I really don’t believe this. I think we nuked them ourselves and are trying to put the blame on someone else We’ve had all this planned out for years but people were totally asleep and still are. Not buying more bullshit from this lying country Let’s see we did 911/ and then attacked a country that did nothing I’d be looking at the WEFErs or any of the 3 letter alphabet butt wipes

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From what I can tell, we took part in the operation. I don't think we just let it happen. Again, they are all in cahoots with each other. Please watch the video if you haven't. It's very eye-opening.

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it makes no sense for China to do it, but makes sense if the war mongering demons in charge our government want to prep folks for war with China

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Your Demons In Government Have Sold Out To China & The World Economic Forum!

Why Are Politicians That Earn $150,000 A Year Multi-Millionaires! Wakey Wakey!

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So China has burnt whole towns in Hawaii

and California….and the Pentagon doesn’t (or didn't, until a month after) want us to know.

Got it.

Does this mean Lloyd Austin will be resigning?

Or just trading his uniform to receive his retirement package?

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dogismyth said:

“Why havent they tracked down the water boy guy and beat his ass? the siren guy? the governor guy?”

Recent FKTV video, with Todd Callendar,

discusses “invalid oaths of public office”...see link in post below.

The Maui-HI WEF Middle Managers/15 Minute City Henchmen need to be reviewed…


The police Chief/Coroner of Lahaina

Mayor of Lahaina

Governor of Hawaii

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August 24, 2023

Guest hosts Michael Yon and Ann Vandersteel are joined by Todd Callender and Lisa McGee on The Alex Jones Show to call out invalid oaths of office from authoritarian vaxx pushers in government.


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This has been talked about for a long time and tried , AGAIN the question is always who [that is also not corrupted and in on it as stakeholders] will do the enforcement , the arrests or "removal" ?

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CCP is getting revenge for 3 Gorges Damn. This is per intel from a reliable source. Since our government supports CCP expect a few more like this. The DEW weapons were triggered by satalites which put those triggers on the radar of WHITE HATS and the balloon that mapped the area to line up exact timing also helped them hit their targets. Oprah and all BLUE HOUSE people knew ahead of time (like passover) and had planned to buy land up and sell it cheap to CCP. That was their payment and gift from CCP! That is what I know!!

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Sep 14, 2023
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Which theory are you calling the fantasy, just for clarification...

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The Fact Those Balloons Traversed All of North America Proves Complicity By The USA & Canadian Government Or They Would Have Been Shot Down As Soon As They Entered Our Airspace!

They Had To Be Authorised!

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What do you mean "we?" Are you part of the Luciferian cabal who staged the Lahaina burn out? This was planned by the group pf occultists of which Oprah and The Rock were two. Oprah is a witch. I don't know if Rock is.

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We must consent to everything "they" do to us on some level. That means that if we sit back and eat popcorn and say how "We are not as powerful as God made us so we are victims of them!", (just do not participate/do nothing) to help win this Spiritual War, (Deny the powerful children of Father Mother God, that we are!) we consent and we comply, or if we agree with them we consent, or if we support the CABAL with our money, we consent. (The CABAL are sneaky) so they can attempt to bribe, blackmail, torture you, torture someone you love or get you to agree to torture others as your consent of what they are doing and sooooo..., we need to look at ourselves and ask, are we doing the easy thing here by just complying or what will lead to the "hard" thing later on (Confuscious says, "Easy now Hard later"). I

I do not comply by loving them (which they hate), I do not comply by bartering with my neighbor for healthy vegies while I give them raw milk from my cow, I do not comply by noticing someone is in need and realizing I can help them, I do not comply by smiling when I see someone or talking to a homeless person...it goes on and on!! It all works for the good and it all is powerful like the widow who gave one penny which was all she had even though the others before her gave much much more! Love, Sharon

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The Rock Surely An Evil Baby Eater He Said So Himself On SNL Which Is No Longer Comedy & Your Government, DOD & Pentagon & Three Letter agencies Are Full Luciferian, Your Cognitive Dissonance Is Not Letting You See The Big Picture!

Thank God This Pedophile Creep is Dead Now He Raped Children In The L.A Tunnels Taken From A Daycare, But He Worked In Psy-ops With Valley, Flynn & McEnerney!


Linda Please Read My Posts From This Story I Have Spoke To All Of This Ad Nauseum!

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Correct all fingers of the same hands , otherwise where is our supposed HIGHLY BUDGETED SPACE FORCE , where is the insanely expensive Reagan era Star wars defense system, why has no one current in military leadership spoken out about this. What does all that and more say , as our traitor Milley admits American/Nato Ukraine war effort is total failure , and now all those trillions and military equipment needed to defend American when actual military invasion hits here, is now gone . All very strategically planned by Kissinger and company.

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Come again....We??? Why would you lump us in collectively with them Reinette? These idiots 'running things', don't have OUR consent or approval for their murderous actions and they don't speak on our behalf and I'd be willing to bet most people here would agree. Poor choice of words and that clickbaitey title is really deceptive.

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Well!!! I will put it this way the WEFers want total control and the USASSHOLES are part of them If China was involved we would have nuked them. I have a feeling there all in bed together but who ever wins this war on the world will have total control of the world But we won’t be important enough to be here That’s there agenda and when people wake up they will see their at war with the people This is WW111 but a different kind of war They didn’t kill enough people with the Jab they didn’t kill all the farmers our food is pretty much gone except Bill Gates food that will give us a slow death. Their controlling the weather So why believe China did this it’s the ELITEs that want the people gone Listen to that ignorant governor of Hawaii and listen close two months before this even happened he was talking about this and taking there land

It’s a rotten game there playing but it’s all about them

Do some research on the Rockefeller’s any of the elite that are going to these meetings and planning our future. All these 3 letter alphabets are as evil as you can get. I ask how did we let them get all this power.

