I am glad that Biden, er O'Maggot is not going to strike at Iran. I believe the entire circus of Oct was orchestrated by Israel itself. One of my favorite authors, and commentators is David Icke. He thinks the things being done to the Palestinians is heinous. So do I. And yes, these psychos want WW3. If you want to know the culpirits, try calling them out and exposing them without being hauled off to a reeducation camp, or worse.

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"I believe the entire circus of Oct was orchestrated by Israel itself"

Odds are about 98.92% you are correct. And yet, you are in the vast minority. Why is this? Rhetorical question.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with "Jews" or the Israel population - but with typical and evil "LEADERS", "UnExperts" and all "Authority". Pure Evil, through and through. Which all countries have; although, some more than others.

Who owns 50% of the worlds wealth? How many people own this 50% wealth? Hint: a tiny %. This is a huge problem. Until this problem is solved, it's impossible to have a happy ending.

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Thanks, UnExperts. What you wrote looks to be spot on. I know it's not the Jewish people or that religious belief. The reason such a minority of us exist, is the others actually believe the "news". It's mind boggling.

Another guy out there commenting on these demons, is Jeff Berwick. He believes the only way to solve the "problem" is to make sure they aren't walking around any longer. I tend to agree.

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Yes, it's important to stress this is the State of Israel, the Mossad. It's the same as the "Biden administration," that does not represent the average American.

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You may be wrong. The vast majority of Israelite support that cleaning effort

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You are right again. The overwhelming masses STILL ingest MSM at a horrifying rate. They cannot think on their own. They NEED CNN, MSNBC, FOX, The New York Crimes, Washington Compost et al to do their thinking for them. Uffa. No me gusta :-)

And, yes I agree with Jeff .. and you.

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Thanks UnExpertsInc

It's sad but true. Just seek truth and never comply with psycho tyrants. Ever

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i think it's very important to distinguish between the state of israel and the mossad- it looks to me as if the mossad runs that country the same way the CIA runs the US- and they collude- remember the 'promise' software- from deep state israel that compromised all the governments in the world- along with the jeffrey epstein sting operation- everyone in every country in the world is being psyoped- it's hard to know what media to trust- i look to whiteny webb, james corbett and catherine austin fitts- they've been good right down the line so far

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Great summary and interpretation. I think the US was on the ground on 10/7 and have been there assisting the Zionist slaughter the Palestinians in Gaza and push the unrest in the other areas. These folks are sick - much of the lack of aid to the starving and injured folks are due to the fact that Israeli citizens have been camping out and physically blocking aid trucks for months along with the searching of each truck for prohibited items like crutches, chocolates, medical supplies of all sorts, water purifiers and the like. There is maybe 15% of the dwellings intact in Gaza and all the infrastructure destroyed. The death toll is estimated around 40,000 with 80,000 injured - but others have estimated the death toll has to be over 100,000. They have targeted and killed over 100 journalist to prevent them from reporting. I was on flightradar and noticed the other day that US State Dept plane "State 26" was visiting Bagdad - interesting to see where these folks are flying to and from. With the earth quakes bouncing around - Israel might want to watch out. Thanks for the report

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It's one huge global cabal and, yes, the US, AND the IDF and UN were all involve in Oct 7th. 100% by design to get us to this point right now, the brink of WWIII.

They all need to burn in hell.

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I don't expect you to be an expert on geopolitics but I'd hoped you would know that we've been in WWIII for quite some time. Geopolitical economist and founder of the constitutional banking movement, Bob Bows, is here on substack with Global Update and he's your best resource for understanding the ongoing proxy war the Banking Cartel is waging against the global populace. Until you really get who they are -- it's all out in the open -- and Israel's particular role in global history, it's just a collection of actions and reactions. His short book, 7 Steps to Global Political and Economic Transformation, is a concise briefing and will fill out your understanding of the steps to freedom. I've been following you for a while and I think you're close to "getting it" and Bob's book will help. God bless.

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Thank you, Greene. I great appreciate your insight and will check out the book! Glad it's a short book - that's all I have time for these days.

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I'm sure he'd be happy to talk if you have any questions. Message me greenefyre at protonmail dot com and I'll set that up for you. Bless.

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Biden is just telling Netanyahu to cool it and USA is not going to retaliate.

