, and how people do not seem to want to work to pool all solutions into a discussion forum where they can all be looked at, the pros and cons analyzed without owning any one solution, and perhaps, as a group, figure out that elusive new solution that might actually get significant results, and quickly. I note how people are so often either leaders or followers, and how the leaders do not like objective criticisms of their ideas or discussions about adjustments to their ideas or improvements to their ideas. I note that our enemy is adept at think tanks and uses them all the time, and compare that to what the opposition does. I note how most people are not ready, willing, and able to devote time to analyzing all solutions, developing new solutions, there are apparently better things to do.
Mosquitoes today. Who knows what new wonders our enemy will gift us with tomorrow. The enemy's ability to harm needs to stop. HOW to do that? How to figure out how to do that?
I just saw a short tiktok of a man mentioning ways of stopping things. I am not sure if he is in the USA or Canada. I don't have the app and can't read comments or see more videos from him. He was suggesting people that work in the building industry, tech industry and more to not go along with building the infrastructure for the smart cities or delay things, to organize etc. He is working on a website, but not sure it is up yet. It sounded like this https://bluecollarboycott.com/?elementor_library=coming-soon
One guy working on solutions... Boycott and bring some Teamsters Union energy to the skilled trades. "And what I envision is we will begin to post information about organizations, individuals, woke ass corporations... What projects they're doing. And take a hard look at whether we want to staff those projects. Think about it... We literally get up every day and strap our boots on and go out and build our own prison, don't we? How do you think they are going to build 15 minute cities without..." I wish him luck. He may discover that his leaders are bribed and threatened puppets installed by our mutual root cause enemy? He may want to inform all his co workers about what our real root cause mutual enemy is? https://www.tiktok.com/@bluecollarboycott/video/7205585042435869995
There are many reasons why more aren't saying NO to this. Our enemy controls leaders of almost all or all organizations world wide with bribes and threats. The trades are controlled through many organizations like the Masons. I wish I could find a way of asking this guy to take a look at Solution Seeking, for the concepts discussed and debated there might be of use to him in what he is attempting. We learn together as equal partners.
If you have tiktok contact him there and do it several times to get his attention, sometimes you have to do that. I don't know how tiktok works and if there is a contact email listed. Maybe sign up with the website they are building. We have to think outside of the box. I understand everything else you are saying and have unfortunately known that for too long and he probably knows already too, but we can't give up. My husband is in construction, but only for private people so for him this would never come up. Besides he would know something was strange about it. I think we have a low income apartment buiding that is just being finished, that I think is part of it where I live. There are train tracks close by and a bike lane not far from it. In the worst part of my city. Nobody rides a bike here. We can't gove up and there are a lot of naysayers out there. Thanks for responding.
Thanks for the response. I don't have TicTok. And I have tried and failed to contact many people like him in the past. And I am extremely busy trying to figure out how to solve this issue, get my house fixed and ready to move, and move. I asked you because I thought you might know him or have a way of efficiently and quickly contacting him. Yes, we keep trying. I would really like to figure out how to turn the tide and win this war. It is not easy. If you know of others who might be interested in participating in Solution Seeking Substack or starting something similar or better, please let them know. We need to work on broad range solutions, and soon. Thanks again.
I don't know him. It was posted on telegram and I shared with a bunch of local groups etc. I am in a group working with Nationallibertyalliance.org
We have our seal for Committee of Safety- COS similar to the founders. NLA is guiding us and they have an enormous amount of information.
John the main man is from NY state. We are also working with a couple named Jack and Margy Flynn that in the past were helping individuals, but now trying to help the country. They did a 9 video series with affidavits links etc for free. Someone that follows Reinette too puts it down and say it won't work, too late, will get us in trouble etc. Very negative comments. We are learning everything we can about the true constitution and we are trying to get other counties involved. Hence why I have contacted Reinette too as I am in California. I am not giving up so people can be negative all they want. I have young adult children at home and a full grown up not living at home and I am doing this for them. Via NLA we have lists of people that might have gotten started, but gave up so we want to help get them going too.
None of these things are illegal and if we all startef doing it and getting the sheriff behind us, we can change things. The sheriffs don't want to do something things unless they know we are backing them up. The sheriffs arrested a city council in Lodi recently for election fraud. So it can be done via us. A local school district has voted against making hpv vaccine mandatory in schools even if California wants to do that. Other district can do the same. My point is we can make many local changes, but we have to organize, find more people to join and do these things. I contacted another school district that was being harassed about not wanting drag queen shows and the main man emailed me back and thanked me. Some of these people are just regular people and they need our support. Keep fighting. Wish we could move, but not at the moment, but I will fight peacefully while I am here.
