A month after my 18 year old kitty passed, I was sitting in front of his picture thinking of how much I dearly loved and missed him and feeling incredibly sad at the loss. Given that he was my world and felt we had an amazing bond, I wondered about the love they may have for us as well. Literally within a minute, I heard a voice say "go up to the labyrinthe" which was a mile or so from my house. Before getting to the trail, I looked down and there was a small card on the side of the road. Always one who picks up trash, but realizing I didn't have any pockets, I decided to pick it up when I was returning from the hike. Walked two paces and the voice, very adamently, said "No, go back and pick it up" which I did. When I turned it over, it was a cartoon picture of a cat with a balloon message with all these little hearts! What an amazing and benevolent universe! It is one of my most precious possessions. Two other signs: The day after Casey died, I distinctly heard him meow, not my imagination. Then a week later when I was picking up his ashes, I was stopped at a light and looked over at the car in front of me. The license plate cover read "Caseys Cruising". Yes, there are many signs for those with eyes to see, and ears to hear! I still miss him, and my heart goes out to you for your loss, never easy.

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Ohhhhhh, I LOVE this. You followed the signs! This is the kind of awareness we need to remind ourselves what an extraordinary world we live in. Thank you for sharing your story. I reread it several times I enjoyed it so much!

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Reinette, I know you have given your email address before but wasn’t able to find, so not sure if you will see this message. Noticed an extremely odd flight here over Marin County originating from Lawrence Livermore Labs on ADSB Exchange N24684. I went on when I saw two military jets overhead and then noticed this plane that instead of showing a single line showed these yellow bars where the plane followed the same area for almost two hours. Under history, it showed the same thing on the previous day over Marin and Contra Costa. I just thought this was very strange.

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It is such a breath of fresh air to read here that others resonate with the idea of synchronicities, signs and messages that are all around us. It feels so good for all too often those of us who are keen on these things are considered "woo-woo" and out of touch with reality.

I got chosen by my cat when I went to picked her from the animal shelter. For months afterwards, every single night she was in my dream. Then one night in an OBE she said to me in perfect English, "I want us to be forever together."

I believe there is on "coincidence" there is always some purpose for our lives and our experiences. Relationships that we have with our pets can be as intense as the relationships we have with our friends and family members.

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After an ecstatic experience in March of 2000, I began to have many spiritual openings including several beautiful waking visions. Raised Catholic (which I had left by the age of 16), I believed such moments were reserved only for saints. I love hearing others stories of the mystical and "woo woo" as you say. It certainly makes life interesting and magical.

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Yes, Nana and Kat, I too love hearing these stories. I believe people are reawakening this way. We have been long removed from the beautiful mysteries of life!

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I have collected signs from the Other side after a death for years. I always tell clients to look for them!

so glad someone else does too

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They are EVERYWHER, if you know to look!

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I totally agree. I am a medium. I constantly get signs from the "Other" side. Energy can not be destroyed, it is only transformed. I often ask my clients after they have had a loved one make transition, "Did you see them in your dreams?" Sometimes my clients will ask me to help them by communicating with their loved one. The Ancestors do not want to be forgotten, nor should they be.

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Dear Reinette:

You have increased the love Tibby gave you by making us aware of her presence and her energy. Cats are mysteriously admirable as well as humorously frustrating as they go about their business, dispensing love as they see fit and seizing independence, again mostly on their own terms. Seeing the large jungle cats often brings sensations of the tame/safe relationships I've had with the smaller varieties.

The synchronicity which brought you to your relative's passing was an amazing gift for us, in that we got to enjoy history. Thanks Reinette; thanks Tibby!

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Thank you for this, Peter. I'm so glad you appreciate this... and I laughed at "humorously frustrating" and "dispensing love as they see fit." So true. And, yes, she spurred me on to share the story meant to be told.

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Thanks for this candid history. It's revelatory and deserves highlighting in American annals. Your Alaskan trek is significant and eerie. I believe in reincarnation.

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Same here... tho I don't know if it was. I don't think I'll know until I get to the other side with Tibby!

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I guess we never really know, death being the great mystery of life. But if you feel it, you might as well wear it. Maybe you're here to atone for the general's failings by doing good work in the five-alarm fire on the planet now. Quite a legacy. It's a movie, I tell you :)

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I have no doubt there is some kind of an atoning happening. Ironically, after my adopted mother died when I was 19, I got a job at the historic National Hotel in Nevada City in September of 1985. I had no idea until a local historian did a piece a few years ago on my great grandfather Funston that he stayed at the National Hotel September of 1885 while on a hunting/fishing trip.... exactly 100 years before. Clearly, the signs are there....

