Superb as always , watch what will happen to the 2 countries that cancelled the CBDC s. Total noncompliance , be totally involved in information war, prepare for long term independent survival, team up , group up, LEAVE THE CITIES now. Have 3 years of everything you need . Go to all sheriffs , law enforcers, ex military demand they act on what you have said , deputize all necessary citizens necessary to make all the arrests , we will provide the lists. Arrest them , apply the enhanced interrogation they do on us, you only need a few to squeal on the rest , then citizens grand jury , citizens tribunals. Yes treason. I applaud your courage to simply call it like it is and call to arms.

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I can't believe we haven't been calling for this by now!

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Ecuador cancelled their CBDC but which other country?

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Senegal in Africa.... I'm sure they will receive immense pressure to comply.

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Watch for some assassinations , earthquakes or immediate economic crash. Ecuador is like a mostly undiscovered Egypt, there are many secrets there, and extraordinary resources, many American ex-patriots. There are 37 active volcanoes there the technology DOES exist to make them erupt just like they did make Turkey , Syria, Lebanon earthquakes. I know Im the real" Indiana Jones " , spent lots of time and research there

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I have a friend who reckons we should all move there, he's quite rich in that country too.

He use to live in Australia, came as refugee. The irony.

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I would not go there now , interestingly no one is mentioning ECUADOR just signed a comprehensive deal with CHINA. CHINA is all over the place there grabbing resources, the current president of Ecuador is a billionaire international banker. Ecuador s refusal on the CBDC s is not so much because the people dont want it, its because they are being moved toward alliance with CHINA not America.

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Those are totalitarian fantasies. In this country you need a warrant, torture is prohibited and everybody is innocent until proven guilty. It applies to EVERYONE. Especially when you, Tom, yourself suck deep state asses so hard that it hurts.

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What a nasty and untrue comment we are in war , there are no rules, primal self defense is a GOD GIVEN RIGHT they don use warrants to do terrible things to us and we will use them if possible while we can. After that it boils down to pure survival. Why would you be here with such an attitude and untrue accusations. Surely you dont believe "enhanced interrogation" is prohibited or not being done, or everyone is innocent until proven guilty what a foolish and untrue statement, this is being done all the time both here and by us all over the world. Go talk to those held in American gulag for simply attending Jan 6th false flag operation.

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I'm a very nasty person, I believe that J6 prisoners should be freed and NOBODY should be locked up like this. And you want to make it possible for EVERYBODY, including yourself. Totalitarian regimes, after they're done with their enemies, always come after fools like you.

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Believing in laws and due process guided by a justice seeking populace can turn this around is a sad delusion. The fact is there are two sets of laws, one set to control us, and another to let them do as they please. Seth Rich, J-6'ers, Julian Assange, Jeffry Epstein, Giselle Maxwell, James Comey, Hillary Clinton, Andrew Cuomo, and the list goes on and on repeatedly proving the point.

Running solves nothing. You can't outrun an enemy bent on your destruction.

Forming communities of bunkers only delays your conquest for later.

Every day you see lawmakers and their staff systematically destroying the nation, lying to your face, plundering your wealth, restricting your freedoms, and demonizing you for being the wrong color or orientation. Yet still you put faith into arrests, tribunals and juries governed by their hands?

You want a solution? You already know what it is. But the nation is still too frightened of the cost, hoping for hardier souls than their own to toil, sacrifice, and bleed for them. It keeps wanting to reason, debate, and negotiate with psychopaths, wondering why things keep getting worse.

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Like, button clicking ever saved anyone. Sheriffs ARE government and are a product of the same rigged elections.

You're very brainwashed by deep state into scared shitless. There is a difference between understanding the reality and consuming fearporn until you become such a giant helpless nihilistic pussy. I want a new totalitarian government to protect me from the old government!

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What a deep pile of disorder and confusion you are , attacking that which you know not, your comments are a disgrace to a wonderful substack and heroic beings like Reinette , and The Word Herder below

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Sure, a whiny bunch online. I'm unfamiliar what heroic Reinette did outside of speaking at safe rallies and campaigning in safe circles. My covidian neighborhood was more brave.

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Oh, It's Julia again. And you obviously don't know me.

Word Herder, "Julia" is here to play defense for the criminal Dr. Simone Gold..... just ignore and carry on!

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Well, if you say so, but I like to poke those snarly bears, because... well, I dunno. I guess I'm a dog.