We were asleep.

I do appreciate you post and your thoughts I just have a different view on this but we all should have our own opinions on anything Thank you

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Sep 12, 2023
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Let me tell you what, who and why. I am a Slav and very well read in the history of Eastern Europe. The people that are now running the US and the Western World are ashkenazi Jews. Including that governor of yours in Hawaii. They are converts from the old Khazaria which existed in Eastern Ukraine and Crimea in 600-800ad. They believe that the 21 century is their century. They are trying to make Ukraine and parts of Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Iran into greater Israhell. All the wars since 9/11 were fought for them. All the human beings that perished was for them and by their doings. Read their Talmud. It is all there! Maui and most of the other islands are on their radar. Malibu where I lived for many years has turned into Israhell West and so is a big part of Los Angeles. They are moving here from Israhell by hundreds of thousands. We are told about the mess on our southern borders but not about this horrific invasion. The other day, one of these monsters told me that our days are numbered and he laughed at us the stupid Christians. To them we are Goyim, the animals in human form. This is where the true evil is.

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Yes - imagine blaming China for Lahaina on 9/11. We are reaching the clownworld singularity. These decrepit fools keep using the same playbook and the low-information people cheer as Raytheon, Boeing and Satan Inc. makes bank. Mission Accomplished amirite?


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I totally agree!

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Absolutely correct. This is what I would really call "mis-information spreading". Why? 1) These two guys intentionally leave out "WEF". They leave out the plans for a 'smart' AI Maui island and prior changes regarding 'emergency' related re-zoning. Landgrab, moving Hawai'ians from extreme valuable properties into reservations. 2) Wiseacring about China manufactruring all goods for the West. Who outsourced manufacturing to China? Accusation of "copying" U.S. technology. What technology? The U.S. is behind Iran when it comes to missile and drone design now. The U.S. is the leader in locking its population up based on law fare, leader in denying its population health care, leader in toxic drinking water, leader in glyphosate dispersion, leader in aluminum, barium and coal ash dispersion into the atmosphere. Leader in terrorism. 3) Only for clowns like these two guys, nation states do still exist. They don't. There are no more nation states. It is all ham theater. The real shots are called by the WEF, by the billionaire class. This is true for the so called "corona" 'pandemic', as it is for weather and financial warfare. The WHO agenda has already been taking sovereignty away from allegedly "democratic" nations. The main goal is to reduce the planet's population by the billions and they won't eliminate people from the top down. 4) China is technologically way behind the capabilities of the Russian Federation. Russia was first in space and first in large scale reactor manufacturing. First hypersonic missiles. Largest nuke ever. Most nukes on the planet. The point is, that the two clowns in the video act like little boys that got a war game for christmas when they talk about "U.S. Delta 75 Space Force". What a joke. The Russians already have satellites that can disable others. Will the main stream media report the disabling of western satellites?

5) The only possible scenario is collusion. Collusion of all treacherous 'governments', of their bribed elected and unelected officials. Hell, so many of these psychopaths won't even have to be bribed - they are in all the way with WEF, WHO and WTF.

No cake, but shame on these peddlers.

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There is no doubt that there were ground operations that had been coordinated. We know police blocked roads, and directed people into the fire. Biden doesn't give a rat's ass about what happened in Lahaina. Do we not think it could possibly be coordinated?

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This is what I allege happened. A concerted attack. The billionaires and their lackeys are working together. We are living in a corporacy now. Gates bought main msm outlets in Germany and controls the narrative there. Same in the U.S.

Can You imagine that I just talked to a woman I know who works for the local government here - that she did not know anything about Lahaina? It's not shown in the news here, or was only flickering through a day after the attack. Few people are aware of the underlying story. Partially due to my outrage and providing links to relevant information.

Yes, the war against the non-rich people is shifted into a higher gear. What are they coming up with on 9/11/23?

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Yup. This is the 1% against everyone else. And they have the weapons.

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The more important part is: they have the people to pull the trigger. Although they feverishly work on robotic weapons. Russia is using those already in Ukraine. Ukraine shows what happens if you have the weapons (from nato and u.s.) but nobody to operate them. The collective has more powerful weapons. But all minds need to become one for that.

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Biden Admitted His FEMA Director And Whole FEMA Team Was On The Ground To 6uild 6ack 6etter Before It Even Happened!

That's Called Planning!

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of course it was coordinated but not by China

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You will find this interesting, since I wrote about the Russian Federation and their technological edge:


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You got it wrapped up. Thank you Truth!!!

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I had stopped my Prather subscription long ago when I realized it was a purveyor of propaganda

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Well that may be a rather mistaken judgement , could it be that he just has his own source of info and his own way of assessing it? Everyone does this based on their knowledge , experience , and what they "think" they already know . Someone is ALWAYS calling us all conspiracy theorists, controlled opposition, propaganda pushers and more , I listen to it all over time and weigh and consider the greater weight of evidence. Either way all knowledgeable people seem to agree we need to unite in greater numbers to effect change, and for our collective defense/offense to survive , therefore his Team America efforts are very worthwhile, have you created anything better than that?

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I must confess, I was awed by this depravity. Considering what kind of mess humanity is in right now, the conversation was an insult to those who suffer. People deserve much better than that, don't they? Wish we could have conversations by peers from the same boat.

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Well much of what you say is true but these "two guys are very aware of all that" they understand those organizations and the Black nobility families and secret societies and that entire structure have built CCP/CHINA as the conquering .invading military to do their bidding of creating the NWO as they want it to be . They clearly have stated that the vast majority of the 500 million or whatever their global population goal is to be ASIAN because they are then most programmed and conditioned for OBEDIENCE . This I would wager to bet would be the downfall mistake of the globalists , because once achieving this global dominant position the Chinese will destroy them. What you say about Russia may be true, but how do you KNOW for sure ? They are not free from WEF influence or globalist monetary control either, and are forcing all the same agendas on their own people .