But that could be nothing but PR designed to emit the perception to the American people that Biden Admin is working on Peace. They see too many people angered over the Gaza Holocaust and Biden's admin willing to fund the massacre.

So, they need to look like they are not promoting War, But, then, hit a domestic target and blame Iran...that gets most ignorant Americans enraged and, now, supporting an attack on Iran.

That's how this will go.

Oh, ya, almost forgot: Israel will get away with the Gaza Holocaust they have perpetrated. They already have most the West silenced on it.

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It's all theater..... these monsters aren't going to get us to this point and then pull back. They intend on going the whole way and will use some kind of Big Event to justify their next move. Iran, in their eyes, must be eradicated!

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"All wars are Banker's wars" comes to mind. By now, almost all nations are members of the "Bank for International Settlements" and the "United Nations".

Presidents and Prime Ministers know the danger of going against the global agenda.

Obviously we are in the midst of a global transition into a new socio-economic & governance paradigm.

Out of the current "engineered" global chaos, those behind the Central Banks are envisaging and maneuvering towards a New Order, since their Old Order is currently on life-support and they will not give up their Monopoly of power.

We can overcome this deception, but we're going to have to work together and refuse to be divided by these cascading false flags. The power resides in the people and these psychopaths know it.

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https://preventgenocide2030.org/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email Dr Rima Leibow has some information about UN and why that is more important to leave than WHO. Just scroll down a bit. She has a link to a petition although I never know if it makes a difference, but several things there. Some of this global dominace I don't quite understand, but it's clear that the real people become victims of these crimes. I only see the constitution as a way of out of some of our local mess at this point. That is my focus and working on counties to come together.

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Both of you are spot on and I love Dr Rima.... would love to interview her!

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She's fantastic, isn't she? Would love if you interviewed her!

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Dr.Rima@NaturalSolutionsFoundation.com Here is her email. I gave her the message today in her substack and she replied that she would like that and for you to contact her via the email. Hope you see it. I will post it again.

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Thank you for this excellent play-by-play. Scott Ritter also did an excellent interview with George Galloway which much aligns with your analysis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXfsoT-_044.

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Good to know. I will check out. Curious to see his exact take!

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Between the Iron Dome and Israel's MEAD partners KSA and Jordan, almost nothing got through.

One casualty: a 7yo Bedoiun girl.

Minor damage to the base.

Regardless it would be a mistake to think Israel won't retaliate - they will.

"There is no diplomatic solution.."

They are already plotting the destruction of Iran's infrastructure - and a wider regional war.

..but then the Israelis have been bombing their neighbours for years.

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Exiting the United Nations would have many practical advantages, including descalating the "efforts" to ignite WW3 and, of course, torpedo the hopes of the W.H.O. to become a global dictator (Promoted and supported by Joe Biden and those that handle his strings). These BILLS HR.6645 & S.3428 demand that action and give you more information. You can support them and learn more about them here: https://preventgenocide2030.org/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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It is WW3 Psyop scenario...Look for explanation in Q drops as they are best intel of all and will lead you to "Watch the Water" Huge Blob of melt water created by White Hats melt water from Antarctica, what is under ice covering Antarctica? Anyone know. Iran is making it look like war has begun to cover for taking out strategic places around the world involved in Cabal activity, like London Castle, US white House etc. All together 34 or more places around the world. Israel will be LAST for some important reason. Remember each hit by whomever will signal war until sides are agreed upon but both are run by same side. In past both sides run by Cabal or deep state dirty swamp rats.

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Sharon where is the proof that these "so called "strategic places around the world involved in cabal activity have been taken out? How can we actually believe it is happening? I believed in it for awhile but then just lost interest since it all just seemed talk. If you can direct me to where I could find some evidence I would be very grateful.

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They haven't been taken out but I am telling you that there is for right now, a possibility that the White Hats are going to use the WW3 scenario to get rid of all of the Satanic Temples of which there are 34. Sooner or later they will all come down to stop riguals and flush out key players in the illuminati. So if it happens you will know. Nothing is for certain except they all will be taken down.

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Jeff Childers isn't a sociologist, but I am, and I think he's right about many world political events.


