fantastic article. thank you. I despair over our country , spewing hate and war everywhere while most people I know are concerned about their nails.

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That, Liz, is because they are oblivious.

Unfortunately, when times get tough they will not be prepared and will be blindsided.

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I agree. I spend my time on Facebook trying to wake them up and am grateful for your wonderful contributions here.

did you hear the new defense bill will bring back the DRAFT and plans are in the work to draft women as well?

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In the 18th century, Mayer Amschel Rothschild had a great epiphany. He discerned deep economic patterns and began to test and iterate their power. Through skilful messaging and manipulations through the banking and financial systems in several countries simultaneosly, he engineered indirectly creating wars, from which he profited immensely. The Rothschild legacy is one of global control of peace and war dynamics.

From their current website - rothschildandcompany.com - one will find the following services listed:

"Geopolitical Advisory:

Elevated geopolitical risk is a growing challenge for companies, sponsors and investors. For Boards it is increasingly impacting strategic decision making on capital allocation, managing global supply chains and engaging with investors.

Our Geopolitical Advisory team provides clients with insights and perspectives to navigate complex risks of an increasingly multi-polar world, a shifting political and regulatory landscape, a race for natural resources and the energy transition. Geopolitical Advisory is chaired by Lord Mark Sedwill, the former UK Cabinet Secretary and National Security Adviser, and brings together a network of Rothschild & Co experts, sector teams, Sovereign Advisory and Redburn Atlantic."

Just how much might the Rothschild empire control the "geopoitical risk" so it effectively guarantees itself "job security"?

These algorhythms have been refined and contemporarily adapted to their times for hundreds of years. The profiteeers CREATE peace/war "history" to profit from.

Rothschild & Company is advisor to clients in over 47 countries: https://www.rothschildandco.com/en/global-advisory/global-offices/

Rothschild & UN: https://unglobalcompact.org/what-is-gc/participants/142606

Rothschild & NATO: https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/expert/amanda-j-rothschild/

Rothschild & Ukraine: https://www.rothschildandco.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2023/06/ukraine-business-compact/

Rothschild & Defense: https://www.rothschildandco.com/en/newsroom/insights/2024/06/rothschild-martin-maurel-investing-in-the-defence-sector/

A quote from the Bible: "The love of money is the root of all evil."

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And THIS is why spontaneity is key! The system doesn't know how to control this!

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NATO, WHO, and UN can piss off - time to defund, exit, and abolish. Ditto WEF.

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In my view this war was planned long time ago (Albert Pike).

The banksters and God's chosen psychopaths seem to be behind this one as well as the two others, whereby as far as I know it is still WWI, as WWII was a ceasefire violation; WWIII would also be ceasefire violation.

It seems they want to get rid now of billions of so called useless eaters, create a global food shortage in an unseen severity, implement their CBDC, "vaccinate" as many as possible, get rid of all governments and nations, install a global Social Credit System, and probably a Universal Basic Income.


And OWN NOTHING. Rent everything and work for it or die.

Cost of food too high? Here's why - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmFghXoSTqE

The Jewish Plot to Destroy Christian Civilization - https://henrymakow.com/the_destuctive_principle_of_th.html

Sleepwalking to the Apocalypse - https://henrymakow.com/2024/06/june-14---sleepwalking-to-the-.html

There is also a government plan for war in germoney, which is so sick, that you cannot believe, what these a$$holes what they allow themselves to do.what they allow themselves.

441 - Regierungsplan für den Krieg in D. (Teil 2) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU0485P9G-s

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The "Jewish" plot to destroy Christian Civilization? Oh please, are you really that gullible or have you never heard of the Khazarian Mafia? aka Black Nobility? They are masters of deceit/disguise parading around as Jews doing evil for millenia. Do some homework.

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I did my homework. What about you?

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MSNBC doesn't count. Nor CNN. Grow up.

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Jun 16
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I simply call it a criminal cabal hiding behind Judaism. They have nothing to do with it beyond using it as a shield for their criminality.

