thank you for what you bring Reinette - so appreciate you and your guests. I find time for you cause you lift me up.

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Reinette, thank you for being the living example of grace, wisdom, and raw authenticity. So appreciate having your light in this world.

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I second and third what Catherine and Neelu wrote. You bring something special to Substack, Reinnette. Thank you for sharing your stories and your wisdom and for having amazing guests like Neelu Blue. So many gems in this conversation. 💗

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Valor, now there's a word we don't hear very often anymore. It's fitting, you are a woman of valor Reinette!

Power vs Force - I have that book, it was influencial on me. Now that I have been reminded, I think it's time to read it again.

That's so interesting about your ability to manifest things, and notice it, while you were in the quiet of Alaska. I think one of the reasons for all the 'noise' in our environment, the distractions, the addictions (including things like consumerism, addiction to 'information', to social media, etc as well as substances), With all the noise, and the resulting noise in our own minds, I think most of us barely notice what we are thinking. It's hard to see that we are manifesting but especially if we are not aware of what we are thinking, and saying. They do their spellcraft and all of a sudden everyone is parroting the buzz-phrases. What power to manifeset lies within that spellcraft?

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i love that about the water and plants. the plants i knew but the water is newer to me. we have a beautiful world waiting if we are willing to let go. yesss we feel love all together at the same time , we can blow bad out of our universe. paradise

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finally got to listen. wake up being grateful with every breathe and step we take. thank you reinette. we need to open up our intuition. i had it when i traveled but not as strong now

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