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Wah, wah, wah, blah de blah. All you do is bitch and carp and carry on like a teenager who's been punished with no video games. Nobody likes that shit. Nobody is gonna agree with you, when you're insulting and bitching at them. If you're NOT controlled opp, you might think about your approach to social interaction, because you kinda really suck.

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Check's in the mail, bro.

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Wonderful but sorry I dont use banks so just cash . gold or silver coin , merry christmas

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You missed my joke. I have no money!!!!!!! LOLOL

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Actually, sheriffs are not govt., they are sworn, unlike cops, to uphold the Constitution. And maybe some of them are bent, but most of them are quite proud and stubborn to do so. As for warrants, torture and innocent until proven guilty... I don't know where you're living, but in the USA, none of that seems to be required anymore, and never has been, if you happen to be unlucky enough to be pursued by certain "law enforcement" who don't follow the law. And then, the "Law" was perverted, subverted, and diverted forever, when it suits certain PTB... You must be some rich kid or something because the RULES apply only to those without the wherewithal to buy their way out.

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Rock on , your far more word graceful than I .

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We're in the same band. xo

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Yeah, magic words swearing to uphold the Constitution totally work... My county elected a sheriff with a suspicious record who didn't even campaign, over a popular guy. But this election was totally not rigged, I promise.

Government officials aren't special. If they violate laws "under color of law" they are subject to lawsuits (Federal is Title 18, and there are state laws). If your neighbor is littering, do you want to stop him, or is it a license littering for everyone and an excuse to live in a dirty neighborhood? Change is hard and takes hard work. Law are perverted when the population are extreme pussies too scared to refuse complying with unlawful acts. Ever tried to say NO? Speaking of rich kids, let's live on the internet detached from the reality itself... Never ever say NO, never ever fight, never ever win, watch scary movies, cry a lot, wait for a superman with magic words to save you... And then express surprise when some Julia online doesn't respect this childishness.

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But... no. Even on SS, the con opps are OBVIOUS TO ME.

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The extent to which you failed to grasp my post is simply astonishing, or calculated trolling. I prefer to think the latter, as otherwise I'd be scared shitless that you might possibly breed.

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This entity has serious issues we should ignore them right.

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You were compelled to reply my comment, not the other way around, so what's this complain of "trolling"?

Thanks to attention, but no thanks. Your fearful drivel is just drivel, no offense. And fear mongering is a form of psychological abuse. I bet I'm not the only one rejecting it.

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Do you reside in the Climate Change Camp (vaccinated), or do you reside in the Non-Climate Change Camp (unvaccinated)?

Thank you.

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Do you think you really need to tell me this? Im very aware of it all but now its not smart to say certain things , so we moderate for the timid and judgmental take a look at one of the comments I got for even suggesting what Reinette bravely stated.

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What do you want to bet that "Julia" is a boy, probably quite young, is being paid to be a "subscriber" or whatever, and is told by his boss to be as divisive and "nasty" as possible...

Yeah, "Julia," get out there and EFF with people, piss them off, and try to get them to fight with each other, and not just you. You know the drill! ;)

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Oh, sure, brave button clicking.

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I agree with you Reinette, it seems like every single day we witness yet another covertly instigated attack in one form or another be it military, education, medical, societal, chemicals, food supplies, drugs. It appears that the so-called "elite" International Bankers are so very desperate to pull-off their centralized one world control over billions of lives and all Nations and that these entities have not one ioata of decency for the consequences of their actions and or inaction., what is even more astounding is how locked up our House and Senate and Judicial system seem to be, it is shocking how ineffective they have become against this onslaught against our human rights and our laws. I have had this very conversation with so many Americans. I believe the average America is so busy trying to survive after what has happened over the last three years, that for younger families they have not had the time to really observe the full picture of what is truly happening. I know that is fact - as I have eduated so many people over the last three years, it still surprises me how many very competent people do not really understand the whole picture of what is happening. There are many groups fighting back against this put in smaller groups, it is my opinion that these groups need to unite and create a much more formidable front to get the attention of The House and The Senate and get them to ACT.

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Well said, Christina.... I too have been speaking to many frontline fighters and we have summoned that the biggest battle right now is to stop the CBDG and a cashless society. They will chain us and future generations.