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And there is no reason to put others down here. We are all learning and trying to understand how corrupt and bizarre the world is truly run. And I am married to a Jew whom is very clear on how corrupt things are. Btw, again the video won't run well for me. Audio great, but can't read or see if the screen stops. Substack doesn't like me it seems. I am not using the app, but sometimes it works so Idk what the problem is. It works for other Substacks.

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Jun 16
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You are correct. The majority of the populace have been propagandized into allowing the dictates of the Talmud without ever referring to the original text. The introduction of Corporate dictate occurred within Roman culture approximately 300BC.

These (typically familial) organizations infiltrated the Roman Senate as well as affording mercenary forces to overthrow and occupy other Nations. Modern Corporate structures now control all finance and trade world wide. More can be found here: The absence of the corporation in Islamic law: Origins and persistence >>> TimurKuran >>> February 28, 2006 >>> https://dukespace.lib.duke.edu/items/650a9f7d-6812-4107-a550-fd2b639b47d0

You need to click the "Download" botton to read the full text.

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It's unbelievable what these people will do for more and more spoils. It's a game for them, without having ANY conscience about the damage of their actions. Nuland, Graham, McCain and of course many others are just soulless individuals and I know they are all going to pay a heavy price when they pass. Thanks Reinette, keep up the goof fight!

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Of course.... though I'm doubting we are dealing with actual humans these days.

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The equivalences have gotten so obvious a third grader could see through the mess(age), and some do. The wholes sick thousands of years of the Khazaian Kabbal (Klans) (KKK) is comming down

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It's VERY important we clarify this! Thank you!

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Well done, Reinette. Thank you.

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Thanks, Barbara!

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Such good coverage in this piece, Reinette. well timed and can't be exposed enough! Thank you!!!

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Of course.

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I for one broke my contract with the CRA here in CANADA and am no longer paying or filling out income tax forms and am all done contracting with a TYRANICAL Government . And challange all and every one else to do so as well , im not a PERSON i am a living breathing sentient man .

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A very brave but necessary move. Seriously, why the HELL do people keep feeding the beast. The amount of psych warfare that has gone behind paying taxes is unbelievable. Just think of the saying we have all heard over and over; in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”

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Ill tell you when will they ever learn is when the sheeple wake up to the FACT that the Kazerian JEWS are behind ALL the BULL SHIT [ FACT ]

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Yep! You are %10000000 correct, and I have lost lots of "friends" pointing this out.

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Thank you Reinette for your passion and your thorough analysis of the Ukraine and Russian war. Maybe Americans will wake up now since the Senate passed a resolution to reinstate the draft for the 18-26 age group.

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Well, I don't know if the sleepers are reading my substack, but I do hope to help my subscribers from spending a lot of time having to do all the dot-connecting.... I'll do that where I can.

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Ukraine is a CCP operation funded by the West (USA). A customers husband had some 'right brain' leakage and started letting her know that he was actually doing assasinations in ukraine in 2014 for a certain government agency. That's when I realized who was running the show over there. Putin has every right to take out the "parasites".

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Yes, he does. That man has warned us again and again and all it has done is fallen on deaf ears.

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All horrors for the purpose of the elite's taking over and plundering Ukraine, and then slowly trying to overtake Russia. The greed is astounding.

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Don't think thr mainstream will share reinette's views.

This has been a proxy war since it's inception. The West has been using Ukranians to get what they want. I don't think the peoples of the Ukraine and the rest of the World want war. I think the US is just waiting for the opportunity of a false flag attack to justify an escalation. We who oppose the extending of NATO should never vote for any party who want the expansion.

As John Lennon said 'give peace a chance'.

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Russia is NOT THE ENEMY!!


Russia IS the "GOOD GUY'!

Russia.......the ONLY REAL Christian Nation, on this planet!!

Edgar Cayce, 'The Sleeping Prophet' (who was NEVER WRONG, by the way!).......said that RUSSIA WILL BE THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD.

And what is going on now, is the START of THAT!

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Well, Edgar is correct. The ARE awakening.

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Great post, Reinette! I never understood how Americans did not see what what has been in front of their eyes for so many years especially with this conflict, now teetering on nuclear conflagratiion. This Ukranian Kill list is expanding--both RFK, Jr and President Trump are on it. This is crazy.

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