I just received this text from a friend, Lonner Holden: "Hi Reinette, saw it (substack post) but just read and watched it. I grew up in Alaska with huge snow storms and lived in flagstaff ponderosa forest in bad windy winters and NEVER saw or experienced ANYTHING like what you are describing. Not even close. I’m a trained First Responder, good in winter weather, rescues, chainsaws, fire making and the like, and have the right car with the right tires, and can take care of myself, but I do know in big emergencies the authorities don’t like citizens “getting in the way” or becoming a liability..... "

It's always good to receive confirmation from those who are experienced in winter storms, and who can clearly tell, something is not right! Thank you, Lonner!

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If there is not help get people who are experienced with snow mobiles, snow shoes and cross country skis and put packs on their backs. Take protection and pack into places together to get supplies in . You cannot wait for first responders. WE THE PEOPLE are first responders if people are going to die before they get there. I have been on the National SKi patrol. When they get to a crisis they will take over and be grateful you saved a life or two. That is what I experienced in Colorado and WYo where these things happened all the time. Drastic times take Drastic measures. Sharon

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We have had a lot of people doing just that.... it's been amazing on that front!

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Oh, and I just got FB checked for sharing this post. FB didn't like my take this storm. That outta tell us something! https://www.facebook.com/reinettesenum

And we're getting sprayed today as well. As a 50-year-long resident in this area, these kinds of big storms ALWAYS brought us beautiful blue skies. Not a milky freaking haze. I can't tell you how sick of this I am!

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Praying for you...and that people wake up to the many vectors of warfare being unleashed on humanity by this luciferian cabal of scumbags. A massive construct of surveillance, manipulation, usury, financial theft, depopulation and enslavement rolling out by this Biomafia. Architected pestilence, war, famine, and financial collapse, to usher in their NWO/4th industrial revolution. They don't need 7 billion+ of us any longer, they have been scheming depopulation, right out in the open, for more than a century...we have been living in a complete illusion and it's time to awaken. We must all learn the truth and rise.

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Yup.... we are definitely seeing the push for those in the country to end up in "resiliency" centers and those "lovely" 15-minute cities!

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That's my interpretation too. This ia also the point of the train derailments and 'contamination' events in Ohio and elsewhere, which are not nearly as severe as they are being spun to be, but will give the govt an excuse to acquire the land and move people into the 15-min cities and, thank you very much, leverage the land to borrrow trillions from Switzerland. Where does Napier, NZ, fit into all of this? It was recently totally destroyed by a DEW, like the town of Lytton in Canada in 2020. Napier was the site of a secret US base where the rentacops where drawn from in the lockdowns. Was it a white hat operation in retaliation for the Turkey earthquake? There are so many unknowns.

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People are concentrating in cities for lots of reasons, good and bad. But fearing 15-min cities plans as tools for enslavement or mass surveillance makes no sense at all, because whoever wanted the former, has no real need at all for the latter (except as weapon of mass distraction, of course). Longer answer here: https://mfioretti.substack.com/p/what-haters-of-15-minutes-cities-get-wrong

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The push to urbanization has its own drivers, good or bad is another issue, but mixing the 15-minute cities concept with fears of surveillance etc.. is ridiculous. See: https://mfioretti.substack.com/p/what-haters-of-15-minutes-cities-get-wrong

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Can't have said it any better. It's a nightmare. I can only hope to live long enough to see them get their karma. Be safe Reinette, we are with you in prayer.

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We'll take the prayers and spread them around!

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Those of us in So Cal mountains are dealing with the same thing. The heavy snow, collapsing roofs, fires from gas leaks; and how long did it take for resources to come!

I’ve watched those trails in the skies for decades, and it sickens me.

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I know.... it's oppressive as hell when one goes from sunny skies to chocking oak over our heads.

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Geo-engineering is real, & horrific. Thank you for spelling out how it’s impacting you & your communities, including the trees & wildlife. And the “humaneering” spirit there is alive & kicking, a beautiful silver lining! Praying for everyone!!!✨🙏✨

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They've hit us here in NZ with HAARP induced flooding folllowed by a cyclone. Now they seem to be manufacturing a drought in the southern regions.

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I call it the whiplash effect. There is no more normal weather these days.... so tired of the extremes! And I send you well wishes from abroad. We had dear friends in NZ when that crazy flooding hit. Nothing seemed natural about it! It looks horrific!