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Agree, but don't you think we all saw this coming years ago when Bitcoin hit the scene? Many I have talked to that are very pro-Bitcoin would tell me they are except from depending on the Banks, but to me my logic was, well you have to pay cash via a bank to buy the Bitcoin sooooo...and then following the rise of Bitcoin I could see how manipulators of Wall Street could simply do the same with Bitcoin and alas that is what we have seen, in addition to whole cloth fraud like FTX, it is astounding that the FTC had not investigated sooner. Anyway, not sure how we would go about stopping CBDG if the Executive branch is playing cards with Blackrock and Vanguard and these two funds are all-in? The only route I see is demanding The House and The Senate prevent it?

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I have tried these discussions from the beginning of bit coin and way before even with ATM S CREDIT CARDS, and more no one wanted to listen because of convenience addiction. I have never used any of these even banks and checks. We either leave the system COMPLETELY and create anew or it will get you one way or another.

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I think you're quite right about all this, it's been planned over DECADES. Threats, punishments, coercion, and the favorite of the Evil Ones: blackmail. Oh, yeah. Got a lot of these "leader" types by the short n curlies.

And it's getting really wild now, because people ARE starting to catch on.

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The maniacal elite despise humanity and want to destroy everything that makes life worth living, especially creativity, art and storytelling.

Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links.

I try and tell my story through performances.

Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!

As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!


We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.

There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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Powerful comment and links, Amy. Thank you for being the warrior goddess that you are! You are a force of nature!!!

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We’re getting hit in every direction possible. My heart nearly faints with fear for my children and grandchildren and their future if we’re not able to stop this global train wreck from happening. I so greatly appreciate your wisdom and courage. Where are all of our brave men though? It’s so discouraging to see how our culture has emasculated them....perhaps to our nation’s peril. I’m praying for God to intervene. I believe He’s the only Hope our nation has now.

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I have no doubt the emasculation of men has all been by design. They are the protectors... and, yes, now we must ask, where have they all gone? I see and know a few good men rising, for sure, but it's mostly mamma bear warriors who remain on the frontlines, steadfast!

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While this is disturbingly true , we ARE here , actively preparing and in action wisely, tactically, thoughtfully waiting for correct timing. But we sure do love and admire you mama bears. I always taught my martial arts students "your best offensive tactic or technique can FAIL it its timed poorly or you underestimate your attacker , enemy or opponent.

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I think there are a LOT of men, when they realize what's going on, that are QUIETLY preparing for what may come, or to bring it on... They're not going to be blasting their plans all over the place...

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there are some good men out there and some good women- part of this is, that we have to find new ways of repsonding- and it is difficult- so many paths that seemed to be open to us before- that we believed were real- are being closed- voting, courts, eleted 'representatives', jobs, liberty, freedom- it's all getting turned on it's head- even poor nature-mistreated in a way we'd never have expected- like the lord of the rings- rape and pillage

- this new cabal has already moved into the next 'age of humanity'- and somehow we need to intuit how to be here- in spite of them and perhaps to even defeat them- the way is not clear- but we know on some level that we will be shown the way if we just get really quiet inside and ask for guidance- connecting with guidance- minute by minute-- is our current challenge- i should say- my challenge- to know when to hold back- to know when to act- to really be in the moment and find balance- my perception of 'the world' is changing- it's a strange and profound time- it will require much patience and perseverance

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Yes, I believe tapping into intuition and our ancestors is a smart idea these days. We have lost contact with that deep inner knowing and our understanding that our ancestors' are willing to guide us.... if we simply ask. It is said that our intuition is actually our ancestors speaking to us. This makes sense why intuition has been thrown to the side. The powers that be don't want us connected to anything other than the AI hive mind!

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Brilliantly stated

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You are right on the money and it is our grandchildren we worry for the most. My thought is, no fear allowed and take as many as possible with me.

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It's every adult's responsibility to protect children and their childhood..... boy, have we let them down....

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If looked at the situation comprehensively, and over a long time its seems to me there will not be co existence possible , one side or intention will overpower the other, human 1.0 and 2.0 cannot coexist particularly when the dominant pushers have predicated their entire agenda on depopulation of majority from the start.

