"The Greatest Story NEVER Told!" is very good as well. It's only 6 1/2 hours long, and has much of the same footage / information. I've watched both of these at least 5 times (that's something like 100+ hours invested) and still find it difficult to wrap my mind around what I was seeing and hearing, because of what we have always been told about these events and the players involved. However, given all of the lies and propaganda we've been fed over the past 100+ years about historical events, I believe what these films show us to be closer to the truth. Anyway, I urge people to take the time to watch both of these documentaries. I found both "The Greatest Story NEVER Told!" as well as "Europa The Last Battle" on Rumble.

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Thank you for this suggestion, Quatervois. And I agree. As staggering as it is, I too believe it is more than likely closer to the truth than what we were all told and taught in school, saw in movies, read in novels, etc.

The veil is definitely coming down.

Then what do we do?

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Seems possible for a large enough group of people on these platforms to arrive together in agreement in ways that could communicate a form of protest and larger call to action. Incentives would be necessary to draw ppl in who aren't so much online. But it's generations of ppl who've been lied to, not just us, and that's only one of the many hurdles. Another (my pet peeve) is the widespread belief that we need pedigreed, wealthy, highly connected and otherwise high class characters to light our way. Tucker being a perfect example. But we as the mass populous clear no paths for the alternatives. We talk about what a great job the Tuckers are doing without acknowledging that plenty of people with comparatively modest origins would better be suited. Instead we have hucksters like the tuckers who do the bidding of said bankers and parasitic entities without letting on who those entities are and what they're really up to. That's the source of the smoke and mirrors. THAT is what Tucker is extremely good at but with the help of the class to which he really belongs he can garnish the adoration of the many. If we can flip that ongoing paradigm and make it huge, we may have the ability to think for ourselves

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Another good one is The Myth of German Villainy (full audiobook on bitchute)- it goes over WW1, Treaty of Versailles, Bolshevik Revolution, and WW2. I haven't finished yet, but so far extremely informative. City of London banking cabal is behind all of these wars.

And I always recommend people listen to Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel--he was in insider (assistant to Bernard Baruch, yesterday's Soros/Rothschild front man) and witnessed the behind-the-scenes Zionist intrigues that got America into WW1 (Zionist made a deal to get America into the war in exchange for Balfour/Palestine--116,000 American men died so they could get that piece of real estate). Freedman also goes over the lead up to WW2. He said that the Zionists rule over America "like absolute monarchs" (and that was back in 1961). Freedman became so disgusted with these people that he eventually broke with them and spent the rest of his life and personal fortune trying to warn the American people about them)

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Sandra, Thank you for all of this info. Quick question for you..... and absolute monarchs... that is well said.

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Yes!! And that was back in 1961!!!

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I keep saying that the goal iis to go back to the feudal times where we have a King that rules the world, but it appears we have been there all along. 🤔

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you would be interested in the titles of the banned books by the Nazis. Most of it was Jewish produced filth. Look it up as well as the state of Weimar Germany post WWI. It will be less surprising that Hitler (who was groomed for that position) was able to become elected. In addition to the Zionist dream, WWI and WWII can be viewed as a big genocide of Europeans. (What strategic purpose can there be to sending sixty thousand men to die in automatic gunfire at the battle of the Somme in one day. The men were forced to charge with guns at their back by Churchill and his officers.

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I have never heard about being forced onto the front lines by gun point. What a horrific image. And how many times as this happened in the annals of military history?

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I think it was not unusual at many times in history. I'm not a military historian, but have always been vaguely interested in military hstory and while I couldn't put a percentage on how often the tactic was used by who - there are plenty of examples in every period. Obviously swords and spears in the back were used before guns were invented.

As far as I remember Stalin actually had two armies when he fought Germany. One to fight Germany, and a second one positioned behind the first in case the first one turned around.

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That's what Mercouris and others are saying the Neo Nazis, who are the best equipped and kept off the front lines mostly, are doing right now in Ukraine. Forcing Ukrainians, now mostly unwilling conscripts, to fight and die at gunpoint.

