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Minkat, I actually know Ole. I was on weekly "brain trust" zoom calls with him for quite some time. I will reach out to him. He lives in Indonesia these days!

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I know there are lots of comments in here so not sure you will get back to this. I am in a group working with Nationallibertyalliance.org

Nevada County has the safety seal in place already by them. We are forming groups according to them.


We are also using a couple named Jack and Margy Flynn. They have been using affidavits etc for decades against unconstitutional governments etc and been very successful. They recently taught a 9 series class via a man named Mel. The videos are on his website and are free including the links to the information they use. They are not interested in helping individuals, but the country at this point. Their information needs to get out as this can be used in every county across the country. They don't believe Trump nor DeSantis is coming to help. Neither do I. They want to help the Brunson brothers win their lawsuit and would like to get in contact with Mike Lindell to help him too. There is no constitutional state or county in this country, but they use the real constitution and bill of rights as the Supreme law of the land. They don't believe in becoming state nationalists.

https://rumble.com/v1pd1mu-americans-need-to-know-that-the-constitution-guaranteed-and-secured-their-r.html Here is a video with Mel as host where they are explaining things.

https://www.qfs1776.com/us-constitution-teaching-series-by-jack-and-margy-flynn Here is his website with the classes. They are under US Constitutional classes. You have to sign in with an email. We don't know why, but he doesn't send information out.

https://rumble.com/v2786li-the-constitution-is-the-key-but-which-one.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=19 Shorter one with another woman as host explaining things.


This is another woman as host with just Margy. My favorite so far as Margy gives more personal history and she is trained in reiki.

The series is very long and takes hours of time. However, during this time it is the only thing that has made sense as a way to take actions against our illegal government. Regular lawsuits have done basically nothing. But if millions of us start using their ways, we can change things. They have a 23 page affidavits that employees of airlines used.

Anyway, I know this is a lot of information, but you could reach more people especially in California. Btw, I.still have your sticker on my car and a canvas bag for the farmers market.

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i still have my Reinette car sticker too although i took it off for the Arctic winter I'm currently in

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