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Thomas I admire your stand up and fight back mentality, but I have to comment here on the concept that there are only "two sides" or "two groups", this concept is part of the psyop used on citizens since time immemorial, it may seen that way due to the 24/7 inflow of propaganda, just like the concept that the guy in the white coat has all the answers to your health, these concepts have been drilled into the psyche of citizens all over the world for decades. IT HAPPENS TO BE FALSE. I have friends and loved ones of every race, creed and color, and different religions and backgrounds. MAN IS Basically good otherwise why would the real enemy work so hard to suppress you, MAN is basically quite powerful, otherwise why would man's enemy work so hard to do you in? Because the real enemies are cowards and are terrified of the masses that are aware and UNITED., this is the main reason why every single propaganda psyop has always attempted "the division" of "two sides".. BLACK WHITE, STRAIGHT, GAY, HEAVEN - HELL. ALL AN OPPOSITE/DICHOTOMY. What they will not say is that there is a span and very wide span between every single one of these dichotomies, and in that span is life and living, love and joy and every other emotion you have every experienced., but most of all there is the basic goodness of every man woman and child., only aberrated by their "education" or "indoctrination" and their environment. THE MAJORITY WANT WHAT IS GOOD MORE LIKE 80%, THEN YOU HAVE 20% THAT ARE THE TOTAL ADVERSE EFFECT OF THE TRULY DANGEROUS SUPPRESSIVE CHARACTERS WHICH REPRESENT 2.5% OF THAT 20%. Try and take a look at it of every big group you have ever witnessed yourself you will find about 20% incompetent, cowed, people who continuously mess things up for the group, and if you look close to see what they are connected to you will see they are connected to that 2.5%. So most people without the noise they are fighting against are basically good and want what is good for everyone.

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I can't remember if my reply below was for you, Christina, or for Thomas...

So, briefly, I agree with BOTH of you, lol.

But the above from Christina is an Excellent Response!

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I think you're right, well said.

And I also think that "Human 2.0" is a dream, a myth, a line, a LIE.

We don't NEED AI in our beautiful bodies given by our Creator. That would be a Crime Against Nature.

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Your quite right as well, human 2.0 is a distorted wet dream of the "psychos" you have exposed so well for so long, they are so disconnected they dont realize NATURE BATS LAST and would most certainly destroy their sci -fi human 2.0

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Exactly. And, these psycho freaks only WISH they could do all the stuff they CLAIM they can do... They're liars, liars, liars, and their stinky, poopie pants are on fire! Maybe THAT's what was so toxic in Ohio.

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Oh, yeah, these fuckin globbules, they've moved into SOMETHING, but it's mostly just in their heads... They're so damn lame they don't even know how lame they ARE. They imagine a bunch of control tools and then do a little bit of work on it, maybe, and then start acting like it's already a done deal.

They suck, really. They're so useless they can't even pull off their own global takeover. Even with 3/4 of the world still walking around wondering what's going on, they can't get people to do what they want for very long.

They really have NO IDEA what they're going to do now, because we're going to undo them, and they can see that coming, and they're shitting themselves. All they can think to do now is to revert to brute force and just killing people outright... I just heard some investigators going to Ohio to check out the dioxin (deliberate) WEAPON, 5 guys in a helicopter and maybe one other guy on the ground nearby where the helicopter was BLOWN UP... Sure, it was an ACCIDENT...

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Excellent comment. Thank you. Yes. We need to find NEW ways of responding. Please consider reading some new ways in the link below and contributing your own ideas. Maybe we win by sharing, and the ideas come through discussion? Thanks again.

An Open Invitation For Readers To Use Their Visualization And Creative Writing Skills To Solve The World's Problems


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"God" is going to intervene in ways that some people will think He is the "devil".

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“Stop acting like a neutered dog” - I have never heard someone use this reference, but it’s pretty awesome. Appreciate how rawly truthful you are to say that anyone going along with or supporting the WHO is committing treason, we need these slaps in the face right now. While I was listening to this post, I actually had the thought multiple times that it would be great if you brought up what is happening with Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory, and then you shared that you will be interviewing Alec Zeck to bring this forward! Right on Reinette!

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Yup.... I'm looking forward to that interview.... I will be putting it out this week. It's a game-changer!

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I am sure it is...Alec is incredible at communicating on this - can't wait! So glad that you are courageously discussing germ vs terrain (unlike so many others)...game-changing AND a potential lynchpin. ;)

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5th gen warfare is so disheartening, for those who are awakened, that is the whole point of it. I woke up in 2005, it was a shock to the system.

In footy(AFL) we call those little acts that make a difference, 1%ers as that is what wins the game.

I pray and meditate too.

God bless you and everyone Reinette

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G’day Reinette, A righteous rant, and on the money. It’s dealing with the very themes and concerns at the heart of an article I’m presently writing for my own Substack. (BTW/FYI, I’ve reposted this article to FB, VK, TGM, Twitter, and GETTR.)

