Great work Reinette. We so needed this to happen, and we are behind you 100%. You are amazing!!

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Kind of you... and can't wait to activate your group when the time comes!

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my question for the attorney is:

this is clearly a worldwide program spanning beyond political, legal and territorial boundaries - very likely perpetrated and funded by "black budgets" and organizations that are off-the-record and beyond the reach of any one jurisdiction. how can we ensure this case goes where it needs to go and hold the very core players of this accountable, when all courts (incl. international) seem to have been corrupted?

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May 13, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Even if these judges are corrupt, not all of them know that they and their families are sprayed with poison every day, like vermins. If they found out, they might lose their appetite for the bribes.

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Not all judges are corrupt. Some Judges are good & some are bad…just like everywhere.

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That is correct. But Mr. Global has made sure that the judges who hold the most important positions are in his pocket.

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Maybe but most of them are Freemasons , they have controlled the Just us system since the beginning of this country.

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Ordinary Masons also have lungs and must breathe at least 24 hours a day. If they will not do that, then they are dead Freemasons.

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Correct particularly when its MILITARY , UN, an Defense contractors. Yes total corruption all the way to SCOTUS.

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The judges may nor realize that they and their families are also victims of this crime!

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Yes getting them and the MILITARY to understand ALL the 99% will suffer or die at the hands and intentions of the 1 % is ESSENTIAL

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Good point Dan! I wondered same when I heard someone was going to "Drain the Swamp"??when "The swamp" IS the system/courts/matrix! I was hopeful when the prison barges were spotted off the east coast after Trump took office. I thought "International Waters/Tribunals/Meritime Jurisdiction/Executions in Gitmo!!" Hopefully if that is the case they retained video for us to enjoy?

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I have yet to see ANY proof of any real arrests and or executions of meaningful SWAMP CREATURES. Where is G. MAXWELL S lists , that a good place to start.

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If it is a Military Op. (which it would obviously have to be) we can know nothing until the conclusion of the Op. Anyone remember the 1500 Ntnl. Guardsmen who were sworn in as U.S. Marshalls at the W.H. after J6? JAG handles the arrests and prosecution. Followed by execution for those who qualify;-) (Poppy Bush, McCain, etc.) Remember the movie "Pelican Brief" w/Cruz and Nicholson? First week in office Trump issued something like 5k inditments for pedos/human traffickers? I heard there were more servicemen sworn in since that time.

Maxwell cut a deal otherwise why would she return to the US from a non-extradiction country and essentially "turn herself in"? Mossad child way too savvy for that. Where is Les Wexner?

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I remember and that is part of being awake. I believe this is a war and the real war will be the final ones with the Reptillians and those who have the ability in the skies above to help us fight them and eradicate them. The War to End All Wars will not be fought on the planet surface but look up and listen. We will hear strange noises as they did and are all over the world from high above behind the clouds. From what I know of those who have sought to destroy planet and life here, I am sure this will be happening!!

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Its is definitely a MILITARY OP , if we try to wait until the conclusion of the op we will be off this plane of existence I DONT buy into anything connected with Q , , SG ANON or anyone pushing any of that, or supporting controlled opposition players like Trump , DeSantis, and many more in all parties , all are WEF .NWO players. The military is completely involved with ALL these horrible agendas, show us real proof Trump did any of these arrests and indictments.

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We will soon find out dear Thomas! What do you believe in is the most interesting to me!! I would love to hear it!! And I mean that!

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I dont operate on beliefs , they can change like the weather. I operate out of Knowledge , knowingness , research, proven experience , tested science , and the greater weight of evidence, just as you would evaluate if on a Jury. No matter how much of ALL this , I show Q ,DJT ,Desantis believers all the evidence including all past histories , they refuse to change their "beliefs" this is called cognitive dissonance. I also have access to truth tellers , whistle blowers and such in 7 different languages around the world , they tell very different perspectives and actual experience in these places . not just what is allowed here .

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R, You are such a Warrior Woman! Thanks for caring so much! I am astonished at your service to humanity on so many levels! YU are a hero!

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I would love to be helpful in some way to you. I put up signs and spread the word when you were running for governor but I wish I could do more if you need it. I have been in the waiting room documenting this whole Show since it began! I had to retire or give something against my oath as an RN to do no harm, or get it, neither of those things acceptable.

Any way I am looking forward to getting out of the waiting room where I have spent my time healing from the traumas of my past, as a recovering care taker and redefining my whole life and history and more! It has been an amazing adventure, 6months of which I spent in the wilderness or Wyo by myself. I was not in the wild as you were in Alaska, which is an amazing story I have yet to read, but I went for days with out talking to anyone but the deer and the antilope!! Months isolated for different reasons. Any way, if I can be of help to you let me know otherwise I will continue to follow your journey here, along with Cliff High and Martin Geddes!