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I hope you will have time someday to interview JolieDiane about the legislation that she has been working on for so long- she is a real gem- Ginger Christy and I and others have been working with her for many years- she is a trusted source and is getting things done! From Jolie:Good news! Rhode Island is again leading the way to ban geoengineering and other pollution hazards. HB 5866, The Atmosphere Protection Act, was introduced yesterday.

Please let me know if you may be interested in advocating for similar legislation where you live. , Jolie https://zerogeoengineering.com/2023/introduced-the-atmosphere-protection-act/ https://zerogeoengineering.com/

Have You Noticed All The Aircraft Emissions Polluting The Sky?

What It Is: Cloud Seeding, Weather Modification, Solar Radiation Management (SRM), Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), and more. Geoengineering is defined as planetary-scale environmental engineering of our atmosphere, our weather, the oceans, and the Earth itself. 2010 Geoengineering Report Research: The Atmosphere Protection Act

Americans4ACleanAtmosphere Printable Flyer__A4ACA

Cloud Seeding Footprints Include: Aluminum, Barium, Strontium, Sulfur Dioxide

Rain Sample Lab Test Results USA Rain Sample Lab Test Results International

Chemical Toxicity_of Cloud Seeding Aerosols

Patent US 20140145002A1: System for facilitating cloud formation and cloud precipitation

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I was in Auckland the previous month when the airport was flooded. What a mess!

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on and on it comes!! Be strong !

Activate ! Get up Stand up !

Stand up for our rights!!

for our Freedom!!

Nature bats last!

Humanity wins!!

Peace on Earth 🌍🌏🌎

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"The Pacific Gas and Electric Company ( PG&E) is an American investor-owned utility"

Top shareholders in PG&E are, of course, Vanguard, Blackrock, Fidelity Investments (FMR), State Street Corporation, Capital Research Global Investors......and the list goes on, and on, and on.

These are the people who are running the world, and helping destroy it at the same time.

Blackrock is also heavily involved in all of the nonsense currently going on in Ukraine.

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And there you go! THIS is what it feels like we are up against! PURE EVIL!

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And Ohio.

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And Ohio.... my heart has been breaking over that too!

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Agreed. However, California has been under attack for years. That's because California is the 7th largest economy in the world. Yes, the 7th largest economy in the WORLD....and crucial to the overall economy of the United States. So, these people have been working over-time to destroy California. The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, is a member of the World Economic Forum. That, in my opinion, is why he was placed into that position.

"Head of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government in 2017: "What we are very proud of, is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our WEF Young Global Leaders". Coincidentally, Jay Inslee, the Governor of Washington State, is also a member of the WEF.

Everyone should look at their politicians, and see if they have ties to the World Economic Forum. Unfortunately, many do, not only on the state level, but also on the federal level.

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I agree, Quatervois, if any of our leaders have any connections to the WEF, they should be tried for treason and, if found guilty, hung. I have said this in past posts and will repeat it. Hung. These are complete enemies of the state!

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Completely well stated and the only way out of this as a start.

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Please contact me if you happen to be in Inslees state if you wish Im always team building Observant777protonmail.com

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I was staying at a friends in her Gypsy van up North Bloomfield at 3000 ft when the storm hit.. She said the power lines that just got destroyed had only been put up last summer!??? one could think It was a planned event of devastation and destruction...

I am so grateful to have made it out and now at MJ and Hiroko’s cozy and warm .. and for our community and neighbors.. and YOU dear Reinette!

Thank you 🙏🏽

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They are involved in every mess nearly everywhere , they own or control 85 % of all economic ac tivity on the planet now so NO WAY TO NOT BE COMPLICIT . So now we all know who the enemy is now we must do something about it or they will kill us all .

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And Newsom is attacking PGE for their prices, yet PGE were some of the main funders behind his political career. As usual he is pointing fingers, but will never point anything at himself, just trying to look good for the normies. I think it is the main group that is the problem. Certainly not the regular employees in my opinion.