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That is the point. They are all in cahoots. Couldn't/didn't want to dive deeper into the RF part of the equation. But today, that Nuland braindead zombie proclaimed that long range missiles must be provided to the brownshirts in Ukraine to target "...Russia's most precious assets..." (https://sputnikglobe.com/20230911/nuland-lets-slip-us-supports-ukraine-targeting-russias-most-precious-assets-1113274419.html)

For which the answer can only be nukes at supersonic speed, homing in on those decision centers threatening the dismantling of the RF. Sure, deciphering of this clusterf... is not easy, but rest assured - the main goal is to reduce superfluous population. Two are needed to Tango. Ukraine already donated up to one million of its people to the depopulation agenda. Europe and the U.S. are trailing behind. Their donations fall far short, even with those injected out of existence. In all fairness, one needs to acknowledge that they are trying - life expectancy in the U.S. is showing first sucesses. Those discontent with their geriatric leadership can relax. Soon, life expectancy will return to sustainable 50 years.

Sordid dark humor aside - the useless aka non-rich part must vanish at a faster rate. Germany leads the way. History will repeat itself and rhyme. Adolf's Autobahnen will soon be as sparsely frequented as in early photographs. Allowing once more the upper crust to enjoy speed limit free travel - without all the Volkswagen riffraffs jamming up the passing lanes.

Stay tuned for more depravity to flourish.

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Yes goodness we must remove Nuland please stay in touch SK

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Exactly right, the Pentagon planned to test a DEW / Particle Beam by 2023. What a coincidence...


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Pentagon & DOD Are In Bed With The WEF & China Too!

Maybe Their Technology Was Used Also To Attack Maui!

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They are all on the same team.... This is no longer nation against nation.

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I guess the inevitable consequence of world government, where all nations work together as one, since it seems there always must be an enemy to unite against, is that the people of the world will be the enemy that must be managed, controlled, defended against and targeted. Gives a whole new meaning to the saying, "We have met the enemy and it is us."

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Yes indeed most unfortunately

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This had nothing to do with China, unless there are Chinese who live on Maui and are involved in the Luciferian cabal.

You are absolutely correct, Raven Brown. Direct Energy Weapon video:


Same modified planes that shot direct energy on 711 2019 that destroyed Paradise, CA.

Have you noticed the numbers of these events are occult references? Maui was 8/8

8/8/23: The Lion's Gate Portal, the celestial alignment between Earth, Sirius, and Orion intertwines, forming a PORTAL to another dimension.


Aleister Crowley opened a portal to another dimension (where he met LAM) in NYC in 1919.

(George W. Bush is the 1st grandson of Aleister Crowley. Pauline Pierce had sex magick w Crowley in 1924 in Paris. Pauline, a 6th degree OTO, and her friend Nellie O'Hara, became sex assistants of Crowley in his favorite sex magick ritual. Barbara Bush was born June 8, 1925.

Here is some background on direct energy weapons:

(I believe this direct energy weapon is what hit the Pentagon on 911 2001. Everyone knows there were no planes on 911.)

In the late 1960s, the Special Applications Branch at the Naval Weapons Laboratory at Dahlgren began studying ways to generate high-power oscillating electric fields that could be used as a weapon to damage enemy electronics.

Historical Overview of Directed-Energy Work at Dahlgren

In 1962, the United States set off a megaton nuclear weapon 250 miles above the Pacific.


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The Cabal Has Sold You Out To China!

The Rothschilds & Rockefellers Are Busy Moving Their Assets To China While They Are Destroying The West That Is Getting Wise To Them!

As Stated, I Paraphrase They Prefer Chinese Slaves Because They Are Already Conditioned To Their Slavery!

Us White Christians Will Never Go Along So They Are Just Doing Everything They Can To Kill Us!

Wake Up!

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Exactly. They have sold out. Why else would they remain silent? Would the US have had their own lasers do the firing? Wouldn't that be a bit too self-incriminating? It's looking like a massive cabal coordination.

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actually the Rockefellers and the Rothchilds are AUCTIONING OFF THEIR POSSESSIONS as of late...???

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Yes Selling What They Cannot Take With Them To Kazakhstan & China & Maybe Maui!

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I have a friend who lived in NY and he personally saw the planes.

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Holograms and edited into the fake news report visually after , then becomes memory Pentagon was missile hit.

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Was there evidence of a missile? I thought more like laser it. IDK

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Same here. Best friend from high school was on his way to work in lower Manhattan, heard the sound of the engines' rumble and whoosh through the air, and turned a corner around a building just in time to see the impact.

That doesn't mean the way the towers came down wasn't fishy, or that there was possibly video fakery involved in the way the events were portrayed on the TV (aka the "Talmudvision".

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True, I think it has already been established that those planes didn't have the capability to bring the towers down. Probably a combo of all to support the narrative. Can we agree the event was an "inside" job?

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I believe it was an inside-outside job, conducted between US and Israeli intelligence forces.

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false memory

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And Im wondering why, speaking of the occult, the sign language interpreter was doing a satanic ritual, hand signs & all right in the middle of a press conderence! Surely, Im not the only one who saw that! ??

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Oh, Dahlgren, yes. Project studying "fratricide", nukes taking out nukes by damaging electronics. Sorry my memory is not better. 90's.