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Sharon, I'm looking forward to you spending more time out of the waiting room, and how lucky you have been to have your experience in Wyoming! As we progress forward, I will let people know how they can participate and support our efforts in a variety of ways!

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I was not lucky, I was alone and isolated, no cell phone, rejected by my whole family and considered dangerous, in illuminati playground near Jackson Hole in DuBois, Windrivers, Wyo, and so lost!!! I nearly killed myself and I stayed in a lodge there where my only saving grace was a bathtub in the one room I occupied and a river I could walk beside. The lodge was run by a person from Belgium I believe worked with the illuminati that meets in Jackson Hole and now that I look back on it, she may have been a member of the Black Castle Coven in Belgium. It is a truly bizarre story of a dying town due to Blackrock and a rebirthing of myself in a wilderness mostly withi me and with nature, but also learning about how to deal with this spiritual war in a unique and crazy way!!!

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I'm so sorry to hear this and that I had the wrong take. Sounds to me like you are reborn as a warrior woman. I'm so glad you survived.

And BlackRock..... they need to go away.

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I was reborn and now am grateful I have the knowledge about myself and the people who are really responsible for much of the evil here. My family was from up near Jackson Hole, where so much evil takes place because my family was involved in it. But to go back and learn about myself there was a shocking thing but has helped me know my self so much better so I am grateful. Please, do not be sorry. You know that we must learn about who we are before we step into our true destiny and purpose.

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Oh yes about this area, will become the smart cities and towns.

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May 13, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Thank you for taking this on! Of all the egregious crimes against humanity, this takes the cake.

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Sorry for a second comment just listened to your video. A few comments -

1) CA does not require affidavits we have an “affidavit” law for a declaration format. I have seen a lot of people do these, paying notaries, & this is not necessary.

Also even in an affidavit format, if it does not follow the CA law it can get thrown out of the opposition knows this law. (I use this law to throw out fake bank deed evidence all the time!). Happy to explain this to someone so it’s legally correct and useful.

2) Re: heavy metal analysis you can also find heavy metals in hair. We do this analysis for kids with Autism who cannot detox these heavy metals. I would be sure to determine if the child / person has autism & also isolate for vaccines taken (what / when / number) as these will all skew the results.

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I would be interested in more about this. Most are suggesting to have it notarized and more. What do you mean California has an affidavit law? See if you can get Reinette to do a show with you about this as many of us are learning about it and want to do it correctly.

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CA has a specific law & case law outlining how to properly do accepted affidavits / declarations. I have seen a lot of people doing these not compliant with California law and if the other side knows what they’re doing they will get them thrown out.

I’d be happy to show people what to do, it’s one of those things that is really easy once you know how!!

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Being compliant is one of our priorities!

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Happy to help with that - let me know.

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i also wonder and worry about danUCC's question because i too perceive that this 'death-wish' manipulation goes far beyond anything/anyone we can substantively point to as the ultimate perveyer and far above the systems we've been conditioned to trust as u.s. citizens for justice and/or protection of the public commons. however, the action of standing together at the ....hmmm, i'll just call it the 'gates of hell', in large numbers, echoing a constant and esounding NO is an energetic metaphor i can put my deeply felt response to as we unite and go forward. thank you reinette for being the bright and shining relentless instigator that you are. just love ya and all who be joining in this sacred ruckus!

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I love a good ruckus, Berda Lee!

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May 12, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

LOL, now how did i know that? you rock reinette!

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Another "GATES OF HELL" to protest and go forward with prosecutions is the B. &M GATES FOUNDATION IN SEATTLE , WASH. Global mass murderers and the info is KNOWN all over. .How does one man hold a whole planet in a death grip and get away with it .Where are all you who have taken oaths TO PROTECT AND DEFEND against ALL ENEMIES BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. We paid for your training, your health care , your retirements . Please do what you were trained to do when those now corrupted, pointed you at as foreign enemy they created to have another profitable war and steal the resources form other countries. Your needed more now that ever before . WE WILL BE at your backs and supporting. It is almost too late.

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It’s protected just as much as the experimental jabs are. Big gov can do what they like in the name of countermeasures. How can we wake people up to the truth? The ones I talk to are not interested in the least.

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God Bless YOU Reinette! I mentioned once in a post the water samples from Shasta Co. from standing water in the mid 2000's showing TOXIC levels of Barium/Strontium/Alluminun. I lived in Humboldt Bay area at the time. I have waited to see if the "Swamp" is being eradicated based upon the chemtrails ceasing and so far ...not so much:-( Thank you for you honey! I gotta go out and skin my hoophouse/greenhouse while it is still raining @70-80 degrees and humid as heck here in the Ozark/Mark Twain Ntnl. Forest so I can have some non-frankenfood for next winter:-) BTW, the oak trees are rotting and falling over everywhere here and I'm concerned about building my "Barndominimum" just to have it smashed by a rootless giant White Oak!