Great. You have shared a lot of great ideas. Everything adds up. I have learned to be skeptical of things. Locally for me, I joined some groups that seemed great a few years ago. I now note that not much has been accomplished, the leaders appear to have somehow done much better financially than the followers, and the leaders do not invite discussions about strategic analysis and planning. The followers also do not want to discuss strategy, most are busy with other challenges, and they mostly want a leader to follow without having to think things out. They tried and failed to elect constitutional sheriffs, better politicians. I attended protests and rallies with them and the net effects were almost zero. I called the councils as they suggested and the net effects of doing that was almost zero as well. Remember Dr. Martin saying that the way out was to contact the AG Attorney General. Well, we tried that too and that also failed. I attended talks by legal experts on the constitution and how that was going to save us, years ago, and, so far, nothing that was done has helped much, but it did take up a lot of time, gave false hope, and then caused a depression when it failed. I note that people have been conditioned into believing nothing can work, if only subconsciously. We need a breakthrough or something different? As I look at videos, I wonder, how is this different from what has already been attempted and why might it succeed when the other things have failed. And some challenge me on whether the other things have failed. I accept that challenge. The Web Links of Interest show how our enemy is proceeding on multiple fronts to continue to escalate its harm of humanity and the planet. I translate that into opposition failure, and it must be stopped. Sure, everything adds up, and I support those who continue to do similar things. Doing that does not resonate with me anymore.
Much of this depends on where a person lives. Places with high vaccine rates are probably generally more challenging. If the majority has been fooled, wants tyranny, and avoids conspiracy theories, what can really be done? I do my best.
All of this is why I decided to start the Solution Seeking, where many solutions can be explored, including illegal and violent solutions, in the hope of showing their pros and cons, and avoiding them. It is still apparently legal to do this in the US, though my state, WA State, has passed laws recently that could lead to issues.
Since New Year's day of this year I have devoted everything I have to the Solution Seeking Substack. A minimum of 60 hours per week. Now other things need attention. I will be cutting my time down to maybe 10 hours per week and will have to carefully pick my priorities. My hope is that others can start similar, better, Substacks. Or, contribute in ways that somehow share the load. I have spent countless hours on videos, websites, etc. It has been a great learning experience but I cannot possibly continue to do that.
You could be on to something - a few weeks ago as I was returning from my nightly dog walk there was a mosquito by my front door! I live on the EAST COAST outside of Manhattan! It was bitter cold and I immediately questioned how it could be there and alive! It didn't come from inside my house as I have two cats that love to chase any flying insects in the summer such as moths and the very occasional fly that also sneaks in! They will not relent until it's demise hence solidifying this was and came from outdoors! Very interesting . . . .
Well, there you go. These bugs don't know state lines.... and can easily be picked up by winds traveling a hell of a long way. Especially if BILLIONS of them have been released. So, it's definitely NOT just California and Florida dealing with this!
No water by me! None! Therefore, can't blame it on the balmy temperatures we've had however also intermittently ! This was a COLD NIGHT! If it had been warm I wouldnt've given it a second thought. But that's why it caught me attention.
Reinette I know this is off topic to this post, but I expect you will be covering this story of Silicon Valley Bank soon anyway. I just wanted to get this information to you asap. I highly recommend that you follow Adam Andrzejewski of OpenTheBooks here on Substack (they have a website too). I'm sure you will be very interested in everything they post, but especially the recent information they have dropped involving Gov Nuisance and his co-conspirator the 'First Partner', such as today's article: https://openthebooks.substack.com/p/the-silicon-valley-bank-coverup-and
The pair of them need to have all assets frozen and seized and a full forensic investigation into their dealings. Then they need to be dealt with appropriately for their crimes. Look back to the previous posts to see the OpenTheBooks investigation of the First Partner and her organizations, the money that gets funneled to her and the agendas in education and psyops against children and youth.
Penny wort is a herb from the Mint genus with a powerful menthol deterrent, I use to grow it out the front of my steel shed house, I'd pull a bit off and rub it all over me, keeps the mosquitoes away, when outside. We had these Murray Greys that bite through cattle hide, they would also bite through cotton jeans, sting when they bite and leave massive welts. Sub Tropical area, at 5pm you'd hear a pervasive buzz sound, on tropical cloudy days, they would hunt you all day. I found every nook and cranny to stop them from getting in the house.
Male mosquitoes don't look like the females, they're really large at least 4 to 5 times the size and they don't suck blood, only females do to nourish the eggs. Male mosquitoes live off flowers, nectar.
It's disturbing they're hybridizing, which means they've managed to stabilize the gene modification. I wonder if we could make a frequency device that could target them...?
Good questions about using a frequency. And as far as a pollinator, this is what I find disturbing. Our pollinator population is already declining... so why decline it even more? Mosquitoes are an important part of the food chain. Once again, we are playing God, and we really stink at this!
My area was hit with frequency last year, it even killed all the fungus gnats, haven't seen bees, no leaf eater maggots in the compost. Have slaters and worms still.
As much as I always dislike mozzies, everything has it's place, messing with genetics and making nanotech bio-drones is just wrong.
Watch out for ticks, if you have a dog make sure you stay away from tick infested area's.
remember- these people are liars- we'll have to depend on independent researchers to know the truth- the bad guys lie about everything--nice to know about penny wort!
Just found this---See link below, in which article it states that "Mosquitoes that belong to the genera Anopheles, Culex and Culiseta hibernate, and so do some other less common types in the United States."