On a slightly different note, not sure if you’re aware of it, but there’s an intriguing concept doing the rounds of late which seems to capture (or describe) the ‘condition’ to which people have succumbed (ie. those whom you’ve described above. It’s called (wait for it) “agnotology”. This is apparently the ‘science’ (or study🧐) of creating or fomenting ignorance. Within the sociology of knowledge, agnotology is the study of a purpose-built, culturally induced (often politically motivated) ignorance, typically to sell a product, influence opinion, or curry favour or support, particularly through the publication of inaccurate, deceptive or misleading information. Or by the same token, preventing or limiting access to accurate information (essentially censorship).

Insofar as I can gather (I’m still trying to get my head🤔around it), agnotology is about understanding why ‘we’ don’t want to know what ‘we’ don’t want to know, how such a state of mind (or mental condition) might be induced by external forces, and to what ends. We’re not talking so much about ‘home-grown’ ignorance here more so than a form of ‘operant conditioning’. One to which I guess even ‘highly educated’, ‘highly intelligent’ people are as vulnerable or susceptible as the rest of us. You know, those folks who really should know better. Perhaps in their case—and this has been my experience—even more so. None of this is to suggest that good old fashioned (old school, home grown, organic etc.) ignorance is less popular these days or has gone AWOL. Oh that were the case.

In any event, I have to think this concept could go some way towards explaining (thereby affording us a way of better understanding) the still entrenched mind-set of those amongst us who just don’t seem to get the perils facing us, those you have clearly laid out. The Merchants of Induced Ignorance certainly do. Along with being very good at their job, they are making a fortune out of doing so. And I’d aver, at our collective expense. See link below for more. GM 👍


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Fascinating concept, agnotology! It explains a lot... and I have no doubt has been in the works for generations. We have been seduced into this sedation by the education system, media, culture, Hollywood, music, and the list goes on. Thank you for opening my eyes to this concept!

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Unfortunately, the passive nature of Americans does not allow them to stand up as long as their bellies are full and they have money to spend. Once both of these are affected, they will not stand. This day too, shall come.

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Yup and I have coined a term, Covid-kamikazes.... when the angered masses wake up to the crimes committed against them (that they and their family members have been delivered death shots) and knowing the courts, law, and legal system are lame, will take matters into their own hands and drag these monsters into the streets.

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Likely so, BUT we must be careful the media and spell mongers dont turn that force against us [unvaxxd, unmasked , racist , domestic extremist terrorist] types correct? They obviously have laid the foundation for all that and are desperate to keep it moving that way. The upcoming Marburg plandemic is designed for this.

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That's something that can be said about the populations of countries worldwide, with the exception - perhaps - of the Italian and the French.

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Shovelling snow this morning. 1000km NE of Ohio. Truck blocking the driveway from the young lads clearing the driveway across the street. "You planning on moving that truck?" "Five minutes!" "OK, thanks dude."

So the lad is there with his snowblower "They're trying to kill us you know." He nodded, he knew. "Dioxins from Ohio, get yourself some iodine suppliments, you're out in this shit all day" Explained a bit about why that was, so much as I could remember then he took out the snow plow ridge for me at the end of the driveway with his snowblower. That's half the job and all of the heavy breathing.

Finished the driveway, took all my clothes off in the garage and wrapped them in my jacket. Wiped my boots down, added that cloth to the pile, threw everything in the washer and had a shower.

I've never been a hypochondriac, quite the opposite really, but this is how I will live until my iodine suppliments arrive.

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You can't be too cautious these days.... especially with chemicals you can't see in the air and snow. You are going to appreciate the video interview I will be putting out with Dr. Henry Ealy tomorrow. It's a protocol, and a bit of an extensive one, that helps us detox from the specific chemicals spewing out of Ohio!

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Everyone research EM , [effective microbes solution] created inn Japan , used all over the world , proven , I have used it for years in soil and water cleanup used to make compost , eliminate metals in soil and water , supposedly successful with even DIOXIN though I cannot prove that], can be consumed by humans, infused ceramic pipe fittings and ceramic beads for water filters as well . emrojapan.com

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Listening to Mike Adams, he rambles but it's good info. Thinking of what I should do to get dioxin laced topsoil away from my garden. The compost should be good, it's covered. The soil down a foot should be OK, at least better than the top layer. I'll dig a big hole, use the dirt out of it for growing and fill it with dioxin laced topsoil.

