Didn't offer" "Psy-op" as a vote.

I would vote for Pys-Op.

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I chose to NOT see SoF as 2 yrs of research tells me Ballard is a conman .

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Me too...

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Absolutely agree. Distraction.

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Really? Q-Anon is a Psy-Op, not this film. It has been conflated with Q, but has nothing to do with that.

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- Q-Anon is a Psy-Op

--- True! It was a fascinating one to watch too from a psychological perspective - wow. I knew some smart people who were falling for the improbably and non-sensical over and over. It seems amazing to me but some people still don't get that it was a psy-op.

- It has been conflated with Q

--- That seems like an easy one, since Q was leading people down the rabbit holes of child trafficking, satanic ritual abuse, mind control (e.g. MK ULTRA), pedophiles in powerful positions controlled by blackmail (Epstein), etc. So it is an easy thing to conflate the two, and people with zero ability to think critically will fall for that.

But the fact that Q was a psyop, and the two have been conflated is not evidence that SoF is not a psyop.

But what I realized from your comment, which I hadn't connected before, is that one of this movie's target markets is those Q-Anons and others who were exposed to the child trafficking back in 2020 (or earlier) - it's providing validation, distraction/stress, steam release (for those pesky conservatives who would be willing to stand and fight for an issue like this... to instead take the air out of their sails and/or redirect their energy and money to foundations that will do nothing to stop child trafficking... in other words, off load responsibility to a 3rd party savior/hero.

Of course the other target market is the people who are just waking up to this issue of child trafficking - for them it's revelation of the method and something the distract and stress them so they can be fretting about this (while doing nothing effective to stop it) and missing the sleight of hand being performed by the powers that ought not be as they roll out one of their other many tentacles of enslavement.

And what could it be that they are distracting us from?

One world programmable digital currency and the social credit system?

W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty? There was a great episode in The End of COVID about this... plot spoiler: Tedros can declare a pandemic emergency if there is the POSSIBILITY of a pandemic and all nations signing onto this forced enslavement of their citizens must comply with all the dictatorial edicts of the WHO - like forced vaccinations, lockdowns, forced suffocation, etc - we know the drill

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Thanks for posting this. It is excellent!

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Your mention of the WHO is spot on. All Buyden has to do is sign us up, so to speak and we will lose our FREEDOM and SOVEREIGNTY. Take a look into "Liberty Council" they are in the thick of this and are keeping us (those who pay attention) well informed as to how easy it would be for the Buyden administration to do just this!!!!! Liberty Council is in this for the fight and the long haul to do whatever it takes to keep "We the People" FREE!!!!!!

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who said anything about Q? That's a psy-op too.

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At this time 75% of people have shared information about trafficking. That is 75% more info sharing than before SOF came out. So the idea that this movie isn't going to do anything about trafficking is false. Normal people going through their day to day lives are not that aware of trafficking as the person in your video you posted tried to say.

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- 75% more info sharing than before SOF came out

--- okay, that's data validated by this survey. You have to have awareness before you you can stop something, so awareness of the issue is good.

- the idea that this movie isn't going to do anything about trafficking is false.

--- that is an unfounded assumption that you cannot make from the data in the survey. Just because more people know about this diabolical 'business' doesn't imply they are going to actually do anything about trafficking. What have you personally done to stop trafficking since you saw the movie? What actions have the people you have shared the movie with done to stop trafficking?

It likely serves to stress people out even more, and make them feel powerless to do anything against this most evil of crimes. Unless people stand up en masse to push the government HARD and force them to have accountability*, or do other concrete things to stop it, it serves to normalize this situation. And funding (donating) to organizations run by psychopaths like the Clintons and Podestas is not helping the situation, it's funding the perpetrators.

* I say the government because that is who is allowing, implementing and profiting the most from child/human trafficking. Biden has encouraged mass migration across the southern border and rewarded them with US passports, cash and plane tickets to various cities in the US. The Biden administration has 'lost' 85,000 unaccompanied children.


"The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), a part of the Administration for Children and Families, provides social services for unaccompanied children crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.

Earlier this year the office came under fire for reports children were being placed with abusive “sponsors” and made to work full time in grueling conditions, violating child labor laws. An Inspector General report released in 2023 additionally criticized the agency for not conducting background checks on employees and contractors charged with caring for children.

Our auditors at OpenTheBooks.com found that the agency spent $2.7 billion to “sponsor” unaccompanied minors – a staggering $18,000 per child. Roughly 150,000 unaccompanied minors were encountered at the southern border in fiscal year 2022.