"Human malaria is transmitted only by the bites of an infected female mosquito in the Anopheles mosquito genus. Out of about 430 Anopheles mosquito species known around the world, roughly 30 or 40 are vectors (transmitters)."
Sadly--the Anopheles mosquito took both of my maternal grandparents with Plasmodium Falciparum (the most lethal strain of Malaria) when I was 6-months old. "Mom" and "Pop" had just returned from a trip to Nicaragua to visit my uncle who was working there as an engineer. Pop died on September 19th and Mom passed on the 23rd (the day before my mother's 23rd birthday)
IF the species you are finding are, in fact, Anopheles, then the concern of malaria and "global warming" and new vaccines plops ungracefully on the table.
Please gather up a bunch of the biting girl mosquitoes and find a couple reliable scientific venues to help. U.C. Davis has a substantial life sciences department and a history of having faculty who write controversial things (Professor Cahil wrote of the air condidions in N.Y. C. right after 911 but his work was suppressed by Washington folks because it was "TOO MUCH INFORMATION."
Hi, I'd just like to point out that the idea that "Malaria" is caused by plasmodium infection is just another iteration of not proven 'germ theory'. You can read all about it in Dawn Lester and David Parker's encyclopedic book "What Really Makes Us Ill"...I am not sure if you can find the many pages written on the subject for free on the website (I own the book, which is where I read it) but here is the site:
Yes, it is an amazing book. My go-to reference when issues like this come up! I know people can get annoyed when "old chestnut" programming like this comes up, but it is, in my opinion, essential to keep challenging the things we have all been led to believe are just "facts' when it's pretty clear from that book that they are not. Or most likely not. Very eye opening!
I agree completely! And now we can clearly see that it's not just an inconsequential difference of opinion on this topic. It's literally this false belief that is being weaponized against us, meanwhile some people (and animals and plants as Reinette has pointed out in the case of the trees) are getting sick because of the invisible toxins, including the unnatural man-made EMFs. The doctors, scientists and 'health freedom advocates' who are unwilling to even look into the evidence with an open mind are now really part of the problem they claim they are trying to fight against. I have some compassion because I understand how they have been brainwashed, at some point we all were. But it's time for them to push their egos aside and open their minds.
Fascinating AND two dearly beloved grandparents slipped off this mortal coil due to something from Nicaragua. And Plasmodium Falciparum is a parasitic invasion by single cell protozoans, not bacteria nor virus. Is your post above to insinuate that Malaria is not vectored by mosquitoes?
Yes. I realize plasmodium is a protozoan but according to the research in the book above, the evidence for it as the cause of malaria is just as non existent as it is for bacterial "diseases", and of course, viruses have not been scientifically shown to exist at all. Acturally, not sure about mosquitos' ability to cause illness, by some other means, would have to re read the chapter
Ok, sure, but why? Isn't the most crucial thing these days to get to the real truth? What if you are just reinforcing a lie? Just sayin, not arguing. Have a nice day!
Why? Because I am fully employed; have a disabled room mate and spend about 10-hours a day finding truth in many places. The whole thing has no relevance to malaria unless the mosquitoes which are plaguing Reinette are anopheles and if they are carrying plasmodium.
If you find any specific references--that'd be dandy. I have 8-books lined up to read now already. Thank you.
One must assume that the Alaska trekker has bottled up (maybe frozen) several of the literal suckers. Now---to whom or to where would one send them for; a) species determination and, critically important--to find out what the white goo is lurking in swollen bellies of the dastardly Hymenoptera. If the creatures are, in fact, lab creations, they forgot to put the self-destruct and disintegrate function. There is evidence. Please keep us informed---as if you would not.
I sadly dove into weaponized ticks. Here is my comment and links:
Create the problem, scare the public, offer the "solution." What a cruel scam. Oxitec and NGO's backed by billionaires are NOT YOUR FRIEND.
Oxitec (funded by Wellcome and Gates) has multiple species they're editing with CRISPR technology. They claim to be using a "self-limiting gene." That should hint at what they're really after with the population. https://www.oxitec.com/en/our-technology#partners-and-funders
Alliance for Science (also a Gates-funded propaganda source) reports that Gates is funding Oxitec to create a CRISPR gene-edited tick.
Did the U.S. weaponize ticks? I'll bet my life on it at this point.
"Newby claims that if a scientist named Willy Burgdorfer had not made a confession in 2013, the secret that Lyme disease came from a biological weapons program would have died with him. Yet, in 2004 Michael Christopher Carroll published a book called Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government’s Secret Germ Laboratory."
(interestingly, Wellcome Trust also invested 80 million to find a "snake bite treatment." This reminds me of the theory that venom may have sickened the population, not Con-vid. Hmm).
I'm convinced that all of these "cures" the pharmaceutical industry and NGO's claim to be searching for are actually intended to be used to cull the "useless eaters."
