Thank you for this very inspiring video Reinette. My favorite saying is what you closed with "giving thanks for unknown blessings already on the way" Maintaining our own light in each moment, all is well.

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Satya, It's one of my favorite sayings of all time!

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Reinette, thank you for giving us some hope. I admire your integrity, your love for humanity, and your incredible knowledge of what's really going on.

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This message resonates with me so much. I have been hoping that enough people are awake to what is going on to not be duped by it again. Thank you for sharing this encouraging message! 🙏🏻💪🏻

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I knew about the "meteorite" psyop at ages 4 and 5. I knew it was BS. then, but of course it wasn't until adulthood that I was able to connect dots.

And when I did, I was furious...or furious AND adamant that this WILL NOT HAPPEN. It cannot happen. It must not be allowed to happen.

(I also truly believe it will not happen, for all the reasons stated in the video.)

Thank you and the Maidu for the blessings!!

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Thank you for trying the threads of these potentialities together and laying forth a clear vision for action. We can and must do this. Amen

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As a long-time 'fan' of Clif High, I am SO glad that this vid is making the rounds. I've seen it in MANY places ('High Profile' shares)!!

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I had just watched an interview with Clif and lawyer Reiner Fuellmich on ICIC.law. Also one with Dr. Rima Laibow on the sexualization of children and mind control on same site. Both worthwhile watching.

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Bless you Reinette. Equinox here today in NZ, I believe it is 16.50 pm. It is just after midday now. I am having a very contemplative today, unplanned. And you arrived in my inbox with perfect information, so beautifully pieced together. When you gave your last words, (which I will pin on my fridge) I my heart broke! I have already felt in the last few days a sense of exaltedness, wasnt sure why, had some logical things, but I think this is it. How long have we wanted our beautiful Planet back, with its rightful stewards in charge. That is my vision then, I will look back from that point. WE have returned, taken our intended and rightful place, and it IS. LIFE loves us! Truth beauty and goodness. Bless you for being with us in this time Reinette ,for the journey of your Life, so that you are who are now to wave your lantern, so that those of us still unsure in the shadows, can step forward some more. Knowing we are in-deed on the right path.

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AJ, what a beautiful way to spend equinox. And, yes, we want our planet back, and we will get it. I see that, looking back, and it's celebratory and beautiful.

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Following on to my earlier comment, I also experienced the coincidence of going to my acupuncturist today, who is also a tarot card reader and I asked her to read cards for me regarding me (and us all) entering the Equinox tonight. The first cards I got were "High Tension" and "Survival" (as in more of he same as we have had) but then, when I asked what I can do to shift it, I got "The Rose Garden". The rose is actually my own personal symbol and has been for a very long time. My interpretation of that is "Stay in the roses, ditch the fear and the tension and that will be how to help humanity". I have also practiced the meditaiton you mentioned where you give thanks for what you want to manifest as if it has already happened. That practice does seem to manifest things, IMO! :) Stay in the roses!

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And I LOVE roses, and have been tending to them since I was a child. And you are very correct. Stay out of the fear and in the roses. The Dark Powers That Be want us in fear. They feed on this. Don't feed the bears.... I mean, monsters.

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The idea that CH predicted Sept 11 has become a meme unto itself, something that people repeat as a basic descriptor of the man. I'm not saying he didn't predict it, I'm asking where is the evidence that he did. Can anyone point me to it?

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Jon, what I can tell you is I do know some "old timers" who have been following CH since the beginning. They clearly recall him do this. I can easily testify that CH did predict, to the monty, the XTF Sam Bankman-Fried scandal in November of 2022. He does seem to have a knack for identifying our society's ability to "sense events" before they strike.

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I'm not sure I've ever seen evidence he has been correct on anything. But you can pay them a lot to be a part of it. The application is on their website.

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JS is talking about Clif High. Cliff doesn't charge for any of his work.

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Actually, it was Dick Allgire who predicted 911- not Clif High (if I understood correctly).

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good luck with that

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I got chills watching this, Reinette. Firstly, I have been following Clif High for awhile. Much of the time I don't understand him, but I really appreciate how you have combined what he has been saying with your own experience. Coincidentally, (?), I started to feel a glimmer of hope earlier. I heve definitely felt the extreme tension especially recently. For awhle now, I have seen the event of Covid in terms of a human body, festering with boils. The body does not get better, until what lies secret underneath, comes up to the surface and pops and only then can the body heal. We are coming together as a community to pop the boils and expose the poison (or root cause) of the boils. When we do this and can clear away the infection, the whole body will be healed. That is how I have seen it for some time now. Earlier today, I listened to Mike Adams on Brighteon do a talk aout "10 Ways the Globalists are Failing to Enslave and Exerminate Humanity" and he listed them and that gave me a little glimmer of hope which is now supported by you.

