I agree with China to have a total cease fire. The US blind support of the Zionist government reeks of corruption and stupidity.

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The US/Israel relationship is the geopolitical equivalent of a GMO'd organism.

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And how then do you categorize Hamas TERRORISM? Never heard such a moronic analogy.

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You seem to be ignoring the fact that Israel has been committing war crimes against Palestine since they were 'given' that land by someone with no authortity to do so. War crimes in this case as defined by article 33 of the Geneva Convention.

And was it Hamas terrorism, or was it another false flag made to look like Hamas attaced Israel. Kind of convenient that all the troops guarding that part of the border were pulled away just before the alleged breach and attack. What a coincidence that the rave party changed location to right next to that particular (soon to be unguarded) part of the border only 48 hours before the event. Seems a little strange that there were Israeli soldiers and a tank at the rave... ordering people around, not dancing. Yet they were unable to stop the vastly inferior 'attack forces' of Hamas, even fully armed and with a tank. What a coincidence that the impenetrable iron dome failed, just in time for the 'invasion'. What's the Project Mockingbird propaganda media's excuse for the 8-hour glitch when one of the most highly funded, armed to the teeth, best trained military in the world broke protocol and left that particular part of the border undefended, unwatched and let the 'terrorists' go on their 8-hour rampage?

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Since the attack on October 7 was so well coordinated, and the IDF had a ten hour stand down order I wouldn't put it past the Israeli government to have caried out the attack in order to justify what is now being done in Gaza. No survivors. How do you categorize Israeli terrorism?

You ave to break some egs if you want to make an omelet. The eggs in this case are Israeli civilians, and the omelet is the Gaza Strip. In three years there will be hundreds of thousands of settlers living there. Just you wait and see.

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Beyond this I don't reply to comments where caps lock is used. Screaming in my face gets you nowhere, but it does speak volumes about you.

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How do you categorize Zio-terrorism? Just do not put the needle down on a convenient groove of the record and expect to be taken seriously.

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We hear plenty about radical Zionism. The only ones getting a free pass here is Hamas and that's more than convenience. Take the truth any way you like.

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Nov 7, 2023
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Hamas IS the terrorists. They raise their children to be terrorists. Why are they trying to deport Hamas terrorists among those w dual citizenship given transportation to leave? You're the one buying the propaganda narrative.

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Then you are allowing Hamas TERRORISM?

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Nov 1, 2023
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many of us have known that the blind US stance on Israel is due to many of our politicians having dual citizenship and Mossad having many control files of the perversities committed by our politicians. The question always is, who are you ultimately aligned with.

The new speaker is a rabid defender of Israel, wants to send our money there and to the Ukraine and is frothing at the mouth at the prospect of war with Iran, Russia and China.

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Dual citizenship - Loyal To Whom?


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Nov 1, 2023
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Wow...is all I can say Clarence Wilhelm Spangle...I just read aloud your comments in this thread to a friend...it was a whole mouthful and brain full to wrap one’s head around!

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Nov 1, 2023
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you seem to forget Trump's close relationship with Israel and particularly psychopathic Netanyahu. And now he is talking about the destruction of Hamas. Doesn't sound very peaceful to me.

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Nov 1, 2023
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I appreciate your highly informative post and links. thanks

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"..... and about Trump and Putin teaming up to destroy them once and for all . . . "

Netanyahu is a close friend of the Kushners. He even slept in Jared's bed when he was in town. Trump is just as captured as the rest of them.

That said, Vladimir Putin is a WEF Young Global Leaders Accademy alumni, so he is no better than Merkl, Macron or Trueau. He is also a part of the powers that shouldn't be.

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While Newsom was busy tripping over children, China is sending warships to the Med. Israel is losing the propaganda war on the world stage big time. Scott Horton said it best, "Hamas is following Alinsky methods, provoke an over reaction and then capitalize." Israel took the bait because they are governed by insane lunatics.

This is WWI redone where a system of alliances and interests all break down when one Jenga log is removed. If cooler heads do not prevail, this will plummet into a horrific global catastrophe.

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I know it's wishful thinking, but stapling Newsom's sellout behind to the far wall over his Logan Act violation really should be job #1 for any sane American legal expert.

Where are the constitutional litigators when you need them?

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its difficult to accept i know, but all nations leaders are in the same club, they play theatre, manufacture fictional scripts to achieve their maintaining rule agendas, their hegelian dialectic of manufactured chaos creation to manufacture consent together w/ population husbandry. Xi looks at the people as 'useless eaters' as much as Biden does, or should we say the controlling hidden-hand behind them. Bo govt has any control over its own fiat w/ usury money supply. Works really well gets everyone distracted from they who create the evil. Stoking more tension in middle-east is what this theatre is.

