Ah, yes. I remember when that went down in the UK.... was wondering where it was. The only upside to this case is that Pascal is a powerful and pissed off man with, as Christian said, and powerful Rolodex.

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Those were inspiring words Reinette. You made my day. 🎉

I can’t stomach Klown Shrub. I’m glad you picked it up.

The cabal has so many deadlines coming up including the collapse of the Fed. I keep praying for professional athletes to stand up and speak out. There’s many NFL players -- retired and active -- who are fed up with the plantation.

Few have come to realize how every institution in the world is corrupt. Thank you for the courage to not conform and see the fraud for what it is. The curtain is being pulled back on these Holly weird productions like JFK’s assassination and 9/11.

Sadly, I’m getting pushback. I’ve got friends who wanna slow it all down. They don’t believe in germ theory any more, but they complain that the people aren’t ready for the virology fraud to be revealed. I try to be patient, but I cannot tolerate secrets and lies.

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Wow - Reinette! Outta the park again!!

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Pascal filed a 'criminal complaint' to his police station? Its not the first, Mark Sexton, retired-UK Police Constable filed a 'criminal complaint' to police station in UK long long ago research > UK crime ref nr 6029679/21 stands in legal fiction 'personage' Crown BAR jurisdiction, went nowhere no one was charged or held liable, a cul-de-sac. Same with legal fiction jurisdiction filing as 'person[s]' to the ICC The Hague a long time ago also, another cul-de-sac. Be suspicious of Lawyers some shall be innocently ignorant but many know and are deliberately leading people into the 'personage' contract jurisdiction trap. People required to stand as living men living women under Creator jurisdiction why bible used to swear Oaths or used in Courts. Maxim of law' ignorance of the law no excuse'.

imo this shall go nowhere, claim stands in 'legal-fiction' [rules created by men who act as Gods = Ecclesiastical Law, 1302AD Unam Sanctam], the verifiable fraudsters/.criminals who administer Legal Jurisdiction usury bankers courts shall not determine themselves legally guilty of breaching their own created 'legal-rules'.

Claim Before the Vatican Chancery Court - Attention H.E. Dominique Mamberti - 19Jan22 -


men, women true LAW stands under God/Creator/Supreme Being alone, do no wrong, harm, of trespass against another man, woman, else be liable for Debt of Compensation for a trespass. Truth requires few words.

All men women created equally by God, no other man / woman was created as a son / daughter of the sun-god Amun-Ra with divine right to rule. [Egyptian Pharaoh tribe went on to create Babylon where Rhadanites from]

Pope and Vatican covered in plethora symbology worshipping the sun-god Amun-Ra plus created the constructive fraud of Birth Cert property owned titles of people w/ 1302AD Unam Sanctam, Air part jurisdiction of LAW = LandAirWater = x3 divine inalienable rights jurisdictions

Land jurisdiction stolen w/ 1666AD Cestui Que Vie 'act' of 'Red Dragon' walled sq.mile City of London creeated by Romans 55BCE. They love 6's & serpents check out the obelisks in Lundinium to.

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Much love to Christian, in his 'dreamboat' letter he did act like a living man under jurisdiction of God/Creator/Supreme Being. Unfortunately filing a 'complaint' shall not be standing in jurisdiction as a living man w/ inalienable rights under Creator, but as a legal-fiction, owned PROPERTY title, 'person', the constructive fraud of the banks w/ legal system created by the Birth Cert creating your PROPERTY title identity theft, a fraud. Maxim of law. 'fraud eviscerates all', your remedy.

Property means everything about you, thoughts, children, body, right to clean air, water, travel, food, not just home, car, tangible possessions etc

Words create your jurisdiction under God, all men, women, are born equal with dominion upon the Earth. [Creation]

Maxim of law, 'he who creates controls' >> why Rhadanite tribe occultists [usury banker families] created Birth Certs. for their slaves to put themselves between our Creator and his people.

Never use words such as 'Complaint', 'Defendent' , 'Plaintiff', etc., else acquiesce jurisdiction {Tacit Agreement] ergo CONTRACT to their Legal Bankers Court Jurisdiction.

complain = lament, bewail, grieve, make a formal accusation or charge 'TO AN AUTHORITY, from Vulgar Latin *complangere, originally "to beat the breast", chiefly poetically "emit a mournful sound" = ergo acquiesce to a Master/King with divine right to rule .

CONTRACTS are solely limited to written 'duties & obligations', contracted parties in contract jurisdiction are limited to those express agreed terms.

We are living men, living women, one of the people, under God, nothing else.

Learn difference between Legal Jurisdiction [solely duties + obligations of contract] and LAWful Jurisdiction [divine inalienable rights incl. only lawful contracts not contracts created by fraud eg Bith Certs 'personage']

Be very suspicious of Lawyers who refuse to engage with this LAW jurisdiction knowledge & lead people into fraud legal court jurisdiction as slaves owned contracted property called 'person[s]' only, with no rights,, they now must be bare minimum, be aware of it.

No legislation, acts, codes, regulations refer to men, women, people, they only refer to the fraud title 'person[s]', they do not apply to living men living women or people.

Maxim of law, 'fraud eviscerates all'. = No lawful contract can be obtained by fraud.

Matthew 6:24 - No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon.

Job 32 -21 ----> Let me not, i pray you, accept any man’s 'person'👈, neither let me give flattering titles unto man. (appears in Bible many times this just one) Romans 2:11, Luke 20:21, Job 13:10, etc.

Christ turned over the money-changers tables in Temple just x3 days before they crucified him for it.

Bench in latin means Bank, the BAR judges sit on the Bench as bankers-agents adminstering their legal-fiction dead owned 'property' titles 'persons', a constructive fraud of identity theft Bonded to fiat money system, why they wear black mourning robes.

Ephesians 5:11 - Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

juris = of right

Watch x4 foundational JURISDICTION knowledge vids >> awarriorcalls.com



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They can be the captain of the Titanic (Jesuit).

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Fantastic as always, Reinette!

In spite of it all,, I'm beginning to feel a shift!

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Jan 26, 2023Edited
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FTX?… the virtuous company that fed the second largest campaign donations to the Democratic Party? Nothing to do with government at all. Who are Sam Bankman Fried’s parents? Democratic Party faithful? SBF chumming around with Clinton…. Isn’t that a former politician? Thanks for your comment it really helps put the puzzle together for me. Who do you work for by the way?

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If the FDA pharma shills went after him he must have been on the right track. Are you a fan of the FDA safe and effective poison pushers?

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Jan 29, 2023
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I rest both my cases. If either one of them tips over I’ll be happy to discuss the shape of the earth with you.

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