Wow, just wow! Looking forward to learning more about this. One thing though, I wish the addition of fluoride to our water would be added to this absolutely crucial list. EPA has been allowed to drag their feet for years on the pending lawsuit which hopefully will have movement early next year. Wonderful enlightening interview, much gratitude to you both

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KatB, that is a great idea! I was horrified to find out Pelligrino bubbly has fluoride. WTH? Every which way there is an attempt to calcify our pineal gland! I'll talk to Cal about doing one on Ffouride. Skies the limit.

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Dang!!! I did NOT know this about Pelligrino!! THANK YOU for mentioning that! I did find Perrier water on the list of items that contain Senomyx (aborted fetal tissue). Just now noticed that Pelligrino is on that, too. Not to highjack this thread, but wanted to add more-

Not that I drink ANYthing on this list, but here are more products with it: PEPSI BEVERAGES:…• All Pepsi soft drinks…• Sierra Mist soft drinks…• Mountain Dew soft drinks…• Mug root beer and other soft drinks…• No Fear beverages…• Ocean Spray beverages…• Seattle’s Best Coffee…• Tazo beverages…• AMP Energy beverages…• Aquafina water…• Aquafina flavored beverages…• DoubleShot energy beverages…• Frappuccino beverages…• Lipton tea and other beverages…• Propel beverages…• SoBe beverages…• Gatorade beverages…• Fiesta Miranda beverages…• Tropicana juices and beverages


Here is a longer list, and there are probably more updated ones available online:


It's hard to believe this goes on. I learned that the words 'Natural Flavors' on an ingredients list can often be this Senomyx ingredient. Peeps, be careful out there. Now ya know. ;)

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Wow! Thanks for sharing.

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I didn’t know Pelligrino had flouride! Good to know.

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Flouride kills the oral bacteria (top back of the tongue) which convert food nitrates into nitrites which then become extremely beneficial nitric oxide in the acidic stomach. This is nitric oxide Pathway No. 2, of critical importance for people over the age of 40.

Note: Mouthwash kills these same beneficial bacteria.

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BAR , Means British accredditid Regency/or rigistery! We are under britisf rule, the lawyer first obbligation is to the court,

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It also means browning automatic rifle.

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Yep, the British-Crowns revenge for the American revolution - turn us all into their chattel! They sure showed us! Americans are late to this secret Corporate warfare - not defeated !

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Another absolutely OUTSTANDING video and post!

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Thahnks, Agent. It's eye-opening and we intend on using it a LOT. We all done with the criminal enterprises everywhere. What you can help us with is where best to apply this with geoengineering!

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My brother was a Bo Gritz (sp?) fan long ago. I recently came across Bill Cooper’s “Behold a Pale Horse” (original version including chapter 15) and wondered if I could find anything connecting them. I found an old video where Bill Cooper said he was a huge fan of Bo Gritz until they met at a convention. He was severely dissappointed by the encounter. It seems Bo Gritz was one of the original “controlled opposition”, and a lot of his followers got hurt.

My Mom worked with a follower of Bo Gritz that went to prison, he was never the same man again so I know it is important to understand what you are doing as Cal explained when he said that he had been thinking terms meant one thing, and later discovered they meant something else entirely.

Recently several people have tried to explain this “corporate bond” to me again, it is still over my head but I am slowly picking up pieces of it and “putting it on the shelf” as I call it, to digest while waiting for more info to get a better understanding.

Great interview! Thank you!

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I am learning too. Start with basic of that we are constitutional republic and really understand what that means. Kris Anne Hall has information on the constitution, The John Birch Society has a learning series on Rumble about this, there are other group teaching it for free that I follow. In order to take actions it is important that people understand that it has nothing to do with your birth certificate and that you have to become a state nationalist. That can complicate things. You do not need to do that.. People telling you so, you should question in my opinion. The supreme law of the the land supercedes all states.

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Thank you!

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I hope Cal is working with you closely on your case(s), Reinette!

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Yes, he is. They are creating the geoengineering version just for our legal case.

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Gives me hope. I've heard similar stories of guests on Crrow777radio. He did a lot of law episodes though COVID. I still don't quite understand.

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And just so you know the JUDGE] is not a judge they are addministrative assistants,,,

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Very good point. It's important we use the right language so they know we are on to them. thank you for pointing this out.