However, today, reports indicate that up to 85,000 “sponsored” children are missing – their locations and whereabouts are not known. "

-- https://openthebooks.substack.com/p/us-spent-13-billion-sponsoring-unaccompanied

I'm not saying child (or human) trafficking is not a problem... it's a huge problem and should not be allowed to happen. The perpetrators at all levels should be caught and punished harshly!

I'm not saying that people should not be made aware of it, like I said above, awareness is good, it's the first step to eliminating the problem. But considering the fact that this IS happening in our world, and seeing the extent to which child trafficking, ritual satanic abuse and pedophilia (especially among the rich and powerful) has come out and reached the public in the past few years (maybe you missed that until now) and that there has been a huge push to normalize pedophilia it looks to me like this is just another of their entertainment steam release/'revelation of the method' programming tools. And they are so clever, so bold and arrogant (maybe justifiably so because so many people are still falling for it) that they are 'revealing' this now (revelation of the method), giving you a hero/savior to take care of the problem (steam release), and directed you with emotional manipulation to donate (i.e. fund) to organizations 'that are helping', so you can feel like you're doing something to help when you really are not. Let's not look too deeply into those organizations lest we find out that they are run by psychopaths who are perpetrating this evil.

I'm interested in seeing how many of the people who donated to 'other organizations' were able to find organizations that actually do seem to have integrity and be doing something effective rather than just paying outrageous salaries to their administrators.

I have a question too - this movie seems to be doing well 'at the box office' - i.e. making money. So I wonder where that money is going? Carlos Slim funded it. If the movie turns a profit (which I think it already has? I could be wrong about that) does Carlos Slim get a share of that profit? Are they donating the profits, and to whom, and are they willing to open their books to an audit with total transparency to the public?

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You are correct when you say "Just because more people know about this diabolical 'business' doesn't imply they are going to actually do anything about trafficking." However LESS people knowing isn't "going to actually do anything about trafficking either". I believe they have been trying to normalize trafficking since they first started putting the pictures of children on milk cartons. At first it got people's attention, but after a while, we all just got used to seeing the kid while eating our cereal. I don't know how, but I am hoping that if people come to the realization of how we have been bamboozled our entire lives, they will rise up. I pray they will.

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I agree with you that less people knowing isn't going to help either. Good point about the children on the milk carton. I had forgotten about that, but I don't think we had that when I was a kid... however I have seen the pictures of the milk cartons and some coverage of it so I know what you mean. I think you are right about that normalizing, and also putting some fear into the population - changing their behavior so people were less trusting to others, choosing to limit themselves. I imagine kids sitting eating their cereal with that in front of them... almost programs us to feel like victims.

I pray too that people will wake up and realize that we have been lied to about almost everything, manipulated on every level and that finally people will rise up against these sinister forces.

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I donated to Operation Underground Rescue O.U.R.

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Now that everyone has bought into Breast Cancer Awareness, donations to the breast cancer industry are way up!! The breast cancer industry, btw, suppresses actual cures and prevention, and reaps millions with mammograms etc. and mutilating women's bodies in the name of treatment. Awareness can translate to supporting the wrong side of the war. I Stand With Ukraine!!


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As with everything, one must vet the entities you are donating to. The whole pink ribbon thing has been a money-making scam. Pharma doesn't want to cure cancer, that would put a stop to their income. Luckily, there are NON-FDA approved cures out there. BTW, if you stand with Ukraine, you are on the side of a country that is a hub of human trafficking, bio labs and nazis.

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Re Ukraine. Do you follow JR Nyquist, the lifelong anti-communist?

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Not yet! I stand with Ukraine was sarcastic. I assume you got that, right? does Nyquist have something to add to what Nancy keeler said above?

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Nyquist? Good God Yes! Decades of research and writings futilely trying to expose a communist threat that *supposedly* ended with Boris Yeltsin assuming the Presidency.

Everyone knows that economic Marxism doesn't work, so U.S. university profs set out to impose cultural Marxism in education; and the end result is the disintegration we see around us and near-universal support for a communist like Putin and his henchmen. Russian psyops has a lot of control over our thinking and so does our CIA which is now commie along with the FBI and Presidency (starting with Clinton).

We no longer have a right-wing in the U.S. If someone supports Putin's invasion, they're a left-winger and the Dems are now socialists. This is called convergence.

JR Nyquist has a website--if you're interested. He was denied his PhD by a pro-communist review commitee which was all too aware of his anti-communist views.

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Sounds irresistible! I hope I can remember tomorrow to follow it u up!

