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I lived in the area for years. Alays a windier part of LA, but never remember this.

Meanwhile in the Phoenix area all the line clouds that have been appearing starting before sunrise in the east lessened yesterday and none today even though the sun currently has its funny haze. Phoenix area started getting sprayed daily since about mid Nov and now just gone🤔. A friend in the Vegas, NV area and I compare skies many days and both areas about the same and both at same time not getting bombared. I question if speaying the skies in this pattern could corral a weather event within sort of an L shape.

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Tucson skies are filled with criss crossing massive chemtrails. Whoever is responsible needs to be drawn and quartered, nothing less.

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The skies have been clear here since early Wed. morning. Very odd🤔, heard the same from someone who lives in San Marcos, CA.

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