Reinette, I love your "Reflections Beyond the Fog"!

As far as truth and timing, I stood up to the CovAin't BS immediately. I did not wear a mask, I did not get the jab, and I didn't even "stand on the dot." I did write letters to corporate legal counsel, like at Trader Joe's, and I did stand up to local health food store owners and shop managers. I let them all know that they were breaking the law and violating my Creator-given rights, and I served them each with a Notice of Discrimination Report which I filed with the DOJ.

I could have gone further and, instead of walking out of a store when the manager demanded I wear a mask, stood my ground and told them to call the Sheriff. That is what I am prepared to do in the next machinated crisis. In fact, I already decided long before Covid that I will die on the Hill of Truth, Freedom, and Justice if it comes to that. The torture to my spirit and soul of cowering to these pathetic wayward wizards and their cushy-job-keeping career clowns would far outweigh the amount of effort required to remain courageous as I face their flimsy veils of fuckery.

Please, keep on with your fabulous insights!

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thank you for mentioning malone- one of the developers of mRNA vaccines- he calls himself 'the inventer--your analysis is spot on - whitney webb and james corbett, catherine austin fitts and james rugoski--and so many more- including you and your interviews- are pointing to the increasing warp speed of the entire rollout. I still find it amazing to think that malone somehow doesn't seem to understand what nanoparticles do to the brain - or how a 'vaccine' as he calls it- that crosses the blood brain barrier- which should never be breached- could cause a problem

I have a huge problem with those who still give him a platform- turn a blind eye to his connections, his ongoing govt contracts with the DOD and others, the money he has and is making etc

--how many times must people not know when something smells like rotten fish- it is rotten fish!

back to gardening!

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Loved this, Reinette! Honestly, one of the proudest things I’ve ever done in my almost 70 years was seeing through the BS and not complying with anything. Esp not wearing a mask. My Sagittarius just wouldn’t have it. We shall see what this winter will bring. I’ll be in the woods with the trees. I’m so detached from the whole narrative but today someone just told me “they had CoVid.” Are they STILL testing for this??🌲🌲💚

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Yes, it's all social engineering. Political theatre. And that includes Malone, McCullough, Bigtree, etc - they are acting in their own version of the political theatre. This has happened over and over and over again, for many generations at least. Maybe since the beginning of civilization. Even though it happens over and over in our lifetimes, too many people still can't see when it's being done again just with a different crisis or agenda. So they fall for the socially engineered psyop again and again. Or is it a psychop - psychopath operation. Because these people are psychopaths who are doing these things to us in order to exterminate and control us.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Reinette Senum

Yes, you are right. However, MOST people had no idea that they should distrust their government to the extreme that they were facing a real bioweapon. Many people chose a 'shot' in order to continue to feed their family, etc. Mayo Clinic, of all the places you would think you could place your health trust, required the injections, and fired staff at any level who refused. Courts have just handed the Mayo another small victory in their imposition of this work requirement. This is what we are up against: getting the masses to recognize that the people they have always trusted really and truly don't care if you suffer or not. So some lost their jobs/careers; others lost their health. The choice is bleak.

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Of COURSE they are not done with their plans. They are NEVER done until and unless we MAKE them done. So tell me....tell me PLEASE. What can we actually DO?? Right NOW? If I knew what to do, I would do it. Any ideas on what we can actually DO, that will truly make a difference.....some real ACTION....not just the same 'ole "raise your vibration and the world will follow" stuff.

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Excellent, excellent. Spot on. If we look at all the illness-promoting exposures -- injections, nasal swabs, masks in the larger context and include digital surveillance, geo-engineering chemicals and radiation, etc -- there is an integrated weapons system still not acknowledged by the 'resistance.' I have turned off the 'we are winning' voices - completely absurd. They are still looking at things one-at-a-time, or only considering medical freedoms. Freedom to speak while being poisoned isn't quite what I had in mind for the youngest generation. Cameras at every intersection and high red RF levels at public schools, public parks and entire downtown areas and business corridors. New microwave-emitting installations on schools and nursing homes, of all places. Beginning in 2020. But Teresa -- are you against faster downloads?

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You're speaking from MY heart. This is on-point, and brought up so many emotions for me. Resentment. Grief.

I stuck my neck out. It was painful, and lonely.

It never had to be this way.

May people feel inspired to stick their necks out for truth, if they haven't already. Love you.

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Great thoughts.

The train is entering the station and we're all on it.

This is the last stop before it moves on to the final destination.

Now's the time to make a decision.

Either stay on the fk'n train or get the hell off the f'n train.

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Wow I couldn't agree more with you on your current analyses of "we the people winning" of course we are not winning, winning means that the "heaps of trash' serving as politicians, war mongers, and CEO's and so called doctors would all be in jail or we would be watching their "live" criminal trials taking place right now...Occasionally the globalist like to throw an imaginary bone and we the people run after something that's not there...Cheers

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I'm up to FOURTEEN!!!!!! 14 people, that I know, have died from the DEATH JAB!! No doubt, that count WILL go higher.

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Next up Climate hoax ramped up hysteria and war horizons which include chaos actors from border crossers so please mommy-daddy govt send in the goons (I mean clowns) and lock down w martial law ... OR ?

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🙏 Thank you for another spot on insight!

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You are amazing, Reinette. Thus I think your series wiil be as well. Looking forward!

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I was listening to a great conference this AM on “the Fundamental Transformation of the WHO from a Health Advisor to Global Dictator.” It was being televised via Epoch Times and there was a lively exchange on the chat. The speakers were great and addressing the crisis the global community is in especially with the World Effers and the IHRs the WHO is attempting to impose on the population. One of the folks in the chat shared this link with me and I was unaware this recent tabletop simulation just took place. Most of us remember Event 2🌎I in October, 2019. I haven’t viewed this “catastrophic contagion” simulation compliments of the usual

culprits, the John Hopkins School of Public “Health,” the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the WHO. This one is supposedly targeting children.


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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

So true, Reinette. Thank you. By the grace of God , I smelled a big fat rat, and refused all tests and pokes. That is the antithesis of how I would have behaved ten years ago. My daughter contracted the symptoms known as Lyme and I, through a long , circuitous journey awakened, slowly but surely. That in itself is a miracle. If I can wake up, you can bet your bottom dollar so many others can too. My daughter and I prayed together this eveing (she is 20 now). we asked God to guide us down His path and not the one of evil and deception. It was a beautiful moment we shared together. I am grateful for your presence here, Reinette. We have since moved from CA, but we were not property owners, so that made the decision easier. I moved back to the south to a mostly conservative state, but I am, after living here a year, unsure how many people are awake to what a deceptive journey we have all lived through. I miss CA, but the time had come for us to go. I am so thankful for your vlogs. Much love to you.

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