Dec 8, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

loved listening what you were saying and watching you paint while you said it. so reLAXing and soooothing. i gotta go paint something now. great color too. xoxo

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Dec 8, 2022·edited Dec 8, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

Here is a little 12 minute animated perspective on the narrative that has been crafted for us to believe in and the controlled opposition. As you say: (paraphrasing here) we cannot blindly follow people based on what they are saying just because they appear to be speaking on our behalf. We must look at what is behind those who we have considered "thought leaders".


Note: a full length feature film is being made of this story (independently made, of course) . Should be powerful. Watch for it.

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I just adore your authenticity, Reinette. And believe me, that is the highest compliment I can give a person. It is everythiing to me. Surely you must have some Truth-seeking forever optimistic Sagittarius in your chart. :) Thank you for all that you bring to us and for always being so open, willing to seek, and change your mind if necessary. I love what you said about water. Our ancestors surely knew that and we need a reminder, so thank you. Much love and respect to you. xoxo

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

Thanks Reinette. You are so right on the target -- brush by brush, we will collectively transform the world. There is no magic brush that will instantly make the door red, we must first know that we don't want the white door any more, envision the red door and take the action to make it red. You could not have demostrated the metaphor any better. I love you.

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

I saw the video with the lady who has been investigating the so called "drought" here in California and some time ago downloaded this information about "Primary Water" and how much water there is available if we just drill in the right places for it. I dont remember where I got this from ... and it may have even come from you so if so I apologize! But in any case I felt it was very important and game changing if we had a government here in California that wasn't so corrupt and greedy!

So here it is!


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Fantastic! Thank you. I just listened to Clif yesterday and you just made him make sense for me. Love the cleaning house gets messier at first, then house rules. Brilliant, as usual.

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

Thank you Reinette for shining a light on AFLDS. There will be many curtains to pull back, you just removed one from the list. It amazes me how deep some of this sh_t goes. On the surface it's just a narcissistic crazy lady going for broke...and then you discover it's another set-up to bilk, mislead and destroy.

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Yes. 100%.

This is fantastic. I'll just share this here: Elon Musk and Desantis are not to be trusted. In my gut, I know they're part of the controlled opposition. I say this because of Desantis's history in Guantanamo (and the "suicide hangings" of three prisoners just before his rapid rise to a powerful position (main attorney overseeing "ethical treatment" of prisoners) in Fallujah. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/state-politics/article218804380.html

Elon Musk has been boldly promoting Baal/Satanic/Evil via his gestures (devil's horns, costumes, references, inverted crosses and all-seeing eye symbolism). He, his wife, and his mother have all displayed the symbolism/signs that point to their belief system. Do not trust either one.

Love, Kat

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

Thank You Reinette, beautifully said.

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Dear Reinette,

For some reason my video isn’t playing past minute 3:00; is probably my connection so will have to listen when I have better reception.

But I heard enough to let you know that no matter, what, even if I draw different conclusions on a topic, I’ll ALWAYS hear what you have to say with an open mind as possible, because I trust your intentions and integrity.

Looking forward to hearing the rest of this as soon as I can, as well as Part 2 when you’re ready .🥰

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Another Uncle Clif fan!

I think I know where you're going with this, but let's see..!

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

Wow... you've put into words something that i've been feeling for the past few months but could never quite articulate. thank you. warmed my heart

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

Desantis declares war on Big Pharma... vows to get compensation for injured vaxxers..


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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

This was a proper Word! Thank you so much for this lovely, multi-faceted expression towards hope and freedom! I listened as I drove up a crowded So Cal freeway at rush hour this eve, buoyed by your words and all those who've "mm-hhmm" and nodded along! Thanks, Reinette. Divine energy is part of our DNA~ it flows in and through our waters within and without. Loved the way you shared that! New doors are opening and new energy is flowing in... everywhere! xo

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Dec 8, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

Oh thanks! Maybe I got the thing from her? I found it on my work computer so I mustve downloaded it recently. Anyway we have to wake the people up!

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Reinette Senum

finally got to listen you are so cool. aren't ya suppose to use tape

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