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Good, imprison Newsom! A ceasefire is welcome. ON BOTH SIDES! And Hamas must be held accountable for their attacks. No more of the one sided bullshit.

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Now even the Israelis might wake up and realize the CCP is the enemy of humanity and they are about to get tossed under the bus.

Of course, the people who created Israel, also created the CCP, so this is getting complicated. Receipt here:


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You are correct. And the same people that created the Soviet Union also created the CCP and helped it grow.

Leadership of the revolution that overthrew the last Chinese empire in 1911 and installed a "republic" is credited to Sun Yat-sen (孫中山 or 孫逸仙). Sun was a Freemason, who was in Denver, CO fundraising for his project when the Qing dynasty fell.

Just a decade later, when China was divided amongst numerous internal warring factions vying for control, instead of turning against communists, Sun Yat-sen's Kuomintang or Nationalist Party permitted members of the fledgling Chinese Communist Party to participate in the government under the United Front policy. This detente was negotiated by Mikhail Markovich Gruzenberg (known as Borodin). This allowed Soviet "advisors" direct influence over the nascent Chinese government still wobbling with a tenuous grasp on power as warlords maintained control over northern China. Most of these Bolsheviki advisors, including Borodin, were Jewish, as was the Comintern dominated by Jews back in Russia.

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You nailed it. Under the Sign of the Scorpion has material sourced from Soviet archives after the fall of the Soviet Union:

In the expanded edition of "Under the Sign of the Scorpion" (2002) Estonian writer Jyri Lina unearths Cabalist (Masonic) Jewish authors who take credit for Communism, and by extension World Government. While long suspected, this has rarely been confirmed by Jewish sources.

The Bolshevik Revolution "was brought about through the hands of the Jews," M. Kohan wrote April 12, 1919 in the newspaper Kommunist (Kharkov). The article is entitled:"The Jews' Service to the Working Class" and continues: "Could the dark and oppressed masses of Russian workers and peasants throw off the yoke of the bourgeoisie themselves? No, it was Jews from beginning to end who showed [them] the way to the rosy dawn of internationalism and who to this day rule the Soviet Russia." (p.161)

Lina cites a Zionist (i.e. Masonic) document found on the body of a Jewish Communist Battalion Commander published in an Estonian newspaper on Dec 31, 1919 that suggests Communism in fact was a disguised economic, race and religious war:

"Sons of Israel! The time of our final victory is near. We stand at the beginning of our world dominion and our renown....We have transformed Russia into an economic slave and taken nearly all of its riches..We must eliminate their best and most talented individuals...We must provoke class war and dissension among the blind peasants and workers [and] ...annihilate the cultural values the Christian peoples have acquired...faithful sons of Israel hold the highest posts in the nation and rule over the enslaved Slavs." (p.162)

Lina's book provides substantial support for the view (which I share) that mankind is the victim of a long-term Satanic (Cabalist Jewish, Masonic) conspiracy to enslave and despoil it. The Masonic & Jewish central banking cartel used the rhetoric of Communism (class warfare & public ownership) to conquer Russia and China. These were basically foreign (Jewish, Masonic) invasions disguised as "revolutions." Talk of reform was a ruse. The New World Order is an extension of the same force to embrace the whole planet.

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Excellent source, Chris. I'm familiar with Lina's book as well.

Astrologically (all major religions are based on astrology), I believe Israel started a new Gaza offensive on the full moon this past Saturday, when the moon was once again in Scorpio. A bad, dark, frightful omen indeed.

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Too bad ChiComms didn’t keep Newsome prisoner or as a token of leverage

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Me thinks they're all on the same team.

I also thinks us little people should address Newsom as Mr. President from now on.

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Wouldnt it make sense to establish a good relationship with the person who may have control over elections if you want to be president? Just asking?

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Looking back at the last 40 plus years and I came to the conclusion it's all theater.

The only changes I have been witness to is the diminishing of rights, wealth and countless freedoms.

Doesn't seem to matter who the main character of the day is.

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"Doesn't seem to matter who the main character of the day is."

That's because it doesn't. The left/right paradigm is false. It doesn't matter if POTUS is a Republicrat or Demopublican. How on God's green earth would changing US foreign policy benefit Israel?

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yes. they're all on the same team, or, more accurately, have ultimately the same people pulling the strings

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We are chattel, assets, enemies of the state, they’re all on their side, not ours.