"So, late yesterday, Iran launched a harmless, slow-moving, unmanned drone swarm toward Israel. Over a period of about 8 hours, the swarm lazily floated toward Israel over Iraq like a noisy, buzzing cloud, giving Israeli, U.S., British, Jordanian, and French fighter jets ample 'drone gallery' practice.

"Then around seven o’clock, Israel’s Iron Dome air defenses shot down whatever was left of the swarm except for seven cruise missiles, which somehow got through, blowing an unoccupied military latrine in southern Israel to smithereens and vaporizing one very unlucky Negev desert cactus.

"There were no Israeli deaths, no injuries, nor even any significant property damage. But the Iranians seem satisfied. Russia Today’s top headline this morning reported Iran’s mullahs say it’s over: ''Punishment’ of Israel completed, no intention to continue – Tehran.'”

Today, Jeff posted an update:


"Confirming our theory about the carefully-planned nature of the Iranian attacks against Israel, the Jerusalem Post ran a revealing story yesterday headlined, 'Iran informed Turkey in advance of its operation against Israel - Turkish source.' The article’s initial paragraph confirmed that Iran not only warned everybody about the attack ahead of time, but it was also to some extent negotiating its response with the Biden Administration:

"'Iran informed Turkey in advance of its planned operation against Israel, a Turkish diplomatic source told Reuters on Sunday, adding that Washington had conveyed to Tehran via Turkey that any action had to be 'within certain limits.'

"In other words, U.S. officials informed Iran its attack on Israel was okay as long as it met certain conditions. The article went on to describe President Blinken, I mean Secretary Blinken’s role in the talks, stamping the Secretary of State’s ugly, ever-present face onto the Iranian attack."

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how many more times will everyone get sucked in by the fear mongering ???

there was a great interview with a sheila from Iran who knew her history about who is who

Even in Iran - and we are led to believe it is the last country with an independent bank,blah blah...

All purposely placed foreign shills , long time planned ahead Zionist Bullocks

some of us will get hurt , some of us will die and some of us will live to tell the tale...

at least some will die for a good cause rather than being slaughtered

It's farcical


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With regard to, "While mainstream media (MSM) declares Isreali’s Iron Dome impenetrable, it was clear that Israel’s Iron Dome failed to intercept seven hypersonic missiles, hitting the target of their choice and sending a “shot across the bow.”, Scott Ritter, during an interview at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXfsoT-_044 , stated that Iran did not use any of their hypersonic missiles, which is something significant to be acknowledged. In other words, Iran so overwhelmed the Israel, U.S. And UK air defenses, that Iran was able to use non-hypersonic conventional missiles to strike its intended targets and this was a huge revelation to Israel, the U.S. the UK, and everyone else that these countries had better cool their butts, because they have no defense against such an Iran onslaught.

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Dr. Morandi, a guest on Electric Intifada, described Iran's missles as old and the drones as cheap, so Iran's cost for this attack was a few million whereas Israel's defence was a billion or more.

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You might be interested in listening to the Scott Ritter interview at the link I posted.

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by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood,

It came to them very late,

With long arrears to make good,

When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,

They were icy — willing to wait

Till every count should be proved,

Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.

Their eyes were level and straight.

There was neither sign nor show

When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.

It was not taught by the state.

No man spoke it aloud

When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.

It will not swiftly abate.

Through the chilled years ahead,

When Time shall count from the date

That the Saxon began to hate.

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Biden Admin trying to play both sides of the Israel/Iran conflict. We all know how that ends. US will be the biggest loser. No matter which side wins!

Unfortunately, there are many underlying religious, economic and cultural differences between these countries that most Westerners just don’t get. They need to solve their problems without U.S. or Russian influence.

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Exceptional focus and interpretation of this very controversial and episodically correct analysis.

Let's not let Iran test the words of the Biden administration or should we say the ultimate superpower nation-state. As to the bargain of the Trinity of the people:


Decoration of Independence

Bill of Rights

It might just be a bluff-call. Hope not for all our sake. We're somehow sucked into an ancient tit for resource grabbing opportunity whilst being ushered into the globalist agenda.

Then Again, the words from the president don't compute with the actions. Therefore its all a calculated advancement toward possible obscurity.

Much appreciated, logical assessment.

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Why is not obvious it was all orchestrated just like the Hamas "attack." There will be no WWIII just more of the Mosad, CIA, MI6, and yes, the Iranians too, making money and spreading materialism.

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