Omg, this was phenomenal! You are BOTH gems! "Get your Spirit house in order." So true, Reinette. I have been saying since 2020 that so much of the vaccine and mask obedience was because of a fear of dying. Thx for sharing your amazing story.

Many years ago I attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and David was one of the speakers (on raw food). I rememer thinking that he was onto something because he was literally bouncing off the stage with his energy!. :) Thank you for doing these interviews!

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So glad you appreciated it, Barbara!

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Hopeful and inspiring. Excellent.

Much love to all of us who are in it to win it!

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Can't there be a Part 4,5,6...? I love the dialogue between you two. Such interesting topics.

I had a spiritual experience in 2000 that completely eliminated the fear of death. I absolutely believe we all came here for this particular moment in time, knowing the potential for tremendous soul growth can be extraordinary. I have been purging for the past few years as well. There is so little materially that is really needed on this plane. It seems the less I have, the more room for clarity it gives.

Reinette, I sincerely wish I was able to check off your name on my ballot here in California. Given so much fraud, I wondered why there couldn't be a website where voters can cast their ballots along with the official ballots. It would make it that much harder for them to do what they did to you last election.

I never get tired of hearing about your Alaska adventure. Thank you for sharing your spiritual experience.

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Hey There Kat... I do not doubt that Americans' fear of death played a huge role in the last 2.5 years. I never had a terrible fear of death, to begin with, but what little concern I had has since washed away since my experience in Alaska. Sorry, you can't vote for me in November. That chance has come and gone since June, but there's always 2024!

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PS - I loved your amazing story about your trip across Alaska and almost freezing to death! Please write a book! Wow!!

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Working on that now.... it's my winter project.

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So happy to hear that!! I'll be first in line!

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Yes! Phenomenal! I was making notes like crazy! I really want to learn more about the crypto options he mentioned! I checked web sites and couldn't find it!

Can you post any more? Thanks!

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Let me see what I can find out.

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Thank you! I had not heard anything before about the ones h mentioned.

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I found you through a friend of a friend and what a gift you have been. I’ve just started listening to the 3 part when I heard of your story of crossing Alaska. I had just literally ordered the the book “Anastasia and the ringing of the cedars” and then you speak of it! I am overwhelmed by emotion on the synchronicity and also what an impressive human you are, thank you for your brave heart and your exposure of truth.

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I was one of those votes for you!💫Really enjoyed part 3.☀️Thank you, Reinette & Avo!

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