Oh Reinette, where oh where is the safe space? Mosquitoes in winter in engineered snow? Honestly, my friend. We are having a game night tonight because all of this is too much, and we haven't stopped the world to get off yet. How do you cope with all this diabolic madness? I'm sorry that you and S have had so much hardship with these storms, and that your state-of-emergency area is finding some relief...but now I hear you have mosquitoes and snow that is cracking the should-be-snow-weight-bearing-trees. I can't process all this evil madness. Serious stomach ache after reading your article, and I knew most of the info before reading it. . . . HORROR SHIT SHOW. Love to you both. x
Thank you for the kind words! We make sure to laugh and spend time with our loved ones, oh, and yummy, healthy dishes to go along with this. We both ponder how any of us mentally/emotionally hold up against all of this. Fortunately, the snow is melting with this rain, and it didn't start out as the deluge we thought it might. We are fine... down river, not so much! And the tree has been cleared from the house. We have many wonderful people helping us!
Why California? I've been thinking about that as my niece with her three children and Russian husband are moving to Connecticut. California has become too awful for her. I've lived here long enough to say that it was not always like this--it was relaxed, friendly, free, and affordable until hmm sometime after 2012. Then it became a living nightmare. The thing that keeps coming up in my mind is "they want it". They want people to leave so they can have it for themselves. Who are they? It's hard to say but I would look to big tech, Hollywood...those people. And some other people that are like phantoms. I confess I voted for Jerry Brown, and then went into shock when he signed SB277. Now, everything bad happens here first. Bill Gates is a complete lunatic, seriously. I can't imagine screwing with nature the way he wants to.
Yes, there is no doubt that California is an important asset. We have a lot of goods; oil, gas, water, gold, minerals, trees, ports, farmland.... and the list goes on...
He's clearly criminally insane. Why is he still running around free???
I've been asking the same thing, hence, why I am conjuring up a portable guillotine for those who aren't getting served their justice!
Horrifying!! It'll be soo interesting to see what your GMOsquitos autopsies reveal!! Sure you know this, but citronella oil is a major repellent to these bloodsuckers... hopefully, still, despite their Frankenbug design! Thanks, as always, for the heads up on the ongoing craziness.
Yes, I can definitely we can wear a repellent.... just never thought I would have to while sleeping during a winter storm.
Yes but remember regular repellents with DEET are neuro toxins and no way to know if these hybrid creatures from hell will be repelled.
YES. YES. YES! Most of those repellants are harsh toxins, and our skin is our largest organ, it works both for getting rid of toxins but also absorbs them.
we have to remember that their gmo experiments often don't work
but they've soake CA long enough to have year round breeding ponds this year- poor little birds!!
Horrifying indeed. Everyday it's a new nightmare w these psychos. When the hell are they going to be rounded up and disposed of permanently? It's just sickening.
When you organize and start it. Everyone wants someone else to do the dirty work.
Love the video compilation. :) Fantastically important share. Thank you. <3
If anyone prefers to listen while multitasking:
My videos:
October 2nd, 2021: My very first look at Oxitec & genetically engineered mosquitoes: https://www.bitchute.com/video/E2n0zfSDAF40/
March 14th, 2022: Oxitec poised to release in CA. I look into Brazil, here. My alert for the public: https://www.bitchute.com/video/AOCLpTVBLx9a/
April 12th, 2022: DARPA/BARDA/MODERNA: https://www.bitchute.com/video/nwHShuAzcWFn/
April 18th, 2022: My call to Mustafa Debboun (Delta Mosquito Vector Control District Manager, hired in 2020): https://www.bitchute.com/video/VId9ziP1eCPG/
September 16th, 2022: Update on CDPR (California Dept of Pesticide Regulation). 5,460 emails of opposition. Roughly 24 emails in favor of the release of these experimental, genetically-engineered mosquitoes. https://www.bitchute.com/video/cjJZFSe2q8m0/
Thank you for your AMAZING research, Kat. I sure appreciate you!
I am confused. I didn't think they had been released in California as I thought we were waiting for them to ask for more public comments. I emailed last time and did not hold back. This is very troubling.
That's what we thought as well..... and then we began to watch these unnatural mosquitoes happily flying through our winter blizzards... so something is seriously amiss. Mosquitoes, as in natural ones, CANNOT live in these temperatures. So, it's looking to me like these companies don't really give a rats ass about public input or the law.
Thank you. Please report back what you find out i saved the contact information from Kat. I have no problem contacting people about things to get answers.. Could the mosquitoes have moved from Florida via a plane? That was my concern to begin with also. Bizarre world, but not giving up even though some are naysayers.
Oxitec's "Friendly Aedes" should NOT have been released in CA, yet.
CDPR is supposed to have a second public comment period, but they've stalled and delayed for one year, now. I would expect them to announce that they are proceeding, if they do decide to proceed. There is nothing on California DPR's website, except the first public comment period from April 2022. After receiving over 5400 emails of opposition, I might guess one of two things:
1. They're stalling
2. They've quietly proceeded (unlikely).
As of May 21st, 2022, the senior staff attorney at CalEPA said this:
"Hi Kathryn,
I do not have any further updates on when the next public comment period will be. CDPR is still reviewing application materials and will announce another public comment period once that process is complete."
I have not heard back since. Per my public records request, I expect her to notify me about a 2nd public comment period OR to tell me that they will/will-not proceed.