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Ohhhh yeah. I'm very familiar with this, when Newsom had a chance to redeem himself. This all occurred after the horrific fires in Nor Cal when I was mayor of Nevada City..... After our town underwent massive and devastating PSP events, aka, we are turning off your power for days and destroying your economy! And let me tell you, I went down to SF to the CA Public Utility Commission's public hearings on the devastation this caused to our town and I ended up being the ONLY elected official in the state of CA to speak up during public comment to call out PG&E's crimes. And, I kid you not, after I returned that day from the CPUC public hearing and went that evening to my city council meeting, my vice mayor, Erin Minett basically started the city council meeting saying you need to be removed as mayor for not representing ALL of the city council on these PSP events. Mind you, Minett and I had had early discussions two days before about who should go and represent the city at the CPUC meeting. She said I should go, and then promptly threw me under the bus. THIS is the kind of nasty politics one has to endure when actually trying to stand up against criminal behavior. I'm happy to say, many in the community got sick and tired of Minett and did not elect her in the next election. It should also be noted that her husband was the chair of the county Dem party is in cahoots with big business.... it was clear she was doing his bidding. All this in a tiny town of 3,200!

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This is precisely why there is not a quick enough or effective enough legislative or democratic or legal process solution now . I hope our wonderful Dr. Christiane Northrup below reads this and understands. I have been screaming about all this for decades , not just with the plandemic, its too late now for some ideas and actions. Others are our only chance . Spiritual minded people are afraid to admit or say this. Real warriors are not .

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Are you in California too?

What solutions do you have?

I am open to ideas?

I am in a newly formed group. We have a Committee of Safety, COS similar to the founders of the country. We are using Nationallibertyalliance.org and doing with their guidance. We are also using a couple named Jack.and Margy Flynn that are all about the orginal constitution. They claim.there is no state or county operating under the constitution. They use the constitution, affidavits, represent themselves in court, ask for a jury, pick the jury etc. and have been very successful. However, the country is in serious need and they no longer help individuals, only people that want to help the country.

https://rumble.com/v1pd1mu-americans-need-to-know-that-the-constitution-guaranteed-and-secured-their-r.html Here is one where they also explain their recent book. Mel is the host. They have done a series of 9 videos with lots of links with Mel on his website teaching their way of doing it. They do not believe Trump.or DeSantis will save the country. If that was the case they would have already. They are not for any political party and believe like the founders that it messed things up with the 2 party system. Nationallibertyalliance.org do too, but tend to still reference Trump and devolution. A bit too much for me sometimes, but I do like their information too. Very helpful and they are helping us along the way and also have a lot of classes etc.

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https://www.bitchute.com/video/cU5OV5ANG1LN/ With all due respect to the Flynn s you will not find much success with these methods no matter how Constitutional it may sound. In fact the courts and officials will hate you and do everything possible to jail you and defeat you if nothing more than contempt of court, with no limitations on how long they can leave you there . Go watch what the Michigan women judge did to Mr Turner. It is a day late and a dollar short for these methods.

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Thanks for your reply. I wasn't asking about chemtrails. I know the dangers of them and have for way over a decade and been speaking out about it too. I was asking more in general what actions to do. Not sure whom this Michigan thing is, but that's ok.

According to the Flynn's they and the people they have educated have been almost 100 % successful as they used to help in this way. The series they are teaching are about helping the country county by county. They have removed school board members, city council members, governors, etc. They are not educating about becoming a state nationalist as they don't believe in that being the answer at all . I am not going to sit and do nothing as I have young adults and didn't bring them into this world to leave them with this. So if this and the Nationallibertyalliance.org might help, as a group that is what we are doing in our county. There are things changing around the country in many different ways and maybe all these things will wake the people up and keep taking actions. Before covid I couldn't talk to most about vaccine dangers as my family have had too much of that, now you can talk about it everywhere. I am in a hard core liberal city and I have seen changes here too. I have never before been able to talk about my knowledge this freely, only since covid. My kids know everything too and are young adults. I am no longer waiting for something to happen, my group is about taking actions, but in a planned way. We are also about collaborating with other counties so that the movement can grow.

There was a woman linking about Rhode Island legislation proposing a law on banning chemtrails and I will be contacting the woman that knows about it.

https://zerogeoengineering.com/2023/introduced-the-atmosphere-protection-act/ Here is it. Someone from California listed it and it sounds like she knows the woman that has that site as she used to live here too.

Thanks for reading and your reply. Take care.

