Nice review of scientific paper and how to come to one's own conclusions. You both make a great team.

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it's the nobodies quietly being themselves, one pointed, accruing another kind of power, that in the long term will disarm the dark energy of its destructive power.

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This was such a fascinating conversation..so many things came up for me. The allopathic medical cult was one. I've watched these people--straight A students so many of them. I have a nephew who Never got even a B and became doctor: Vaxxed to the max and has tintinitus. But the worship is there and holds this fiasco together. Leadership in the health freedom movement.. story, but I'll try to make it short. The CDC as you may know falsified data about the MMR and the worst effect was on young Black boys under 3. We were protesting this and then this woman said,'Where are the Blacks because they are so affected?" That is how Bobby Kennedy and Tony Mohammed became friends. All these suburban moms treked down to South Central to create a movement and they did. So race should not be a barrier. Winning, though, is another thing. That is where I think religion comes in and "laying down with lions". Lions, of course, sense fear and attack so there has to be no fear--that comes from religion and this movement has a very powerful religious side that comes from courage and faith. I have seen religious people stand up to power like no one else would.

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One of the most paradigm shifting discussions I've ever heard. I would love for the Medical Freedom Movement to morph into the Nobody Movement.

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Oh, I love you Reinette. :) Thank you for your authenticity.

Matthew, thank YOU! Great breakdown. Still watching.

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Hi Reinette. This is an impressive interview. Thank you for posting it. It brings some ideas to mind...

The Substack Solution Seeking think tank experiment I facilitated as an equal partner has reached the end of its initial open brainstorming stage. So far it has been challenging, complex, fascinating, and insightful. At this stage it is quite similar to how my high tech engineering think tanks at this stage. It is unclear what was accomplished, how the enemy has sabotaged it, and where it should go from here. My plan is to request user feedback, suggestions, and discussions while leaving it at this stage for at least a few weeks unless something new comes up that invites attention.

When my engineering think tank projects were at a similar stage, we benefitted from objective analysis, feedback, and suggestions. From sources like managers, stakeholders, etc. What they did was to analyze what we did and offer insights. In a quest to attempt something similar, I have invited some journalists who excel at analyzing complexity to consider looking at what happened and then write an objective constructive criticism and analysis of what has happened so far. Christine Dolan and Whitney Webb have been contacted so far. At this time I am not interested in doing anything like a video interview and would prefer to attempt to get the kind of participation I discuss here instead.

Do you have any thoughts or suggestions you would like to share?

Thanks again for all you do.

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The discussion about efficacy distracted me. Who thinks the clot shots are designed to help? The government narrative may superficially say the injections were effective, but only the sheep in a deep trance fall for this whopper.

Picking apart bias? Yawn…

It’s a shame.

Once you got into the second half, you became more interesting. Murmuration has always been intriguing. Now it’s a practical application for humans.

Let’s take the flock of Khazarians out.

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Excellent work, the clarity here is unparalleled. Analysis requires broad interpretation to understand causality.

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George Webb has lots of information about Dr Malone. Conflict of interest!! I have said this before, he might be trying to save himself before people realize what he is has been involved with. I don't trust him!!!

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I’m unable to watch more than 10 minutes.

Vaccines? Tests?

B-a-l-o-n-e-y !

Literature? The crap published by the authority figures?

Health user bias?

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