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I haven't looked into the titles of the banned books, but my general sense is that it had to do with sexual perversion, which was rampant in Weimar Germany. This was interesting (I had no idea!!!): https://nationalvanguard.org/2020/05/we-live-in-weimar-2-0-but-what-was-weimar-1-0/

"WWI and WWII can be viewed as a big genocide of Europeans."--Yes that is my general sense too. I used to listen to Joe Atwill (author Ceasar's Messiah) and that was his overall take as well- a genocide of white Europeans.

And look at what they have orchestrated with Ukraine/Russia--another brother war. And I think they have already gotten 500K Ukrainians killed (they are grabbing people off the street, forcing them to fight and die, even men with Down Syndrome--all for another Neocon/banking cabal war)

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This is what I have seen reported as well, Sandra.

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There was a holocaust of millions of German civilians in WWII, but there was no holocaust of jews in WWII. Period point blank.

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Why would jews keep building holocaust museums all over the world, like the only people who ever died in conflict that mattered are jews? No one else does this. There are literally no other museums built for people who died in wars except for the one certain people.

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Yes, I've thought about that too--they definitely act like their lives are more important than others. And it seems like they have tried (via their control of Hollywood) to get everyone to worship Jews. It definitely seems like it worked on the Christian Zios- they seem to worship Jews and Israel. I've also thought of it as a massive brainwashing campaign to constantly promote Jews as victims, perhaps for cover for the crimes against humanity they have been committing in Israel for decades. I used to listen to Mike Rivero's radio show and he always used to say that they (via their media) started invoking their holocaust narrative when they were about to do an attack on the Palestinians.

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"Why would jews keep building holocaust museums all over the world, like the only people who ever died in conflict that mattered are jews?"

Because to control people, you have to control their perception.

Other perceptions that are widely spread and believed (and actively being reinforced now), but are not true?

- Only Africans were enslaved

- The United States of America is a democracy. (I saw a comment somewhere by a Trump supporter saying that even Trump was saying it was a 'democracy' now, when he never did that before).

- Viruses cause disease

- The government is just trying to keep us safe

- Climate change is real, and we are destroying the planet

-- and many more, as we know.

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Where is the rememberance or action to rebuild the German people that was decimated by the jews in WWII? I want an answer to that.

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And … https://www.history.com/news/ukrainian-famine-stalin

Absolutely horrible!

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Anne Frank's diary has been shown to be a fake. She and her sister were moved to a different work camp because her father was pimping them out to other camp mates. (Look up Frankism) Why is every American kid required to read a book written by this pedophile?

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Good question. And all of this is new--people talked about how if you get an encyclopedia from 1960 or so, their Holocaust is not mentioned.

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If you want a musical diversiion, watch this: https://www.bitchute.com/video/lRtPUJD7wFTz/

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This is true. And it is certainly the case that the story was certainly promoted much more strongly, starting in the 1970s but really gaining steam in the 1980s. As a child it was really not on my radar at all, although I was vaguely aware of it as background information.

Nevertheless that doesn't mean it didn't happen.

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I know.

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I have come across the Anne Frank diary claims. I thought the evidence was suggestive but inconclusive.

However - could you point me at the source for the pimping story? - That's new to me Thanks.

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I still listen to Joe Atwill and have for 10 years. I find that he has a well founded understanding that is too the point and correct when I apply it what I see in the world.

The genocide goes far beyond Europe as with vaccination. .

I am aware of Caesars Messiah and most of his other writings.

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Wow, great to hear you know of Joe Atwill too. I've listened to his show with Tim Kelly for years--I've learned lots from both. I found Joe through Tim Kelly's Our Interesting Times podcast (learned tons of hidden history from it). Yes, with the vaccinations, it's global.

And fwiw, I've been watching videos with various Rabbis talking, and they openly talk about wanting the rest of us dead (one of them even said that there are 6.5 billion idol worshippers and according to the Torah, they have to die--something like that---these people are insane!!!)

