The survivalists not so Cray Cray now eh.

Yeah they even training what's left of the ADF in Australia, Roman style formation with body height shields. It's going to get ruff when they try to enforce the CBDC. I've spoken to just locals, cashiers, lines men, ect... They say they'll protest I believe them.

When cash is forbidden and the penny drops that every thing, every thing is track and trace, hard to hide the manipulation then.

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Yep, this is when get to see into people's souls... who has a backbone, who does not.

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Trump gets a script and knows how to act. The multidimensional gaslighting is not easy to sort out, but I try to think like a Hollywood director and scriptwriter.

There’s no doubt they are planning multiple crises. That’s how the stir up fear and anxiety so they can tighten the noise. Or, is it more like a snake tightening its stranglehold?

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What script are you talking about? We the People, will have no other choice than to be ready

for whatever is coming.

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I agree we must be vigilant.

I’m talking about the script the globalists write for each actor. It’s Kabuki.

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LOTS of kabuki theater!

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Right....Kabuki Theater.

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Thanks.....I needed that tonight. Nobody's up this late :-)

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The high profile truth-teller Lt-Col (ret.) Riccardo Bosi, who is clearly privvy to intel from the DJT circle, has an interesting take on the DJT arrest. According to Bosi, the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago was intended to to prepare people for, and cut down the shock from, the coming raid on Biden. Similarly, the 'arrest' of DJT is intended to prepare people for the arrest of Biden (and maybe others). This ties in with the activity that Monkey Worx has detected around Gitmo and elsewhere. I do believe that 'March madness' will live up to its billing.

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Mike Gill thinks the raid by FBi was related to the information Mike has given Trump and his group as the corruption is so insanely deep. The country is run by drug cartel, human trafficking cartel, banking/oil cartel and probably more cartels. Never heard of Bosi, but will look him up.

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Here is an early Greg Reese video on Bosi. It will give you an idea of where he's coming from. Cheers


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Yes I do remember him now. Just didn't pay much attention as he is in Australia and at this point will it help us here? We need to do things here otherwise we are just sitting ducks. I am in a group and we have formed a Committee of Safety, similar to the founders. Reece Report actually had one on recently about this regarding Florida. My group has used Nationallibertyalliance.org as our foundation. They are guiding us. It's all legal and our core group is preparing to go the sheriff in the coming weeks with our information. We are still in the early stages, but most very dedicated. Many coming from a MAFA group as that group is not about taking actions and working on your local government, but this is. Our sheriff claims to be a constitunalist and we want to know and show him what we are about. We are all studying about the true constitution. We are also using some other people. However, it is not about becoming a state nationalist etc. We are going by the supreme law of the land and not changing our status as that will interfere with it. We want to collaborate with other counties to help get this going everywhere. I did contact Reinette, but will email her again. She could have missed it or it went into spam.

https://rumble.com/v2bdjcw-fight-back-safety-committees-of-the-revolution.html Greg had it listed on the one you posted too, but here is his Rumble channel.

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Hello Minkat, I'm apart of a couple patriot groups in Mount Shasta, Ca and we have divided into various commitees to start preparing. Our group is writing letters of gratitude and encouragement to the J6 political prisoners from CA and NV. We are using patriotmailproject website: https://www.patriotmailproject.com/. Anyway we are looking for freedom groups in other states who can adopt a J6 patriot pen pal from their state. Please let me know if your group would like to take this on or if you know of any other groups in other states to reach out to.

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I will ask. I know we are inviting people from your county that know about Nationallibertyalliance.org already to come to an informational meeting. We have a woman from there and someone else that has a contact in addition to NLA. We have a list of people in the state that have connected with them, but have not done the Committee of Safety. We are still very new, but it is very official and legal. We have been working hours and hours on the constitution and learning as much as possible. A couple named Jack and Margy Flynn have a teaching series about the true constitution that we are using as a guide too. We have a few committees, but till we have everything in place we are trying to stay focused on the main focus. However, I am in contact with the church of Glad Tidings in Live Oak too and will be coordinating with them too. They are way ahead of us in terms of many things, but not what we are doing and want to learn. Other than the website, is there a way to reach out to your group directly?