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its a unity of world governments against the people.... cull the population then make it heaven on earth for the elites

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Raven Brown > Spot -on 🎯💯%

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You don't think we and the Chinese are being used by the cabal? Obviously, our government and institutions have been infiltrated and corrupted, and traitors worked together on this from top to bottom. I agree with Reinette's last sentence in the video.

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I TOTALLY agree.

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China and America (certain American Globalist) work together names like Pedo Pete and his son come to mind. I think it is a bit odd that China shows satellite images of Lahaina and the US military has stated "We just don't know why they would have done that". All this is typical CIA (Intelligence operation) misinformation, disinformation and blatant lies to confuse the already confused American population. We are at war and the question should be "How do we defend ourselves against an unseen army of Globalist." I'm always open to ideas...Be well all and watch your back. A great article and thank you for posting! Your work is most appreciated!

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who are they trying to kid? Everyone has LIdar - it's how things are mapped now and how data is collected! The US has ALREADY mapped EVERYTHING here in the USA and have no doubt done everything they accuse China of doing, or Russia, or Iraq, redux ad nauseum. They want a war - plain and simple. These are globalists from every country - which further adds to people's confusion when they look at things with nationalistic eyes. That is no longer a possibility for the USA - we are part and parcel of the NWO. They are trying to get Africa, the last free stronghold and rich in minerals and other resources they can use to do more evil.

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Not just Africa , S. America , Austr. and Ant.

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Yes; you're absolutely right!

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Somehow we must have infiltrators into their midst and these technologies and agendas and use against them that is what all successful resistance movements have done , and is precisely how they have infiltrated to achieve their globalist position now .

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If this is true, how do you explain ALL of the other "coincidences? Police blocking the exits, no water, ALL officials being out of town, no sirens, bringing in John Pelliteir from the Vegas shooting AND making him the coroner, missing children, electric company complicity, Fema stopping supplies, land grabs and the list goes on. These 2 don't go together, it simply doesn't make since, UNLESS they're in it together.

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Total coordination.

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I guess that explains the "total coordination" of the Chinese ballons flying over all of our bases. Thank you for all the work you do Reinette, you're a true patriot!!

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Most of those "balloons " are ours and were up even during DJT s administration , ALSO get ready for project BLUE BEAM ," alien invasion" perfect thing to paralyze everyone in chaos and confusion , that is why all the recent release of photos , videos and everything they have been hiding for a long time . And sorry Christians not all aliens are demons.

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It was definitely staged and planned for maximum destruction of the little people of HI who would not sell their land. August 8 is the occult day of opening a portal to another dimension. The people who staged August 8 are worshippers of Satan. It was a Satanic ritual.

"As per ancient Egyptian cosmology, the Lion’s Gate is the dawn of a new year and a period where they set new resolutions for the future. Interestingly, ancient Egyptians revered the star Sirius (brightest star) and all of their ceremonies and lifestyle revolved around Sirius, as they believed it was the gateway to heaven and wisdom. Hence they started exploiting the Lion’s Gate opening as in those times Sirius was strong and brightest in the sky. They believed this portal occurs when Sun in Leo, earth and Sirius move into complete alignment with the pyramids of Giza (Egypt)."


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NORAD/NATO, The United Nations, China & Agents Of China Infiltraitors In Our Governments & The Country Of China Are At War With The West.

I Would Bet All The Fires Around The World This Summer Had Satellites Or Balloons Above Setting Fires!

This Is Indeed 5th Generation Or Irregular Warfare The Problem Is Our Governments Are Presently Run By Traitors!

Let The Traitors Be Identified, Prosecuted & Hung For Treason!

Remember The Balloons With Attached Arrays That Flew Over Canada & The USA About The Time These Fires Started?







Is Operation Blue Beam A Cover For This Balloon Warfare? I Think So And I Thought It Very Suspicious That These Balloons Were Allowed To Traverse North America Before Supposedly Being Shot Down Over South Carolina?

They Are Also Using This Double Edged Sword To Justify Climate Change Horseshite Too!

Time For Heads To Roll!

Break Out Those Obama Ordered Chanel Guillotines They Plan To Use On Us On These Traitors!









It Is Clear To Me Obama Is Controlling His Puppet & Trudeau Has Completely Sold Out Canada!



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What if it was a frameup? That is, what if the charred spots were not caused by space lasers, but by arsonists on the ground with gasoline cans. Not just random hoodlums, but agents who knew that chinese satellites were flying overhead.

Of course I'm shooting from the hip, but perhaps there's more than one possible scenario to explain this evidence. Blaming the Chinese is a path to nuclear World War III, so I'm reluctant to jump to that conclusion.

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Yes - blaming China seems like a neocon strategy to hurtle us into WW3. I am extremely wary of this. Also, everyone should be aware of this facility in Australia - Pine Gap Joint Facility - it is a US NSA/CIA/NRO facility with a massive array and hosts most of the drone and Space Force and other capabilities. They know who did this and what happened. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pine_Gap

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This post is not blaming them, but pointing out they "fired the lasers," and from what we have seen time and time again, there was a massive coordination on the ground to reduce the population.

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Respectfully, these two things cannot be true at once:

>China fired the lasers

>China is not to blame

From the 'China bad' scenario, one must ask: cui bono?

That would be the US and the insatiable war machine.