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It is not all Jews. Only the powerful. I agree with Joe that the Jewish people are some of the most brainwashed and mind controlled people around. I have swam in their ocean all of my life. The old Tim and Joe podcasts were so insightful. They are a great combination. Tim knows so many historical events in detail and Joe can connect them in a different way.

It does have you looking at what is going on in a different way.

If one wanted to stir things up wouldnt you create The Protocols of Zion. So what difference does it make if it is real or not if things progress as if real. It generates dislike on one end and the victimhood mentality on the other. Win win for our secret oligarchs.

Nice to meet you.

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Idk of which Rabbis you speak, but if they're talking of wishing others dead, it's those of your ilk and I would wholeheartedly support that sentiment. You're really very ugly, small minded, ignorant and self serving.

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You're obviously completely ignorant of the Khazarian Mafia and their modus operandi. It might behoove you to delve into their history as well as you appear to have done w all the "Jewish produced filth".

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Khazarians masquerading as jews...

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Since there are some still reading here, for those interested in revisionist history, I'd highly recommend this documentary

"Hitler's War- What Historians Neglect to Mention" https://www.bitchute.com/video/LcyFwBakDhLu/

It's milder than Europa, and focuses on facts that have been omitted from the narrative (the German perspective- It's very low budget, but neverthless fascinating true history. It's been years since I watched it, but what stood out to me was how FDR was actively working to orchestrate the war in Europe. This documentary also taught me that my favorite movie growning up, The Sound of Music, was complete fiction in terms of how Austrians felt about Germany.

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“The Greatest Story Never Told”…thanks! I’ll check it out!

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One must recall there to be some very important omissions by Putin; primarily the 'Red Famine' perpetrated by the Bolsheviks where the Ukrainian People of the east were murdered primarily by starvation when they were removed from their family farms and Mines and Russian 'Replacement Population' were installed; people NOT knowing how to farm or the particular land they were placed upon who did not produce food for years.

Interesting how this was completely neglected.

Didn't hear many tough questions from Tucker to Putin...Putin is actually aligned with the same Nazi's running the west loyal to The Club of Rome/Black Nobility and its International Mafia. IT IS ALL THE SAME GROUP AND THEY ARE THE OLDEST GOVERNMENT FROM ALL TIME...EVIL, MURDER AND THEFT THE PEOPLE REFUSE TO CONFRONT AND TOTALLY REMOVE.

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correct see my comment above

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Did see your article above. Glad you agree and some are seeing clearly...It's beginning to be more hopeful with all the awakening wonders. God at work allowing the Demons to expose themselves; and will His humans take care of business for Him yet again?

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It is all the same group and both sides are involved to genocide Europeans for their master.

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If all the same group; what is the other side willing to Genocide Europeans for their Master?

They are the same group and they're willing to OMNICIDE, STERILIZE AND ENSLAVE ALL REMAINING IF ANY.

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I watched “Europa, The Last Battle” a couple of years ago. Eye opening is an understatement! I’m very open to everything…there’s always other viewpoints to all! I highly recommend this documentary.

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Yes, I am right there with you. This is a MUST-WATCH. I knew it was, but never got to it until now... kicking myself a bit for this.

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I just started reading this, a very short book, and interesting (explains quite a bit)… 1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance https://a.co/d/f6TyurB 👍

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I think we can all drop the, "I'm not anti-semitic" qualifier now. Just say what you mean and when you get accused of that slur, push back and expose how that accusation is a cover for lies and murder.

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At least 95% of those who identify as jews are not even semitic. So the word means nothing, except a slur created by the ADL

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I can't believe I have to qualify this, but people still go off

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I would quibble on the percentage there but yes, the ruling Jews are from an Indo-Turkish people group, not Semitic.

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Agree 100%

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I find this interview is a convincing accompanying piece to read alongside Europa. Harold W Rosenthal was a young assistant in the office of Senator Jacob Javitz in the 1970’s. His boastful arrogance was enough for his masters to have him murdered. Any time I run into fellow Jews wondering how could we ever be disliked I ask them to read it. http://www.whale.to/b/hidden_tyranny.html

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the Zionists do not hesitate to sacrifice other Jews to accomplish their political aims

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Yes, like with some of these false flags, they have no problem sacrificing fellow Jews if it furthers the overall agenda.