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I’ve known about trafficking for years and also knew about the movie being made and shelved. It was very very well done and should help the masses to wake up to a huge problem that has flown under the radar for way tooooooo long. Seems to be the right time and the fact that it’s doing so well speaks volumes. I will continue to speak the truth about trafficking and support efforts to eradicate it!

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This is not an effective poll. So I will make a comment here. I am saddened that so many people in our community are questioning this film, including Reinette. It was extremely well done and has brought more attention to the trafficking of children than anything else so far. Isnt' that enough? Why all the questioning of intentions behind it or "controversies?" The media's response to it should tell you a lot about how it is bringing light to the traffickers. And millions of people are now aware of this problem who were not before SoF. I think everyone should see this film. It is about a horrific issue that desperately needs attention. I have known about it for over 20 yeaers. It is about time!

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Lynn Marie, Have you looked OUR's at their financials? Always follow the money.

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No I haven't. However I did look at Charity Navigator which gave OUR a 4 star rating at 100%. And even IF there are questionable financials, I stil support what they are doing. I do not think you are doing a service by questioning this movie and putting people on your podcast doing the same. This issue needs to be exposed, even if it was put out with sketchy money. They had to do what they could to make it happen, given the huge pushback from the elite network involed in trafficking.

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Do you hear yourself Lynn? "No I haven't. However I did look at Charity Navigator which gave OUR a 4 star rating at 100%. And even IF there are questionable financials, I stil support what they are doing. I do not think you are doing a service by questioning this movie and putting people on your podcast doing the same." You haven't done your due diligence and followed the money trail to see who is truely benefiting? that's the first thing you do when investigating anything or anyone. But you don't care, as stated. Motive is everything, so is timing. You don't think Reinette should "question" the film and those producing it. Any time, anyone tells someone they should not "question" something that is suspect to me. You really think that those who produced this film are doing so to help expose the truth? And that the end justifies the means....? They are "Agents" for the men in power Lynn....There are countless ways to expose this horror and Hollywood isn't one of those venues. Lynn..

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I agree Lynn! There are many things that have been skewed regarding O.U.R. Many of those things Tim has addressed....At this point, anyone that has known about this horrid issue also knows that when you speak the truth you will be called crazy and have every conceivable “label” thrown at you! Disney shelved this movie for years. Others rejected it.....there is a reason for this! This is how they do it...... anyone who gets called a “conspiracy theorist” should wear that badge with pride. Translation; you know how to do research and dig for the truth. More than one source and not via our government or entities beholding to them and creating a narrative. Covid was the perfect example, from the lies Gates, Fauci and Co told, to NIH, WHO, CDC and on and on. That’s a whole other rabbit hole! But if by now ANYONE believes that popular narrative, there is a problem.

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Watched it. Thought it was cringe propaganda pushing a technology solution.

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I don't remember any "technology" being pushed in the movie.

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They want to chip children for their safety. Problem reaction solution. The evil goes so deep that we could never understand it. TPTB have funded this film for more trauma based mine control. It is ritual abuse to bring our frequency down via a hive mind. Bringing attention to this crime against humanity will not change it but it will change you. If you think it helps then please share how.

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He's handed a tracker and told it can go either in a pocket or he can swallow it. He's then tracked on computer screens for the 2nd half of the movie. It seeds the narrative that finding people is easier with satellite tracking

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The thing is, technology can really be a miraculous help, but unfortunately the demons take it over and use it for evil instead of good.

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I haven't seen the movie but the technology I have heard about that is at least riding on the back of this movie (if not within it) is chipping children so you can track them - should they be taken. That's how it's being sold anyway. Tiptoe towards transhumanism.

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I've heard nothing about chipping kids in association with this movie. But what I find funny is all those out there all freaked out about "chipping kids" all the while these are the persons who ran out and got the vaccines and had their children vaccinated too. To this day the ingredients are unknown, they are all still EXPERIMENTAL and the long term affects have NO data or research. How can they, they haven't been through a minimum of 5-7 years required research prior to launching them on the general population. 💉🐀🐁

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Exactly. The chipping of kids is NOT in the movie, but some groups are trying to connect it. When chips first came out for our pets, I thought, what a great idea to be able to use for tracking a person. Unfortunately, technology is not only used for good, it is used for evil, so the benefit of this technology is only for those who would enslave us.

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I was in the Veterinary field for nearly 20 year's. The chips for our fur kids is a great idea. You are correct though. The idea of "chipping" humans will be labeled by "them" as a way to protect and save, which in all actuality will be for nothing more than evil intentions to "enslave, track and trace" us.