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Exactly! You are so right!! The alien Psyop is not yet advanced enough. In a few years it will have been aliens. But incriminating China, and especially then not commenting, as if one wants to be cautious not to escalate, yet making one's population angry at a foreign power - that is the sure path to open conflict. And then to launch that hypothesis immediately prior to the anniversary of 9/11 so that by and on the historical date of 9/11, this potential propaganda bomb can unfold its effect - as it has started doing with us discussing it. Btw Ms Senum it is very valuable that you are flagging this, please don't see this as criticism, it isn't! We just have to be very slow in our reactions in a. Environment where the US issued briefs,some decade ago, on "Owning the weather by 2025", and where we are warned by top actors in military and in biotech alike, of 5 Generation warfare, plus full spectrum.diminance doctrine on us side plus NATO ambitions on cognitive warfare. Of course it has to be kept in mind that China does not equal China, and Biden for instance shares objectives with one variation of China. Individual politicians can have objectives that are not identical with the objectives of a state they represent or whose structures they work in. Complicated stuff. In any case, please remember that (allowing) the original Pearl Harbor to happen without warning and thus without damage limitation, had the function if not purpose of making the population enter psychologically into war mode. Does everybody know by the way that Pearl Harbor was just one of a number of similar simultaneous attacks on American dominated infrastructures outside the US proper, and that an effort was made to single out Pearl Harbor for reporting on it more or less exclusively, while making efforts to depict it as an "attack on US - in the sense of mainland, sovereign, .... territory" - which would not have been possible for the other attacks. See the book, "America's Hidden Empire" or the like. Remember next, that 9/11 had the same catalytic effect of readying a people psychologically for war on a perceived enemy. 9/11 has also been called a second Pearl Harbor in the title of a very good three part documentary if I recall correctly. - And now, for the third consecutive time, a play on the Pearl Harbor motif (Ms Senum already referred to Pearl Harbor in a previous substack article, and that gets significantly intensified of course when, like now, a specific foreign power gets incriminated.) That method is remarkable and needs to be unpacked for people so as to lose its subliminal suggestive power.

Last thought, just so it has not been overlooked, the larger the damage inflicted, the more important plausible deniability for cooling the marks as Sage Hana substack would call it There was someone who said, You can never claim "That swan over there is white". You can only rightfully claim, "That swan over there, is white on the side of the animal that is turned towards me". Likewise a forcedly wisening up population under 5G cognitive warfare, should appreciate articles titling cautiously, "Smoke and a gun, suggesting to the population that that smoke comes from that gun: Staggering evidence for nothing except for a synchronicity of the appearance of artificially seeming fires and for presence of Chinese satellites overhead at same time: Discuss, discerning between solid conclusions and merely possible implications". They are training us to become more "slow thinking" event by event. (And I am not shilling for China. Of course China too could exploit this ambiguity for themselves. But there, which definition of China would it be?)

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I believe China and the US are escalating their war against citizens of the world. While we have been led through our own observations to believe that this attack was 100% American made. It looks as though China fired the gun..... the US certainly couldn't have their fingerprints on the gun.

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If the US hacked the Chinese satellite to make it look like China fired the gun wouldn't there be evidence of that? Ya know like the Dominion voting machines being hacked? But how ya gonna trace that out? Jeeze.

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You are forgetting that the CCP/CHINA has openly stated and written they MUST and INTEND to destroy America to survive and be the dominant global power. YES we know how they have been built into this , and who has made it it so . D. Rockefeller always bragged CHINA was his model of success and model for the globalist world agenda. ALL FINGERS OF THE SAME HANDS.

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Bush led the Satanic ritual of 911 from the classroom in FL. There were 11 master masons, Kabbalists, occulists and witches, each assigned to his/her place on the 911 for the mega ritual. Those 11 were Bush, Cheney, Tenet, Bush's witch aunt--Ann Cappelletti, Bill Gates, Giuliani, Condoleeza Rice, Soros, Schwarzenegger, Silverstein, and Saddam Hussein (not dead), aka Nebuchadnezzer II. Saddam was needed by the other 10 for his knowlege of Ancient Sumerian rituals, which included immortality elixier and antigravity space travel materials.

911 was an Ode to Aleister Crowley by his grandson, George W. Bush, Crowley followers and practitioners of witchcraft. S.K. Bain who worked with William Kristol wrote a book called "The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 911 was Mass Ritual" Trine Day, 2012. We have a group of Satanists in the U.S. government. This can't be denied. All Bushes were Skull and Bones at Yale, as is John Kerry. What do you think they do in "The Tomb" at Yale.

REVIEW of S.K. Bain book: https://newslog.cyberjournal.org/book-review-the-most-dangerous-book-in-the-world/

911 was a Satanic ritual, staged for massive insurance fraud, no planes, no one died, and Bush got to invade Baghdad. George HW Bush left spies in Iraq after the week long Persian Gulf war to record Ancient Sumerian artifacts, talismen and charms. These artifacts were sold on the black market. What was the 1st thing that happened after Bush got into Baghdad? The Museum of Antiquities was looted. Artifacts were stolen. The looters had a list of what to steal.

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The forward to S.K. Bain's book: In this shocking exposé, investigative researcher and author S. K. Bain explores the inconsistencies, coincidences, and historical precedents of the events of September 11, 2001, and reconstructs an occult-driven script for a Global Luciferian MegaRitual. Bain argues forcefully that the framework for the entire event was a psychological warfare campaign built upon a deadly foundation of black magick and high technology. The book details a view of the sinister nature of the defining event of the 21st century and opens a window into the vast scope of the machinery of oppression that the author asserts has been constructed around us.


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Definitely a lot of truth here , but can you show me where you got this info [ "Saddam was needed by the other 10 for his knowlege of Ancient Sumerian rituals, which included immortality elixier and antigravity space travel materials.] " I would say this was known by them already and Saddam was a CIA operative to assassinate the Shah of Iran , but failed.

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Totally agree.

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There are people suggesting that the fires could have been selectively started simultaneously by groups of people carrying flamethrowers. But, then, why would they want to purposely make intense burn patches on the ground, unless that was also subterfuge?

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Arson can always be used in coordination with DEWs. However, I have not yet heard of any eye-witness accounts.

