Of course, I can't speak for others, and I also don't have Substack-specific insight about declining subscriptions, but as far as my own financial patterning, I have just stopped subscribing to substacks simply because I had my fill, am reading lots of things, and I am getting the most of what I need right now by skimming summaries and titles - that are free. I've unsubscribed from 3, and only pay for 2 currently. It is my own budgeting. I realize this isn't great for writers, but I wonder if others are doing the same.

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I think people right now are tightening their financial belts. I also think people are ground down mentally, physically and emotionally. I think it's just "sensory overload," as the evil is just too great, too enormous on a quantum level, for people to just basque in it daily. People are disconnecting everywhere...........

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The budget only allows so much. I truly wish I could be a paid subscriber to all I follow but I simply can't.

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If it was all economic reasons - an inflation work-around - we'd see big drops in just "paid subscribers." The plunge in total (free) subscribers is also conspicuous. The goal of writers like us is to reach as many people as possible. We used to reach a lot more readers interested in "freedom" topics and content. Our growth rates have fallen off a cliff.

Stories that should reach far more people ... are NOT. That's no doubt the goal of the Censorship Industrial Complex. The stark decline in "paid" subscriptions will force many talented and important Substack authors to give up. That's probably another goal - probably the most-important goal.

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Ah, thanks for the clarification. I also do not subscribe to more 'stacks because I just don't want more to read. I have noticed a lot more people are now writing on Substack so I wonder if the greater number of writers has also diluted the subscriptions?

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Yes, there are clearly more people publishing Substack newsletters than X years ago. However, there are also many more people who have discovered Substack by now. So the "market" of potential readers is larger.

And many Substack authors have already raised the white flag. It seems to me the better-known writers that have a proven archive of popular articles should have a better chance to get their "unfair share" of whatever market exists for our so-called "freedom" market.

Even if article fatigue is the key explanation, the rate of growth still shouldn't have dropped this precipitously. IMO.

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The same thing happed to my damn instagram account. But social media is dumb and corrupt already. Substack was better than that.

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Lies are free in the open media...for TRUTH one must have a subscription...very sad

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Evidently not everyone understands that. 🤦 SMDH

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Same here. I've paired down.

Substack subscriptions were/are a bubble. There are only so many I can pay for. Many great authors here, and more every week ... but they seem to think the substack $$ wave will go on forever. As more authors come online, the subscriptions become more and more diluted.

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Same here...I’m in overload

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I think that's very true Jean-Baptiste. Sensory overload along with looming recession. Quite a combination. Burn out can go on a long time before you actually crash and have to unplug from all the noise.

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Sad but true

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Same. Unfortunately. However I did go against my own ill feelings of donating through give send go (I’m just so leery of everything on line now) but I did donate $300 for Reinettes fight against chemtrails.

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Me Too! I get excited about a writer, then as more is unearthed as time goes by, I change my mind and unsubscribe~ even from "free" accounts. I'm working at not falling down rabbit holes these days. In short, I'm limiting my exposure even to materials I know and trust to be accurate and true. It feels like too much negativity, and my nervous system respondes unfavorably to the input. Self Preservation is key for me right now. I'm trying to notice tiny little things that bring me a moment of pleasure, like a few gladiola bulbs blooming in one of my succulent gardens. I don't feel dominion/control over our current state of affairs (politically) and frankly, even though I care passionately about the state of our world, I can't afford to get bombarded by those who incessantly talk about it. Call me crazy, but I look for moments of joy each day, 'cause it feels like it's the only way I can stay content and stable, and help my clients surmount THEIR struggles. I feel I owe this to them AND myself.

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I very much hear you Shari, and have created a Substack specifically for you and more people seeking those tiny little moments of positivity. It's called Bright Side Writings, and my latest multi-part post is about Exploring The Wisdom And Beauty Of Trees. If you feel so inclined, I invite you to check it out.


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Yes, unfortunately it's not in my budget to subscribe as I would ideally like. That being said, in opting out it's also a way of non-compliance to their system. My apologies to the writers.Stay on it Reinette! 👍

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Opting out the eyes and ears . I mean, when walking down the street do we stop and stare at dog poo? Nope we know what it is and don't even pay attention to it, we dont really even look at it. We step right over it and on to our business. You've got it.