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Oh, that's great to hear! I will check out NLA and send word out to the group. Many of us have been studying the constitution as well, but probably not as diligently as we should. I would like to know more about Jack and Margy Flynn's teaching. Would you mind reaching out to me on my website chat and then we can start emailing? www.creativecultures.club One of the groups I belong to is unbranded and we meet every other week via a newsletter that is emailed. The other is called United We Stand: www.uwsamerica.com.

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Thanks for the info!

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Who is Mike Gill? I have heard the Cartels are running the shows. Arizona is certainly run by cartels.

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So is California. Ever kind of cartel you can imagine. I have a few stories I would love to share, but I seriously believe it would put my life at risk.

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I wouldn't want that to happen, but maybe you can help see the fraud better or where to get more information. I am looking into our sheriff before we present our group to him which is a very legal official group based on the constitution. So far I am not finding much. Yes please be safe as we all should be.

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https://rumble.com/v2dn6ag-shadow-banking-whistleblower-they-have-the-names-w-mike-gill.html Here is an interview with him. Sarah Westall is the journalist and one of my favorites.

https://youtu.be/iqrKEuqGbUU This Australian man has a bunch of videos too and he is quite controversial about lots of people in this country. James O'Keefe too, but Mike Gill talks about it himself in one of videos.

And yes Arizona is run by the cartels too. Mike is explaining a lot about New Hampshire. The corruption is very deep and serious and he knows Trump got the information years ago.

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I'm in NJ, cartels or mafias are probably running the show here. They keep giving us Governors from Goldman Sachs--I'm sure there's looting going on behind the scenes.

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Don't forget about the banking cartel--the international bankers took over America in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act. For more on this, see Bill Still's The Money Masters, Aaron Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism, and Mike Rivero's All Wars are Bankers Wars.

I'd say the bankers are at the top of the pyramid because they have the power to create money out of thin air.

Good info here on the takeover of America:


"Legalized Plunder of the American People" - G. Edward Griffin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WrMWK-FJzU

A History Of Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind - Stephen Mitford Goodson https://archive.org/details/a-history-of-central-banking-and-the-enslavement-of-mankind-pdfdrive/page/n9/mode/2up

John Coleman The Rothschild Dynasty https://archive.org/details/coleman-john-the-rothschild-dynasty/page/199/mode/2up (on last page, he predicts the world will be plunged into a brutal one world government dictatorship by 2025)

James Madison - History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.

Thomas Jefferson - If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations which grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning” — Henry Ford

Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England in the 1920s - "Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with the slick of a pen they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from the bankers and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue as the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of slavery, let them continue to create money and to control credit."

The banking cartel is behind the Great Reset and they plan to reduce the population and enslave the survivors: “We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” -James Paul Warburg, whose family co-founded the Federal Reserve – while speaking before the United States Senate, February 17, 1950

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Great links and saved. This is why i am part of a Committee of Safety similar to the founders as we have to do something. Our government is worthless.

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That will be the day that Fraudster JOE will be touched. Nothing has been done about Hunter's s laptop information. We have the CHINA JOE Bident Corrupt Family occupying the White House. Trump is stupid, if he plays into the hands of the EVIL LEFTISTS scum in New York.

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Yeah, it's pretty disgraceful. It's very clear the law of the land is dead....

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Reinette thank you again for saying what everyone else does not! I did not think of this as a setup for collecting Patriots, but you are so right on, IT IS THE PERFECT SET UP>>>TRAP for us and the perfect way to hurt Trump!! Thanks again! You are amazing.


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No doubt, this setup will not be helping any of us!

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Hurt Trump? Who cares? He’s just another actor in the political shadowplay.

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I do care if any human is hurt. All of us have a role to play and I like the fact you are not worshiping Trump and hopefully not anyone. I believe that the outcome here is going to depend on all of us and not on the role or worship of one person.

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Yes....I agree....The outcome will depend on, We The People.

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I don’t wish personal harm on anyone. Trump has caused enough damage himself already. All puppet politicians do.

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Trump's NOT a Politician. He's a Businessman.

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Do you have any upcoming talk in NorCal coming up?

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This surveillance stuff they do has always been happening. It's just now that they like to brag about it.

When someone brags, it shows that they depend a lot on the power of their big stick.

So they are now showing it off.

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deletedMar 22, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum
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Of course. I hope it is helpful.

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