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Without something dew, the fires would not have been hot enough I think, as others have also remarked; but making the circles could indeed be intended to steer us toward the Chinese petalaser hypothesis.

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The billionaires and millionaires of Maui performed a (Satanic) ritual on August 8, the Lion's Gate Portal. August 8 is "one of the most awaited cosmic events where the abundance of positive energy helps people set their goals and manifest aspirations, and it is believed that all that will be realised."

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

"Number 8 symbolises confidence, passion, power, resilience, karmic loops and infinite transformation. When the lion’s gate portal is wide open and on the new moon on 8/8, it is widely perceived as a golden opportunity to harness anything best for you."

"The Lion’s Gate Portal is one such event when the universe is full of positive energy and is all ears to hear your aspirations."

"The Lion's Gate Portal manifestations are a recent phenomenon but the event relates to ancient civilisation."


"The magic circle is a symbol of wholeness, perfection and unity; the creation of the cosmos; the womb of mother Earth; the cycle of the seasons and birthdeath-regeneration. Within the circle, it becomes possible to transcend the physical, to open the mind to deeper and higher levels of consciousness."

"Sacred circles used in contemporary Paganism and Witchcraft are derived from Western ceremonial magic. There are similarities, but some important differences.

"In ceremonial magic, the circle represents a sacred space in which the magician conjures and commands Demons and spirits that are dangerous and difficult to control. The circle provides protection against them and must be cast carefully. The magician must never leave the circle during a ritual nor even inadvertently swing his arm outside it, lest a conjured Demon grab him and strike him down, or something unpleasant happen."


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That is ridiculous. Have you seen the devastation including boats burned in the harbor. No way could a bunch of flamethrowers caused this destruction. Disinformation!

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I thought I saw a video of a guy who pointed out the scorch patches scattered all over Lahaina via gps satellite map.

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Chinese were not involved.

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That's Ridiculous You Do Not Know That China Was Not Involved, If So Please Show Evidence!

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One can not show negative involvement. These elite criminals have enough criminals working for them who have multiple skills. I am sure the millionaires hired a pilot to fly a DEW plane of a LiDAR plane. No big deal to cover the city of Lahaina. I knew a guy who was a cropduster. He could easily have covered the Lahaina area in 1/2 hour. This was no big deal that needed more than one plane, Planes move very fast. LiDAR works with a map on a computer.

There were no hijackers on 911, but the story was put out by the govt and complicit media. I am sure they could blame China to start a war with China. Typical sleazy U.S. plot.

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We Know There Were No Hi-Jacker Now On 911 Because All Those Supposed Hi-Jackers Were Alive & Well!

Just Like The Supposed Challenger Astronauts!

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Linda Has Her Heels Dug In But Again No Evidence To Support Your Claim.

If You Are So Sure It Was Not The Chinese You Need To Provide Proof Who Did It Or You Are Just Blowing Hot Air!

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China flew a balloon over the U.S. or did you forget? Not very sophisticated. I have been to a remote part of China. Many Chinese had dirt floors and women pee over a communal hole in the floor. I would believe the CIA did it before China was involved.

PINE GAP in Australia. The station is partly run by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), US National Security Agency (NSA), and US National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and is a key contributor to the NSA's global interception/surveillance effort, which included the ECHELON program. The classified NRO name for the Pine Gap base is Australian Mission Ground Station (AMGS), while the unclassified cover term for the NSA function of the facility is RAINFALL.


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If You Bothered To Read My Earlier Posts You Would Know I Know About The Chinese Balloons, I Did A Whole Breakdown Of It & Even Included Evidence Including Photo's And Articles! You Know Evidence!

You Cannot Be Sure China Did Not Use DEW's Until You Can Prove Who Did!

We All Know That The Have Nots In Communist Countries Live In Squalor & The Elite Oiligarch's Live Like Kings That Is Coming To A Neighborhood Near You Very Soon!

Very Interesting Just As I Am Wondering If You Might Be A Chinese Agent You Tell Me About Your Wonderful Time In China!

Those Balloons May Not Have Looked "Sophisticated" But They Had Solar Arrays And Some Sort Of Eye-Like Apparatus On Them Which I Thought Maybe Were Cameras For Mapping ( Remember Green Array Lasers For Mapping )!

How Do We Know What They Are Or Did You See That Un-Sophisticated Equipment Up Close In China Too?

By The Way Your Avatar Makes Me Think Of Tokyo Rose!

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Sep 11, 2023
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DEW's Were Used No Doubt!

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you believe that the Mammon Elites and their “deep state war weapons” had China do it in particular though US built HAARP and other DEWs - including the dew on Maui? so to deflect us asif US against China war mongering - while digital ID and CBDC and WHO treaties go on quietly ??? 👽👽👽

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Wake The Fuck Up Here Is Klaus Schwab Congratulating President XI Of China On His Accomplishments At The WEF WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM!



Joseph Robinette Biden With Klaus Schwab At The WEF!



Wake Up People Traitors Within! BUSH Sr & Jr, Big Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld And That List Of Traitors Goes On Forever! Sell Out Kabballah Traitors Are In The Process Of Attacking The West For China Whom They Have Promised Hawaii.

Why Weren't Those Balloons That Were Supposedly Shot Down Not Shot Down Earlier Because Our Governments Are In On It!

Those Balloons Started Near Alaska Flew In An Arc Over Canada All The Way Across The Formerly United States & Supposedly Shot Down In South Carolina!

All Things Being Right They Would Have Been Shot Down Right Where International Waters Ended At Alaska!

The Chinese Love The Pacific Ocean & Hawaii Is The Most Strategic Spot On It! Were They Promised That For Helping The WEF Cabal That Biden, XI & So Many Others Are Part Of Including King Charles!