Meanwhile, Oxitec had two positions they were hiring for out of Visalia last year. One was for a field engineer (I have to find the screenshot to be sure), and the other job was for a public relations position. The job descriptions are no longer available (I'm not sure if they've been filled).
Oxitec is building a R&D facility in Visalia. I can't find an address for them (yet). They may be done by now.
"DPR will provide more information on the status of the Oxitec research authorization application and the department’s evaluation on its website. In the interim, comments may be sent to mosquito.ra@cdpr.ca.gov and will be retained for future reference during the department’s public input process."
Please go to this website and save the email (mosquito.ra@cdpr.ca.gov) for the 2nd public comment: https://www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/pressrls/2022/031022.htm
PLEASE NOTE: In 2017 and 2018, Google/Alphabet (Verily Sciences) released wolbachia-mosquitoes in Fresno to "reduce the population). They likely exacerbated the mosquito problem, IMO. These corporate oligarchs all work together.
For more information on Oxitec (stay on their press releases!!!): https://www.oxitec.com/en/our-technology (See funders)
News: https://www.oxitec.com/en/news
Here is their 2022 annual report: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ce647f81666410001999048/t/63a5ce107e3c0e0f1b1a4596/1671810585651/Oxitec+Annual+Report+2022.pdf
There is still no update on the CA project on Oxitec OR CDPR's website. Call Delta Mosquito Vector control district and ask them! Mustafa Debboun is the manager: mdebboun@deltamvcd.org
Thank you for your detailed information. I will save and contact them. All these mad scientists running our world. Never a dull moment.
NEVER a dull moment. I kind of feel like we are living in a comic book.
Surely you dont think they really wait or want any public comment on anything , or care if you do.
You are the most sour person on Reinette's substack.
I admit, I have no confidence in any regulatory agency or elected decision maker at this point.
That is unfortunately the truth and reality we have now , but its actually way beyond no faith and confidence they are trying to kill us all.
I am sorry to say I agree. At this point...I've dived enough into so many complicated webs of the global PPPs....and when you follow the money, you find the same eugenicists/bankers/elite players. They want fewer humans on thsi planet, fully controlled and utilized as the slave class (IMO). I just made another fast update on TICKS and Oxitec (weaponized ticks): https://www.bitchute.com/video/EtJj5uO6K7VK/
They're weaponizing everything! They poison us, and then drum up their "solutions." What an unfortunate reality to bear! But I'm there.
No more bugs on the car windows or car bumpers but mosquitoes in the middle of snowy winter? There is no safe place? Either we figure out HOW to stop them or the trends will continue?
I will be interviewing Matt from CultivateElevate next week. We will be addressing how to counter these evil measures at a different level.
Oh I want to hear that.
Thanks. I look forward to that. All levels are important. All perspectives are important. I myself have seen far too many "leaders" emerge, gain followers, with solutions that fail to generate the kinds of results we need. I note how adept the enemy is at controlling all sides, anticipating opposition, and giving the leaders it selects bribes and threats so they can be controlled and are no threat. I note how so many leaders of the opposition appear to change with time. I note how people tend to have just one solution and fiercely defend it, and how people do not seem to want to work to pool all solutions into a discussion forum where they can all be looked at, the pros and cons analyzed without owning any one solution, and perhaps, as a group, figure out that elusive new solution that might actually get significant results, and quickly. I note how people are so often either leaders or followers, and how the leaders do not like objective criticisms of their ideas or discussions about adjustments to their ideas or improvements to their ideas. I note that our enemy is adept at think tanks and uses them all the time, and compare that to what the opposition does. I note how most people are not ready, willing, and able to devote time to analyzing all solutions, developing new solutions, there are apparently better things to do.
Mosquitoes today. Who knows what new wonders our enemy will gift us with tomorrow. The enemy's ability to harm needs to stop. HOW to do that? How to figure out how to do that?
I just saw a short tiktok of a man mentioning ways of stopping things. I am not sure if he is in the USA or Canada. I don't have the app and can't read comments or see more videos from him. He was suggesting people that work in the building industry, tech industry and more to not go along with building the infrastructure for the smart cities or delay things, to organize etc. He is working on a website, but not sure it is up yet. It sounded like this https://bluecollarboycott.com/?elementor_library=coming-soon
This just might be a great idea. I haven't been able to understand why there aren't more saying NO to doing all of this.
I will check it out, thank you!
They will simply import workers from elsewhere .
Thanks for your reply. I like this guy's attitude. The video was posted to the pinned comment in the Solution Seeking Web Links Of Interest along with the intro in quotes below. https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/web-links-of-interest-march-9-2023/comments
One guy working on solutions... Boycott and bring some Teamsters Union energy to the skilled trades. "And what I envision is we will begin to post information about organizations, individuals, woke ass corporations... What projects they're doing. And take a hard look at whether we want to staff those projects. Think about it... We literally get up every day and strap our boots on and go out and build our own prison, don't we? How do you think they are going to build 15 minute cities without..." I wish him luck. He may discover that his leaders are bribed and threatened puppets installed by our mutual root cause enemy? He may want to inform all his co workers about what our real root cause mutual enemy is? https://www.tiktok.com/@bluecollarboycott/video/7205585042435869995
There are many reasons why more aren't saying NO to this. Our enemy controls leaders of almost all or all organizations world wide with bribes and threats. The trades are controlled through many organizations like the Masons. I wish I could find a way of asking this guy to take a look at Solution Seeking, for the concepts discussed and debated there might be of use to him in what he is attempting. We learn together as equal partners.
