Very well written. I sometimes wonder why these thoughts traverse my neural network without the substantive knowledge that you have on this occurrence. I remember the first thoughts early that morning after hearing of the disaster and wondered what physical device could have caused it. The same wonder after areas of this country that do …
Very well written. I sometimes wonder why these thoughts traverse my neural network without the substantive knowledge that you have on this occurrence. I remember the first thoughts early that morning after hearing of the disaster and wondered what physical device could have caused it. The same wonder after areas of this country that do not reflect the regimes direction, FL & TX, hit by weather anomalies. I think little of those who help develop such technology for groups without true human morality. Just as expression such as this focuses the radar upon ourselves. You have been there, I have not; but my first instinct after hearing of these disasters are the want to run and help ... how.
Very well written. I sometimes wonder why these thoughts traverse my neural network without the substantive knowledge that you have on this occurrence. I remember the first thoughts early that morning after hearing of the disaster and wondered what physical device could have caused it. The same wonder after areas of this country that do not reflect the regimes direction, FL & TX, hit by weather anomalies. I think little of those who help develop such technology for groups without true human morality. Just as expression such as this focuses the radar upon ourselves. You have been there, I have not; but my first instinct after hearing of these disasters are the want to run and help ... how.
Humanity first, then the accolades.