Wake The Fuck Up Before It's Too Late! Arrest All The Traitors, Prosecute & Sentence And Seize All Their Assets Including The Rothschilds & Rockefeller's That Are In On It Too!

One Person Comes In & Says It's Not China And All The Sheep March In Step Like Lemmings Headed Off A Cliff Being Played By Chinese Agents & Useful Idiots Before Their Expiry Date!


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I think what the 'sheep' are saying is that it's not JUST China!

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Hi Reinette,

I haven't listened to the Prather interview yet, and will; but, why would China want to attack Maui? If the U.S. controlled the attack, why wouldn't the U.S. want someone else or some other country to take the blame?

And, you speak of lasers, while other people who say they are familiar with microwave DEWs state that the destruction in Lahaina appears to be microwave, especially when you see brown plastic outdoor trash cans untouched, setting next to a burned out building? That can't be explained by a laser that doesn't burn things that are blue, as we also see in Lahaina.

I'm not totally convincing myself that China and the U.S. aren't working together. I read of evidence recently found in a Chinese government document, stating that the Chinese were developing a "vaccine" with the U.S. for purposes of depopulation.

Anyway, just some thoughts. Now to go listen to Prather... (-:

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Interesting...my gutfeeling says; it isn't the US and China working together; it probably is SOME U.S. and SOME China people working together?

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Well, yes, that is always the case. The government is not the people. Not these days.

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As was mentioned earlier, it likely is the global mafia/cabal vs the useless eaters. The technology likely comes from China. Maui was the perfect place for a land-grab after target practice ended.

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I think the US needed somebody else to fire the weapon. If it were US drones rather than Chinese, the implications would be even bigger.

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What hit the Pentagon on 911 2001 was a direct energy weapon. Direct energy weapons were used to destroy Paradise, CA, July 11, 2019. SAME as Maui.

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NO, it was not a missile. There were no remains of a missile, nor was it photographed. It was a direct FLASH. Period.

Fake planted plane parts were strewn about. No remains of a missile.

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0.05 Mark Of Video Shows Cruise Missile!

Cruise Missile Clear As Day, Slow Down Video And See The Cruise Missile?

Cruise Missiles Are Bombs There Would Not Be Much Debris Left But If There Was They Would Have Cleaned It Up While Placing The Wrong Engine Shroud For That Type Of Plane There For A Decoy!

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Where's Your Evidence?

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There was one frame from the parking lot surveillance camera showing the tip of a missile. It was subsequently scrubbed. But I am sure someone must have downloaded the sequence? Mine was lost in a harddrive failure. That is btw. modus operandi by the psychopaths. They show you what they did and then remove the evidence.

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It did not come from China. Direct Energy Weapons have been developed in the U.S. since the 1960s. In the late 1960s, the Special Applications Branch at the Naval Weapons Laboratory at Dahlgren began studying ways to generate high-power oscillating electric fields that could be used as a weapon to damage enemy electronics.

Historical Overview of Directed-Energy Work at Dahlgren


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Linda, it is discussed in this interview how the Chinese are known for stealing technology... it looks like China is copying what we already have and using it against us.

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And the US can't prevent this stealing? - or again allowed the stealing to happen

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U.S. has the direct energy weapon. A plane with its nose drilled out to insert the microwave system. Same system used to destroy Paradise, CA July 11, 2019. China had nothing to do with 711 2019. China is being set up as a patsy. The demoncrats and Luciferian cabal always needs a scapegoat to blame.


btw, SARS COV-2 was made in the Ralph Baric lab at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Dr. Buttar (RIP). Dr. Judy Mikowitz and Professor Delores Cahill all said it came from the Baric lab in early 2020. When the moratorium was put out in 2014, Fauci took the Baric lab work with a researcher (who moved to Wuhan) to Wuhan to continue the work in Wuhan. SARS COV-2 came from the Baric Lab at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill.

Dr. David E. Martin told the world in 2020 SARS Cov-2 came from the Baric lab.

LONDON REAL: David E Martin, Phd


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U.S Does Have The Technology But Your Government Is Presently Working For The Cabal Sending All Your Money To Ukraine Actually To Astana Kazakhstan The New World Order Headquarters & China.

The Cabal Is Not Only Stealing Your Money But They Are Moving All Their Assets To Kazakhstan & China While Robbing You Blind!

The Chinese Could Never Win A Regular War With The U.S So Irregular 5th Column Warfare Is Being Used!

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America still has the direct energy weapons and has used them in Paradise, CA. Same direc energy weapons were used in Canada to start forest fires.

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You Are Preaching To The Converted DEW's Are Indeed Being Used But Not At The Pentagon That Was A Cruise Missile I Sent You The Security Footage See The 5 Second Mark Of Video!

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After the US put federal vaccine mandates in place they lost a lot of scientists from Los Alamos and the NASA JPL. Bet the farm they went to China and Russia.

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I would love to hear your thoughts after you watch the video. My post does not do it justice.

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Promoters and blackmailed minions of NWO are everywhere.

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Yes People The NWO With The WEF Are All Part Of The Enemy & All The Corporations!

We Are Moving Into A Medical-Corporate Technocracy Just Read Klaus Schwabs Book Covid 19 The Great Reset Below!


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China did not attack Maui. It was the U.S. who used Direct Energy Weapons. I heard someone try to associate this as Pearl Harbor. TOTAL B.S. Just as 911 was set up by Bush Cheney and 9 other master masons, Kabbalists, occultists and witches. Maui was a Satanic ritual by Oprah, The Rock and the owners of UNBURNED home and mansions on Maui. There was a ring of fire in the water. Those people burned in their cars were sacrificed to Molech.

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Linda, I do not believe that the US could be seen using their satellites to attack their own people. SOMEBODY else had to pull the trigger.