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Whaddayagonnadowenitz 1000-dogs-a-day?

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You're too clever..... I guess we'll have to stomp thru it. We will make it through this time you know? The insanity I mean. Grit. You got it.

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PAIN! Until the perpetrators suffer it,

all we'll get just rhymes with grit.

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I have been speaking about this from the mountain tops to the sea. It's soooo sad that our entire internet, our phone calls, all that we say is being harvested wherever possible and used against us and made BILLIONS off of. I wrote a recent article about this last week on June 12th here: https://diasporaoflove.substack.com/p/substack-is-selling-your-words

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Information overload is an issue. But I am seeing explosive growth in lefty stacks and diminishing on the conservative/ truther stacks. Always in one direction.

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I'm only a paid subscriber to one substack. While I appreciate journalistic integrity and free speech, I don't really want to pay to read peoples' thoughts. I wish I had other ways to support their work.

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I have subscribed to a number of presenters in the past but now only subscribe to one. In England where I live we have to pay nearly£160 a year just for our tv licence.

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tv license?

does that mean charge for cable tv, or Netflix?

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There are so many subscriptions available but not enough dollars to be able to subscribe to increasing number of choices . Part of the problem of the internet and the attempts to monetize everything. And part of the settling out of this market. Little wonder there are in the same vein so many free streaming services now offering ad inclusive free movies funded by advertisers who push their own agendas which if you can tolerate it you can entertain yourself for free. Then governments also get involved selling their own Agendas-for example the woke Trudeau government wants to impose a 5% tax on Netflix’s streaming revenue in Canada so it can reinvest it Canadian media productions . This in fact will be an additional tax on Canadians whom Netflix will then back charge through service fee increases. It’s getting very messy out there . And power and politics play a big part in this.

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I think this is a lot of it. That, and a stack cant just grow forever, and it isn't necessarily a linear relationship. A decline in paid subs isn't necessarily a sign of any wrongdoing on Substack's part.

I will say that the bipartisan divide is ultimately a false dichotomy, though there again, it's not like Substack is going to decide what people write about so-called "left" or "right" things, and people want categories so.

All that said, it's not that hard to make a blogging platform, so if this really did take a turn for the worst in that regard, a new place can always be put together. More than enough talent going around to make that happen.

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This is not shocking. The left ruins everything they touch. I expected substack to be hijacked and turned into another twatter or fraudbook. I like several of the authors here, but some I don't much follow anymore. There is simply nothing to trust where the media is involved as it is so easily infiltrated and controlled. Then again, how much does A/I play a role here?

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'The left' is controlled by the same world controllers as 'the right'. The Ashkenazi mafia headed by Rothschild controls the banks, the governments, the media, the left, and the right.

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They're JEWS. Why is it so difficult for people to use this word?

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BirthofaNewEarth, if you really look into this, they are not of jewish blood. They use Judaism as their cover.

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Bingo - Correct! "Khazarian" would be more accurate even though that also is too broad of a category... Reinette, you are apparently well-researched and that's one of reasons I subscribe... God bless & protect you!

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I believe the term "Zionist" fits best.

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Nope. Not in actuality. That’s the point Reinette just made above.

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You buy that?! This proxy line sounds like classic Jewish pulpilling to me, and is best deconstructed in The Invention of the Jewish People by Schlomo Sand. Bottom line, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, I say you gotta call it a duck.

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That's ridiculous.

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They're too ignorant and hate filled to understand that Reinette.

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The conspiratorial project of the “Jews” who are implementing their Talmudic agenda should be hated because it’s an evil project. So when you say, “hate-filled,” you are just exposing that you’re ok with this evil project which has murdered tens of millions already. Proverbs 8:13: “The fear of the LORD is to hate evil …” Maybe you should hate the agenda of the Jewish cabal also. Kinda of like how Jesus did (John 8:44).

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Someone had mentioned something regarding a book with this subject, and our comments were “deleted”. I let the writer know that he’s a hypocrite.

He was banned off Twitter, FB, Instagram. Yet, he did exactly what he didn’t like! I let him know, and unsubscribed.