If you have tiktok contact him there and do it several times to get his attention, sometimes you have to do that. I don't know how tiktok works and if there is a contact email listed. Maybe sign up with the website they are building. We have to think outside of the box. I understand everything else you are saying and have unfortunately known that for too long and he probably knows already too, but we can't give up. My husband is in construction, but only for private people so for him this would never come up. Besides he would know something was strange about it. I think we have a low income apartment buiding that is just being finished, that I think is part of it where I live. There are train tracks close by and a bike lane not far from it. In the worst part of my city. Nobody rides a bike here. We can't gove up and there are a lot of naysayers out there. Thanks for responding.
Thanks for the response. I don't have TicTok. And I have tried and failed to contact many people like him in the past. And I am extremely busy trying to figure out how to solve this issue, get my house fixed and ready to move, and move. I asked you because I thought you might know him or have a way of efficiently and quickly contacting him. Yes, we keep trying. I would really like to figure out how to turn the tide and win this war. It is not easy. If you know of others who might be interested in participating in Solution Seeking Substack or starting something similar or better, please let them know. We need to work on broad range solutions, and soon. Thanks again.
I don't know him. It was posted on telegram and I shared with a bunch of local groups etc. I am in a group working with Nationallibertyalliance.org
We have our seal for Committee of Safety- COS similar to the founders. NLA is guiding us and they have an enormous amount of information.
John the main man is from NY state. We are also working with a couple named Jack and Margy Flynn that in the past were helping individuals, but now trying to help the country. They did a 9 video series with affidavits links etc for free. Someone that follows Reinette too puts it down and say it won't work, too late, will get us in trouble etc. Very negative comments. We are learning everything we can about the true constitution and we are trying to get other counties involved. Hence why I have contacted Reinette too as I am in California. I am not giving up so people can be negative all they want. I have young adult children at home and a full grown up not living at home and I am doing this for them. Via NLA we have lists of people that might have gotten started, but gave up so we want to help get them going too.
https://rumble.com/v1pd1mu-americans-need-to-know-that-the-constitution-guaranteed-and-secured-their-r.html Here is a video with the Flynn's where they also discuss their book. Mel, the host is the man their did their free series through on his website.
https://rumble.com/v2786li-the-constitution-is-the-key-but-which-one.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=19 Here is a different one with them.
None of these things are illegal and if we all startef doing it and getting the sheriff behind us, we can change things. The sheriffs don't want to do something things unless they know we are backing them up. The sheriffs arrested a city council in Lodi recently for election fraud. So it can be done via us. A local school district has voted against making hpv vaccine mandatory in schools even if California wants to do that. Other district can do the same. My point is we can make many local changes, but we have to organize, find more people to join and do these things. I contacted another school district that was being harassed about not wanting drag queen shows and the main man emailed me back and thanked me. Some of these people are just regular people and they need our support. Keep fighting. Wish we could move, but not at the moment, but I will fight peacefully while I am here.
Great. You have shared a lot of great ideas. Everything adds up. I have learned to be skeptical of things. Locally for me, I joined some groups that seemed great a few years ago. I now note that not much has been accomplished, the leaders appear to have somehow done much better financially than the followers, and the leaders do not invite discussions about strategic analysis and planning. The followers also do not want to discuss strategy, most are busy with other challenges, and they mostly want a leader to follow without having to think things out. They tried and failed to elect constitutional sheriffs, better politicians. I attended protests and rallies with them and the net effects were almost zero. I called the councils as they suggested and the net effects of doing that was almost zero as well. Remember Dr. Martin saying that the way out was to contact the AG Attorney General. Well, we tried that too and that also failed. I attended talks by legal experts on the constitution and how that was going to save us, years ago, and, so far, nothing that was done has helped much, but it did take up a lot of time, gave false hope, and then caused a depression when it failed. I note that people have been conditioned into believing nothing can work, if only subconsciously. We need a breakthrough or something different? As I look at videos, I wonder, how is this different from what has already been attempted and why might it succeed when the other things have failed. And some challenge me on whether the other things have failed. I accept that challenge. The Web Links of Interest show how our enemy is proceeding on multiple fronts to continue to escalate its harm of humanity and the planet. I translate that into opposition failure, and it must be stopped. Sure, everything adds up, and I support those who continue to do similar things. Doing that does not resonate with me anymore.
Much of this depends on where a person lives. Places with high vaccine rates are probably generally more challenging. If the majority has been fooled, wants tyranny, and avoids conspiracy theories, what can really be done? I do my best.
All of this is why I decided to start the Solution Seeking, where many solutions can be explored, including illegal and violent solutions, in the hope of showing their pros and cons, and avoiding them. It is still apparently legal to do this in the US, though my state, WA State, has passed laws recently that could lead to issues.