Going to do that anyway.

I'll research this. Thanks for the tip.

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That sounds interesting.

I don't like chemicals. That's not new. The example I use is fiberglass. You can do awesome things with fiberglass. Fiberglass resin smells like cancer to me.

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Excellent overview of what's going on , on so many levels. Was shocked to see the biometrics and places refusing cash in NY.

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And without ANY question or pushback!

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Dr. Tenpenny is one of many I wanna know why she won’t discuss germs and virology. Eric Coppoluno is reporting a very long list of suspects. She’s on it.

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I can't speak for Sherri, though I personally know her and she is a hero of mine. What I can speak to is early on, when the pandemic first hit, I was having weekly zoom calls (for a year) with the likes of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. David Martin, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, Kevin Jenkins, and the list goes on. We had many discussions around germ vs terrain theory and at that time, what many shared was that even if terrain theory is true, the American people and the world aren't ready for the discussion.... they weren't even ready at the time to discuss the fact that covid was not what we thought it was and that the covid shots were a biological weapon. Many in the group postulated that it would muddy the waters and not the right time. However, for me, I feel NOW is the time to broach this topic and shed light onto it. It is a lynchpin to the Big Pharma Medical Cabal and even The Who...... if they can't scare us with pandemics (and the virus boogy man) they can't control us!

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I’m glad you think it’s now time. Three years have tested my patience.

I don’t understand this “they aren’t ready for the truth” argument. Who exactly decides when they’re ready? Isn’t this censorship?

In case I’m being defrauded by some con man, please don’t keep any secrets from me because you think I’m not ready.

Many of these so called truth movers are financially motivated by keeping the secret. Think about that. How can McCullough ever admit virology is a hoax? Bigtree and Kennedy don’t wanna risk pissing off a big chunk of their base. They don’t wanna cut off their gravy train. No... yet, these charismatic leaders are in positions to wake up many.

Sometimes a sense of urgency is helpful.

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Two more things...

Why do they have to repeat the fear pornography of “lab leak” or “gain of function”? Who benefits from propaganda designed to stir fear and anxiety?

Why can’t we discuss it? Why is it taboo?

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Jim, Yes the same as the argument on the left between liberals and progressives. It's incrementalism, which is always justified by one version or another of "people aren't ready to go that far".

I accepted that for the entire first year of Covid, being generous, but the time is long past now to demand that people roll up their sleeves, take it upon themselves to do the work necessary to understand the no-virus argument, and demand that the "liberals/centrists" in my analogy, get off the damn fence and participate in good faith debate.

So many lives are at stake.

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Jim, I happen to agree with you to an extent, it's that case of gradients, if I told some people the whole truth that I have known for years, there are those that cannot confront the evil involved, that is a fact, they will just simply zone out and will not face that much., there are others like yourself that want as much truth as possibly no matter how ugly it may be. The confront of evil happens to be one the lowest abilities of a lot of people., our enemy is very much aware of this "it is too incredible to believe" , I have a brother that does not believe one thing I tell him that is happening with the medical industry, some people are quite happy to go along in a blinded life and not see the truth., it is too uncomfortable to look at the evil in our world. I agree on the repetition of the "fear porn" or "fear mongering", even before this psyop, we had health product sellers that sold on the "dangerous environment" , one group says no potassium, another take as much as you like etc. One has to discern and observe what is true and what is not, differences and similarities. If I tooK every supplement that I was told "I need because" I would be taking 3,000 a day., so again it takes education and understanding in all of this - the history of vaccines, the difference in this roll-out, the outcome and the handling too. We are getting there while we are up against a desperate banking cartel and their investors to cement their actions of the last three years in to POLICY for the future. CLEARLY THEIR POLICY DID NOT WORK, so now the people need to UNITE and SAY NO MORE.

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Agree 100%, I followed all the same Dr's from the beginning too. Love these Dr's and Dr. David E Martin is a badass! Did you see a recent interview with Sasha Laytova, ( think that is the correct spelling), on her findings re: The DOD and the policy surrounding the pandemic? That was a really good interview. Just watched a very good interview today with London Reel, interviewing Dr. Malone, he has some very interesting information regarding a 6 million dollar study done by Yale before the pandemic, the school did a psyop trial on propaganda for the pandemic to see what they should use in the media., and with all the three letter agencies.