I've already seen videos of some "experiments" with people who've had "chips" put in their hands. Of course "they" think it's cool. I wonder how "cool" it will be when they've lost all FREEDOM to what use to be a "free society"???? 🐑🐑🐑🐑

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No the chipping of kids is not explicitly in the movie. But if we cannot connect the dots and see where things are going we are doomed to fall for whatever the evil-doers are planning. This will help connect the dots for you (hopefully).

First keep in mind, in the comments the creator of this video said,

"Angel Studios already changed the link I screen shot in my video:


Within an hour of my release. Still references Polaris...but much more subtle"

So he has the proof in the screenshot, but if you go to that page now, what you see may be different. Now for the video that connects the dots, and notice how he says at the start that he appreciates that this movie was made and released.


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I watched the Reese Report on this previously and was disgusted at these connections. I even asked for a response from Angel Studios about it, but got nothing. It really is disheartening.

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I saw nothing in the movie nor anything from O. U. R. about “chipping” children.

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There is an ad called GA Chip...to chip children in Georgia, sponsored by the Free Masons 🫣

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the film imo a hegelian heka Pilgrims Society lodge operation....

Why Are So Many Unwilling To Examine This Information About Sound Of Freedom? >


- 1h 29m 18s - 24Jul23 - sonsoflibertyradiolive

Tim Ballard, The Knights Templar and the Shocking Ties of Sound of Freedom to Pedo Rings >


- 1h 56m 14s - 22Jul23 - TheWarAgainstYou

Caviezel Says Michael Flynn, LGBT Pride Promoter, is a Hero to Christians >


- 11m 10s - 17Jul23 - The David Knight Show

June 5, 1909, The Day British & American Pilgrims Society Slavery-Demons Formerly Began The Takeover Of All Public And Private Life Globally - 10Sep21 >

Full Transcripts Of The Censored Public Records Of The First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 [Crystal City, Shepherd's Bush, London, UK], Jun 05, 1909—Jun 28, 1909.


Thank you Reinette for exposing these demons

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i can't say it "changed" me. I know so much about the dark underbelly in the world that this was mild and Lifetime-movie-ish compared to what goes on.

That being said, most regular people don't have this in their awareness, and without awareness, they will continue to do nothing because it's not on their radar.

So i think awareness is the potential first step to taking action. So many people were impacted by this film i can't say it's a bad thing, regardless of the intent behind it or funding behind it.

Did it affect me? no not really.

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I shared about the movie, about Operation Underground Railroad (aka O.U.R)., & about how the US is the largest consumer of crimes against children material & sometimes the top producer of the material. I will be giving to an org that rescues children from these horrific situations & provides extensive aftercare.

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I thought the film was very well done! All the negative speculation and backchatter is a very unnecessary distraction and undermines the film’s mission - to increase public awareness and hopefully finally put an end to this problem. So to all the critics who couldn’t find anything positive to say, I would echo a line in the script: “What if it was YOUR child…?”

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Thank you Reinette. I did more reaserch on this and am sure it has done a great deal of good. Some of the donors are still suspect but the movie itself was a very successful and very soft way to begin the very emotional topic that it addresses. I believe this is a loving way to introduce this topic and stimulate deeper conversation on a topic of such utter horror and unbelievable but real truth. It touches all of our lives in some way or another!

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I wouldn't touch a Hollyweird production with a ten-foot pole. Not happening. And this is a long-standing code of conduct for me, going back to the '90s.

I don't do predictive programming or deflection cinema (that which distracts from and dilutes real solutions). Maybe a film like this does some good in waking up some people, I don't know.

Some of the peripheral discussion of the film and related controversies caught my attention, but that doesn't qualify me to comment on the content. It is, generally speaking, content I have been exposed to under other circumstances that I have found informative.

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Hollywood would not take this film. It is not a "Hollywood film."

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Sorry for the (technical) misattribution. I stand corrected on that point.

Doesn't change the strong vibe I'm getting that this is serving the interests of other than truth and helpful intervention for victims. I'm not asking anyone else to go by such a means of assessing an info. source, and either way I'm generally open to learning. Just not through this film.

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You can watch it for free, if that's an issue. But, by not watching it, you cannot truly have a valid opinion on it. You're just conjecturing given your current state of knowledge and mind.

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Please do not misrepresent what I wrote.

I said that I am not qualified to comment on the content. I am commenting on the vibe, while stating clearly that I'm not asking anyone else to go by such a means of assessing an info. source. I also said that I am open to learning in the broader sense and have indeed opened myself to info. on the broader subject from other sources.

You are free to do what you want.

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Thanks. I do not believe I misrepresented what you wrote. You stated that you based you opinion on a vibe, which I contend is likely not as accurate as if you actually watched the movie.; and, you can do that for free, minus the time it would take to watch it.