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END THE KHAZARIAN (aka 'Israeli') STATE......NOW!! The Khazarians are NOT JEWISH!!

The 'THEY' that is ruling this planet?........are the KHAZARIANS!! Again, they are NOT JEWISH!

A few thousand years ago, in the area (and beyond) now known as Ukraine, the Khazaians traveled the land, raping/robbing/pillaging; committing all sorts of VILE crimes. And so that THEY (Khazarians) would NOT get the blame, for those crimes, they started to call themselves 'Jewish'. This is when ACTUAL JEWS dubbed them, 'NAME STEALERS'! And, to THIS DAY, Khazarians HIDE BEHIND 'being Jewish' (when, IN FACT, they are NOT), so that they can use 'ANTI-SEMETISM', when anyone POINTS TO THEIR CRIMES!

This SAME group, is responsible for MOST of the ATROCITIES, over the CENTURIES, AROUND THIS PLANET! A few of these INCLUDE.........the JFK Assassination and 9/11. Now?....they are SLAUGHTERING INNOCENT PEOPLE, in Palestine, with the pretense of a FALSE FLAG ATTACK! So-called 'Hamas' was CREATED by the Khazarians (aka 'Israel'); funded to this very day (along with OUR Tax $$$) by 'Israel'!


And any 'Christians' supporting this EVIL......you seriously need to 'check yourself'!

Ask yourselves THIS question: WHY is Israel SUPPORTING the NAZIS in Ukraine??? ANSWER: Because THEY ARE THE SAME........SATAN-WORSHIPING KHAZARIANS! (NAZIS are, INDEED, Khazarian!)

They've LIED about Our History!.......it is PAST TIME that we all learn REAL HISTORY! It is NOT what 'they' say it is!!

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Wow...is all I can say Clarence Wilhelm Spangle...I just read aloud your comments in this thread to a friend...it was a whole mouthful and brain full to wrap one’s head around!

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newsom and trudeau are chummy with china. madmen. and for israel, it was called something else before. wasn't nomans land. was it palestine per chance

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Really I wonder why or if the reasons given is.. actually what is?! How much of this benefits the people or members of humanity in the region? It certainly does nothing for those who lost their live no?!

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yes! We are only talking about the highest of the highest masons, not all or most. It is the secret society at the top similar to the AMA and most doctors. Nowadays, the control has been so established that the society like skull and bones is not necessary. Zionism was started as a masonic plan 200 years ago. The world is mainly Zionist now. Just look at the anti-BDS power that will ruin anyone or organization opposing Israel. (Incidentally, the secret CIA forces played a large part in raising and corrupting Muslim religion. See free Jays Analysis podcast talks and book reviews.)

As to Satanism, they certainly were not Christian so where does that leave them? “Mainly“ is too big a generalization. Why cant they have been both?

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You MUST watch this Epoch Times video that will prove how toothless the Logan Act really is and how china is taking over the US: https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/how-utah-is-giving-up-on-freedom-and-embracing-the-fourth-industrial-revolution-jason-and-alexia-preston-5518646

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Is there a different way to watch or read it? You have to sign up, but they want you to pay generally. I have tried them before, but done with that. I can see it is about Utah and they have a strong constitutional group there called Defending Utah.

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Thank you so much. I happened to see your comment come in right away. Generally substack will take many hours, but not this time. I have shared with my group that is very connected with Denfending Utah, Enoch is the name of the founder. They are a constitunal group and mine is too. I used to pay, but it was very cheap at first, but then suddenly went up to $ 9:99 /month without telling me, plus some other fees. I didn't realize at first and then looked at our bank statements a few months back and saw it. I know they do great work, but we are in a not so great situation and I can't be spending money this way. Thank you again. Really appreciated that.

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i don't know if it's free for people i share with --i just know some times it is and i don't know what the difference is.

I hear u on the money front. I only pay $1 month for epoch otherwise i wouldn't subscribe.

i have 1 other group i pay $8 month for, and i really wanna cancel but i don't want to lose access to the earlier stuff lol.

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Thank you again. Times are a bit tough and my daughters are struggling finding work too which is very strange as we are in a big city. It will all work out hopefully just a phase we are going through.

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I pay for Epoch - don't know how to see it for free.

No - the video is the opposite. It discusses the covert chinese infiltration into what is a supposedly conservative state, how current and former politicians are selling out and the governer denying the plans for a 15 minute city while they are developing a 15 minute city, etc.

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Thanks appreciate that. I will share even if I can't see it. I am very familiar with the group in Utah fighting things.

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What is the difference between China sending warships to the Middle East and the US sendiong warships to the middle East

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