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Elizabeth, good analogy you share. I have been asking my whole life to see the truth. No matter how dark. I always knew it would be ugly, but I also knew that that would be the only way we could move out of such a dis-eased, sick period of human history. This is not an easy journey, but a necessary one. And, despite the heaviness we all experience, I too am seeing many glimmers of hope in all of this darkness. I'm glad to hear that Adams is seeing signs as well.

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You said it all! The real way to pray is not to pray "for" but to "pray it!" The indigenous peoples knew this and Gregg Braden brought it forward in his, "The lost Mode of Prayer"! You see what you want to manifest, you feel it, you hear it you experience what it will be like to know it has happened and it happens. He personally said he experienced it during a rain dance where it rained, with a tribe he was acquainted with and knowing Greg as I do, I know he did.

You are an inspiration to me. Thank you, Sharon

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I have definitely done this many times in my life and to various degrees. This is one of the BIG secrets being withheld from us: We are manifestors.

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Yes, thank you for describing it in your experience so well Reinette! We are who God co-creates with in this wonderful and magical place!!

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On the morning of 9/11/01, in the wee hours before dawn, I had a dream so vivid that it woke me up. In the dream there was a huge calamity with structures falling and crushing many people underneath. I told my family about the vividness of the dream. Only later that morning did a friend alert me to "turn on the TV" which I did to witness the aftermath of this national tragedy unfold.

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Hi Ned - I also dreamed of 9/11 - three days before the event. It was explicit, vivid the tower that I was in the bowel of collapsed 3 times or the dream itself did. I told my friends who I was with. We live down under in New Zealand (Aotearoa) - dreams, visions and overwhelming prescience are normal in my bloodline. This is a most helpful strategy . Mauri ora to you all and Reinette! for putting it out here.

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Thank you, Lorene, for sharing your dream vision. Somehow, on some subconscious level, we are all connected.

I know that "Aotearoa" means "land of the long white cloud," having close family in New Zealand, Auckland area. I have visited the beautiful North Island five or six times (from California, where I live). Māori ora back to you.

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Thank you, both, for the intriguing comments. And it seems what you are both clearly tapped into is the very ethereal-stream that CH can identify in our language online. This clearly proves, we are truly one, all connected. Once we fully get this, it's a game-changer.

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Apologies, I can only comment to another comment. However, 9/11 is a good example of understanding how connected we are to the Universe. Well, actually we ARE the Universe. When You have the insight/foresight, does it also come like an electric shock?

Here is my comment:

Since early childhood I suffered from visions/remote viewing with only later in life understanding the mechanism behind it.

When I watched the Clif video it came to me like an electric shock. This is about the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant - the biggest in Europe. They are about to attack it with missiles. It will make Chernobyl look like a camp fire. But it seems like the collective still has a chance to prevent it?

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even the name seems to have the catastrophe clearly contained in it.

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look up DR TOM COWAN and his work on the "nuclear" scam

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Victoria, I'm familiar with the nuclear scam, but have not read Cowan's book on it. Does he say nuclear does not exist? Or that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not hit by A bombs but carpet bombed? I know David Avocado Wolf talks about how he and a group of like minded curious souls were investigating "nuclear incidents" and found that we don't hav the capabilities we have been led to believe....

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Catherine Austin Fitts had a backcasting feature at the beginning of the year which is similar to what you are advocating: https://home.solari.com/coming-tuesday-2030-backcasting-with-catherine-austin-fitts-solari-allies-and-solari-series-hosts/

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I LOVE Austin Fitts. Now I love her even more. It's amazing how she can straddle two opposing theories, economic and ethereal, at the same time.

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Absolutely perfect! Thank you! I have been following those remote viewers and I have seen this interview with Clif Hogh and Dick Algire. And you are right on time, and right on our target! And we will do this! And so it is!

I'm kind of new to your Channel, but the Universe and my guides, seems to be leading me. I'm always exactly where I need to be to hear what I need to hear. You are doing incredible work, and I so appreciate you. And I am so freaking proud of you! In case you have not heard that lately! Thank you again and all the best to you

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Lin..... so, as you know, this substack is about CH and my bird experiences in the morning. As I read your post and read the words "right on TARGET," I heard a loud thump. A bluebird (I think) smashed into the window just as I read the word "target" and fortunately flew away. It was startling, and the timing uncanny. We definitely need to pay attention to the birds and wildlife. I really feel like they are speaking to us now more than ever.

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If you REALLY want to know "what's coming" look up SAGE HANA on substack and listen to the DAY TAPES...

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Thank you. Went there! Incredible man Dr John Coleman. Much needed answers.. confirmations for me! What now? Divine intervention... We are all one!

Do we have it in our divine capabilities to end this now??.

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