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I am surprised you feel that way Reinette. Yes, maybe "Americans" didn't pull the trigger that caused this distuction and death - the USA was in on this mess and allowed the castrophies to happen - The US supplied the guns allowing the attack - on their own people. The USA is just as responsible - Like the guy who supplies the guns and drives the get-away car.

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O please, Reinette, of course the govt would attack its own people. Bush Cheney staged and executed 911 for massive insurance fraud. No one died, there were no planes, but local, state and federal government were involved in the huge lie of 911. Thousands of people lied about 911 on 911. Hundreds are lying today, taking part in the sham of 911. I suspect they are all being paid, just as they were paid to lie about 911.

FDR taunted the Japanese to attack Pearl Harber to get the U.S. into WW II. Americans refused to go to war in 1940 after the slaughter of young men in WW I. FDR promised Churchill that he would get Americans into WW II. The way FDR got men into WW II was by getting the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor. FDR knew they were going to attack but said nothing so that they would not be prepared. This is well known to historians.

There was no moon landing. Buzz Aldrin admitted it. The U.S. government lies about everything and anything just like Joe Biden lies about everything and anything.

Covid was a planned hoax to depopulate the world. Or do you think that covid miraculously happened. It was made at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in the Baric lab. Baric had been working on weaponizing coronavirus for decades. He & Fauci filed patents on coronavirus in 1999. Fauci lies about everything.

I happen to know who was responsible for planting the explosives in the WTC for the PLANNED 911 controlled demolitions. There were no people in the WTC towers. They were empty.

The U.S. government lies about everything to control the people. How about the 58,000 that died in the useless Vietnam War? That was a complete lie. I don't know how old you are, but I sure have seen the U.S. government lie about almost everything in my lifetime. The war in Ukraine is a complete lie. It is money laundering for Biden and for both republicans and democrats in Congress. Death means nothing to these people when they can make a buck.

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Maybe a better title would be "Staggering Evidence China Was Involved in the Attack on Maui"

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I respect your gentleman's opinion but I don't believe for one minute that China did this. First of all I don't believe that we've ever been to space, or to the Moon, I think NASA is a complete lie. Second it wasn't China that wanted to acquire the land for Maui's first smart City, that was Josh Green who is going in with all the UN Agenda crap. I'm not agreeing that this was China at all, and the fact that Lahaina had the biggest laser testing facility from the military on the island and was testing the week before is suspicious to say the least. I believe the other laser testing facility is in Nevada if I'm remembering correctly. We seem to blame everything on China yet don't want to face the fact that our own government is trying to kill us!

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China, the US, WEF, UN..... they are all working in tandem.

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Lol yep. Occam's Razor suggests it was just BlackRock just setting fires with crappy powerlines and antifa and smoking everyone out combined with well-placed diversity failures in positions of power that caused Lahaina, but if people want to pursue the dew angle it's really silly to ignore the incredible US military hardware on Hawaii and instead blame "China from space."

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If we used out own equipment, OUR (U.S.) fingerprints would be all over it.

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This is damage-control for sure. They got busted incinerating Hawaiians for their land and now the BS-muddy-the-waters to discredit witnesses and confuse people so they give it up as 'too hard' and forget about it. My God they suck. I'll give them the 'Schwinger effect' - see how they like that joke. Scum.

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Blame China for Lahaina. Blame China for Covid. It’s nonsense. First of all China is a subsidiary of the cabal that controls the USA so they are on the same team. But China did not surgically attack the Maui leaving the celebrities properties untouched. Wake up. This is propaganda.

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Not blaming.... but they pulled the trigger. Total coordination by the two super powers.

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I’m sorry I said, “wake up;” you are obviously awake. I just want people to be aware that if the US military or NATO did it, they can plant fake evidence pointing to China, just as on 9/11 they planted fake evidence pointing to Muslim “terrorists,” who had nothing to do with what happened to the buildings.

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China just wanted to help the Hawaii planners implement their smart city agenda. Why didn’t China obliterate Honolulu?

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One at a time

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The Satanists already live in Maui.

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Gimme a break... if that was the case, would Senile Joe had "no comment" on it?

"No comment" speaks volumes!

As China is on the "to do" list for imperial aggression, this would be the perfect pretext.

So - in your opinion - China is doing the bidding of BlackCock? NO WAY!

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They are all in bed with each other. One big happy family. Destroying nation after nation.

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I am quite sure that the Chinese satellite also turned off the water and blocked the exit roads, using US police forces...

Look: The entity deceptively called "The WEF" has imaginary power... they have (as Nicole Schwab said) "financial resources" - which is an oxymoron - as finance is supposed to measure economic output, not to generate it. China and Russia on the other hand have REAL economic power - why would they align themselves with the impotent WEF? Why on Earth would they become subservient to a paper tiger?

Besides, BRICS countries (among them China - briCs) will have their own currency, which will soon nullify the "might" of the WEF and - more important - those behind them.

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"BLACKCOCK" Is Firmly Embedded In The WEF, So Is China, So Is Biden, So Is Turdeau, The Rockefellers, The Rothschilds!



You Are Being Lead In Circles Due To Your Cognitive Dissonance! I See So Many Disagreeing But Posting Zero Evidence To Support Their Claims!

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Gimme a break --- this term is a good one. Made me LOL! We, here on this site, have a lot of awareness, of this reality tunnel. Ironically, it is a lot (impossible?) to absorb and comprehend.

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No comment can be intended to.speak volumes. Volumes of varying Interpretations.

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Yes Like 911 They Were Having A Training Exercise For Possible Fires In Lahaina!

What Are The Odds Just Like The Exact Same Scenario In 911!

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seeing those hot spots alone should make any person suspicious

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