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They're Zionists.

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Because your history is so very faulty, that's why. The Talmud was written centuries before the Khazarians even converted to Judaism in mid 700 AD as per Jewish researcher Arthur Koestler in his widely referenced book The Thirteenth Tribe.

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Not according to my research which is several sources.

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That is exactly the problem. They compromised Bitchute also which will block or remove videos that criticize the fake Jews mafia who control the planet. If you expose them, they will tag it as "hate speech". They are fake Jews, have no semitic blood and criminalize those who expose them for who they are. They are Babylonian Rhadhanites, fake jews, the Khazarian mafia who created the fake state of Israel via the Rothschild Balfourd declaration.

See these posts also:

How to remove the SMART DUST technology of the Mark of the Beast. This technology is to be activated next year and will enslave humanity!



How to end the global elections rigging system now!


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I wonder if, when they turn on 5G, billions of the jabbed will simply drop dead.

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Fakery all over. But I have not met a genuine lefty. They have a fantasy worldview divorced from reality. It is astounding.

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oh. you mean by exposing corporate corruption and connecting the dots between who has the money and who runs the world - and what the MIC and technocrats and medical gestapo are up to? That's fantasy? The truthtellers that were the true lefties that I know were deplatformed, same as on the right. You really need to get over this left/right idea, which keeps us all marching lockstep along, left-right-left-right, hating each other rather than uniting toward our common goal to throw off all the oppression. As long as people are stuck in politricks, they are doing the bidding of the Owners, who are far above that theater of the absurd, yanking all the strings and chains of the mass psychoses hypnotized. They just love our silly fighting over different 'sides' of the same coin. Now with AI in the mix, this will increase unless we all smarten up and start Thinking.

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The 'Ashkenazi' are Jews the KHAZARIAN MAFIA ARE NOT.

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How many bot accounts are messing things up in one direction? Leftist cannot play fair because their ideas suck.

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I have a small stack, but noticed the same. I assumed inflation, but no, clearly something nefarious is afoot. Thanks for continuing to post. We must keep going.

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Yes we must!

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My concusion - after some fairly involved analysis - is that It's not inflation, or not entirely inflation.

Whether people realize it or not, if Substack has become "captured" this would be Bad News for the Good Guys.

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Captured would imply it was free to begin with. Seems more and more like a video game to waste our time. I am reducing my time on here because of the skullduggery.

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This is trend, anything right of Stalin gets throttled and limited.

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Then there's also this. Substack is selling our words: https://diasporaoflove.substack.com/p/substack-is-selling-your-words

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Dang! I was afraid of this. I think every creator out there has a fear of their creativity being plagiarized and profited by thieves, and finally, this, along with Reinette's article, confirms it. Now what?

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Right? It seems everything gets corrupted and coopted sooner or later.

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Back to posting on our websites.

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where nobody sees it. unless you have a way to send a lot of traffic to your website (like a big email list, and I have one, but I still lost my ORGANIC traffic), you're writing in the forest--as in, if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to hear it, does it exist?

google scrubbed the internet of MY subject matter (natural / holistic health) in 2019-2019, well before covid. my articles (writing millions of words, for 18 years now) used to rank in search results, and didn't, after a major google update.

it wasn't just me. the community of holistic health bloggers and entrepreneurs came together and many of us took massive action to get our organic search results back, we hired SEO specialists who gave us lists of ways to try to recover our traffic--I personally lost 85-90% of my organic search traffic--and none of it worked.

the only thing that has worked (a little) is becoming a Google advertiser. turns out if you PAY google, they don't censor you out of the search results as much. :-( how long can small businesses, though, taking a huge hit for four years now, pay so much of their revenue to FB, Google, etc?

My ad people want me to advertise on Microsoft now. What, MICROSOFT, you ask? Yeah because they own Bing and Duck Duck Go! who also collect your data to sell advertising on their platform.

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bingo. this is right on target.

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Feeding AI, to use against us.

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I was just researching "metrics" for yet another story of mine that explores this distinct possibility. I don't think it's "paronoia." Other trends might explain some of this. For example, people who decided they have too many Substack subscriptions and are now cutting back. But this development doesn't come close to fullly explaing the change in numbers I'm seeing. Thanks for highlighting some of your numbers. It will take "crowd-sourcing" to figure out the subterfuge that's probably at play here.