Since New Year's day of this year I have devoted everything I have to the Solution Seeking Substack. A minimum of 60 hours per week. Now other things need attention. I will be cutting my time down to maybe 10 hours per week and will have to carefully pick my priorities. My hope is that others can start similar, better, Substacks. Or, contribute in ways that somehow share the load. I have spent countless hours on videos, websites, etc. It has been a great learning experience but I cannot possibly continue to do that.
Thank you REINETTE SENUM for your Wisdom
You could be on to something - a few weeks ago as I was returning from my nightly dog walk there was a mosquito by my front door! I live on the EAST COAST outside of Manhattan! It was bitter cold and I immediately questioned how it could be there and alive! It didn't come from inside my house as I have two cats that love to chase any flying insects in the summer such as moths and the very occasional fly that also sneaks in! They will not relent until it's demise hence solidifying this was and came from outdoors! Very interesting . . . .
Well, there you go. These bugs don't know state lines.... and can easily be picked up by winds traveling a hell of a long way. Especially if BILLIONS of them have been released. So, it's definitely NOT just California and Florida dealing with this!
Absolutely not!
First reactions?
WTF? Seriously? You gotta be kidding me!
It wasn't till I read your post that it now all made sense. No way in hell do we have mosquito's in WINTER in Northern NJ! And it was BIG!
No water by me! None! Therefore, can't blame it on the balmy temperatures we've had however also intermittently ! This was a COLD NIGHT! If it had been warm I wouldnt've given it a second thought. But that's why it caught me attention.
Reinette I know this is off topic to this post, but I expect you will be covering this story of Silicon Valley Bank soon anyway. I just wanted to get this information to you asap. I highly recommend that you follow Adam Andrzejewski of OpenTheBooks here on Substack (they have a website too). I'm sure you will be very interested in everything they post, but especially the recent information they have dropped involving Gov Nuisance and his co-conspirator the 'First Partner', such as today's article: https://openthebooks.substack.com/p/the-silicon-valley-bank-coverup-and
The pair of them need to have all assets frozen and seized and a full forensic investigation into their dealings. Then they need to be dealt with appropriately for their crimes. Look back to the previous posts to see the OpenTheBooks investigation of the First Partner and her organizations, the money that gets funneled to her and the agendas in education and psyops against children and youth.
Penny wort is a herb from the Mint genus with a powerful menthol deterrent, I use to grow it out the front of my steel shed house, I'd pull a bit off and rub it all over me, keeps the mosquitoes away, when outside. We had these Murray Greys that bite through cattle hide, they would also bite through cotton jeans, sting when they bite and leave massive welts. Sub Tropical area, at 5pm you'd hear a pervasive buzz sound, on tropical cloudy days, they would hunt you all day. I found every nook and cranny to stop them from getting in the house.
Male mosquitoes don't look like the females, they're really large at least 4 to 5 times the size and they don't suck blood, only females do to nourish the eggs. Male mosquitoes live off flowers, nectar.
It's disturbing they're hybridizing, which means they've managed to stabilize the gene modification. I wonder if we could make a frequency device that could target them...?
Good questions about using a frequency. And as far as a pollinator, this is what I find disturbing. Our pollinator population is already declining... so why decline it even more? Mosquitoes are an important part of the food chain. Once again, we are playing God, and we really stink at this!
My area was hit with frequency last year, it even killed all the fungus gnats, haven't seen bees, no leaf eater maggots in the compost. Have slaters and worms still.
As much as I always dislike mozzies, everything has it's place, messing with genetics and making nanotech bio-drones is just wrong.
Watch out for ticks, if you have a dog make sure you stay away from tick infested area's.
remember- these people are liars- we'll have to depend on independent researchers to know the truth- the bad guys lie about everything--nice to know about penny wort!
Just found this---See link below, in which article it states that "Mosquitoes that belong to the genera Anopheles, Culex and Culiseta hibernate, and so do some other less common types in the United States."
"Human malaria is transmitted only by the bites of an infected female mosquito in the Anopheles mosquito genus. Out of about 430 Anopheles mosquito species known around the world, roughly 30 or 40 are vectors (transmitters)."
Sadly--the Anopheles mosquito took both of my maternal grandparents with Plasmodium Falciparum (the most lethal strain of Malaria) when I was 6-months old. "Mom" and "Pop" had just returned from a trip to Nicaragua to visit my uncle who was working there as an engineer. Pop died on September 19th and Mom passed on the 23rd (the day before my mother's 23rd birthday)
IF the species you are finding are, in fact, Anopheles, then the concern of malaria and "global warming" and new vaccines plops ungracefully on the table.
Please gather up a bunch of the biting girl mosquitoes and find a couple reliable scientific venues to help. U.C. Davis has a substantial life sciences department and a history of having faculty who write controversial things (Professor Cahil wrote of the air condidions in N.Y. C. right after 911 but his work was suppressed by Washington folks because it was "TOO MUCH INFORMATION."