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Like, "hey, yo!" LOL

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This is a 9 HOUR full presentation on Quantum Grammar from the man who DISCOVERED it. I strongly encourage everyone to listen to it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo1nnrn36F4 It literally changed my life. I listened to it over the course of a week, a couple hours a day. At first it sounded insane, but once I got through the first hour it all began making since.

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I listened just for a while, but always like to check comments. A lot of mixed feelings about this. Doesn't surprise me as I get that about other things too. When I mention affidavits and declarations I get some that say it works and others that say it doesn't. I have even had someone say I will get myself killed and the rest of the world. I am in a group and we are learning about this. An older couple has used this for decades where ever they have lived and it has worked every time. They are now teaching this to anybody that wants to learn and take actions. They are extremely concerned about the country and wish we would all start talking actions locally even if small ones at first. Their names are Jack and Margy Flynn. They use mostly other people's podcasts to get the word out. Links to all the documents they have used are free too.

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Thank you for this.... great links to share!

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Hmmmm....Although I can't speak about the others I would be cautious of anything Anna Von Reitz pushes. She strikes me as being something of a schemer and con artist and I've seen evidence and testimony by people connected to her backing that up.. I don't think she is associated with The United States of America country at all. In fact they have rebuked her. See links below for the original website(current version) for The United States of America country/American National and notices detailing her fraud plus a description of what being an American National really entails by John Jay Singleton on YT ,who would be a great person to interview about all of this and more. I'm still trying to figure it all out myself.. sure would like to know more about it and how it stands at this point in time.




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WOW!! What a Story, what information!!!

It was mentioned that there are people worldwide that are part of this. Only the English Commonwealth countries? I'm in southern South America and particularly interested in the cause against 5G and, of course, the jabs, and wonder whether Cal thinks this type of NOL could be utilized here as well?

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No..... I believe this is worldwide. We have all been thrown into the same system. So, I recommend joining InPower Movement (get friends to chip in if you can't afford the US $150 membership), and reaching out to Cal. They work with people in other nations. Every single person on this planet is enslaved to this system!

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Oh wow, oh wow!!!

Thanks so much for this, Reinette!!!!

I'll see whether I can get more d3tails there then

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How many of you know that the IRS [internal robbery service] Is a private banking org. owned by the elites Rothschilds that formed the IRS in 1913 and is ran out of P. Rico,? And also how many of you know about the cestui oue via trust? Your BC is being traded on the stock market, Your BC is actually a bond it is printed on bond paper w/a cusip #

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This is exactly what I have been looking for. I've come across individuals with 'sovereignty' educational programs to sell, but they always feel like a rabbit hole of their own. This sounds like the real deal, for people are doing it together and documenting results -- seems very organic. Try it, expand that which works, continue on ... Thank you seems trite. But thank you.

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Excellent presentation filled with hope, and information. It's overwhelming when you consider all legislation since 1913 when the Federal Reserve was founded, and when our personal income was taxed by the corrupted Feds-Americans have been treated like chattle of the U.S. Corporation.

Rumor has it that there were men who were in opposition of the Federal Reserve on the maiden voyage of the Titanic- they all died of course.

I wonder what the first truly demonic evil false flag event in America was post 1776?

May God bless America, and His Chosen Ones-May God bless Israel. Dear Heavenly Father please heal our earth, protect the truth tellers, and rebuke the devil out of the dark hearts destroying Your Creations and innocent Children. Dear Lord please rebuke the devil out of Microsoft Bill Gates soul, and all of the leaders and decision makers supporting this evil behind the destruction of our natural and organic environment, our health, our economy, and our freedoms. Everything Holy and Godly, all of Your beautiful Creations that sustain life on earth are being destroyed by satanist. Please dear Lord heal our earth and all the men, women, and children. Please heal all of Your unique Creatures that fly, swim, crawl, climb, and roam Your earth.

Amen 🙏

Sarah, Placer County, Ca

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I know you are swamped but when you get time, you might be interested in this one.

There is a “Directed Energy Professional Society” website and they are having a symposium in Monterey, CA next month.

There is a link in this article about DEW’s.

Since it was close to you and I think we touched on this topic last month, I thought I would share this.