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I am a former So. California resident, currently, temporarily in Washington state near Mt. Rainier. I have backpacked your area often long ago. My studies informed me about 2 years ago that the world was going into a 30+ year Grand Solar Minimum, aka a mini-Ice Age. I do follow the spraying anomaly, as well as Mr. D's reports and warnings. Yes, there is constant climate change, but that is just nature. I will look into how I, as an activist, can help your area..whether that is to pressure 'authorities', utility companies or charity, human emergency help for those that are vulnerable. Many thanks for your reports, interviews, assessments and alerts. Blessings, Connie S.

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I believe some of this is the shifting of the poles too and a possible minor ice age. But these days because of the constant spraying everywhere, I mean never a clear blue sky, I believe they are also making it worse. They don't just spray from the skies, they can do things from the ocean. Sorry, can't recall what it is called. I have lived in Ca. since the 80ties and came from a country with very little blue sky. That is what attracted me here, the endless blue skies, that we have not seen for years now. My young adults notice it all the time. It's not normal. There are also companies that were given the ok to figure out how to dim the suns rays down on Earth ot reflect it away as they seem to believe we getting too much. I am not just talking about Gates of Helll, this is around the world. My main issue with anything climate is that as long as we spary the skies with who knows what, as there is no transparency again, use pesticides, gmo crops, cut down trees to make room for 5 G, masks that will polute forever, to go containers because we are lazy, won't bring bags to store for groceries etc, etc, I don't want to hear we are the problem. I am not saying you are saying any of this, but I get some of this as I won't shut up about these things. Btw, Dane Wigington had a great interview with Del and then one with RFK Jr from CHD recently. Both asked very good questions and RFK comes at it from a more evenvironmental perspective.. Really gave some info I hadn't heard before of why are they doing it and why are more not coming forward.

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Hello Connie, thank you for reaching out. Yes, I have been telling friends that we were not going to be getting hotter, but colder. This is to be expected. But the two things that do not feel natural are the weight of the snow (it's crushing at just a few inches) and the trees' inability to withstand weight or wind these days. They are brittle and fragile!!!

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Contact me please Im near you understand all this goldenguitarman777@gmail.com , preparedness and teaming up is essential that is what I do and have done for decades.

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Another topic; Geoengineering!

I have known from my days, years ago, experimenting with fireworks and then later with my studies of 911, that small particles of aluminum are a basic ingredient in fireworks and in thermite. Thermite in nano-size particles, was discovered at the site of the 911 "demo-lapses".

I have, for years now, known of the aluminum in the "Chemtrails" we have seen overhead. And, having been enamored with aviation, I spent countless hours looking at the real CON-trails, which disappeared from the sky rather quickly and then the creeping advent of those criss-cross trails which just sat there I the sky.

Knowing of the aluminum it was very clear to me that the frequency, quantity and ferocity of the wild fires was unusual and that the aluminum and other metals were an accelerant to the fires in both speed of spread and their heat.

The attached article is clear and vivid about what truths may be found under lies and obfuscations in the Operation Mockingbird-controlled media. Oh my, that sounds like tinfoil battery. But "tinfoil" is made of aluminum and, and, well, you know! (:>)


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many firefighters have commented on the out of control heat and fires and how much the danger is to them and the speed at which they travel- nothing makes sense-

tree tops are so important- that's where in the old trees, the fungi and lichen that are critical to send their spores to new trees for nutrient uptake- i've not read about this in years- but i am assuming nanoplastic and nano aluminum may impede their life processes- adding to the problem of the trees nutrient up take- maybe someone on this thread is up to date on this topic

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This is correct..... these bastards are attempting to remove the cycle of life.

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i thnk it was thermate- not thermite- in the 9/11 buildings- according to richard gage

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I know Richard Gage and the truth is that "Thermate" is a military grade of "Thermite" so it is like the Square vs Rectangle question. The fact is that the use of a Thermite-compound has been proven because of, as I recall "nanospheres of thermite."

If there is a broader distinction it would be good to know; thanks.

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he always asks us to use the word thermate- because that's the substance found at the scene of the crime-

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Tomayto, Tomahto, Potayto, Potahto---Thermate, Thermite---Let's call the whole thing Nano-thermal compound. "Nothing to see here, folks; Oh, Rudi---get a thousand trucks and ship all the debris off to China, NOW.


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Spot on, GGO!!!

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This is truly horrific. And I am so sorry. It is unimaginable. But like you said, if this is what it takes for us to remember who we are as powerful creators, so be it. As the good book says, " We battle not against flesh and blood, but of powers and principalities that are not if this world." We pray for deliverance. While shoveling.