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absolutely spot on right!

i feel the same way reinette- thanks-

in response to coppolino being 'suspicious'

a lot of people 'suspect' others of a lot of things- we have to follow our intution- our best tool and pay attention until we're proven wrong or right

but it doesn't mean we need to feel the same way

we are going to have to agree to disagree- and also be patient- since when do people have to 'hear' everything the first time? what happened to conversations?

i agree - trying to have a conversation about the jab- and then say 'no virus'?

i have friends who would go hysterical- what's the point of that- it would only kill the conversation- i think better- to say- do you really think there are viruses- and then get out of the way and let people think about it- we are so quick to demand responses!

some people are extremely desparate and dogmatic about their opinions- it's just hard to be patient with that all the time

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As you say, increased surveillance. This comment will 100% be examined, so there is some hesitancy; but I would not take it as we do not give a she it. The enemy within has amassed well over 200,000 foreign fighters within. My estimate is well over 500,000, grows daily. It is hard to group when there are treasonous traitors amongst. So do not be so negative on the American patriot, they may be smarter and braver than you think. Why not compliment the marines in I da hoe that took down some of the enemy within that was sabotaging a power grid. The enemy is moving fast because they are running out of time, as are we. They have our intelligence agency to help them, we do not.

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Good points, Sue. I never mean to disparage our good patriots and intelligence community who are standing and fighting on the side of good!

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This is an attempt to work as diverse equals to understand all viable models of our enemy and to create a full range of solutions. The enemy is adept at brainwashing and divide and conquer. Perhaps we can leverage the enemy's diverse divide and conquer victims against the enemy? Perhaps include the 200,000 foreign fighters and the so called intelligence agencies, who are, ultimately, also victims, to be sacrificed like Bezmenov's Useful Idiots?

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We need an engaged youth to wage an active anti-war campaign and the youth have been captured by identity politics and TikTok. But it extends beyond this - I have a lot of great readers and supporters but I notice that my Substacks where I have discussed the Ukraine issues and WWIII generally do not get much interest or traction. Vaccine doom porn however always gets a lot of hits. It's like we're so mesmerized by the train wreck we become paralyzed.

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Yes, I see this too... but interestingly enough, this post got a lot of response. Perhaps the WWIII concept is sinking in???

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[[[We need an engaged youth]]]

Unfortunately they are already engaged, the commies got there first.

It's a rough job getting them to see what has been done to them.

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Heartbreaking. I do know a few AMAZING young folks, but I see more who have been disabled and unable to adult!

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Except the homeschools ones - so now they’re attacking that.

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Agree, but the problem is many of them feel alone with their views and worried about standing up for the truth. I have 2 myself. 18 and 22. The youngest lost most of her friends as they became mask crazy right away and I knew too much to.begin with. Finding a local community with like minded young people we look forward to.finding. Most are much younger or already have other friendships and lives making it harder for a shy outsider. But we will keep trying.

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Excellent insights, thanks you for your courage. Checkout Alison McDowell's research, her blog is called "Wrench in the Gears". She goes deep into the attempted digital-panopticon take-over of everything.

I really feel the two of you would make for a very powerful team.

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I would LOVE to interview her!

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Please get in touch with her, there will be great synergy between you.

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Thank you Reinette. I have no children but still the current state of affairs, to which I've been awakened and seen develop over many yrs is beyond disturbing. Your trip to NYC, where I was born and spent many yrs living and working on and off was where my parents grew up. I can't help but wonder how my mom would feel if she were here. She loved it, she was a real NYer. One of the worst aspects of it all is the cognitive dissonance of those around us, thus the neutered dog effect. It's mind boggling and discouraging. Keep doing what you're doing. God bless. 🙏

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I love NYC.... but could not help but notice how nobody is questioning the cage being put around them. Now more than ever.... I'm afraid your mother would be disappointed in their loss of NYer's piss and vinegar. Now the sentiment is more "shut up and get in line!"

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I'm sure she would. There's a yt guy who does walking tours live of NYC was on last night live in Times Sq/Grand Central area. I asked him to comment on the no cash/facial recognition issue. I rec'd one response from a viewer asking wasn't it illegal to not accept cash. I said yes you're right but they're doing it anyway. Then crickets. 🤦

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i'm listening to wayne mcroy right now- i can't sleep yet- it's very interesting- maybe there are some answers here--https://www.rokfin.com/post/53736/Mystery-Babylon-Episode-1

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Thank you for this!

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