Ha! I am afraid that the only thing we have to fear is NOT fear, anymore....and THAT is scary in and of itself.
Keep on Truckin', dear Reinette (as if anyone could stop you!)
Thank you for the suggestions... and no fear here, my friend.
Now, onward to look for those "biting girls."
Can I help?
Suggestions are small coins in the realm.
Action is where the value lies.
Let me know how I may be of assistance.
Hi, I'd just like to point out that the idea that "Malaria" is caused by plasmodium infection is just another iteration of not proven 'germ theory'. You can read all about it in Dawn Lester and David Parker's encyclopedic book "What Really Makes Us Ill"...I am not sure if you can find the many pages written on the subject for free on the website (I own the book, which is where I read it) but here is the site:
Good recommendation. They did a lot of research for this book!
Yes, it is an amazing book. My go-to reference when issues like this come up! I know people can get annoyed when "old chestnut" programming like this comes up, but it is, in my opinion, essential to keep challenging the things we have all been led to believe are just "facts' when it's pretty clear from that book that they are not. Or most likely not. Very eye opening!
I agree completely! And now we can clearly see that it's not just an inconsequential difference of opinion on this topic. It's literally this false belief that is being weaponized against us, meanwhile some people (and animals and plants as Reinette has pointed out in the case of the trees) are getting sick because of the invisible toxins, including the unnatural man-made EMFs. The doctors, scientists and 'health freedom advocates' who are unwilling to even look into the evidence with an open mind are now really part of the problem they claim they are trying to fight against. I have some compassion because I understand how they have been brainwashed, at some point we all were. But it's time for them to push their egos aside and open their minds.
Fascinating AND two dearly beloved grandparents slipped off this mortal coil due to something from Nicaragua. And Plasmodium Falciparum is a parasitic invasion by single cell protozoans, not bacteria nor virus. Is your post above to insinuate that Malaria is not vectored by mosquitoes?
Yes. I realize plasmodium is a protozoan but according to the research in the book above, the evidence for it as the cause of malaria is just as non existent as it is for bacterial "diseases", and of course, viruses have not been scientifically shown to exist at all. Acturally, not sure about mosquitos' ability to cause illness, by some other means, would have to re read the chapter
Well--you have suspicions and I have dead grandparents.
We'll leave it at that.
Ok, sure, but why? Isn't the most crucial thing these days to get to the real truth? What if you are just reinforcing a lie? Just sayin, not arguing. Have a nice day!
Why? Because I am fully employed; have a disabled room mate and spend about 10-hours a day finding truth in many places. The whole thing has no relevance to malaria unless the mosquitoes which are plaguing Reinette are anopheles and if they are carrying plasmodium.
If you find any specific references--that'd be dandy. I have 8-books lined up to read now already. Thank you.
One must assume that the Alaska trekker has bottled up (maybe frozen) several of the literal suckers. Now---to whom or to where would one send them for; a) species determination and, critically important--to find out what the white goo is lurking in swollen bellies of the dastardly Hymenoptera. If the creatures are, in fact, lab creations, they forgot to put the self-destruct and disintegrate function. There is evidence. Please keep us informed---as if you would not.
Thanks, Reinette
Wow amazing!
hey- you didn't think you came here just to have fun did you??
Can you kill them with wasp or bear spray?
I just kill them with my hand so as not to expose them to additional chemicals for lab testing. I also get some sadistic pleasure in doing this.....
I sadly dove into weaponized ticks. Here is my comment and links:
Create the problem, scare the public, offer the "solution." What a cruel scam. Oxitec and NGO's backed by billionaires are NOT YOUR FRIEND.
Oxitec (funded by Wellcome and Gates) has multiple species they're editing with CRISPR technology. They claim to be using a "self-limiting gene." That should hint at what they're really after with the population. https://www.oxitec.com/en/our-technology#partners-and-funders
Alliance for Science (also a Gates-funded propaganda source) reports that Gates is funding Oxitec to create a CRISPR gene-edited tick.
mRNA vaccines for ticks on the way: https://allianceforscience.org/blog/2021/12/a-lab-stage-mrna-vaccine-targeting-ticks-may-offer-protection-against-lyme-and-other-tick-borne-diseases/
Did the U.S. weaponize ticks? I'll bet my life on it at this point.
"Newby claims that if a scientist named Willy Burgdorfer had not made a confession in 2013, the secret that Lyme disease came from a biological weapons program would have died with him. Yet, in 2004 Michael Christopher Carroll published a book called Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government’s Secret Germ Laboratory."
In 2019: https://chrissmith.house.gov/uploadedfiles/final_lyme_ig_amendment.pdf
Wellcome: https://wellcome.org/what-we-do/our-work/future-global-health-initiatives-process
(interestingly, Wellcome Trust also invested 80 million to find a "snake bite treatment." This reminds me of the theory that venom may have sickened the population, not Con-vid. Hmm).
I'm convinced that all of these "cures" the pharmaceutical industry and NGO's claim to be searching for are actually intended to be used to cull the "useless eaters."
So it should be obvious that they will stop at nothing to carry out their evil agendas so it should be obvious what must be done to stop them.