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And shovel we do. All this makes me even more appreciative for what we have.... and we have clearly seen the human spirit rise throughout all of this. Absolutely heartwarming after seeing a lot of coolness over the last few years!

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I am SO sorry for your horrifying experiences, but glad y'all are safe.


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Nope. Yer just ahead of the curve!

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oh man dude this is tough to listen to - it's in your voice.

weather. is. a. weapon.

and clearly a main subject in the book of take-over-express.

much love my friend 💕

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Thank you!

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i can't believe this is the first i've heard of this. has it been reported on the news statewide? well, i don't watch the news but i'd think some of my neighbors who do would have told me. how does this kind of situation even get rescue? so so sorry, i've never even heard of a situation like this. my prayers are with you all and for the trees as well to respond to our attention and intention to keeping standing.

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When does the news ever report what is really going on? They exaggerate what is not that important while ignoring the substantive news we should all know! Glad to blow the whistle on this. It's totally underreported!

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Dane was on the Highwire last week so hopefully a lot more people will be made aware of what is going on! The Highwire has a huge following! 🙏🙏🙏

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Ah, yes, I heard about this! I have to track that interview down!

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He was also on CHD, RFK Jr and he had a different way of asking questions. Both great interviews.

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Yes you are spot on correct, same here in WASH the snow is clearly different 12in recently , THIS IS ANOTHER REASON WHY PREPAREDNESS AND TEAMING UP IS ESSENTIAL. If there is anyone out there who doubts what she is saying you had better get up to speed because one way or another its


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has anyone tried buring the snow or having it analyzed for chemical contaminants?

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If you go to geeongineeringwatch.org you will see at the top they have a tab, Tests. Hit that and you will see plenty of results.

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yes- i have several friends who have been submitting information to that website-

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Very good idea , Ive heard of this done in the past and seen some videos but who CAN and Will do this in all these regions effected . AND WE KNOW the horrendous list of chemtrail spray ingredients so that will certainly be in the snow as well. Such evil, the snow USED to be natures purifier .

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All- please check this out when you have the time-- and when Reinette is finished shoveling snow and pounding nails!! Rhode Island is again leading the way to ban geoengineering and other pollution hazards. HB 5866, The Atmosphere Protection Act, was introduced yesterday.

Please let me know if you may be interested in advocating for similar legislation where you live. , Jolie https://zerogeoengineering.com/2023/introduced-the-atmosphere-protection-act/ https://zerogeoengineering.com/

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California needs to stop this. Not sure you are in California. I have told people I won't hear a word about climate bs till we address chemtrails, gmos, pesticides, flouride etc. All the masks everywhere I tell people are nothing, but horrible polluting things. I have handed out notes about PrimaryWater.org at my farmers market. Recently started talking about Dane Wigington with positive results and will write his website down and hand out now too. I am tired of people not wanting to hear the facts about the world. They are taking us down and I won't have it. I didn't have kids to leave them with this mess, that's for sure.

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We are the Divine Intervention. There is NOTHING to wait for!

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yes- we are in CA- Jolie lived here- had a show on our local tv station in Marin- but she was making no headway- unlike Dane- she followed the lead of our good friend, now deceased but never dead- Rosalind Peterson - of California Skywatch- who appeared in Michael Murphy's films- another good friend- also passed- and we miss them so much - they had the best hearts and were our mentors in so many ways. Jolie has been able to make so much headway since moving to DC and working on this issue. Hopefully she will get more help from some of the people reading this thread- she really needs publiciity to spur things along. If people knew there was legislation afoot- there would be so much active hope- as Joanna Macy says!

Thanks for getting the word out and don't worry about the kids- some of them are dazzling smart and will be in the solution game with us!!

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Jolie works for the government? A representative of California? Thanks for responding. We need to stick together and help California move in a different direction. I am in a group learning about the true constitution and how to.use affidavits etc to.take local actions. We are working with an organization and a couple. According to the couple there is no state or county operating under the true constitution so there is no place to go. We have to fix things starting locally.

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Love hearing this is moving forward! I have been keeping an eye on this!

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we've been meeting with her a couple of times a month- she is a great speaker- and deep- i think you would like her- AND - she is running for president- nice twist!

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