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Israeli IDF do not take troublesome prisoners whether they be Jewish or not.

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many reports the IDF did 'friendly fire' executions at that rock concert, and they weren't going to leave eyewitnesses

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At first I thought you had the wrong link because that's the name of Benjamin Freedman's book too:

Zionism- The Hidden Tyranny By Benjamin Freedman


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There’s certainly a connection between the book and this interview. I’m familiar with Freedman as well.

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Benjamin Freedman was an amazing man. A truth teller. The ADL would hate him.

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Thanks, I'll have to watch tomorrow. Interesting how a lot of jews work against other jews who want to assimilate or live in peace and not cause destruction of others. There is definitely a class of people who want to cause destruction to other people. It consists of lots of different people who consider themselves "elites".

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Sorry I missed the conference—I live here in Southern California and was going to go but I ended up babysitting my granddaughter who got sick. Anyway, there is a sub cult within Judaism that was very influential. A prominent individual is Jacob Frank. He was a Polish person, living in the 18th century who went down into Salonika, that was the Turkish empire, and got involved in a cult of heretics, the Sabbataians. They had a belief that committing sins would bring down the Messiah. It’s called “Redemption through sin.” This group of Frankists had a huge influence on both Bolshevisim and western occultism of Aleister Crowley. So, there is an ethically based Judaism and then there is this anti-ethical heretical cult that breaks all the sexual and dietary laws of the Torah. I can’t say the” Banksters" are part of this or Larry Fink, or whomever. It’s hard to know, especially since it was supposedly no longer an actual group. It did influence the rise of communism and it was probably associated in some way with the Rothschilds and the Illuminati. It’s a thought.

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I just posted this above… 1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance https://a.co/d/f6TyurB This is really interesting stuff!

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Im glad you got to see this and add it to the knowledge base , I have been very aware of all this for a long time which is why I made a podcast at the beginning of the plandemic to show that the formalized plan that we recognize as the NWO/WEF /TRANSHUMANIST AGENDA was launched even toward and including America in 1773 , even before its full independence which never really was, or its attempt to create a REAL CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC . Having been to Russia 3 times and having a Russian partner that speaks 7 languages , The Russian point of view and story is of course not what we have been allowed to know . They lost more than 20 million people in WW11. I will state here though that I would not be fooled by Putin's story completely. In Russia they are pushing the digital everything/social credit prison system as well , and have many WEF young leaders in place . They too pressured the death shots on their population. They had developed mass psychotronic mind control weapons on their population first. They are the fundamental driving force behind BRICS, which in some ways is understandable as US debt instrument currency collapses. In spite of Russia s justifications for Ukraine war /BLACKROCK/VANGUARD is grabbing up the land, will get rebuilding contracts and it will be a totally smart country prison. Russia is just doing their part in this agenda. Russia has never really completely freed themselves from the Black Nobility. City of London/Khazar mafia, and Swiss Global financial cartels, even now . But David Rockefeller always dis state ":for the full NWO to be in place, the Eastern Orth. church and Russia and America must be destroyed."

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100%! Edward Slavsquat documents all of this in his substack: edwardslavsquat.substack.com

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The problem with this movie, and "The Greatest Story NEVER Told!" is not the criticism of Jewish bankers. Most of the facts presented are, as far as I can tell, correct.

The problem is their defense of fascism, and specifically Adolf Hitler and the nazis as good and noble. This is a problem both because it is nonsense, and because it tends to discredit by association the other facts which are presented.

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Alison Weir's book, "Against Our Better Judgment," (https://ifamericansknew.org/about_us/alisonweir.html) is also a good resource about how history has been completely obfuscated and our present reality completely manipulated by the Zionist agenda, as well as Ronan Bergman's book "Rise and Kill First," (https://shop.thejewishmuseum.org/rise-and-kill-first). It's imperative that Jews and gentiles alike learn this history and understand that not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews. Calling out the terror Zionists have inflicted on the world is not anti-Semitic, just as calling out the horrors of the Nazi regime is not anti-German.