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Looks interesting. Saved to be looked into. Thanks.

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. It plots on the bell curve. on the left are 12 to 15 % are too stupid to join the military; on the right 16.25 % are smart enough to figure it out and don't take action; 62.5 % will not speak truth to the de facto they have family, business, job, life consumes their time, TV, internet, drugs, cognitive dissonance, Stockholm Syndrome. That leaves 3 to 5 % on the left the Khazarian mafia, industrial-military-legislative - judiciary - executive - UN - Nazi - Communist- Satanist etc etc complex that controls the stupid BLM, antifa, incorporated governance on the left side- 3 to 5% on the right to take back our Constitutional republican form of government this year 2023. www.orsja.org

Consider responding. All of us, need a Jural Assembly. I made a statement at what point did sensible enter into this? To walk away is sensible, to acquiesce Quisling, inability to say truth to the de facto makes up 62.5 % plus of the population, there is a large dispossessed population, a very small percentage will do Athens, Tennessee 1946. I drew a line, "not one infringement on my unalienable rights granted by my God will go without challenge." it is codified on the land and soil of The United States of America's Constitutional republican form of government circa 1859, original jurisdiction.

May I speak with you about: original jurisdiction found in the de jure Constitutional republican form of government as juxtaposed to the de facto, color of law, incorporated governance that you are part of: the de facto United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc. the benevolent or malevolent form of martial law/Lieber code/FEMA being served up to their subdivisions such as the State of Oregon's Salem oligarchy in the current social democrat era.

www.orsja.org All of us On Oregon implemented ex parte Milligan nullified martial law with our Civilian Court of record. Which in turn led us to our Grand Jury on Oregon as ARTICLE I Section 1 social compact, Oregon's provisional de jure government. A government with an Article III one supreme Court claiming original jurisdiction found in Amendment VII lawfully and legally on Oregon in 2022. Accomplished by the Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly aka ARTICLE I Section 1. signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service properly, then published www.orsja.org. These were acquiesced to by: USDOJ, USMS, FBI, USMC, State of Oregon aka STATE OF OREGON's executive, legislative, judiciary, 36 sheriffs and 38 prosecutors, Provost Marshal and JAG; defaulted to many times over.

This same process is available to the other 32 states and commonwealths and the 17 Territories and we need to establish de jure as the law form as opposed to the de facto currently existing, incorporated, color of law, form of the City of Portland is a subdivision of the County of Multnomah is a subdivision of the State of Oregon is a subdivision of the United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc with forts, ports, armory and needful buildings.operated by an industrial / military / executive / legislative / judicial / administrative / banker / FRN / BAR / Nazi / Jesuit / Khazarian / Muslim / communist / U.N. / Big Pharma / medical de facto, color of law /RICO society that should not be. So, we took them out on Oregon. November 2022.

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Ronvroomman, feel free to email me at reinettesenumsfoghornexpress@substack.com. Have you seen my earlier videos with Paul James; https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/p/the-lost-political-history-of-america and Part 2 https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/p/the-lost-political-history-of-america Here in Nevada County, CA we have the Nevada County Assembly doing excellent work.

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I know that all of what Cal is true/fact; I had come across all of this stuff YEARS ago, and just never followed through with it all, because the LEARNING was so time consuming. I WILL be taking the time to learn, now. I think it was late last year, Clif High, in one of his videos, touched on making Claims against Public Servants bonds. Which is what I want to start doing.....BUT.....I cannot even find that section in my states Statutes (Clif says that every state has these, in their Statutes). So, I'm 'stuck' before I even get started!

But....I have a question.....this pertains to POTUS Trump. Seems to me, that Trump can make ALL of his bogus 'legal woes' GO AWAY, if he took this route (the REAL Legal stuff that Cal speaks of). So, then, my question IS: WHY doesn't Trump's lawyers DO THIS???? He would get the 'TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE' out of it, too. His legal woes would disappears, AS WOULD THOSE ('judges', prosecutors', ect) going after him.....they would all have to 'step down' (ie BE FIRED because they no longer have a Bond).

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I just bought a used 7th edition of Black's Law Dictionary to bolster my research, writing, and non-compliance with the wayward wizard's and their cushy-job-keeping career clowns.

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