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Predators benefit from knowing man better than most people care to know themselves. They also benefit from applying the rules of non-physical reality. Majority consent of man energizes dark agendas b/c there are no rules about how to obtain consent. May 1979 Silent Weapons for Quiet War pages 30-35. Introduction to Economic Amplifiers: The citizen will almost always make collection of information easy if he can operate on the "free sandwich principle" of "eat now, and pay later." https://ia802300.us.archive.org/10/items/silent-weapons-for-quiet-wars_202110/Silent%20Weapons%20for%20Quiet%20Wars.pdf

What about publish now and pay later?

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Good points, Doreen. Sad, however.

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Beautiful, that is called making the best possible decision.

Just came in from garden, Cucumbers over 5' tall, lettuce ready and thriving, tree orchid in full bloom among other marvels. You are not crazy at tll. You are saving your sanity.

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Reinette - I promise this is not a shameless plug. On Memorial Day this year I took a leap of faith and published my very first post on Stack. Within one hour after posting my inaugural message it was removed by Substack and my homepage was blocked by Them. Their initial response to my question of Why? had my content been removed, was that I had violated something to do with rules about 'phishing' and some such thing. I filed an inquiry and protest immediately via the Ai driven help chat avenue. Five days later I received an email from Substack stating that removal of my content was a "mistake" and my content and homepage were reinstated. The whole ordeal was very odd and extremely frustrating for me, particularly given the non-human Ai run hoops I had to contend with for 5 days. At 75y.o. and not very computer savvy I wouldn't even know where to begin to set up some 'phishing' scam. My Memorial Day message was tame by comparison, a personal prayer more than anything. Please check it out, you be the judge. https://4getwar.substack.com/p/memorial-day-2024-forget-war

An additonal note:

I know first hand how incredibly insidious and pervasive the disease of 'totalitarian indoctrination and Marxist ideology' has infiltrated even the finest of minds. I can tell you for a fact that the "geniuses" building the control Beast technocratic system are completely devoted to their task of creating a Utopian world, Freedom and Liberty be damned. We know it will never be Utopian and is already proving to be Dystopian of evil proportions never before known to humankind. I can say no more. Please contact me via substack private dm if you would like to discuss this more. Bravo to all of your incredible efforts to expose the truths and work towards solutions! God bless you.

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No "shameless plug" taken. I'm sorry to hear of your hassles, and even more sorry to hear how it happened. AI gone amuck. And AI will never get us to Utopia.

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Definitely true. It is and has likely been the latest data collection gambit.

A restaurant is as good as its last meal. Sub is serving slop.

Perhaps something even better will emerge...

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I use my substack for the purpose of thwarting the desire of the lefties to impose totalitarian rule over ,amlomd/ The owners of tubstack continue to allow me to do so

Terry Oldberg



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It's to be expected, of course. Firstly, 'wokism' is an operation of the establishment (intelligence, military, corporate, etc.). The establishment is controlled by the Ashkenazi Jewish mafia headed by Rothschild banking. It's not that Substack has gone 'woke'. It's that Substack has either been bought by the cabal/mafia, or it is complying with "national security" directives to do what the cabal wants. You think the controllers aren't paying attention to every outlet on the internet which can be used to spread the truth? Its possible that the only reason Substack and 'X' are allowing ANY truth at this point is to identify the dissidents for the upcoming Bolshevik purges on America.

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Excellent comment. Control over dialog has been ongoing since well before the "Spanish" Inquisition > which wasn't "Spanish"... International finance and trade are the hallmarks of legalized theft via whatever proclaimed agency. Wokism has always justified property theft...

“People have been stealing apples from one another’s trees for over 5000 years

and there’s still not enough food to go around” - Paul Vonharnish - (3/26/2022)

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substack WAS bought, in 2022. as in, a major cash infusion, by the usual suspects investing in everything they want to control.

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As a free subscriber on Substack (from the beginning)

This was an enjoyable online magazine with free informative articles.