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The Jews in Palestine got along well with the Arabs at the turn of the century. In fact Hitler offered to send Jews to some place other than what is now Israel but this was rejected so that Israel could be populated with Jews.

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Yes, Against Our Better Judgement is definitely worth a read or a listen:


And I've also heard about that Rise and Kill First book--it's mentioned here:


(Ron Unz's entire American Pravda series is worth a read--he's Jewish)

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Read Butzs Myth of the Holocost on Utzs site.

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Thanks. I listened to one of Ron Unz's American Pravda series the other night, and I recall him mentioning that book. I'm trying to buy hard copies of the books with our hidden history. I'm thinking someday they will get erased.

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Apply that someday erased to everything important. you will not be able to get to it without someones permission someday in the next 5 years. With your digital ID and AI surveillence you can kiss that goodbye.

I am glad to see that you are thinking. Most dont.

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Yes, Whitney Webb warns about that--I think the Pentagon is working on a "zero trust" policy for the internet by 2027, when they will require us to have digital ID to access the internet (I'm assuming it will kick in sooner than that). Whitney says they want to know everywhere you go online. She's planning on resisting, so she's been downloading books and everything else she will need. I'm trying to do the same.

I don't have much hope for our future--I think the psychopaths are going to get away with everything. Most Americans are clueless.

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Sandra, I believe that you mentioned that you used to listen to Joe Atwill on Tim Kellys Power and Principalities. If you do not still listen to their weekly talk, you should listen to the March 2nd one. The show the planning and shanagens done to us Americans explaining how we got to where we are today. I do not see any other understanding that makes sense.

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Now I have MORE to watch and read! Lol! Thank you!

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I guess I’m on a Crusade to inform readers that an outstanding historic overview is written ( especially) for folks who shy away from too much blood and gore). Your fellow Substack writer Will Zoll.,has a series on history called PRUSSIAGATE.

His style is easy to read and it’s in segments that covers the origins and rise of the evil without a name that is spreading around the planet. Origins of customs and beliefs from the ancient Greeks

have moved through time , gone underground only to keep resurfacing over and over again.

His foot notes are woven in so you can research his facts as you go.

He speaks to the reader in easy prose that kept me going back

to keep following the threads of ideas for trends and events

which re-emerge yet again .

This is an army without a country.

We can not defeat an invisible enemy but we must recognize it and destroy it asap.

I would recommend this be added to the curriculum of all high schools and colleges everywhere?

Check it out?

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Hi Reinette, I am Belgian. Indeed this battle against Russia is done by a group of nazi's which actually has its roots in the first century after Christ. Their beasty and revengeful behavior hasn't stopped since these early times. 'The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

100-800 AD – an incredibly Evil Society Emerges in Khazaria: https://geopolitics.co/2015/03/11/hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/

I am somehow disappointed that we still live in such a kitch, old fashioned and childish-tantrum-times. One would laugh out loud at it if it weren't so damn dangerous... We haven't evolved at all simply because we didn't know. We have to rise above it and say NO to these vulgar expressions of selfishness and extreme ugly violence.

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I follow Whitney too. and a lot of guests that I heard on Tims earlier podcasts.

Most Americans are clueless and injected. I dont have a choice other than to survive and whatever resistance is required. The children are the future so people better resist early on.

Look up A Funny Thing Happened on the Way To the Moon if you think Americans are clueless.

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Check this out as well regarding the “moon landing”… https://www.sibrel.com/

Really interesting!

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Yes Tucker's interview was excellent. I really appreciated Putin covering the older Russia/Ukraine history. And thank you for sharing the link to the documentary, “Europa., The Last Battle.” I've never heard of it, although am aware of how the Zionist bankers played a part. I am a history buff so will watch it very soon as well as "The Greatest Story Never Told".

I'm so sorry to hear about your computer issues.

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Thank you for the Europa tip.