-Refuge Humboldt Sasquatch....-now Ozark Sasquatch

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So sorry to hear about your trees. I am getting these reports all across the country....

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Dooohp! I meant Refugee:-( from Humboldt. sasquatch

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You probably follow Dr. Ana Maria Milhalcea on substack already. She makes it very clear that all all of the sick patients she sees with poisoned blood have been much damaged by geoengineering — “chemtrails,” or aerial spraying of heavy metals, etc. onto the ground, onto us and our gardens.

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Oh yes, we will be speaking to her about this....

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I was SO hoping to see an interview between you and her on this topic!

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We didn't get so much into geoengineering but more the jabs.... now I have another reason to interview her.

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Yes !! She has noticed a difference from the first time when she used Darkfield Microscopy to look at the blood of the "unvaccinated" and the "vaccinated" and it was the latter she needed to clear with her EDTA chelation, but recently she is seeing the same problems with the "unvaccinated" and she acknowledges that the contamination has to be coming from somewhere!

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My question is...is this pertaining to only California or is this law suit for the whole U.S.??? I'm sitting here as I listen to you and see the lines being sprayed in our skies here in south Florida Ft. Lauderdale area. This happens 2-3 days a week and sometimes more!

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This is nationwide and not just in California!

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PTL!!! That's awesome! Thanks so much for letting me (us) know!!!

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Its nearly global not just national.

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What lab do you recommend for water testing?

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McCampbell Analytical, Inc.

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I came into ask this, I have a quart of water from that bizarre snow we received in February but I know what I test for reveals why I am testing. Speaking of which, do you have a list of what to test for? I have one, but I am sure it is incomplete.

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You want to make sure to call them up and ask some questions. Telling you are testing rainwater for the aerosol spraying. The are getting a lot of these samples lately. You will want to ask them what you must do for the "chain of custody." We will need this for the lawsuit. This is their website: http://mccampbell.com. You will want them to test for aluminum, antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, lithium, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silver, strontium, thallium, titanium, tungsten, uranium, vanadium, zinc…. I think that's it.

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I am going to do it, but I do worry that whatever results I get, I am not going to be able to verify chain of custody outside of my word. I scooped snow into a jar and its been sitting on my shelf for three months, covered. I will report my findings to you, nonetheless.

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Bravo Reinette for all you do. Have you been in contact with Elena Freeland? She is perhaps the world's expert on geoengineering, author of 3 books on the subject. She is a must person to consult with.

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Thank you for the updates and all your work on this. I’m hopeful this case and others like it, will pave the way for further legal action in other countries besides the US also. Here in Australia we are being sprayed heavily and constantly, however since it was legally passed years ago under the guise of a strategy to assist in times of severe drought (the Snowy Hydro program as an example) I assume they are continuing to operate using a loophole in the original Act. The whole thing is insane, the way they are so blatant about it now. It’s both infuriating and heartbreaking at the same time. Thank you again for your dedication and for initiating the momentum on this.

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I am so very happy this is happening and agree with the Pandemic being a very wonderful way to bring truths hidden in plain sight to the foreground!

My question: will there be any studies of the link between Aluminum from the spray and Alzheimers cases? If so, what may that look like?

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Thank you for the question.... I will put this forward.

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It would be interesting to see the increase in dead trees from all the beetles CA seems to be infested with as a result of additional heavy metals falling on them, making them vulnerable to attack.

The beetles are able to infest weakened trees. They are hitting pines & oaks particularly... Yosemite has lost 1/3 of their pines. Of course they want to blame this on “global warming” AKA “climate change” (which is so stupid since the climate is always changing!) 

Because those dead trees plus electricity policies are contributing to the increase in CA fires - which not only devastates the environment, and is costly to people and insurers - but also increases air pollution.

Just sayin’...

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From a UN council assembly meeting in 2006 on Chemtrails and what they’re doing


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I mean what I say! Have you ever met Ricardo Bossi from Australia. He is the Reinette in Australia and you are the Ricardo Bossi of America in so many ways. It would be great if you could have him and Christine Northrup on your Foghorn Express and all of you have a townhall meeting or conversation regarding what it takes to be a Spiritual Activist and Adventurer in a world like ours right now. I guarantee, it would inspire many to get off their duffs and start participating in this fight, actively right now!!!

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Yes, I know Ricardo Bossi and love him. He is a real inspiration for me.... so, I take that as a big compliment, Sharon. And I love the idea of having him and Christiane on at the same time.

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Cant wait if you do!! Never get tired of listening to true heroes and warriors!!!

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