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I found an interview you did in 2021. You are very well-spoken. Rock steady as they said in the old school, Reinette Funston!

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Still waters run deep, Beloved. If you are his re-incarnation, that would be incredible, however, your work in this lifetime will be "your" legacy and "your" power as our soul essence has to experience it all, on both sides of the veil.

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I couldn't agree more!!!!!!

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Just looked at your brief bio. Wow. Nevada City. When I was a kid we stopped there on a trip in the late '50s. My mother was a California girl returning to see her roots. Does NC still have working nickelodeons? We got an LP recording of that music that I grew up with. It felt very nostalgic.

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I am feeling your grief with you. Our older cat literally passed away as I sat with him, just minutes ago. We love them so much! And will miss them dearly. And maybe some day we will come across a kitten or cat we don't know in body, but recognize in spirit. I had this happen with a favorite feline once many years ago.

Last year when my 95 year old mom passed, I was by her bedside and smelled a familiar scent I couldn't place. After a moment I recognized it as my dad's aftershave, which I hadn't smelled in decades! As soon as I realized what it was, it faded away and I knew they were together again. I will definitely be paying attention for awhile to see if our cat buddy gifts us with a communication or a synchronicity.

Much love to you!

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Wow, Donna! First of all, I'm so sorry for your kitty's passing..... we made a point to keep speaking to Tibby because the last thing to go when one dies is the hearing... and that takes about 10 minutes. They can hear us after they pass. Now, as far as your mother and father's cologne! Wow! I just read your story to my partner and she got chills. She smells toast all the time, something her mother loved..... amazing story. Thank you for sharing yours! And I send you much love!

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I'd never heard that about the hearing lasting 10 minutes after death... now I feel a lot better about my partner (who had a really hard time with Nandi's final hours) coming back into the room at the very end, then staying and talking to him for several minutes after he stopped breathing. Thank you so much for sharing that!

That's so cool that your partner's mom makes herself known by the smell of toast! Since my cologne incident I now pay more attention when I notice a scent or odor that seems out of place, which happens to me every so often, and think about what it may be trying to tell me. I used to just think something was wrong with my olfactory wiring when that happened, but now I take heed!

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My heartfelt condolences on the passing of precious Tibby...Our fur babies bring so much happiness and comfort to our lives, as we do theirs. Tibby is free and home and will be waiting for you...God bless!

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That's what we told Tibby. You are carrying around lot of heavy weight right now, once you get to the other side you will feel light like a kitten!

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Well that was an amazing read!

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well, i'd say clearly little tibby has embraced the lion spirit she always dreamed she was. blessings onward beautiful tibby. i have a feeling she'll be hangin around for awhile...now that she's got her ROAR on.

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Thank you, Berda Lee. It was good to know what Tibby thought of herself!

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God speed, Tibby. 🦁♥️🙏

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Condolences for your Cat Tibby, Rienette, hope you feel better soon.

I really enjoyed reading all of that.

Animals can see the colours, so they know you love them and they love you. It's the pink colour.

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Dear Reinette,

I think you have Mighty Courage and a Grand Colorful Mighty Spirit handed down to you through the ages from your Great Granddad. As the General was a giant in his time, you are surely a giant among us in ours. We are deeply grateful for you always... and I’m so very sorry about your beloved kitty🙏❤️

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Thank you so much, Pat! While he was a short man, but a large shadow!

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LOL, you can't take the "shorties" of the world for granted. they can pack a powerful punch when you least expect it!

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Definitely you are carrying on the legacy of your great-grandfather! The genetics are evident!

Condolences on the loss of your beloved kitty! I had a similar experience when my cat Tiger died 22 years ago. The next night I was at a meeting, and a magazine on the table had a tiger on the cover. Then I looked out the window and my eyes were drawn to the sign of a nightclub called Kitty Kat Club. I knew Tiger was letting me know he was okay.

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Yes! Exactly! Those are the signs. The signs are so colorful. And if you don't pay attention, they might just fly by you without notice!

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Much Love, Reinette, it's tough when our furry soul mates have to leave us!

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fantabulous story Reinette! i loved learning more about the man whose century-old tracks you followed across Alaska too

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I love sharing the story. So wild... meant to be shared!

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as a second generation s.f. native i really appreciated hearing an authentic relating to a san francisco icon...your great-grandfather, the major general frederick funston. i always loved the street named after him too. i do believe you inherited his fiest at the least or perhaps you are a part of him come back to right some of his misteps.

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Yes, there is definitely a dash of fiest in me from Funston! LOL

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