Are you aware that it was freemason Palmerston who set the plan to take Palestine in motion in the 1830s. It was he who said Now is the time for the Jews to return to the holy land to which the meme arose News to the Jews. It was he who sent expeditions to find archeologic finds in Palestine and Jerusalem. Many hiding converso Jews with their name changes were part of the secret freemasonic society. Hertzel and Hess are puppets.

What is never allowed to be asked is the behavior which has gotten Jews expelled from so many countries. It is always framed as some innate genetic hatred from a bad place in the heart.

What you see now is the removal of heritage European America and its replacement with a nondescript blob. Enter immigrants galore.

The Jewish Frankfurt School wrote The post world war II The Authoritarian Personality wher in chapter 23 it states that the family (and fascist Christianity) will be eliminated through Eros and Propaganda (Their exact words). Thus, the explosion of pornography.

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Thanks for the info on Palmerston. Yes, freemasonry is also involved.

On the Jews getting expelled, I think they are taught that there was no reason and that non-Jews just hate them simply because they are Jews. But from what I've looked into, it sounds like they were actually committing crimes against non-Jews/Christians (usuryr and ritual murder). Here's a book by an Israeli professor of Jewish and Medieval history- you can go to the bottom of page 5 for a summary of the crimes they were perpetrating back then:


There's also a quick video on bitchute "what is usury" that gives a good overview of the impact that has a society. (I think the Jews were kicked out of England back in the 1200s or so, one of the Edwards, and I'm pretty sure that had to do with usury and I think there was a complaint about the Jews working together to create monopolies that left non-Jews out of the economy--the way it was described sounded like the mega department stores of today and put small mom & pop shops out of business. I've heard Brother Nathanael also talk about this--he refers to it as ethnic networking, to squeeze out the gentiles.

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It is not believable that they would be expelled from countries 109 times for no reason. That is the basis for them saying they are the most persecuted people in the world. If you were kicked out of a bar 109 times, would it be your fault? Or is it nonsensical persecution with no basis in fact? There are troves of documents about why these expulsions happened. The most recent happened in 2014 in Guatemala. It wasn't for no reason. It was for good reason.

This doesn't happen to any other group. Ever. Why is that?

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There are more expulsions , pogroms and more than that and yes its amazing so many believe its all someone elses s fault Look at their real long history of violence and war and inability to live with others and belief their "god" demands they enslave, kill everyone else and seize their lands and resources. Which was later imitated by Catholicism and christianity by papal decree

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No one in my family has ever been expelled from anywhere. My family consists of very strong men, but none have been kicked out of any land. I can't imagine what you would have to do to actually be expelled from 109 countries. That has to be some really bad stuff.

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This is Deuteronomy in action.

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How come we aren't taught this in school? Oops, Mossad owns every single textbook company in America. Not to mention every tv station, movie studio, radio station, newspaper, and magazine. And a lot of fake conservative internet content. Why do they need to control the media so hard and other people don't feel the need to do that?

They feel they need to control a narrative as if their life depends on it. White Christians are not worried about that.

From what I have read in the Bible, Jews have the most to worry about.

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Yes, their victim narrative is not plausible.

The comparison I use is if a parent brought their teen to a therapist and said my son has been kicked out of 15 schools. What would the therapist think? That the schools are just haters or that perhaps the kid had some kind of behavior problem that was causing him to get kicked out.

There are lots of warnings from history about how this group operated. And Ron Unz has written about this too (something like American Pravda: Oddities of Judaism)--there's a section on Judaism and non-Jews and he says that there's a hatred for Christians in the Talmud, basically that non-Jews are animals/goyim. And there are Rabbis who say things like non-Jews exist to serve/be slaves of Jews. Unz even says that the religion seems to be based on the extermination and enslavement of non-Jews. Unz also notes that most Jews have no idea what's in the Talmud, but he says that a few generations back, most Jews were Orthodox, by which he seemed to imply they followed the Talmud

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Buffering issues with this freebee, so I just ordered DVDs from MoneyTree Publishining.

$50 +5.95 shipping.

Good to view at home, on my own schedule, I think.

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