Slowly, there seems to be quite a few 'Henny Penny's" here. Understandably so considering the world shutdown and the evils being exposed.

However mankind can complain and complain with no solutions eminent, other than professing some form of social destruction,outcry etc.

nothing can truly be resolved.

One is tiring from the complaining, the continued revelations of the insidiousness of evil and how deep the deceptions and evil seems to be.

Its not uplifting, it's not new or newsworthy.

Recently a poster engaged through direct message..

All seemed ok, yet was it a real person? Are they paying someone to communicate with me? What was their motivation to engage?

I declined...

Have been considering removing the app...


There are persons like yourself. Dedicated, serious. Yet how much must one pay for helpful 'free' information?

I read MANY articles, to consider investing on each subscription FORCES me to restrict access to a variety of information.

- its all or nothing for me.

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Vinnie, I grapple everyday with what I'm going to post. I don't want to be another Henry Penny, I want solutions, patterns to be identified, and a way forward. I do understand that most people cannot afford to pay for a subscription, this is why I don't hide my content behind a paywall. Why would I? If it's that important, don't I want to share with the masses?

Thank you for your support, and your comment. It means a lot.

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Those of us who know and care, able to use discernment and God-given intellect do our best to seek those like yourself...

you all know who you are...

This is why one has not yet pressed 'delete' for my Substack App.

Thank you for all you have done and continue to do.

My family thanks you as well.


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Reinette, it could be that, the elites invested somewhere around $10M if I recall, in 2022, which made me think there would be shift away from those crusading for medical freedom and freedom in general, to steal the platform into other topics...

...I'll go check my own subscription revenue, it hadn't changed as of 3 months ago, and I don't think my readers find my content by being shown it on the platform, reading other blogs, they find it by it being emailed to them, and my posting about it. But another possibility to consider:

Ask every small biz owner you know. Last fall, revenues went off a cliff. I've made a hobby out of asking my colleagues in my little cottage industry what has happened to their revenue, and about last Fall, people just quit their discretionary spending. 30% decline in revenue is about the average of what I'm hearing from small business owners across various sectors. I'm sure you realize that most cannot withstand a 30%+ decline in revenue. Not without taking drastic actions like layoffs, and maybe not at all, if they're highly leveraged.

So don't discount that it COULD just be the undeclared recession I believe we've been in, since about last Oct. (Analyst Danielle DiMartino Booth, who worked at the Fed for 9 years through the Great Financial Crisis, has said as well).

When people have to whack their spending, it isn't gonna be groceries and the power bill. It's gonna be, unfortunately, donating to causes, and subscribing to non-necessary stuff. :-/ Looks like the last commenter told you the same, only from the POV of a subscriber: had to cut spending for the sake of her budget.

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Yes, I definitely was thinking just this... and it MUST be playing a role. However, I'm seeing additional whacky signs. In the meantime, the way things are going, we can expect people to be tightening their belts even more in the very near future.

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yes. already i'm seeing signs in the grocery store. Prices skyrocketing, sometimes by 100%. Cost of living rising. Wages and fixed income falling.

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It took me awhile at first to "get it." I learned long ago with book publishing that messages that go against the fantasy are not getting daylight. Madam, you must know that your writings and postings, as are mines, are an irritant to narrow, selfish minds. Those minds control the playing field unfortunately. I learned something else, a real long time ago, "EXPECT NOTHING FROM ANYONE EVER," and that way you will never be disappointed and appreciate any small advance. You just "knowing" the situation is leaps and bounds ahead. My substack is below the basement in shadow bands, I've been knowing it. I don't care....it's just an irritant to me, and it validates my position. Yours too. They don't stifle and ban liars.

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Well said, my friend.

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Censorship rising

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At least you guys can access money from people wanting to pay for subscriptions. I'm in South Africa and cannot access any pledges for paid subscriptions, because Stripe, the payment processor used by Substack does not pay out to my country.

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I'm very sorry to read this. that is a form of censorship and monopoly. I'm sorry for my cynicism, but since South Africa is the target of much greed of Western countries and Europe, and most likely, Asia (wanting to extract minerals, mine the fuck out of it, control its population, etc) this does not surprise me at all that your voices there would be silenced by strangling ways to be paid.

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