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I tend to think most people on here are aware of the trafficking issue. Most posts address how the movie affected themselves only and they're entitled to their opinions. However, I believe the bigger purpose is to awaken the masses and we all know that you cannot do that by overwhelming people. As to what anyone and everyone can and will do about it, what are the masses doing about the myriad of horrific issues facing us today? I bow to Reinette for her aggressive action re chemtrails. We need more like her. Idk if there are nefarious agendas behind the scenes here and neither does anyone else w 100% certainty. The cabal is notoriously successful at disinformation so I cannot make any judgement for the time being. In the meantime if this movie serves to wake more people up then that's a positive in my book.

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They use reverse psychology all the time....

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NO TRAFFIC-VICTIMS WERE CONSULTED IN THE MAKING OF THIS MOVIE. Seems like Hollywood, the PROBLEM in this area, CASHING in on the problem...

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Is that it? Traffic victims are butt hurt because "they weren't consulted"? Wow....

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Wow, your a cold fish....If this film was Legit, they would have included real Victims and produced it like a True "Documentary" and not like a trash porn film, exploiting this issue of child-trafficking, for that is what they have done. Exploitation of children is what I see here in that trailer. They have presented it for the predator mind to get off on it...

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If traffic victims are such an integral part of solving human trafficking, why haven't you stopped it yet?

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Why are you so angry?

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I'm not angry, I just want to hear the plans from all the people i.e. trafficking victims, etc. who think they have better ideas of how human trafficking can be handled and how movies/documentaries depicting human trafficking should be made. Then I would like to know since they have these plans, this education, this experience on the subject why haven't they used it to stop human trafficking. The fact that trafficking victims are whining because they weren't asked for their input is really annoying.

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Looks like you're aging quickly, Greg. So much anger is no good for your health. <g>

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Hollywood would not take this film. It is not a "Hollywood film."

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sure it is

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Show us exactly why you believe this is a "Hollywood film". Provide some evidence. If you can't do that, you're just blowing wind.

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It's a major 'blockbuster' movie showing in major theaters with a major celebrity/star as the lead! LOL I don't owe you shit.

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Spot On Gregory! So Obvious...

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You're blowing wind... Apparently, you don't know the history behind this film...that it was prevented from coming to the screen for five years, etc.

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If its accepted on the World Stage, its part of that world stage....Thats the story they are telling, that it was prevented from coming to the screen for five years, Psy-op...It looks and smells of Hollywood....Trash, soft-porn is what that film is about...The trailer is all I needed to see.

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Do a little history behind this film and who’s behind it and why.

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go F yourself

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None of the above so no vote. Enjoyed it, loved Count of Monte Cristo more. It is a Fillum / Film, not a magnum opus. Hype / cultism around it - they are masons, encouraging chipping kids, blah blah blah. We KNOW paedos run the world and King Charles had uncle Louie and pal Jimmy Saville to procure. Same guy who launched 4th Ind Rev. Inherited (tax free in trusts) everything including the Pilgrim Society and Privy Council stooges who manage USA inc for him and the Khazarian / Venetian bloodlines who use Blackrock / Vanguard / State Street. End game / End Times bullshit. Cull the herd, wind down the slave farm, hand over to AI, save some for breeding, raping eating and torturing for kicks. Baal / Moloch / Lucifer / Satan inversion complete. Then God and Jesus kick arse and we see who is left. All the World Feds are the money lenders / controllers under BIS. Nice racket but unwieldy now.

Wachagonnadoaboudid. Nothing, maybe tut a bit.

They still will not win. Fuck em.

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I recommend Operation Toussant, which is currently on Amazon. It is an actual footage documentary of Tim Ballard's rescue operations in Haiti. For me that was more impactful to see real footage and discussions with the Haitian government than watching the Sound of Freedom.

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...and in my case, simply reading about Belgian child-trafficking.

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Packer Our Report 30: Exposing the Sound of Freedom hoax

Lynn Kenneth Packer investigative journalist dropped this report today.

I will not be supporting any Hollywood Movie.

There are better ways to stop Trafficking.

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If there ARE better ways, why hasn't trafficking stopped?

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Bingo! All of the characters surrounding the movie are traffickers themselves...and connected to the Clinton Foundation, the Free Masons, cartel and Hunter and Jim Biden. Go to Anon_fa_mous here on Substack for the receipts.

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One of your best traits Reinette? Your curiosity. Not enough of it in the world. But you have it in spades.

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I agree! Curiosity combined with objectivity. Reinette has both.

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